iskconsydney · 5 years
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Saturday morning darshan (view) of Their Lordships, Srila Prabhupada and devotees.
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iskconsydney · 5 years
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iskconsydney · 5 years
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The festival month of August is here!
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iskconsydney · 5 years
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iskconsydney · 5 years
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Their Lordships Sri Jagannath Baladev Subhadra have fully recovered from Their transcendental sickness and will give Their enchanting darshan today! Please don't miss out this wonderful opportunity to visit the temple and be seen by Their Lordships:)
And do remember to bring some offering for Them - flowers or fruits or both!!
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iskconsydney · 5 years
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iskconsydney · 5 years
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The Nrsimha Chaturdasi festival is on right now!
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iskconsydney · 5 years
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Hare Krsna Dear Devotees!
Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada!
We would like to invite you, the entire yatra and all well wishers, to participate in Sri Sri Radha Gopinath’s Anniversary celebrations on Sunday 19th May in ISKCON Sydney Temple at 180 Falcon Street, North Sydney.
Starting at 5pm, the celebration will include a Fund Raising Event at 6 pm, exclusively for the purpose of renovating our North Sydney Temple, the abode of Their Lordships Sri Sri Radha Gopinath. This is a fantastic opportunity to come together with the rest of the yatra and demonstrate your support by contributing generously towards this wonderful cause.
You may have noticed that our yatra has been experiencing a lot of positive change in recent months. Devotees are feeling inspired, there has been an increase in the number of temple visitors, the number of study groups has increased and our temple is gradually becoming a centre of Vedic learning and spiritual education. These welcome transformations are due to the tireless efforts of many motivated devotees and the energetic cooperation of each and every member of our community.
In order to cater to the growing needs of the community, our temple is in need of renovation - both minor and major. The plan is to optimise the space we have available to us, and to ultimately make our temple a better facility for everyone, not least our children, who are the present and future of ISKCON Sydney.
Please do come and participate in our fund raising event on Sunday 19th May at 6 pm.
Let us join hands in supporting this important project for the pleasure of Sri Sri Radha Gopinath by donating generously, so together we can renovate our sacred space of Sydney.
Thank you.
On behalf of the Congregational Leadership Team
Your servant,
Ghanashyam Govinda das
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iskconsydney · 5 years
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An important day not to be missed or forgotten.
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iskconsydney · 5 years
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iskconsydney · 5 years
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The May 2019 eNewsletter is out. Was out actually, yesterday :) It comes out the 1st of every month. Here is the online to read the articles: https://mailchi.mp/iskcon.com.au/rising-moon-iskcon-sydney-enewsletter-may-2019-edition
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iskconsydney · 5 years
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iskconsydney · 5 years
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The festival of the unbelievable form of the Supreme Lord is coming soon!
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iskconsydney · 5 years
So important to attend the full morning program or at least a part of it, at least on the weekend if not able to attend everyday.
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iskconsydney · 5 years
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Coming soon, our next One on One interview of Tilak Prabhu with His Grace Gokuleswar Prabhu.
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iskconsydney · 5 years
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Will be an amazing evening tomorrow.
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iskconsydney · 5 years
We have a difficult time accepting the Lord, His supremacy and His pastimes. This is because of our envious nature. Having been conditioned so strongly in the material world, we naturally assume and want the role of the supreme controller and enjoyer. When we hear that someone else can be a better controller & enjoyer, we become agitated to the point that we deny the presence or existence of the other person. The Lord is beyond all human activities and to judge Him at our level will only bewilder us. It’s not possible to logically study the Lord. He can only be understood through Loving devotional service.
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