isebeasmara · 6 years
It was nice to hear from you. No matter short and quick or long and winded, I will always be vacant for open discussion. you were first and closest. creative and troubled. a young daredevil that challenged my youth. forever and true. stay leveled and blue because your words speak stories for those after you.
always & forever ~
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isebeasmara · 6 years
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Hamilton Preserve with the guys
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isebeasmara · 6 years
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prioritize being in an environment that grows your perspective.
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isebeasmara · 6 years
Day 11 to fulfillment
Sometimes you have to accept that certain people can’t give you what you want. To pack up your bags and accept the simple truth of your reality. To not hope for change or control what another gives. Accept what it/they give or leave.
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isebeasmara · 6 years
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isebeasmara · 6 years
(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xn_1hFdE-5g)
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isebeasmara · 6 years
I need somethin brand new in my life
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isebeasmara · 6 years
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santorini greece witta dime piece
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isebeasmara · 6 years
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isebeasmara · 6 years
Rule number 1: Pack like a Navy seal. Only take what you need.
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isebeasmara · 6 years
working on a short film and I can’t wait till it’s complete.
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isebeasmara · 6 years
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raw and true just like my roots
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isebeasmara · 6 years
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cloud creamery
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isebeasmara · 6 years
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hula-hoopin in the clouds
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isebeasmara · 6 years
Day 10 to fulfillment
Yesterday was my last day of teaching. going into this school, I was very unhappy. I felt like the climate of the school wasn't for me, that I wouldn't fulfill God’s purpose here and I knew I'd be miserable every single day...cause I was. Luckily, my close friend had been placed there as well so we struggled through it together. the semester was rough with working full time, being in school full time and maintaining my own tutoring business. I just wanted the semester to be over and to be free of responsibility for a little bit. One day I heard someone say “God won't give you more of what you want when you can't even appreciate what you have right now.” Now when I heard it, I didn't correlate that to my school placement but whatever. I pushed through each day and tried to give my students all of me, every day. it was tough - I won't lie. They made me laugh, smile, grow and challenged me to do what I was called to do even when it felt worthless. 
like I said, yesterday was my last day and the students would not let go of the fact that I was leaving. they showered me with appreciation and love all day. for our last warm-up circle, I had each of them share their favorite activity, memory and/or one thing they will never forget from the semester. some shared that they were grateful I made learning fun, how I incorporated snacks with different lessons, the rewards I gave for exceeding academic expectations and etc. but one student, who is a boy of few words said:
“before you came and joined our class I felt homeless (class laughs) ...well not really homeless cause I'm not homeless but when you came I felt at home.”
sweetest thing ever. it all clicked. all the hard days, every morning that was difficult to get up for, the tears, the pain, the rough nights...it was all worth it because of what he shared. my purpose was clear. I made a student feel at home, while at school. his attachment to school and learning felt comfortable and familiar. I didn't cry in the classroom but as soon as I got to my car boiiiii- I was bawling. I left that parking lot ecstatic about being free from what felt like prison but I felt like God’s deed was complete. I've never felt complete after giving my all and knowing I fulfilled something that needed to be done. I knew in that moment that God was testing me and wanted to see my faithfulness to Him. I stuck through it even when I didn't want to or think I had the capacity to do so. He gave me all the strength I could muster up and made it all worth it at the end. Even through the pains of the last few weeks- God wanted my heart with those students, and that’s exactly what I gave them. When I drove off, for the second time ever, I felt like I had fulfilled God’s purpose for my life and it felt great. I washed my hands dry of the situation at that school and knew God was testing to see how much I trusted Him.
Anyone reading... stay the course. His timing is always perfect. 
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isebeasmara · 6 years
Day 9 to fulfillment
I pray that God sustains the growth that I’ve experienced this month. I hope that this isn’t a temporary season of transformation. I have committed to being the woman I want to be and pray that it aligns with who He wants me to become. I’m growing and I feel it daily, I hear it in my conversation, I notice it with how people interact with me and I can see the light at the end of the tunnel.
I’m not letting anything stop me from growing or choosing the life I want to live bro. that shit’s sooo dead. I have deaded the old me cause I don't want to be that person no mo. I'm starting to feel free from all my past decisions.
whoever u are.. be who u want and choose the life u want to live cause life’s too short to wish.
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isebeasmara · 6 years
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new lenses plzzz
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