iteachproject-blog 7 years
I Don't Teach a Subject....
Many teachers are able to respond to the question, "What do you teach?" easily. I've heard that a person teaches kindergarten, algebra, fifth grade, or PE. I don't do any of that. I don't teach a specific subject area. In fact, I teach all science, math, social studies, and English classes.
But really, I teach friendship.
I teach respect.
I teach emotion management.
I teach trustworthiness.
I teach coping skills.
I teach communication.
I teach collaboration.
I teach compassion and love.
I teach my students to grow up with a want and knowledge that they can achieve, even though they are often told they can't.
On paper, my job description looks like the following:
Nicole McAuliff, Autism Teacher
Brinley Middle School
Las Vegas, Nevada
I teach the "leftovers." The students nobody knows how to deal with. The difficult cases. The non-verbal kids. The ones that tantrum and yell and scream and hit. I teach the kids that are academically between 12 months old and 12th grade. And I teach kids who are brave. The courageous. The ones who are told they can't, and yet they do. I teach kids who are honest and straight-forward. I teach kids with soul and humor way beyond their years.
This is one of the toughest jobs I can imagine. It has some of the widest variety of challenges and every day is exceedingly different from the one previous. I've come home crying. I have come home with a bruised body and pride. But I will never quit. Because as much as I teach these kids, they teach me even more.
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iteachproject-blog 7 years
I Teach...
I teach to make a difference in future generations! School was hard for me. I want to help kids through their struggles. I want to show them how to overcome their frustrations and never give up. Most importantly, I want them to know someone cares about them!聽
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iteachproject-blog 8 years
I teach
I teach because I love to see students understand new things.
I teach because students teach me so we are all learning together.
I teach because I want to push students to work hard and learn.
I teach for the A-Ha moment.
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iteachproject-blog 8 years
I Teach to Lead...
I teach because it is an opportunity to share all that has been taught to me throughout life. It allows me a chance to make a positive impact on the lives of so many students and people that I work with on a daily basis (i.e., families, other teachers, staff at the school, etc.). I teach because today's students are tomorrow's leaders and every leader needs a teacher. I lead each student into tomorrow equipped to make the world a better place by sharing their unique gifts and talents to create a world聽which is聽diverse and uplifting. I teach 4th grade at, McDavid Jones Elementary School, in Citronelle, AL. I teach to lead....
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iteachproject-blog 8 years
I teach because I want to make a difference in the lives of others
I teach because it's a magical adventure in which I am not always the teacher. My students have the unique ability to teach me something new each day! They teach me to be humble to be kind to be open and honest. I love the "Aha moment" a child has when they finally grasp a concept they have struggled with for years. I'm a fourth grade reading teacher in a rural town in Louisiana, however reading takes us on new adventures each day. Through the power of imagination we have traveled to many countries, environments, and magical adventures. I teach because Our children are our greatest investment.
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iteachproject-blog 8 years
I teach...
I teach with the mindset of the future. 聽I ensure that I teach in such a way that I will be the answer to a former student's security question. 聽During my time with them, I want my students to reach out of the box, open their creative minds, and explore and answer the question, "Why?" 聽I want them to become lifelong learners and do this by ensuring I have provided every educational opportunity available to them in order to foster their love of education. 聽So, I teach hoping when my former students have to fill out a form and it asks, "Who was your favorite teacher?", they will look back on their time with me and remember their year as a year of exploration and fun, as well as, educational, so much so, that they put my name as the answer to that question.
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iteachproject-blog 8 years
Love your life!
Teaching is the most rewarding job ever. It is hard and days are long, but the reward of changing聽 the life of a child is immeasurable.
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iteachproject-blog 8 years
I teach because.....
I teach 1st Grade in Dallas ISD, as I think about the reason why I teach the following 5 words come to mind.
I teach because I want to:
positively influence
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iteachproject-blog 8 years
High School Science Teacher
I teach Biology at Dutch Fork High School in Irmo, South Carolina. 聽I teach because it is a passion of mine. 聽I love finding different ways to introduce my kids and give them access to the complex world of Biology. 聽I teach because I think it is critical that our students today learn how to solve complex problems, think critically, and how to express their ideas in scientific writing. 聽I teach because nothing beats the joy of a child learning a new concept and figuring out that they can do things they never imagined themselves doing. 聽I teach because my students are truly amazing.
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iteachproject-blog 8 years
1st grade teacher
I teach, because it's my passion and love. Ever since I can remember all I have ever wanted to be was a teacher. I remember playing school growing up and making my younger sister be my student. I continued to grow my passion as I chose a well known teacher college. In college, I loved my education classes and continued to get excited to teach through subbing and learning how to be the best teacher I can be. After college, my first job was in a high poverty area. It was difficult at first and I wasn't sure if I was really meant to be a teacher. But I stuck it out and began to find my groove and love my job. I now teach first grade at Grace Abbott Elementary in Millard Public Schools. It's very different from where I started, but I love going to work every day. Every day is different and I love instilling my passion for learning in my students. I try to make sure our learning is fun and engaging. I love fun projects and using technology every day. I hope someday when my students are older, they remember to continue their passion for learning and remember how much fun you can have while learning.
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iteachproject-blog 8 years
Why I teach!!!
My name is Nichelle Neal, I teach in Tampa at Simmons Exceptional Center. I teach EBD elementary. This is my second year doing ESE. Before that I did general education kindergarten and first grade. Moving to ESE was the best decision I have made in my education career. This year I made the decision to take it a step farther and be an EBD teacher. The school year just started and I already feel like this was a decision that will forever change how I view education. I am not only here to make sure the students are learning the curriculum but I am also here to help them as a whole person. My babies have challenges that a lot of people tend to write them off or aren鈥檛 sure how to handle them. I want to make to be able to education the whole child and not give up on them and do what I can to let them know I鈥檓 not going to give up and hopefully help them work on some of their challenges.
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iteachproject-blog 9 years
Denise Cross, Dallas 2016
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iteachproject-blog 9 years
Destiny Corley, Dallas 2016
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iteachproject-blog 9 years
Betty Blake, Dallas 2016
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iteachproject-blog 9 years
Erica Jordan, Dallas 2016
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iteachproject-blog 9 years
Diane Porter, Dallas 2016
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iteachproject-blog 9 years
Jack Nelson, Dallas 2016
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