psa: i remade!✨
 ok so considering i can’t wait for the new year and my escapist fantasies had to reach tumblr too, i remade my blog!! i decided i’m gonna have a hp+literature+aesthetic main and a tv shows sideblog instead of the other way around. this blog & my sideblog (heglahufflepuff) will continue existing as an archive and, in the case of this blog, i’ll keep posting the dialogue prompts i have left, but no other content will be posted. yadda yadda yadda, sorry for being a mess, my new main is helgasravenclaw and my shadowhunters/shows sideblog is lesbianmaiia. i’m tagging some people in case y’all wanna keep the mutual and stuff?? but don’t feel obligated or anything lmao.
@maiaslightwood @zoemonroe  @s0ftmalec @gayndsoft @isabelleboowoods @champagnemagnus @diggrycedric @jjohnkeats @atouchofmagic @alecbaene @wellsyaha @hufflebee @maiarobert @witchyisabelle @alexanderspumpkin
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psa: i remade!✨
 ok so considering i can’t wait for the new year and my escapist fantasies had to reach tumblr too, i remade my blog!! i decided i’m gonna have a hp+literature+aesthetic main and a tv shows sideblog instead of the other way around. this blog & my sideblog (heglahufflepuff) will continue existing as an archive and, in the case of this blog, i’ll keep posting the dialogue prompts i have left, but no other content will be posted. yadda yadda yadda, sorry for being a mess, my new main is helgasravenclaw and my shadowhunters/shows sideblog is lesbianmaiia. i’m tagging some people in case y’all wanna keep the mutual and stuff?? but don’t feel obligated or anything lmao.
@maiaslightwood @zoemonroe  @s0ftmalec @gayndsoft @isabelleboowoods @champagnemagnus @diggrycedric @jjohnkeats @atouchofmagic @alecbaene @wellsyaha @hufflebee @maiarobert @witchyisabelle @alexanderspumpkin
39 notes · View notes
psa: i remade!✨
 ok so considering i can’t wait for the new year and my escapist fantasies had to reach tumblr too, i remade my blog!! i decided i’m gonna have a hp+literature+aesthetic main and a tv shows sideblog instead of the other way around. this blog & my sideblog (heglahufflepuff) will continue existing as an archive and, in the case of this blog, i’ll keep posting the dialogue prompts i have left, but no other content will be posted. yadda yadda yadda, sorry for being a mess, my new main is helgasravenclaw and my shadowhunters/shows sideblog is lesbianmaiia. i’m tagging some people in case y’all wanna keep the mutual and stuff?? but don’t feel obligated or anything lmao.
@maiaslightwood @zoemonroe  @s0ftmalec @gayndsoft @isabelleboowoods @champagnemagnus @diggrycedric @jjohnkeats @atouchofmagic @alecbaene @wellsyaha @hufflebee @maiarobert @witchyisabelle @alexanderspumpkin
39 notes · View notes
psa: i remade!✨
 ok so considering i can’t wait for the new year and my escapist fantasies had to reach tumblr too, i remade my blog!! i decided i’m gonna have a hp+literature+aesthetic main and a tv shows sideblog instead of the other way around. this blog & my sideblog (heglahufflepuff) will continue existing as an archive and, in the case of this blog, i’ll keep posting the dialogue prompts i have left, but no other content will be posted. yadda yadda yadda, sorry for being a mess, my new main is helgasravenclaw and my shadowhunters/shows sideblog is lesbianmaiia. i’m tagging some people in case y’all wanna keep the mutual and stuff?? but don’t feel obligated or anything lmao.
@maiaslightwood @zoemonroe  @s0ftmalec @gayndsoft @isabelleboowoods @champagnemagnus @diggrycedric @jjohnkeats @atouchofmagic @alecbaene @wellsyaha @hufflebee @maiarobert @witchyisabelle @alexanderspumpkin
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more prompts? more prompts. "this is why we can't have nice things" + lightwood siblings 💖
dialogue promptsok i don’t really know what this is?? consider it a failed attempt at comedy. hope you like this angel!!
The first time it was nothing, just a mistake that was in no way related to destiny, karma, or any mystical force of whatever kind. The second time was a funny coincidence. But then there came the third, fourth, fifth, sixth time, and it wasn’t as funny anymore.
For some stupid reason, the Lightwoods kept breaking things they loved.
First came Jace’s favorite cup. And it was broken in the stupidest way possible. If you ask her she’ll tell you otherwise, but it was entirely Isabelle’s fault; well, her habit of doing the bare minimum to obtain things she wanted was also to blame. She’d stood up on tiptoes, trying to grab something from the cupboard that, clearly, was too far away from her. One small hand movement and the cup fell to the counter, smashing into a billion pieces. She just threw everything in the garbage and pretend the cup had never existed, and when Jace asked, claiming he couldn’t find it, she shrugged. “I don’t know, haven’t seen it.”
Another one was also Isabelle’s fault. Having left a glass on a chair and gone to work, when Alec tried to sit down, it fell. What happened next doesn’t need to be mentioned (though, basically, it was a week full of ‘I just don’t get it, Izzy, who the hell leaves a glass on a chair?’).
The third one hit Alec hard because, of course, it had to do with him. He’d bought decorated plates -- “Are you serious, Alec? You decided to become an eighty-year-old woman right now?” Jace had told him -- because, apparently, ‘they needed to pretend they were adults’. What for, he didn’t say. But the point was that, just the next day, when Jace had offered (or, been forced) to set the table, he decided that grabbing too many plates at a time wasn’t that terrible. As easily as they had come, three plates had smashed on the floor, gone forever. Alec raised his eyebrows as high as was anatomically possible, and swore the hardest he’d ever sworn in his entire life.
“You know, this is why we can’t have nice things,” he’d said afterward, when the three of them had decided to throw a blanket around them and watch some stupid movie while eating ice cream directly from the bowl.
“Because we choose to watch shitty movies instead of focusing on our multiple responsibilities?” Isabelle suggested.
“Yeah. I mean, no, that wasn’t what I was thinking about, but it applies, too. What I was saying was that, we’re cursed. It’s not normal. No one I know, beside us, has ever had this amount of object-related accidents.”
“They’re just plates, man,” said Jace.
“Perhaps. But what if this escalates? What if it ends up fucking up our relationships and all of-- that?”
“First of all,” it was Isabelle who spoke. “you think broken plates will fuck up your relationship with Magnus? And second of all, what do you care? That’s something for our future selves to worry about.”
“And,” Jace added, “what’s the worst thing that can happen? At least we’ll be cursed together.”
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psa: i remade!✨
 ok so considering i can’t wait for the new year and my escapist fantasies had to reach tumblr too, i remade my blog!! i decided i’m gonna have a hp+literature+aesthetic main and a tv shows sideblog instead of the other way around. this blog & my sideblog (heglahufflepuff) will continue existing as an archive and, in the case of this blog, i’ll keep posting the dialogue prompts i have left, but no other content will be posted. yadda yadda yadda, sorry for being a mess, my new main is helgasravenclaw and my shadowhunters/shows sideblog is lesbianmaiia. i’m tagging some people in case y’all wanna keep the mutual and stuff?? but don’t feel obligated or anything lmao.
@maiaslightwood @zoemonroe  @s0ftmalec @gayndsoft @isabelleboowoods @champagnemagnus @diggrycedric @jjohnkeats @atouchofmagic @alecbaene @wellsyaha @hufflebee @maiarobert @witchyisabelle @alexanderspumpkin
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the other thing about the whole “gay people do, in fact, sit around all day talking about how incredibly gay we are” thing is that straight people do this all the time too. they just don’t have to be explicit about it because they’re the default.
they spend at least as much time as us talking about romance, sex, even gender related stuff as it relates to their sexuality and expected gender roles. they just don’t have to say “omggggg im so straight for that boy” because that part is taken for granted.
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Attention Writers
The best thing you can do on this hell of a site is support other writers ok??? Understand???
Send asks to other writers!! Send messages to other writers!! Ask about Ocs!! Ask about Wips!! SUPPORT EACH OTHER!
Support each others’ writing and growth! It is a long, hard road from the first idea to the last word. Whether the intention is to self publish, traditionally publish or just throw out onto the Internet and hope for the best.
Reblog other writers’ works! Like other writers’ works! Go visit their Wattpad accounts! Go become their buddy on nanowrimo! If u have the cash support ppl on Patreon!!
It doesn’t matter if you’re a writer who’s never committed a word to page or if you have completed 200,000 word drafts!! Everyone of us needs love and support to keep going. So make writer friends! Share ideas! Help each other! Don’t bring each other down let us all become the best writers we can be ok!!
If ur super freaking shy- start by messaging me! I will always have anon turned on for shy followers. Baby steps! But let’s just help each other be the absolute best we can be and help those who feel they aren’t doing their best today know that that’s ok! That they are still amazing and it is ok to take a break and to try again.
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Hi! I love your mizzy fics. Can I expect new ones in the future? And smut? :$
hiii thank you so much!! yes i’ll be writing new stuff in the future, right now i’m dealing with short prompts because i don’t have time to write long things, but they will come. regarding smut, perhaps i’ll write it in some distant future but it’s not something i look for while writing or reading fics in general so i don’t think so.
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im such a nerd that i read something in latin in a book and i had to check if it was written correctly lmao
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“While You Were Being Heterosexual, I Studied The Blade” is literally the plot of the empire strikes back
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hello there!! i’m new to the fandom and i love your writing but since i’ve read it all could you reccomend me some more writers in this fandom? have a nice day!!!
first of all awwww my god you’re so sweet thank you!!
second of all this is a list of extremely talented writers that i love and appreciate a lot and you should check out everything they’ve written bc it’s great:
@maghnvsbane, @hufflebee, @isabellasroberts, @oneofmanyjonathans, @hoteldumorts, @magnusbaene, @magnusragnor, @lightwoodlesbians, @aleclightbaene, @softjimon, @eversall, @champagnemagnus, @dandymot, @gayandsoft, @abloodneed
and if i forgot anyone you can check my shadowhunters fic tag ;)
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now lets get real... why do ppl from night clubs love electronic music like are you familiarized with the term self respect
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martina has anybody told u how beautiful u are today cos u are and ur so lovely im lov u
kajsfsdkfjdks VIKKI omg im blushing
you’re beautiful nd im lov u too angel
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i slept like 3 hours i wanna Die
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