ishheirii-blog · 7 years
Ok im going now cause i suck
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ishheirii-blog · 7 years
Guys i just realised something...
I suck at Tumblr
Jk i already knew that
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ishheirii-blog · 7 years
Bye, im tired but heres a dark picture if anyone even looks at my tumblr
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They will be digging your graves with their swords in the woods...
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ishheirii-blog · 7 years
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Ill never get enough of this meme 😂🙏🏻😂
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ishheirii-blog · 7 years
I still have 1 follower,
And its a bot
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ishheirii-blog · 7 years
Im back. Im still a thot.
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ishheirii-blog · 7 years
Im hopefully gonna go buy squishies ._.
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ishheirii-blog · 7 years
Im bored, bye. Stay scary, be a thot.
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ishheirii-blog · 7 years
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Under the cute looks is pure evil...
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ishheirii-blog · 7 years
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Love is not always beautiful...
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ishheirii-blog · 7 years
They are watching you...
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ishheirii-blog · 7 years
If Narnia was a murderous place [Short Story]
Lucy hated Edmond, Lucy knew that Fawn had a knife, Lucy promised the Fawn a delicious meal....
Lucy told edmond to go in the wardrobe, he want in and so did Lucy, Edmond followed Lucy to the Fawn’s home, Lucy knocked on the Fawn’s door while saying;
“Mr Tumnus...! I have you meal!”
Edmond says frightened;
Lucy respondes;
“Just kidding silly”
Lucy’s fingers were crossed while she had an evil smile plastered on her face...
The door of Mr Tumnus’ house unlocks, Mr Tumnus welcomed them in! Mr Tumnus locked the door in delight and said;
“How are you Lucy, thanks for the meal you brought!”
Edmond then said;
“What is this meal, Lucy? Did you bring food with you?”
Lucy then said happily;
“Yes!” With a evil smile plastered on her timy face
Tumnus interrupts;
“Lucy want to prepare the food yet?”
Lucy first says to Mr Tumnus;
“Why dont you, im not good at cooking”
But then Edmond says;
“May i join the meal with you?”
Lucy says then which shocks Edmond;
“You cant eat my meal silly! YOU ARE THE MEAL!”
Edmond laughs it off and then said;
“nice one Lucy, but seriously..?”
Mr Tumnus had enough and then said;
Edmond gets a shock down his spine
Mr Tumnus’ teeth go large and sharp, Mr Tumnus bites through Edmonds skull and snaps all Edmonds bones, Edmond died and then Mr Tumnus throughs Edmond on his table and sliced off Edmonds head, arms, legs and organs, he has a nice meal while Lucy stands there is laughter in a demonic way, then Mr Tumnus then says;
“I forgot to say...”
Lucy looks at him and then says;
“Hm..?” With an evil grin
Mr Tumnus says in a way which Lucy or anyone cannot explain;
He laughs like a phsyco path
Lucy screams in horror and before she evn moves, Mr Tumnus grabs her by her clothes and stabs her, he stabs her in the heart, chest, legs, arms and inside her mouth and the back of her head, she dies... Mr Tumnus eats her up and goes back into hibernation...
The end...
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ishheirii-blog · 7 years
Suicide forest.. [Short Story]
Lynn had visited Japan for the 15th year of her life, it was a great experience!
Until she got lost in a forest, she cant get out, she cant get out... she wont get out...
She will die.
She hears a whisper in her left ear;
“You wont get out... you wont get out..”
She also hears giggles from all around..
Is she going insane? Or is it just pranksters?
Lynn then mumbles;
“Im not insane.. im not insane...”
But then the same scary whisper says;
“Your insane... your insane... noone likes you... noone likes you... they all want you... dead..’
Lynn’s skin turns a greyish colour as she says;
“I want to die... noone want me here... they said so... I was meant to die at birth...”
They Lynn screams at the top of her lungs;
Lynn is pulled towards a rope nearby, she hangs herself.... she dissapears, someone who was about to enter the forest heard her scream and sent police to find Lynn, the person did not undestand english and the person was not able to see Lynn’s apperance and the forest is filled with many deaths, the investigation was shut down, Lynn’s soul is now part of the evil souls who want anyone there to die...
The end...
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ishheirii-blog · 7 years
Someone pls tell me im not lonely (cause im lonely)
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ishheirii-blog · 7 years
Subscribe to my cringey channel; HeiriiThePotato Your probably not gonna sub ;-; r i p
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