irvdscent · 2 years
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thank you Wikipedia, I would certainly love to help
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irvdscent · 2 years
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Josh Heuston as Dusty
in Heartbreak High (2022)
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irvdscent · 2 years
written to: @2grunge
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His mouth still dry, tinted from red wine the night before that clings to the corners of his lips and stains his tongue a hue of purple. A tacky gum between his lips, potent and minty he chews until its lost all flavour attempts to mask it all. It was rare for River to have energy any time he wandered into the building, let alone at this time of the morning. Bags under his eyes betraying the simple fact that he'd maybe had about an hour of sleep after a night out- and quite obviously in the same clothes that currently adorned him.
The kitchen fills with the sound of the boiling jug as River sits up on one of the counters, correcting his posture a little as he sees Erika at the doorway. "Don't tell me you're here at this time on your own free will- like obviously only masochists try to make a girl band but to what? Be awake before midday? That's a new low."
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irvdscent · 2 years
written to: @glcws
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There's a restless hunger that aches every part of River, as loud music fills the densely packed room. Sweat dripping down foreheads, catching in glistening glimpse of bright lights flashing, distorting and disorientating. In those brief moments, the dark room washes with white, like a flash of lightning illuminating figures that turn into the shapes of bodies dancing against one another. Before they're gone again, swallowed into shadows and silhouettes.
He's not sure he'll ever get used to it, the way the city feels so alive even in these late hours of the night. Even just the ability to go from bar to bar, to club, and still feel such electricity in the air where the night can hold such potential. Not that it stopped him before- even in that quiet, dying hometown of his, River always knew where to find the life in a night.
"I'm getting another drink," The words come out as a statement, yelled into the ear of Sunny, although it was supposed to be a question. Even though he didn't wait for an answer, grabbing the other's hand and leading them out of the dance floor. Crashing and colliding against those who surround as they make their way up to the bar. Waiting for the bartender, they lean against Sunny, an arm draped around his shoulders. "You should hijack their speakers, play something better."
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irvdscent · 2 years
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A warming sun settles lazily behind clouds, the overcast sky shedding soft light through the windows. Painting the scene of a woman, fingers brushing the parchment in her hands that promise a world of blooming love. River doesn't stop as she holds up her finger, nor does he make an effort to move quietly as requested. His guitar case loud against the ground where it comes to rest, already beat and battered from the endless times it's been thrown into a tour bus, with already worn stickers, and thick paint markers chipping off leaving faded reminders of friends and strangers. Even now a clasp never quite closes properly, but he doesn't check back to see if it folds open, instead he's leaning over the armrest, leaning over Rory to attempt to see what's written in the pages.
The words that left her mouth seemed lovesick, somewhere lost to delusion. "Oh withered hearts open up," Only the expression is something derisive to what she says. Just hearing them he wonders if that's bile he tastes at the back of his throat. "Are you aware you're in a building full of artists? I'm sure you can find some scrunched up love letter in every trash can."
*       ♡     ◞      open starter      ╱        @revolutionstart​ .
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chocolate hues were fixated upon the pages of the novel that laid spread across her lap, all while legs dangled over the arm rest of the comfortable chair she occupied within the break room on the fourth floor. the sound of footsteps across wooden floors announced the appearance of company, but her first response was to raise her index finger in their direction   —   finger hovering in mid air in attempt to stall their business.   “ shhh, ”   she even added, the moment she could hear the first tones escaping their lips,   “ you’re interrupting the best part. ”   free hand continued tracing the sentences on the page with the pad of her finger, as eyes shot back and forth across the pages, ending with a deep sigh as she finished the page.   “ you pierce my soul, ”   she began quoting from the pages of the novel persuasion, voice dripping in dreamy tone,   “ i am half agony, half hope. i have loved none but you. ”   the finished quote finally marked the moment rory tilted her head backwards, gazing over upon the figure standing beside her.   “ don’t you agree there’s just something indescribably sexy about fictional men written by women? yes please, write me love letters, devote your entire life to me. i’ll be gentle with your heart. ”   despite the quite obvious hint of exaggerated sarcasm in her tone, none of those words were far from the honest truth.
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irvdscent · 2 years
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Lyrics still warm in his mouth, and the night sky enveloped by the layers of light that swallows that stars behind them and gnaws slowly at the darkness. The night never seemed to sleep, and it was easy to fall into the same patterns. His back resting against the building, his eyes only taking a moment to assess judge the outfit the other attempted to compile today, before focusing his attention up to the sky. Searching, against all odds of honeyed coloured night for the hopes of finding stars amongst the glow of skyscrapers and citylines.
"Heard you were still in the building," A blatant lie, but that doesn't stop River from continuing the words leaving his mouth. "Thought my page needed a weekly refresh of fashion disasters." The truth was much less interesting, and involved a meeting that ran way too late, a few handfuls of attempted new lyrics, and another bored run in with the prior arranged meeting who insisted the song just wasn't good- perhaps not in so many words. But the point was still there. "You could have at least tried a little harder for me. It's not giving anything today."
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despite  the  godawful  headache  splitting  jonnie’s  brain  apart  at  the  moment  ,  he  was  chill  …  cool  as  a  fucking  cucumber  …  or  as  cool  as  a  cucumber  as  you  could  be  after  not  getting  a  wink  of  sleep  in  over  24  hours  ,  but  really  who  was  counting  ?  surely  not  him  ,  especially  not  after  having  finished  a  horrendous  recording  session  where  he  couldn’t  get  a  single  thing  right  even  after  the  hundreds  of  times  he  tried  .  
he  needed  a  break  ,  stat  …  quicker  than  stat  actually  .  so  with  a  huff  ,  he  drops  the  tattered  up  drumsticks  onto  his  seat  ,  buttons  up  his  shirt  (  he’s  respectable  ,  okay  ?  )  ,  and  shuts  off  the  studio  light  before  trudging  his  way  down  to  the  main  entrance  of  revolution  .  there’s  really  no  destination  he  has  in  mind  as  he  leans  his  back  against  the  wall  to  light  the  joint  he  had  chilling  behind  his  ear  .  with  a  puff  of  smoke  filtering  out  of  his  mouth  jonnie  turns  his  head  lazily  to  the  person  he  finally  noticed  standing  next  to  him  ,  “  what’s  got  you  out  so  late  ?  ”
open — @revolutionstart .
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irvdscent · 2 years
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꒰⠀⠀⠀⠀josh heuston.   26.   cis man.   he/him.⠀⠀⠀⠀꒱        hold your f*** horses !   river brooks   has just been spotted walking into revolution headquarters. they are best known for being the   lead singer and rhythm guitarist   in   maggot mouth   and have been signed with the label for   two years.   they share a lot of interesting things about life in the music industry on their social media, so make sure you don’t forget to follow them at   @bysclub.  fans know them for being   impudent   but i swear they’ve got a   charming   side as well. maybe that explains why they’re always associated with   a red wine stained mouths bursting out with laughter, sweat dripping from your hair as you scream the lyrics to your favourite songs, loosely buttoned shirts .   stan twitter even voted them most likely to   hook up with their own reflection.   we’ll see how they live up to that reputation.
⊹ about ⊹
NAME : river nalin brooks
AGE : twenty six
GENDER : cis man, he/him
SEXUALITY : bisexual
BAND : maggot mouth
POSITION : lead singer & rhythm guitar
⊹ aesthetics  ⊹
red wine stained mouths ; flickering neon lights illuminating your skin ; sweat dripping from your hair as you scream the lyrics to your favourite songs ; love bites aching beneath clothes ; smudged eyeliner on a sweat glistened face ; the aggressive strum of a guitar screaming before the set begins ;  a devouring smile hungry for the night ; loosely buttoned shirts ; waking up with a lost voice ; tendrils of cigarette smoke catching glimpses of stage lights ; rings adorning bloodied knuckles ; spray paint on your fingertips ; cheap wine shared on park benches ; a destruction so sweet ; calloused hands from years of practice ; making your own rules to play by ; stumbling home with the warmth of street lights ;
⊹ pinterest ⊹
river brooks   ⊹   maggot mouth inspo
⊹ about ⊹
River would never meet his father, he came to realise that at an early age. But that didn’t mean he’d never see the man, or hear endless... endless stories about him. He’d hear a great deal about the man that never offered to be in his life, wasn’t even on his birth certificate. And yet, his mother insisted on giving him the same last name. His mother, Keshini who much preferred to go by ‘Kitty’. River never much liked her taste for names.
Brooks. Would that name cling to him like a shadow he can’t shake. Only it was more the case that River was there, standing in this shadow of a man he could never live up to. Ty Brooks. Now that name might sound familiar to you, and well, it would be. He was one of the most infamous rockstars of his generation. And how River’s mother adored him.
She had every one of his albums in her collection, she’d have posters of the man and tickets she kept from his concerts. She even boasts about that time she got to tour around in their van for a stretch of time. Honestly, River blocks out most of that story every time she recounts it with such pride. Because that, that right there would be the reason he was brought into this world.
And while his father might have had nothing to do with him, or his mother after the fact- he would be his mother’s greatest trophy. Her pride and joy. She’d flaunt him around the same way she would the signed picture she had of her and Ty in the back of a touring bus. It only got worse as the years went on and he reflected too many of his father’s features.
She was only twenty at the time, promptly disowned by her parents and left to raise this new born on her own. And even though he would be the son of this great famous rockstar, that she still adores for whatever the reason, she would just be a single mother left struggling to get by. Waitressing at whatever restaurant would take her, leaving River with the next door neighbours for hours on end, or sometimes just sat alone in the apartment with the television when they weren’t available.
Eventually, even this idea of Ty Brooks son stopped being exciting. By the time he was in primary school he’d stop hearing things like, ‘Honey I could just devour you’, and his mother would stop calling him this shiny cherry, plump and ready to be bitten into. He starts to wonder if she sunk her teeth too far and found that black pit inside him. He’d start feeling like more and more of a burden every day. School fees, extracurricular activities, and this reminder of her youth that would be slowly slipping away from her.
Despite the way he felt though, River would know to no end that his mother would love him, and do absolutely anything in the world for him. But often times, in this world more than one thing can be true at the same time. She can love, and adore her child- and still at the same time have that sinking feeling that steps too close to resentment. Because she never got the person she wanted to be, never got to have fun, or continue finding her life. She was a mother before she knew it, and that meant her whole life had to go on the back burner.
In time, he’d stop thinking about his father, he’d stop seeing him when he looks into the mirror, and stop considering that he’s inherited too many features of a man he’s never met. When he became reckless at school, that was when everyone would see it. A dangerous smile, and the same fire burning in his head. Something inviting, promising to gloriously burn you in his flame. But if River was going to do anything, it would be make his own name for himself.
With a debauched tongue promising the darkest nights a sliver of salvation, River would grow hungry for the world. He’d want to sink his teeth into it. He’s good at this, turning his boredom into other’s problems. Or delight, depending on how they took his attention.
He’d give his mother space, moving out to a small apartment when he could, letting her get some semblance of a life back. If you asked him though if he’d still do it now, knowing that he’d see her at all the same clubs as him, dancing like she isn’t a day over 25 in an attempt to reclaim a lost youth... he might have reconsidered... he’d tell his bandmates that would be the first reason he wanted to move to the city.
Guitar was something he wanted to start playing when he was seven, and his mother agreed to- after all it might have been a good creative outlet for ‘a child with as many emotions as him.’ And something he tried to give up on by the age of ten. But Kitty wouldn’t allow it, saying she’d already spent too much buying him the instrument and forcing him to practice every evening after school for at least an hour. He hates that it’s what he picked now. And he hates even more that music is the only thing he’s good at. It’s payed off at least, as the years past practice became second nature, and eventually became something he enjoyed again. Since then he got into interest of picking up a few instruments here and there. Most would be easy enough for him to pick up and attempt a few basics on, usually he’d write the ideas of songs like that before he had a band. But his strongest point will always be his guitar skills.
It was easy for River to fall in love with being adored, the way others look at him when he’s on stage. When he flashes a wide toothed grin, and watches the others melt. He doesn’t know what he enjoys more about playing; the admiration or the chaos that comes with their music. Eyeliner smudged down cheeks, thrashing heads, calloused fingers still bleeding under the pressure, that furnace that sears his insides. Here on stage it feels natural.
Before they got signed to the record, he was mostly working bartending gigs. Especially at bars where it meant he could get an in to play at.
If anyone asks River, he has it set in his mind that he’s deserving to be the front man of the band. Don’t get him wrong, despite the arrogance and bravado, he adores his band mates. He’d insist that he’d go through hell and back for them when he thinks no one’s listening. He knows occasionally he can be more trouble than he’s worth. Showing up hungover to practices but who isn’t, biting remarks that only lead to arguments, and he’s never once been good at showing respect... or how much he cares for them. But still he’s been with the band since the start and couldn’t imagine a life without them.
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irvdscent · 2 years
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@IRVDSVENT ––––– a dependent roleplay blog for  revolutionfm, as penned by chester (26, they/them, aest)
RIVER BROOKS . twenty6 . lead singer and rythm guitar of maggot mouth introduction  ✧  threads  ✧  musings  ✧  tasks  ✧  pinterest ✧  all  ✧
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irvdscent · 2 years
tag dump
(   river brooks   ) ♡       .*╰     interactions  ❜    ( river brooks )     ♡     .*╰     musings  ❜    ( river brooks )    ♡     .*╰     tasks  ❜    ( river brooks )    (   river & muse   ) (   river & muse ― thread 001   )
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