isthisanimalmediacute · 2 years
christ. i opened mine when there were next to no other blogs and have been wrong, hence why ive all but abandoned this blog in the wake of others showing up that DO know what theyre talking about. it is really not that hard to just take a step back if youre not an expert lmao
so those is-the-x-video-cute blogs are a plague on animal husbandry education. i get that they started well meaning - to prevent neglectful animal situations from being popularized as funny or cute - but in having a blog that is allegedly informative, random tumblr weirdos have decided they are the end-all be-all animal husbandry experts.
im gonna address is-the-rabbit-media-cute in their CONSTANT misinfo but this should be a great lesson as to why you shouldn’t assume someone who cannot prove any credibility at all on the internet is the god king of animal knowledge (or any knowledge).
1. these are their credentials
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a rabbit owner with google. i mean people can lie and say they’re experts but they just straight up admitted to not knowing any more about rabbits than the next guy
2. consistently perpetuating things that at this point are well known to be myths, ie wire bottom cages & trancing. so many posts about wire bottoms being bad oh my god. including completely ignoring a response someone gave about why wire floors are Not bad.
>”trancing:” yes you can safely hold a rabbit belly up. this is a very safe way to sex rabbits and to do general health checks on their stomach and bottoms of their feet. no they are not having a heart attack.
>wire floors: excellent choices for rabbits! rabbits pee and poop A LOT. standing in that causes sore hocks. wire typically doesn’t. wire allows all their excrement to fall through so they aren’t standing in it. some rabbits, such as Rex, are more prone to having their feet irritated by wire - resting mats are standard to alleviate this easily. any rabbits that are particularly prone to sore hocks are culled so rabbits are not being bred prone to discomfort. basically, sore hocks can be easily eliminated. and on that note
3. straight up doesn’t know things about rabbits?
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not correct! if all the rabbits you interact with are getting sore hocks you are doing something wrong!
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pellets are a whole diet. they ARE the main source of food. in the same way as you buy dog food to be their primary food source.
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a rabbit will fuck a rock, i have NO idea where “would always choose another wild rabbit” comes from. their ass i guess
4. this one is killing me. encouraged this person to harass their poor mom over her rabbit’s housing
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this is a good setup! lots of space, plus an indoor area to hide, etc. bunny is living high. however rabbit-media said that since it’s outside, it is inherently abusive. this isn’t an outdoor cat situation; the animal is not left to fend for itself or devastate the ecosystem, it is in an enclosure. rabbits are very hardy. it has coverage from the rain, which is important, and rabbits’ fur protects them from very cold temps. the only thing to consider is if it gets very hot, the rabbit will need to be cooled down. still a perfectly good setup. and when the mom said this
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completely valid point! rabbit-media responded with this
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ok edge lord. this SLANDER. you are an internet rando, having followers doesnt make you credible?? alex jones has a whole SHOW with hundreds of thousands of viewers and makes a considerable difference in people’s perspectives, that doesn’t mean he isn’t spouting bullshit.
5. this was their response to a SIXTEEN year old asking for help with a matted rabbit after the kid said they do not have access to a rabbit groomer or vet.
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besides the way they talk being hilariously juvenile and edgy (there is NO WAY they are over 19. i hope) YOU DARE??? anyway. what a great way to help a teen. the only problem was matting -which is bad, sure - but they weren’t beating the damn thing. they also called this kid “pure scum” but im at my image limit. great, now the kid will never ask for help again, which is sure to help their husbandry!
anyway tl;dr talks like an edgy teen, is a dick to people who want help, spreads outright lies and misinfo, every answer to an ask is like at least a little bit wrong
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isthisanimalmediacute · 2 years
sorry but whats wrong with big floppa?
he’s fucking obese as hell dude
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this is NOT a healthy animal & isn’t something to be laughed at / admired.
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isthisanimalmediacute · 3 years
what’s wrong with everythingfox?
if you’ve been here for very long, you’ve probably noticed us making disdainful references to everythingfox! but why, you ask, do you guys dislike that blog so much?
everythingfox is a content aggregator. they repost videos without credit, often linking back to a reddit or imgur post that is itself a repost. often it takes me about five minutes to find the original source of a video, something they could also do if they really cared about sourcing videos properly! they do not.
they also uncritically post videos of animals in tons of situations that are unsafe or outright dangerous. they post wild animals being kept as pets in homes, interactions between predator and prey animals, interactions between humans and wild animals, staged videos that are borderline abuse, videos that actually are abuse, and sometimes adorable animals being adorable with no problems. lots of people are unable to pick the bad videos out from the good, which means they may be consuming content they don’t realize is actually harmful to animals.
now, it’s the internet, we all make mistakes and sometimes post something we didn’t realize was harmful. however, when harmful posts are pointed out, the person running the blog becomes defensive and doubles down. they do not take responsibility for the content they promote.
i genuinely believe it’s possible to run an ethical blog for posting cute animal content. it just takes effort. you have to credit your sources, use some critical skills when selecting videos/pictures, and be able to accept corrections. everythingfox’s creator does not seem at all interested in trying to abide by these tenets.
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isthisanimalmediacute · 3 years
More boops!
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isthisanimalmediacute · 3 years
hey all! i started this blog when informative blogs regarding animal media were far and few between and when i was a man with much more free time. nowadays there are plenty of lovely people with years of hands on knowledge and degrees to inform their ratings (i have special interests in husbandry and behaviour, but i dont study either!). forward requests to applicable blogs instead of me, ill probably ignore it!!
EDIT: Most of these blogs are still ok but do not trust the pigeon one who posted this. it is run by dani the-ramsey-loft who is being called out for neglectful and abusive practices with her birds. i will make my own pinned post at some point but i am so so busy also you can easily find a source for this claim on owlvids blog
God bless @is-the-bug-video-cute for the compilation of similar animal media assessment blogs (I switched their blog with mine, because y'all are already here):
More blogs like this:
@isthisanimalmediacute || @is-the-cat-video-cute
@is-the-cow-video-bad || @is-the-fox-video-cute
@is-the-owl-vid-cute || @is-the-lizard-video-cute
@is-the-parrot-video-cute || @is-the-bug-video-cute
@is-the-primate-vid-cute || @is-the-rabbit-playing
@is-the-wolf-video-cute || @isthedogawolfdog
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isthisanimalmediacute · 3 years
Really weird to see people claiming that the is-the-x-video-cute blogs are run by complete randos LARPing as experts on the internet, as if you need a degree to inform people that the viral video of the German Shepherd picking up a small kitten by its head is, in fact, dangerous.
Not all of these blogs are good, I do understand- that's ultimately going to come along with the trend-ification of these types of blogs. But a lot of the big ones are run by people who are absolutely experienced or qualified enough to be running a simple "is this cute?" blog. It's not like they're out here giving medical advice.
Some of you guys are really hostile to the idea of being critical about animal content you consume on the internet huh.
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isthisanimalmediacute · 3 years
"Floppa" makes me so uncomfortable and the fact there's gonna be an offical plush of him? :/
im writing an essay rn i've been so busy with like art and commissions but i saw this in my askbox and yelled. I wish the owners a very GO TO JAIL
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isthisanimalmediacute · 3 years
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isthisanimalmediacute · 3 years
this cats actually just tracking a toy off screen with audio on top, but its still a really cute video! :)
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isthisanimalmediacute · 3 years
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isthisanimalmediacute · 3 years
“Bees in the washing machine” sounds like a horror scene waiting to happen.
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isthisanimalmediacute · 3 years
“My sister just got a new horse and I think he likes me”
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isthisanimalmediacute · 3 years
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isthisanimalmediacute · 3 years
so sorry to all the new media blogs popping up and putting me in their posts about similar blogs as if i didnt make this blog, make one banger post about floppa, and then fall into the abyss
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isthisanimalmediacute · 3 years
although this is a comfortable horse (except jumping a little when its touched when it couldnt see the persons hand), im seeing conflicting information about the rubbing itself being either 1. affectionate nuzzling 2. dominance behaviour. if it was a way of asserting dominance then this video isnt terrible, but its not something to be encouraged, even with a smaller horf like this one. sharing in the hopes more horse savvy folk could weigh in :)
“My sister just got a new horse and I think he likes me”
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isthisanimalmediacute · 3 years
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isthisanimalmediacute · 3 years
overweight raccoon potentially being kept as a pet playing(?) roughly with an annoyed cat.... nope, nope, nope, nope
Trash panda loves cat
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