isochrxnous-blog · 10 years
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isochrxnous-blog · 10 years
Soon We’ll Be Found | Sia
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isochrxnous-blog · 10 years
Bruce Willis is probably going to keep making action movies because you know what they say about old habits
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isochrxnous-blog · 10 years
my entire dashboard is you
you just kinda exploded with life
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isochrxnous-blog · 10 years
not dating me? sad. tragic. for you at least
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isochrxnous-blog · 10 years
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i forgot to mention that aradia is also the best
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isochrxnous-blog · 10 years
Reblog with your personality results.
Myers-Briggs: ENFJ
Alignment: Neutral Good
Kinsey Scale: Equally heterosexual and homosexual.
Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw
Temperament: Phlegmatic
Bending Type: Airbender
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isochrxnous-blog · 10 years
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its a lot better than not smiling at all
but i smile at most everyone so
but i guess you put in work for a bigger one!
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Small victory, I might add.
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isochrxnous-blog · 10 years
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victory is mine!
im smiling a whole lot so you can have that
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  I knew there was something I liked about you missy ma’am.
Nevertheless, I may have smiled just a bit. Just a tad bit.
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isochrxnous-blog · 10 years
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just might be
we just dont know
ive gotta keep some semblance of mystery here you know!
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  Are you trying to flatter me, Aradia.
If so, it’s working.
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isochrxnous-blog · 10 years
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your lies while otherwise insulting to my intelligence
in this particular instance hold a certain kind of charm to them!
keep it up
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  No ma’am, you’re hallucinating. There was no smile upon my face.
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isochrxnous-blog · 10 years
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i cant be fooled that easily you know
i know exactly what i saw no matter how tiny it was
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  No ma’am. You see it wrong.
Grumpy Rosa. Frown frown.
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isochrxnous-blog · 10 years
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is that a smile i detect?
i think i see it yes maam
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  I command you to cease this tomfoolery.
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isochrxnous-blog · 10 years
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yea verily
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  Did you just quote Shakespeare at me.
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isochrxnous-blog · 10 years
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the lady doth protest too much methinks
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  That is silly! He doesn’t like me. At least, not like that.
Maybe he is, maybe he is not. Maybe he does want to know! Who knows.
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isochrxnous-blog · 10 years
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that makes sense
despite my previous statements i dont mention much of it either
maybe he likes you! has he attempted any courting rituals
or maybe he is ill
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  It’s not that, more so than it is my past is not only terrifying and complicated, but it’s also extravagant and… “fairy-tale” like. It’s not a thing I frequent discussing.
But there’s something that is… off about him… Maybe it’s just me.
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isochrxnous-blog · 10 years
Mun VS. Muse
(Bold what applies.)
Older? muse/mun Taller? muse/mun Richer? muse/mun Neater? muse/mun Nicer? muse/mun Smarter? muse/mun Funnier? muse/mun
Who is a better friend? muse/mun Who lies the most? muse/mun Who swears the most? muse/mun Who reads more? muse/mun Who is more creative? muse/mun Who is more troubled? muse/mun Who has better morals? muse/mun
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