ishthegreat97 · 10 years
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Simple reminder for anyone going through stressful times, Allah created the whole universe and he can easily help you through your struggles just show some sincerity: وَتَوَكَّلْ عَلَى اللَّهِ وَكَفَىٰ بِاللَّهِ وَكِيلًا And place your trust in Allah [alone]: for none is as worthy of trust as Allah.
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ishthegreat97 · 10 years
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Had to share this 👌#timeisrunning #deathisguaranteed
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ishthegreat97 · 10 years
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So this is Israel's self defense..... #genocide #freepalestine #palestinianholocaust
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ishthegreat97 · 10 years
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ishthegreat97 · 10 years
The medias lies make the Palestinians look like terrorists wrecking terror on "innocent" Jews, when it's really the American backed Israeli military wrecking terror on the INNOCENT palestinian children
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To anyone normal, this is a #Palestinian child. To #Israel it’s a terrorist that must killed…. the Genocide against Palestinians continues by this bloodthirsty Israeli attack #Photos of child and her mom killed in israeli airstrike Yesterday 2014.7.9 in Gaza Strip
هذه الطفلة قُتلت هيه وامها في قصف إسرائيلي ,
‫#‏صورة‬ تشييع جثمان الطفلة رنين جودة عبد الغفور (عام واحد) ووالدتها في خانيونس اليوم.
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ishthegreat97 · 10 years
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A 6 year-old Kenan Hamed the only survivor of Hamed Family Massacre Before moments in Gaza
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ishthegreat97 · 10 years
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Israel committed a massacre in Gaza today ! Who Cares ?????
إسرائيل ترتكب مجزرة بحق الشعب الفلسطيني قبل دقائق !!!
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ishthegreat97 · 10 years
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Israel bombs innocent men, women, and children during Iftar and calls it war....
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ishthegreat97 · 10 years
This is great
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ishthegreat97 · 10 years
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The real image of the #Israeli soldiers who aggressively treat #Palestinians who look for their rights and freedom.
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ishthegreat97 · 10 years
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ishthegreat97 · 10 years
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ishthegreat97 · 10 years
In one of Ibn al-Qayyim’s books, he mentions that Adh-dhikr (glorification of Allah) has over one hundred benefits! Therefore, glorify Allah much because it will benefit you greatly.
So glorify Me; I will hold you in great regard [Al-Baqarah: 152]
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ishthegreat97 · 10 years
”Indeed, Allah is with those who fear Him and those who are doers of good.” [An-Nahl: 128]
Adh-dhikr (glorification of Allah) forms closeness to the one who you glorify and gives you the company of the glorified one. Allah says in a hadith Qudsi: ‘'I am with My servant as long as he remembers Me and pronounces My name by his lips.” [narrated by Al-Bukhari]
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ishthegreat97 · 10 years
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ishthegreat97 · 10 years
The cure for hardheartedness? Repenting for your sins, Glorifying and Remembering Allah often, and giving charity.
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ishthegreat97 · 10 years
Please remember this fellow brothers and sisters most Muslims who are trying to become better in practicing Islam forget this and get angry when allah (swt) tests them, for the closer you get to allah (swt) the more severely and often he tests you. Look at shaiytan, he worshipped allah for thousands of years, ascended through the heavens and became one of allah's best servants but he failed a simple test
If you want to become a friend of Allah, be prepared to face many trials, hardships, and tests. All people who were of great status in the sight of Allah have been tested severely.
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