ismenara · 11 years
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The Black Rose of Turkey
Turkish Halfeti Roses are incredibly rare. They are shaped just like regular roses, but their color sets them apart. These roses are so black, you’d think someone spray-painted them. But that’s actually their natural color.
Although they appear perfectly black, they’re actually a very deep crimson color. These flowers are seasonal – they only grow during the summer in small number, and only in the tiny Turkish village of Halfeti. Thanks to the unique soil conditions of the region, and the pH levels of the groundwater (that seeps in from the river Euphrates), the roses take on a devilish hue. They bloom dark red during the spring and fade to black during the summer months.
The local Turks seem to enjoy a love-hate relationship with these rare blossoms. They consider the flowers to be symbols of mystery, hope and passion, and also death and bad news.
Seeing a black rose in full bloom is a once-in-a-lifetime sort of thing. Don’t miss it if you ever happen to be in Turkey during the summer.
(via Oddity Central)
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ismenara · 12 years
Ismenarian Dictionary
Creatures of the Vitesta
Any non-human being that was created during the Ancient Times, and has proliferated as a singular, reproducing species. These animals were sculpted by the Counsel of Carramera, the first counsel of human civilization in Ismenara. All creatures of the Vitesta have magical abilities, though very little is known about the details of these abilities. Commonly they are black, or have black eyes, horns, hooves, etc. Examples of creatures of the Vitesta include Woolraia, Udireks, Vipescyurae, and Venescyurae. 
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ismenara · 12 years
Adrasia is the southernmost nation belonging to the continent of Ismenara. It is bordered by Carram in the north (separated by the Corelcanth Mountains) and by Phrilaiam in the northwest.
Geography: Northern Adrasia, attached to the mountain chain, is fairly barren, rocky steppe lands. Although a wealth of beasts populates these steppes, it is almost completely empty of humans. Southern Adrasia, however, is a temperate oceanic land with a mild winter and the longest summers of any nation in Ismenara. 
Government: Adrasia is by far the most liberal of the other countries surrounding it. Instead of a monarchy, Adrasia is governed by popularly elected officials that represent different districts of the nation, much like the Counsel of Carram, except they have no executive office to answer to. 
Culture: Liberal in society as they are in their government, Adrasians follow a light religion based around natural spirits, deities of the heavens, and ritualistic 'sacrifice ceremonies.' However, the ceremonies never command killing a living animal, and are more based around plant foods, useful tools, or substances/items that are considered precious. The sacrifice is given to moon, the ocean, or the steppe lands. 
Most citizens of Adrasia make a living through fishing, and they rely heavily on trade with the Salasian Islands. Their mannerisms are rough yet open, and there is an inherent trust that is expected to be offered to strangers and travelers. 
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ismenara · 12 years
The nation of Carram is the largest and most prolific country defined in the continent of Ismenara. Preceding Ilarion rule, Carram was under the authority of the Garmorian Dynasty, under the names of several different families. It is bordered in the West by Svethos and Phrilaiam, and to the south by the Corelcanth Mountains, with Adrasia on the other side of the range. 
Geography: Carram is characterized by its grasslands, plains, fertile river lands, and the dense Carramian Forest. The westernmost majority of the country is steppes and plains, with vast stretches of a variety of grasses that support large herds of ungulates and the predators that hunt them. In the general south, the land becomes more barren under the impact of the Corelcanth Mountains, while the eastern/center holds the dangerous Carramian Forest. It is home to one of the two living clans of Vipescyurae, and is heavily populated with Carramian Woolraia, which are creatures of the Vitesta. 
Notable areas in Carram include Nuruvena, the westernmost territory under Ilarion reign. It is an exceptionally fertile expanse of land, fed by the Nuru River. The land once belonged to Phrilaiam, but was taken from the country when Queen Aranis overthrew the Garmorian Dynasty.
Culture: Carram is a country heavily influenced by the example of its monarchy. Family is held important and well cared for, but a certain amount of formality and strictness is to be expected in interactions even between individuals who are extremely close. 
Religion is mild in Carram, as the general population is somewhat disdainful to the ways of the Lohre, the Old Religion thats practices lead to Carram's respective 'dark ages.' The lack of religious overtones is made up for with intense belief in superstitions, such as the curse of triplets and symbolism in the heavens, along with the following of fairy tales and legends. Often real-life connections to these legends are created, often serving to blur reality, and making Carram a gossip-heavy nation that news and rumors travels swiftly through. 
Generally, the upper class wears their hair in long styles, and their clothes are often intricately embroidered, or have patterns, ties, and accessories that are very difficult and require assistance to dress properly. The lower class cuts its hair, though individuals will sometimes grow it long. 
General History: Prior to the Garmorian Dynasty, and in the years that Svethos was merging with the continent, Carram belonged to the super-nation consisting of itself, Phrilaiam, and sections of Adrasia; this country, known as Carramera, was ruled by the Counsel of the Vitesta. This was the era in which agriculture and religion became staples, and powerful, ancient sorcerers created creatures of the Vitesta. When the Counsel of the Vitesta fell, Adrasia separated itself as a sovereign nation, while Phrilaiam and Carram remained one entity. Not long after this, Svethos fully collided with the continent, and became its own country, naturally. 
Carramera kept its name, and fell under the rule of the Lohre--a Counsel known as "The First," and the leaders of the Old Vitesta. These leaders were high religious, deifying the energy source of the Vitesta, and creating a wealth of dark and light spells. Carramera became highly factioned, and different beliefs regarding the Old Vitesta incited the Age of War. At the end of the Age of War (which lasted roughly two hundred years) the Garmorian Dynasty took hold. During five generations of Garmorian reign, unrest began in Phrilaiam as they witnessed the independence of Svethos and Adrasia. When Queen Arraia usurped the Garmorian King, Phrialaiam siezed the opportunity to become and independent nation. Shortly after, Queen Aranis' heir, King Vizen, fought to take the fertile land of Nuruvena back from Phrilaiam, and succeeded. 
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ismenara · 12 years
About Minxe (Part II)
An informal timeline of Minxe's life.
Minxe was born into the wealthy Melletock family. His father was never around, but his mother, Lenah, loved and cared deeply for him. At the age of seven, Minxe's mother was murdered in a life altering event, and he also lost his hearing, though he never really found out why. 
He was ripped away from him home, kidnapped more or less, and the rest of his family (Father, Aunt Meridan, and Wethel) were unable to find him. Not knowing the way home, and finding he had little memory of his mother or former life, Minxe ended up living off the streets of Iroquoi.
In the first year, he meets Eupha, an old, poor, merchant man who taught him sign language and gave him the Svethosian pendant. When Minxe is ten, Eupha is murdered by an unknown group of three men who were searching for the necklace that Minxe is still in possession of.
When he is seventeen, his Aunt Meridan finally finds him, and welcomes him to come live with her and her daughter, Minxe's cousin, Wethel. In that same year, a procedure is done to return Minxe's hearing. He spends his 18th year recuperating from the procedure and learning to hear again. 
In the "current time" (during when the Story of Minxe takes place) Minxe is 20 years old and still dealing with his hearing and speech. His life now is a sharp contrast to the years he spent scraping by on the streets. 
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ismenara · 12 years
About Minxe
Do you ever have a character that floats around in your head for a long time, one that you may even have started writing into other stories, yet you never truly find that character's place?
Well, I have dozens. Minxe (Pronounced somewhere between Minksee and Minkshee) is one of my favorites. I've tucked him into several stories, and though I suppose they worked, it was never who he truly is. 
Minxe popped back into my head this last Friday while I was driving up to Maine. I made a habit on those long car rides of working on my stories after what happened last semester. I got lost and added on an extra hour and a half to my drive, and then took several more wrong turns through the rain and didn't get home until two hours after my initial arrival time. That was the night I came up with the entire story for Avedis, and eventually led me to write my first novel.
Anyway, back to Minxe. He is an androgynous type (as many of my characters are) with white hair and whatever color eyes I feel like... However, in the story I have finally created around him, he has light blue eyes. Small of frame, big of heart, intelligent and strong willed--those are Minxe's foremost qualities. 
I've been writing all weekend on a story I'm calling Tales From Ismenara: The Story of Minxe. It takes place some two hundred years after the Avedis story does, and Ismenara has experienced an Industrial revolution. The story still takes place in Iroquoi, but a modern Iroquoi. Its something I'm extremely excited to work on, not to mention I had a HUGE brainstorm yesterday and came up with what happens just after Avedis and Kelson's time, and how Ismenara goes from a medieval world to one of vast technology and a struggle between the upper and lower class like the continent has never seen. 
If I had one wish, it would probably be to be beamed somewhere to a rural tiny cottage (with internet for research, of course) and have a few months to just write, and write, and write some more. 
Anyway, I'm going to post more about Minxe's story later, when I have the time. 
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ismenara · 12 years
sample#1-What do you mean he is my brother?
Avedis’s voice was low and sinuous, dripping with hatred and anger and anticipation. For nearly ten years now had he prepared himself to ascend the throne of Carram, to become a King and bring the power of the Vitesta back to the land. And now, now that his father was growing old and weak, now that he was garnering power, there came these... whisperings. Whisperings of Kelson Ilarion, the second born son of King Kailis Ilarion, heir to the throne after Virendra and before Avedis.
“The runes have never lied to me before, Prince Ilarion’Nai. I’m afraid the truth is not in your favor this night,” Ometawey said quietly, his eyes lingered at the small Vipescyura bones arranged in the bottom of a large, ceremonial bowl.
“Check again,” Avedis hissed, and soon fell into an uneasy pace. He went from one end of the room to the other, R’Luizia on his heels.
There was the sharp patter of the bones against their clay vessel.
“He is of the Ilarion bloodline, son of the King and brother to Virendra and Avedis,” Ometawey repeated, in the same even voice he had before.
“NO!” Avedis roared, one arm whipping sharply to send a coma of pure energy to the wall across from him. The stone wall cackled, a substantial portion of the rock disintegrating to the ground. Dust rose silently behind Ometawey, who was still hunched over the bowl.
“I’m sorry, my Lord.”
Avedis watched as white smoke twisted upwards from his palm. He had only two words left for Ometawey. “Get out.”
The crippled man rose slowly, taking his bowl, and left the room.
The Prince continued to pace, tugging through his black hair in nervousness, allowing the scratching of R’Luizia’s claws on the floor to add music to his thoughts. The time had come for him to take action, and already a plan was forming in his darkened mind. If this so called Prince Kelson was really approaching Iroquoi, Avedis would exact his revenge without thought. No doubt his parents would faun upon the man, the King with a true heir who was without Vitesta.
Avedis had planned to bring about a new age in Carram--the use of magic free from any bounds or law, every individual who possessed the gift free to use it as they saw fit. With the King, most powerful of them all, keeping order.
“If I were already King, he would be forced to usurp. The people do not know him, they are unfamiliar, with luck they will not support him. My own men grow in numbers every day,” Avedis whispered to himself in a hurried voice, kept level by the feeling of inky black eyes upon him. As they focused in Avedis heard a faint voice, one smooth and black as the night sky itself, as R’Luizia counseled him. “Yes, I must kill the King. How.”
Then another came, an even quieter whisper, writhing and sinuous.
“Yes, that’s a good idea.” He stopped pacing “Come, R’Luizia. We’ll travel to the Ismenarian forest.”
The Prince did not care that both Riki and Naraia were high in the sky, two slivers against the bright cosmos. It was not uncommon for him to disappear, and this time when he visited the Vipescyurae he would really be alone. Avedis was done playing, done taking advice from others when it was getting him nowhere. If he were to become King of Carram, he would have to take the throne for himself.
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ismenara · 12 years
Riki and Naraia
Riki and Naraia are the two moons that inhabit the sky over Ismenara. They both contain strong magical properties and appear to have the same volume and diameter. Riki is a bright white/golden color, while Naraia is a dark mauve. 
Riki gives power to the positive, light force of the Vitesta, while Naraia gives power to the dark force of the Vitesta. 
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ismenara · 12 years
A Venescyura (veh-neh-skyoo-ra) is a species native to Ismenara that reside in almost every fresh water source on the continent. 
Physical Description: Venescyura are a distant relative of the Vipescyura, though they only have a few characteristics that clearly tie them together. Venescyura are small newt-like water dwellers that are no longer than a human arm. Their skin is a reflective surface that absorbs and rejects light, providing them the perfect camouflage to capture their pray. Venescyura have two front legs that are very small, and the toes are webbed, with a long, snake-like body. They have four pairs of feathery fins that propel them slowly through the water. Their eyes are silver and lack a pupil or iris. 
Nature: Despite also being born of dark Vitesta, Venescyura are not nearly as aggressive or threatening as Vipescyura. They are incredibly shy and hard to find, usually blending so well into the water around them that they can't be seen. Most are avoided anyway, as they have a strong poison used for hunting and self defense that causes excruciating pain in humans, and death in animals. 
The Poison: The Venescyura's poison is not fatal to humans in it's pure form. It can, however, be altered with dark Vitesta to cause death in an unconventional way. When prepared with dark Vitesta, and then administered, the Venescyura's venom will gradually affect the victim's brain, causing them to fall into complete madness over the course of several weeks before they eventually die. 
The Venescyura's poison can be combined with that of the Vipescyurae to create a Velark. Velarks used to be created by masters of the Vitesta during the time of the First War. Now, only the Vipescyurae have the knowledge and magic to create a Velark. 
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ismenara · 12 years
About Svethos
Svethos - Country
Svethos is the smallest country in Ismenara. It is allied with Carram and Adrasia, but has been at war with Phrilaiam for the past ten years. The country's land desired for it's high concentration of Vitesta, where the soil itself is saturated and extremely powerful if used properly. Their population of darker skinned people is filled with talented sorcerers, which accounts for them putting up a strong fight against Phrilaiam despite their lower numbers..
Carram has provided assistance to Svethos for the past six years of the war in exchange for access to small quantities of sand from the Svethos desert. 
Svethos became part of Ismenara about two hundred and fifty years ago. Once an Island, the land mass drifted until it collided with the larger Ismenarian continent. This accounts for the difference in both landscape and native peoples. Svethians have a strong cultural heritage, and most do not reproduce with the lighter skinned Ismenarians. 
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ismenara · 12 years
The Vipescyurae (Vee-peh-skyu-ray) are a species native to the Ismenara forest that posses dark magic and a near human intelligence. 
Physical Description: Vipescyurae are a large species that are long and sleek. They stand anywhere from 3 to 5 feet at the shoulder (from the hips to chest of an average man), and can be up to twenty feet long from nose tip to tail tip. They have a thin, sleek muzzle that is fronted by large fangs that protrude from both the top and bottom jaw. Their eyes are deep set in their skull, and have the appearance of smoothed rubies. The neck is thick and sinuous, leading to large shoulders and forelegs that are extremely heavily muscled. Four digits end the Vipescyurae's two limbs, with an opposable thumb. Each digit has a long, sharp claw, and there is also one claw on the back of their heal that holds a poison that can be lethal depending on the dose. 
The back half of the Vipescyura body is serpentine, and is also heavily muscled and used to propel them forward simultaneously as they are pulling with their front limbs. Colors of Vipescyurae range from oily black to mixed brindled--they are made to be camouflaged in their forest environment. 
Nature: Vipescyurae are creatures born of dark magic, created by some of the first users of the Vitesta. Therefore, they are known to be aggressive, malicious, and cunning. They do not necessarily go out and look for trouble, but in the past Vipescyurae have been known to go into urban areas and kill at random. Despite their primal aggression, Vipescyurae have a developed language in which they communicate with each other, and older members of the species are able to speak Ismeralia. They use dark Vitesta to cast spells and perform rituals.
History: Currently, Vipescyurae are strictly silvicultrix. Their last numbers remain in the Ismenara Forest, existing in hiding. When he rose to power, King Ilarion declared a bounty on the head of a Vipescyura and they were driven from all of the forest in the continent except for the Ismenara forest. Only half of their original population remains, and because of this the Vipescyurae hate the King. They are too afraid, however, to lash out against him for fear that their numbers will be decimated even further. 
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ismenara · 12 years
Avedis (Important Things)
Avedis will consume a Velark. A Velark is an evil but powerful spirit that can be swallowed to strengthen dark magic. Velarks are a parasite, though they do not do any physical damage to their host. They can remain within a host for decades before moving on, instilling them with powerful dark magic. They live next to the spinal cord just under the brain. Those who had consumed Velarks claim they can hear the creature whispering to them at times.
When he was about sixteen, Avedis rescued a young Vipescyura from death. It had been wandering around in the City and wounded by a bounty hunger just before Avedis found it. He named it Char, (though the Vipescyura already had a name from it's clan) and snuck it into the castle to heal it. He returned Char to the Ismeanra forest soon after, confronting the Vipescyurae tribe. Because he was returning the youngling, they spared his life. 
Avedis plans on contacting the King of Phrilaiam to create an alliance that would overthrow Svethos. He will have rigid negotiation conditions, however, in forcing Phrilaiam to pledge their allegiance to him when he becomes King. 
Ometawey does a spell to remove the Velark from Avedis, and Avedis kills Ometawey for his 'treachery.'
Avedis has a memory/flashback of him and Virendra in Adrasia, and Avedis heals a small, hurt lizard they find. He is later reprimanded by his father. 
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ismenara · 12 years
Unclaimed Lands
Ismenara Forest - Deemed uninhabitable, Ismenara forest is a place filled with magic and mystery. Most of the creatures that roam in the Ismenara Forest have not been seen by human eyes, and many of them are magical. Because of the rough terrain and predominance of predators, few travel to or through the forest, therefore little is known about it.
Undinasa - Undinasa is a long piece of land on the tip of Ismenara that has been deemed uninhabitable, though it's lower parts close to the Forest could support life. Most of the land is tundra, and is predominated by massive herds of Udireks. 
Significant Landmarks 
Mount Benegani - This mountain is one of two in Ismenara that has a giant lake in it's middle, which feeds the Ismenarian River that branches into the King Arraia River. 
Mount Surul - Mount Surul is the other of the two mountains with the lakes, this one feeding the Nuru River.
Svethos Desert - Located to the left of the Nuru River, the Svethos Desert has below waterline elevation. The land is hostile and uninhabitable except for a short, yearly rainy season.
Nuru River - The Nuru River is the main reason for the conflict between Phrilaiam and Carram. It runs near the border of Carram, creating a patch of extremely fertile and lush land that both nations want to lay claim to.
Ismenarian River - The longest river in Ismenara. It runs through the entirety of the Ismenara forest and branches into the King Arraia River.
King Arraia River - This river feeds Iroquoi, the capital of Carram.
Pracidin Lake - Located on the border of Phrilaiam and Adrasia. It harbors a large community of some of the most powerful magic users in Phrilaiam. 
Corelcanth Mountains - This mountain range forms the barrier between Carram and Adrasia. There is little conflict and communication between these two countries because of the mountains. 
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ismenara · 12 years
Carram – The country in which the Ilarion family rules.
Iroquoi – The capital of Carram.
Charisia – The town in which Kelson grew up.
Ismenara Forest – The forest which lies behind Carram.
Vitesta – also known as “Lorhe,” the Vitesta is the magic force that exists in Carram and it's surrounding countries. People with the ability to use and manipulate the Vitesta are not exceptionally rare nor abundant. Bloodline does not define who has the abilities of the Vitesta, it chooses souls at random and one must be born with it. The Lorhe is the old religion name for the Vitesta, and part of an extinct language that used to dominate the continent that Carram resides on before the country itself existed. Because the old religion is no longer practiced, many of the myths that originated within it are no longer believed. It claims that there are always the same amount of those who can use the Lohre/Vitesta, so when one with the abilities dies, another is born with them. The Vitesta manifests itself different ways in different people. It is an energy force that interacts with each bearer according to their soul.
The History of Carram – Carram was established ninety-six years ago at the end of the Nihmon War of Ismenara (Nihmon being the old religion word for First). At the end of the war, lower Ismenara split into four countries: Carram, Adrasia, Phrilaiam, and Svethos, with Carram being the largest and most powerful. The first leader of Carram was Queen Aranis Ilarion, great grandmother of Kailis Ilarion. Her son, Vizen Ilarion, was the second King of Carram. Carram is generally at peace with Svethos and Adrasia. The Corelcanth Mountains are a barrier between Carram and Adrasia. There is a small area not covered by the Ismenara forest that allows for communication between Carram and Svethos, who are allies. Relations with Phrilaiam have been heated and unstable over the past fifteen years as both countries want to possess the fertile land to the right of the Nuru River. When Phrilaiam first attacked Svethos, Carram quickly came to the aid of the smaller country to protect them against Phrilaiam. 
The Government of Carram – Carram is dictated by the King or Queen. To prevent tyranny, the country is separated into six smaller territories, each with a representative that communicates the interests of that district to the King or Queen at the time. Additionally, there is a panel of twelve officials, two from each territory, that also counsel the leader and offer input. The King or Queen is expected to take these advisors words into consideration when making any significant decisions.  
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ismenara · 12 years
Avedis Ilarion – One of three triplets birthed by Adiel Ilarion, Avedis is the current heir to Kailis Ilarion's throne. He is a bearer of the Vitesta, and a powerful young sorcerer who has yet to find the limit of his power. Avedis was the second triplet born, and was always small and weak growing up. His brother, Virendra, always garnered more attention with his fine features and charismatic personality. Though Avedis's father attempted to make him feel loved and equal, he never felt it. Over time, Avedis became more and more bitter (even as a young child) and caused Virendra's death when they were only twelve years old, ensuring his place at the throne.
Kelson Ilarion – Kelson was the third and final triplet born. The responsibility for his life was immediately handed over to Montag, as upon his birth it was ordered that Kelson be exposed to the elements and left to die. Unable to bring herself to take another human life, Montag managed to hide Kelson for several days in her quarters until she was able to give him to her sister, Prisca, who had just lost a baby of her own and gladly took on the task of raising Kelson. Kelson, Avedis, and Virendra were identical triplets, and the only ones who know that Kelson lives are Montag, her sister, and Adeil. At the age of twenty when Kelson learns about his identity, he wants to return to the city of Iroquoi and make his existence known.
Kailis Ilarion (King Ilarion) – Kailis is the King of Carram. He has an essentially good heart, and almost always makes decisions that he knows will be good for his country and his people. Though when making appearances King Ilarion seems strong and brave, he is plagued by nightmares from his battles during the first war of Carram and is deeply scarred by the death of his son, Virendra. The death of Virendra put King Ilarion in a difficult position as he does not want to name Avedis the next heir to the throne because he suspects Avedis's role in Virendra's death.
Adiel Ilarion – Along with Montag and Prisca, Queen Adiel is the only one who knows about her third son. Unable to purposefully end the life of one of her sons, she ordered Montag to get rid of the baby without killing it. From the moment the order was given, Montag hid the child away and never told Adiel of her son's whereabouts. Adiel is a bearer of the Vitesta, though she rarely uses it for a variety of reasons. To this day, Adiel has kept the secret of her third son from the King.
Montag – Adiel's longtime friend, handmaid, and servant.
Ometawey – Avedis's personal counsel, and a powerful sorcerer that is teaching the prince magic. Though Avedis trusts Ometawey, most others in the court do not. The entire right side of his body is covered in severe burn scars, as the town he lived in as a child was sacked and he was badly injured. He apprenticed under Gizeh, King Ilarion's personal counsel (also a user of the Vitesta) and has served in the court ever since. Unbeknownst to anyone except himself, Ometawey hates King Ilarion because of the limits he enforces on magic. The black arts of the Vitesta were one of the triggers for the first war after Carram's creation, and King Ilarion upholds certain restrictions on a variety of magic. This angers Ometawey, as he is a strong believer in the old religion and finds many of the things that Ilarion names as taboos to be useful.
Gizeh – Spiritual counsel to King Ilarion. Gizeh is much older than the king, and is one of the most powerful sorcerers that have ever existed in Carram. However, his old age is making him less and less capable every year and he is valued more for his advice than his powers with the Vitesta. He trained Ometawey when he first traveled to Iroquoi. Once his training was finished, Ometawey was assigned to Avedis and though Gizeh does his best to keep his eye on the young sorcerer, Ometawey's ability to charm often blinds Gizeh from his true intentions.
Annthrea – Annthrea is a young maidservant working in the court. She is kind and loving, though has a hot temper when riled up. She has been working in the castle since the age of ten, and is only a few years younger than Avedis. Though the prince is in love with Annthrea, the law of Carram clearly states that royalty is only allowed to marry of high blood. Avedis believes that Annthrea returns his feelings, though she has never hinted or spoken of it.
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ismenara · 12 years
Welcome to Ismenara
This blog is a place for me to organize the information for the novel I will be writing for JulNaNoWriMo.
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