ishasharma01-blog · 6 years
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ishasharma01-blog · 6 years
Best Ayurvedic Psoriasis natural treatment A skin disorder which is caused due to an overactive immune system (the condition in which the immune system starts attacking the protective cells in the body), is termed as psoriasis. 
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ishasharma01-blog · 6 years
Get a basic understanding of Best effective treatment for psoriasis
Get Connected to Parijatak for Best Psoriasis treatment Ayurveda  in Nagpur
Psoriasis is an exceptionally normal endless skin condition that expands the existence cycle of the skin cells. It makes the skin cells develop quickly which results in the scaling on the surface of the skin. The run of the mill psoriasis scales look whitish-silver and create in red and thick fixes. The redness and aggravation in the regions around these patches are a significant regular sight. Truth be told, some of the time these patches likewise break and drain or cause tingling.
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Reasons for Psoriasis
  The specialists have not possessed the capacity to comprehend the correct reason for this condition however it's believed to be worried about the invulnerable framework issue associated with T cells and other white platelets. Another regular reason is a legacy of this affliction through qualities, which implies having a family history of psoriasis. In any case, there are sure activating variables that prompt the improvement of intensifying of the state of psoriasis which incorporates:
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Standard smoking or liquor utilization The inadequacy of nutrient D Stress Heftiness or unnecessary weight increment Bacterial or viral diseases Skin diseases Damage to the skin including a cut or rub, serious sunburn or bug nibble Certain meds that are endorsed for hypertension or bipolar issue Home Remedies as Best Psoriasis natural treatment in Nagpur . There is no specific remedy for psoriasis expressed in present-day prescription or Ayurveda. Be that as it may, there are sure medications and home cures that assistance to ease up the side effects of psoriasis. These include: Devour Dietary Supplements: Consumption of the enhancements like fish oil, Oregon grape, aloe vera, evening primrose oil, and drain thorn are known to treat the side effects related with psoriasis from within. Nonetheless, it is vital that you counsel a specialist before taking up any of these to guarantee that they don't meddle with any of your other restorative conditions or medications. Maintain a strategic distance from Fragrances: Most of the cleansers and scents which have such stunning and solid scents are regularly created by utilizing the synthetic concoctions and colors which can excite psoriasis and disturb the influenced piece of the skin. Abstain from utilizing such items or get those which have 'delicate skin' name. Utilize the Right Bathing Elements: Avoid utilizing excessively hot or excessively cool water while washing as it may aggravate your skin significantly more. Utilize tepid water and utilize a portion of the mineral oil, Epsom salt, olive oil or drain in the water to sooth the irritation and tingling. Saturating the body promptly after the shower can have twofold advantages. Utilize Turmeric: Turmeric is known to have numerous common advantages and is utilized to treat numerous infirmities for a considerable length of time. You can utilize it as a nourishment supplement or simply sprinkle it over the sustenance and it will help in limiting the erupt caused by psoriasis. Stay away from Alcohol and Smoking: You probably won't understand it however for some individuals, liquor and smoking have really been the triggers for the state of psoriasis. It influences your body and skin in the manners in which you won't observer promptly yet over the long haul. Maintain a strategic distance from an ordinary utilization of both to keep your skin and body solid.
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Notwithstanding these home cures, Parijatak offers the best course of Psoriasis treatment Ayurveda in Nagpur utilizing an ideal mix of treatments and Ayurvedic drugs. The wellbeing focus today goes about as one of the main specialist organizations with regards to treating and anticipating different sicknesses and keeping up ideal wellbeing including the best Psoriasis treatment in Nagpur.
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ishasharma01-blog · 6 years
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ishasharma01-blog · 6 years
Best Ayurvedic Psoriasis Natural Treatment
Best psoriasis herbal treatment in Nagpur
A skin disorder which is caused due to an overactive immune system (the condition in which the immune system starts attacking the protective cells in the body), is termed as psoriasis. While the exact cause of this skin disease has not been known till now and is mostly considered to be because of the faulty immune system, its symptoms include flakiness and inflammation of skin along with the occurrence of red, whitish-silver and thick patches on different parts of the body. These patches are mainly witnessed around scalp, elbows, and knees.
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Even though you have the best treatment for psoriasis in Nagpur, you should know that this disorder is non-curable. Thus, the experts also recommend natural remedies as they have no side effects and they can help ease the symptoms more effectively. Some of the best Psoriasis natural treatment in Nagpur includes :
Fish Oil
Some of the studies have suggested that the people who have psoriasis skin disorder are at a higher risk of cardiovascular diseases. Thus, it is recommended for you to include fish oil and the servings of tuna, salmon and other omega-3 fatty acid enriched fishes in your diet on regular basis. This will not only help you reduce the inflammation that is caused by the condition of psoriasis but will also reduce your risk of heart diseases.
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In fact, you can easily get the fish oil supplements at Psoriasis relief treatment center in Nagpur. However, if you are already taking blood thinners then you should avoid these supplements and fish oil altogether as it will increase your risk of bleeding.
Yoga and Massage
One of the most common triggers of psoriasis found among people is stress and a good massage therapy along with a yoga session can really help in relieving the stressful nerves in the body. There is no need to take these sessions regularly as we understand that you might be having busy schedules. A half hour yoga session followed by 20-30 minutes of massage twice a day can also be really helpful.
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However, make sure that you are not using massage oils with strong fragrances as it might irritate your skin. Also, do not massage so fiercely that it will remove the scales because that would leave a permanent mark on your skin.
Modifications in Diet
It has often been observed that the people who suffer from celiac disease are at a higher risk of developing the psoriasis skin disorder. For such patients, a gluten-free diet generally helps in relieving the symptoms to a huge extent. Also since gluten is known to cause inflammation in the body, eliminating wheat, rye, and barley from your diet would help a lot as psoriasis is an inflammatory disease.
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Also, you can try resorting to the food supplements like turmeric, ginger, mustard, curry powder, oregano oil, milk thistle, and evening primrose oil as they have proven to provide great relief to the symptoms caused by psoriasis. In fact, different types of cheese are known to have anti-inflammatory and are hence recommended to be consumed on regular basis.
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ishasharma01-blog · 6 years
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ishasharma01-blog · 6 years
Psoriasis Cure treatment center in Nagpur
Parijatak offers the Best treatment for psoriasis in Nagpur
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An autoimmune medical condition that results in the building up of skin cells rapidly, thus causing scaly and dry skin is termed as psoriasis. The most common areas in the body which are attacked by this ailment are elbows, knees, and scalp. The patches sometimes do sometimes appear on the hands, feet, neck, and face also.
 Though it is not contagious, there is no fixed cure that has been discovered till now for this skin disorder. However, you can get the Best treatment for psoriasis in Nagpur at Parijatak that would help you relieve its symptoms.
Symptoms of Psoriasis
The signs of this skin disease vary from one person to another and are completely dependent on the type as well as the severity of disorder that the individual is suffering from. There could be a possibility that you would not experience any symptom, but you have to be watchful as psoriasis is a recurring skin condition which might happen again even if you treat it once. However, the most common symptoms include:
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The occurrence of red, inflamed and slight raised patches on the skin
The appearance of the whitish or silver colored scales over the redness
Dryness of skin around the inflamed area that might get peels off or begins to bleed
Abnormal sensations like burning and itching around the affected area
Swelling and pain in joints near the affected area
Soreness around the red patches
Causes of Psoriasis
Though Parijatak offers the best ayurvedic skin psoriasis treatment in Nagpur, you should know the trigger points in order to be able to treat the problem for the root. Some of the reasons that might result in the eruption of those red patches could be:
Faulty Immune System – Being an autoimmune disease, our body’s immune system sometimes begins to attack the healthy cells which cause this skin disorder.
Genetics – If you have a family history of psoriasis or either of your parents has been affected by it, then you have a higher chance of developing the same condition.
Stress – If you are going through a mental trauma or have chronic stress from a prolonged period, then you might get victimized by this skin disorder.
Traumatized or Damaged Skin – If you are prone to bruises and skin burns or have a tattoo, then you might be at a higher risk of having psoriasis also.
Ayurvedic Treatment for Psoriasis
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Parijatak is the Best treatment for psoriasis In Nagpur that provides special preparations of herbs and skin creams which have been formulated using various natural products that are considered to be good and healthy for the skin. There are some herbs and roots like aloe vera, neem, jasmine flower, black nightshade and garlic among others whose paste can be used directly on the affected areas after extracting them fresh from the farms.
However, the best ayurvedic psoriasis doctor in Nagpur at Parijatak also prepares a combination of moisturizers and bathing accessories that help relax the body while treating the skin disorder. They also recommend various naturally extracted oils which should be applied regularly on the affected areas in order to lighten the marks caused by the skin disorders and injuries.
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ishasharma01-blog · 6 years
Spine Treatment Without Surgery in nagpur
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Ayurveda is the oldest and one of the most trustworthy forms of medication and treatment which had been developed by the learned sages many centuries ago. With time it has undergone a lot of research and evolved into the more improved mode of treatment. Parijatak, being one of the renowned Ayurveda centers, is a good place for spinal cord injury treatment, neck pain, cervical spondylitis, cervical pain, and Spine Treatment Without Surgery In Nagpur.
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Spinal cord injury treatment is best done with Ayurveda.  The Ayurvedic Treatment Spine Care Injury is associated with consequences such as complete loss of spinal movements, incontinent bladder functions, bed sores, etc. Studies have shown that there is no satisfactory treatment available in biomedicine. Only limited treatments are available only for enhancement of spinal cord function.
These treatments have a lot of limitations. Ayurvedic medication and Panchakarma therapies have been in use to treat such conditions for a long time. Improvements in spine condition have been reported by our patients which have shown that our way of treatment is better
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Spinal cord injury treatment in Ayurveda considers aligning the spine in its real shape. The Ayurveda experts at Parijatak are experienced in providing treatment for lower back pain, middle back pain, and giving backache treatment in a less painful way- no surgeries are involved in our treatment. We strengthen the spinal cord, help in relaxing the muscles and body, and strengthen the surrounding muscles and ligaments and tendons. We emphasize a location of the spine and vertebrae with intervertebral spaces. The stability provided to vertebral column so as to avoid reoccurrence of the same. We take special care in treating the Cervical Spine stenosis treatment in Nagpur.
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ishasharma01-blog · 6 years
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ishasharma01-blog · 6 years
Know How Ayurvedic herbal Treatment for Psoriasis Is the Best Remedy
The prescription medicines that are used to treat psoriasis can cause unpleasant side effects. Thankfully, there are natural methods of Best ayurvedic psoriasis treatment in nagpur, which do not cause side effects. One of the best types of psoriasis treatment is Ayurveda medicine.
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Ayurveda is a holistic and ancient form of treatment which originated in northern India. It is based on the idea that good health depends on a healthy mind, body and spirit. Ayurveda heavily relies on herbal remedies and improving one lifestyle by engaging in exercises like yoga, eating healthy foods, meditating and detoxifying the body.Ayurveda practitioners believe that everyone has a distinct energy pattern, which is made of 3 kinds of energies. These energies are referred to as doshas and they include:·       
  Vata energy: It controls the function of the body ·        
  Kapha energy:It controls growth in the body·        
Pitta energy: It controls metabolic functions 
The practitioners of Ayurveda believe that when the doshas are out of balance, a person can fall ill or feel stressed. Ayurveda seeks to keep the doshas balance to ensure optimal health. The principles of Ayurveda can be applied to a wide range of health conditions and at times, they are used to complement conventional medical treatments.
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The main Ayurvedic skin psoriasis treatment in Nagpur is Panchakarma therapy. This involves making dietary changes and using plant-based remedies. Panchakarma treatments are meant to purify and detoxify the body. Vegetarian diets are often recommended. Panchakarma treatments include:·   
      Performing medicated enemas·         
      Consuming medicated ghee·         
     Covering the whole body in a paste of mud and medications·        
     Dripping medicated buttermilk on the head of an individual
The success and length of your psoriasis treatment will depend on the how severe the condition is and how committed you are to the treatment. Some of the other Ayurvedic herbal remedies that are used to treat psoriasis include the following:·         
Black nightshade juice:It reduces inflammation ·         
Onions and garlic:They purify the blood·         
Jasmine flower paste: It reduces inflammation and relieves itching·         
Guggal: It reduces inflammation
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  Neem: It purifies the blood and boosts the immune system·        
  Tumeric: It reduces redness, inflammation and swelling·        
  Boswellia: It reduces inflammation and supports the immune system 
Both emotional and physical stress can trigger psoriasis. Exercises and medications can help minimize psoriasis flare-ups that are related to stress. Ayurveda treatment plans include both of these activities.
You can find trained practitioners at the Ayurvedic Research Centre. This treatment center offers perfect treatment for psoriasis. At the Ayurvedic Research Centre, you will receive guidance and information about psoriasis and a complete solution from our competent physicians.
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In addition to these home remedies, Parijatak offers the most effective course of Psoriasis treatment in Ayurveda Nagpur using a perfect combination of therapies and Ayurvedic medicines for Psoriasis. The wellness center today acts as one of the leading service provider when it comes to treating and preventing various diseases and maintaining optimum health including the best Psoriasis treatment India
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ishasharma01-blog · 6 years
Best Weight Loss Center in Nagpur
Best weight loss center Ayurveda, what we eat is converted into energy and the toxins are expelled from the body. However, if the body does not utilize the energy efficiently, these toxins are not completely removed. Instead, they keep accumulating in the body and lead to undesirable consequences. Eventually, fat gets accumulated in the body, which is stubborn. The number of obese individuals has increased in the recent times owing to the unhealthy eating habits, sedentary lifestyle, lack of physical activities and stress. Even childhood obesity statistics have shown a marked hike in the past few years.
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The excessive weight in your body leads to various diseases and disorders. From joint pain to blood pressure and diabetes– you become prone to any disease owing to obesity and erratic lifestyle. Overweight is can affect your mental health too. Weight loss just through diet and exercise does not always produce the desired outcome. Ayurveda has certain Indian remedies for Weight Loss for them who cannot shed the stubborn extra pounds, no matter how much they exercise or control their eating habits. Parijatak Ayurveda, fortunately, has some solutions to your problems related to weight loss.
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Kerala Ayurveda Weight Loss Center
Talking about our Ayurvedic treatment for obesity, home remedies are considered which have been mentioned in traditional Ayurvedic scriptures. Brahmi, Triphala, and Garcinia cambogia are few of the many medicinal plants that may help cure obesity. Get weight loss tips by the experts at Parijatak Kerala Ayurveda weight loss tips center in Nagpur as the best ayurvedic obesity treatment in Nagpur. Obesity Treatment in Ayurveda includes massages with herbal powders (Udwarthanam), specific oils (Abhyanga), and steam bath with herbal pastes. The treatment at Parijatak Ayurveda helps mobilize the accumulated fat for the weight loss; Ayurvedic remedies for weight loss, home remedies, and specific diet programs prevent further accumulation of fat in the body. Appropriate Panchakarma therapies are also administered by the experts here.
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ishasharma01-blog · 6 years
Ankylosing Spondylitis Treatment in Nagpur
Parijatak – Ankylosing Spondylitis Treatment in Nagpur. Cervical Spondylitis, known as Greeva graham in Ayurveda is a condition characterized by stiffness of the neck muscle and its surrounding areas. The science of Ayurveda classifies it as a Vata condition. Vata, the system that is in control of the mind and body often malfunctions causing the body tissues to get depleted.
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In a normal course of events, this happens with age. Whatever the reason be, it causes the kalpa dosha in the body to take a dip. Since Kalpa is the buffer between bone joints, a paucity in the production of the same causes the discs to degenerate steadily. Together, the conditions contribute to the development of cervical spondylitis.
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Cervical spondylosis is caused by degeneration of bones, discs – cartilage cushion between the neck bones and joints of the neck. This condition is usually found in middle-aged people and elderly. It is a wear and tears disease. Neck pain, stiffness, headache, numbness, etc. This is one of the diseases wherein Ayurvedic treatment in Nagpur has very good promise.
In Ayurveda, a condition called Greeva graham is explained. – a condition with a cardinal feature of the stiffness of the neck is explained and it exactly suits with Cervical spondylosis.
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Greeva means neck and Graha refers to stiffness. It is explained as a Vata condition. Increase in Vata leads to depletion of body tissues. (For example, with aging, Vata increases and body tissues start degenerating.) The dryness and degeneration caused by Vata lead to decrease of Kapha Dosha. Sleshaka Kapha is responsible for cushioning in between bone joints. Hence disc degeneration sets in leading to spondylosis. Some compare this condition with another disease called Vishwachi  / Apabahuka.CausesAyuerveda believes the causative factors of cervical spondylitis to be bad food and general habits. Here is what can generously contribute to the condition.
Consistent intake of frozen food
Skipping of meals
Living on junk foods and sodas
Inadequate intake of fluids
Excess curried food in a diet
Day sleeping
Excessive walking
Extreme workout
Late sleeping
This branch of medicine coalesces a gamut of psychological factors that collectively contribute to the development of cervical spondylitis. Fear, anger, grief and stress are the cardinal causes. Cervical Spondylitis Treatment in NagpurGreeva Basti: This therapy involves an application of black gram paste on the neck. Bala ashwagandha and Ksheerabala, compound form of medicated oils used.Mridu Shodhana: Purgatory procedure, the concoction is prepared from Castor oil and milk. Aragwadha phala
majja used in some cases instead of milk.
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Both the procedures work in conjunction to relief the pain and associated symptoms. The oil increases the space between the two pieces of the neck bone while supplying nourishment to the bone and cartilage. This slows down the degeneration and helps promote flexibility.
See also : Cervical spondylosis – Neck Pain – complete cure by Kerala Panchakarma
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ishasharma01-blog · 6 years
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Health by Ayurveda includes Treatment and Prevention of Obesity. Get  Ayurvedic Upchar for Weight Loss  with Kerala Ayurveda Weight Loss Tips  center in Nagpur
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ishasharma01-blog · 6 years
Acidity Treatment in Nagpur at Parijatak Ayurveda
Acidity is a medical condition which is caused due to excess production of acid. This acid is produced by the glands of the stomach. Acidity causes signs such as ulcers in the stomach, gastric inflammation, heartburn and dyspepsia.
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Pathya-Apathya in amlapitta(Hyperacidity/ gastro-oesophageal reflux)
Diet should be Tikta-madhurrasapadhana (bittersweet taste predominant). Diet should be  light and easily digestible
Patola(TricosanthesdiociaRoxb.) leaves, fruits like unripe banana fruit, pomegranate, Amalaki(gooseberry/EmblicaofficinalisGaertn), Kushmanda(Benincasahispida (Thunb.)Cogn.)are advisable in hyperacidity.
Grains like  oldSali(rice/Oryzasativa), Yava(Barley/Hordeum Vulgare), wheat, Mudga(green gram) should be advisable.
Old honey  is best for digestion
Regular exercise and walking should be advisable.
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Pittaprakopakahari.ekatu,kashayrasatmak should be avoided.
Food like sesame, Urada(black gram),Kulatta(horse gram/Dolichosbiflorus Linn.), etc. are not recommended in hyperaciditypatients.
Day sleeping avoided.
Avoid night awakening.
Parijatak Ayurveda provide best acidity treatment in Nagpur. It gets to work in 6 seconds and provides fast relief from acidity.
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ishasharma01-blog · 6 years
Gout Treatment in Nagpur
Learn the Causes, Symptoms and Natural Treatment for Gout
Gout is a type of arthritis that causes sudden inflammation and pain in just one joint, in the beginning, is known as gout. It starts by affecting the toe and later spreads out to ankles, joints of feet and hands, knees, elbows and wrists.
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Know the Causes of Gout
Gout is caused by the deposition of the uric acid crystal inside the body. Gout Treatment in Nagpur the food that we consume as well as our body contains a chemical known as purines that produce uric acid. In the regular functioning of the body system, the uric acid either gets dissolved along with other chemicals in the body or gets discard out of the body through urine.
However in some cases when the body starts producing too much uric acid which it is not able to excrete out, it starts depositing in different parts of the body. When these crystals start accumulating in the joins and adjoining tissues, it causes severe pain and swelling.
Know the Symptoms of Gout
Gout can cause the following signs and symptoms:
o    Joint Pain
o    Swelling
o    Redness in the small joints of the body
o    Inflammation or burning sensation in joints
o    Itching
o    Change in the color of the skin’
o    Piercing pain
o    Warm feeling in the joints
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In the books of Ayurveda, gout is known as ‘vatarakt’. It can be treated with simple changes in the diet and lifestyle. If you are suffering from the same condition, arthritis pain relief is offered by various herbal formulation and natural foods. Some of the most common measures taken into consideration are:
o    Green Leafy Vegetables: The traditional leafy vegetables like spinach, kale, chard, collard, and arugula are recommended for regular consumption. You can also try consuming goosefoot, black nightshade, Malabar spinach and small water clover, sizzled with a pinch of black salt and pure ghee.
o    Castor Oil: Just mix a tablespoon of castor oil in the beverages that you consume daily and it would do wonders. It could be anything – a glass of juice, coffee, tea or milk. However, you have to be mindful of the fact that consumption of castor oil might result in loose stool.
o    Fruits: Eating fruits are good for health anyway but there are certain fruits that would help you treat the condition of gout. These include pears, grapes, large raisins, prunes, cherries, currants, and cranberries.
o    Pulses and Legumes: Lentils are readily available in the market and are very useful in treating the symptoms of gout. Legumes and pulses like Bengal gram, green gram, and pigeon gram are also recommended to be consumed at least once a day. In fact, you can also consider eating moth beans prepared with pure ghee occasionally if it suits your taste.
o    Grains: Instead of consuming the regular grains, switching to the consumption of red rice, short grain rice, old barley and puffed rice is recommended. You can find these easily in the specialty stores and they are easy to digest.
If you are suffering from the discomfort and pain of gout, come to Parijatak for the best treatment for arthritis that works on customized courses of herbal formulations, ayurvedic therapies, natural procedures and ayurvedic medicine for arthritis.
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ishasharma01-blog · 6 years
Ayurvedic Obesity treatment in Nagpur
14 Days To A Better Ayurvedic Treatment for Obesity
Ayurvedic treatment for weight loss in Nagpur has become one of the fastest growing disorder of the decade. From children to adults, one in four individuals is obese. Obesity means that the body mass index (BMI) is more than 27. Excessive accumulation of fat in the body causes obesity. In a day we consume near about 1600-2000 calories and only 1000-1200 calories utilization done by yourself means near about 600-800 calories remain in the body. This leads to excess deposition of fat in the body and causes obesity.
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Increased body fat put the person at risk of critical diseases like heart disorders, diabetes, kidney ailments, liver diseases, arthritis and much more.
Ayurvedic Obesity Treatment in Nagpur  
Acharya Charak explained obesity in “Asthnidit Adhaya ”. It is known as Medoroga. It is called by the aggravation of Kapha. Kapha is normal state provide nourishment to tissues through various microchannels, but when it is aggravated it leads to the production of toxins in the body. These toxins accumulate in channels and causing obstruction of channels.
In medoroga, the toxins accumulate in medovah strotas and leading to increased production of medadhatu. Hence, if you want to treat obesity its first step is the purification of Kapha dosha and 2nd step is cleansing and medovah strotas (fat channels) through medicines and panchakarmas.
Pacification of Kapha doshas done by “vaman”. Vaman means the elimination of doshas through vomiting. It is done by a medicated decoction of madanphala and yastimadhu. After vaman 7 days of “Sansarjana Karma” means diet schedule followed by the patient which leads to the elimination of doshas and ulceration of Agni means digestive power. Vaman also helps in cleansing of small channels.
After vaman virechan should be done. It is for pitta dosha but the doshas which remain in the body even after vaman should be removed by virechan therapy. It also causes the cleansing of medovah stroas.
Panchakarma like vaman–virechana does not help in weight reduction it helps in “Reduction of fat”.
Fat reduction is more important than weight reduction. If you reduce fat then you can protect yourself from heart diseases, diabetes, arthritis, diabetes, and others.
Weight Loss Management
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Diet and Lifestyle: You need to follow a lifestyle as prescribed by the experts.
o    Avoid high carbohydrates like potato, polished, rice.
o    Increase intake of fruits and salads
o    Avoid oily and spicy foods drink of lukewarm water with lime
o    Use of powdered cum seeds, coriander leaves salt and ginger powder with outer milk should be recommended.
Yoga: Following that, specific yoga postures can give you good results in reducing body weight. They have to do under the supervision of yoga gurus initially.
o    Dhanurasana
o    Bhuyangasana
o    Ardhamasiendraysana
o    Trikonasana
o    Surya Namaskar
These yogas helps in losing extra fat. This is more effective if performed with Pranayam and kapalbharti.Brisk walk of 30 minutes in the morning helps in burning of excessive fat of the body.
Obesity treatment centres in Nagpur Parijatak
Being obese has become a kind of unavoidable disorder that develops in us. By the time we realize the serious effects of being overweight, it quite late and we see many other ailments being brought in its trail. For those who cannot work upon any weight loss program (which more or less brings you back to obese condition once you stop the program), getting on to Ayurvedic program is the best solution. Parijatak Ayurveda follows traditional methods of reducing the extra body weight which has no side effects on your body. Being one of the renowned Best Weight Loss Center in Nagpur, it gives natural remedies in its specially designed weight loss programs. The experts take care of diet plan, medication, application of natural medicines, exercises, and even minor things that can bring change in your body weight. Trust Parijatak for Ayurvedic solutions and get a healthy life.
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ishasharma01-blog · 6 years
Understanding Mind and Psychological Disorders
Parijatak Provides the Best Choice for Treating Mental Disorders through Ayurveda
 Mental illnesses are brain and mental conditions that affect the functioning of a person’s thinking, mood, ability, sentiments and daily activities. These conditions often occur in a reduced capacity of coping with the daily and necessary demands of life.
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The most common symptoms of mental illness are associated with improper functioning of the brain. The symptoms include
·         Lack of concentration
·         Lack of sleep
·         Loss of appetite
·         Weight loss
·         Reduced thinking ability
·         Reduced efficiency in work performance
Individuals suffering from mental illness often become hopeless, helpless and worthless in their thoughts, their words and even in their deeds.
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Mental illness treatment greatly depends on the types of mental illness the person is suffering from. The most common treatments are counseling, behavioral therapies, and of course, the Ayurvedic remedies for mental illness.
The most known types of mental disorders and illness are organic brain disorders, mood change and anxiety, personality disorder, and psychotic disorders. Organic brain disorders are directly associated with the brain diseases. These disorders result in confusion, anxiety, anger, and delusion.
Organic disorders can be degenerative diseases, cardiovascular diseases, trauma-induced or drug and alcohol intoxication. 
Then, there is mood changes and anxiety. Some of the common symptoms associated with such kind of mental disorders are depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder, phobias, panic disorders and bipolar affective disorder. The most common causes of such disorders are traumatic events, genetic reasons and congenital causes that lead to a total disability of the brain to function normally.
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Personality disorders are characterized by poor coping skills. Such disorders occur when an individual is unable to cope up with the hard aspects of life and fail to win challenges. These disorders make an individual totally blunt and inhuman to other individuals. The symptoms of these disorders stay for a period and then gradually gets diminished
Personality disorders are further categorized into odd unusual behavior, anxious fearful and dramatic or erratic behavior including anti social personality, histrionic personality and narcissistic personality. The last type of mental illness is the psychotic disorders that severely affect the brain and the thinking process of an individual. The individual suffering from these disorders often shows signs of impaired judgments and irrational thinking. Delusions and hallucinations are the other associated symptoms that actually disrupt the proper functioning of the brain activities.
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Strange behaviors, dangerous activities, lack of personal hygiene, reduced efficiency, decreased interest in doing things, extreme mood swings, relationship[s difficulties and slow movements are also some of the symptoms of psychotic disorders.
When it comes to getting the best Ayurvedic Psychological treatment India, trust Parijatak with a complete course of herbal remedies and natural cure for psychological disorders such as best treatment for autism Nagpur. The team of experts includes the best psychologist doctor in Nagpur who with his knowledge and experience has always provided effective and successful therapeutic solace to all.
Get the best Ayurvedic medicine for mental disorders, depression, brain tumor, glioblastoma and other similar disorders at Nagpur center. All the sessions for a specified course of treatment are thoughtfully planned and executed while providing a completely stress-free environment for quick recovery.
Connect to Parijatak and meet the best psychologist Nagpur for any kind of mental and psychologist disorders.
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