iterhare-blog · 9 years
Knee pain slowly subsiding, Reim’s eyes gaze up from his crouching position to lay on a bottle.
          “ For me? ”
He accepts it varily, but returns the other’s smile and slowly, slowly removes the lid... only to pour the contents out on the ground. As excepted, out comes a thick substance of unidentifiable yellow-ish liquid. He knews a fake smile when he sees one.
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          “ Don’t take me for a fool. When you’ve spent years in the company of Xerxes Break you know not to trust anything you’re handed... ”
Oh yes, the hardships he has been through. Were friends really supposed to b the main cause of stress for you? In fact, he rubs his temples in annoyance from merely thinking about the man.
“Aah—!!!” Link gasps when the man grabs the sign from his hands and breaks it across his knee. He bends down to pick up the pieces that fell to the ground, feeling a sort of relief that the goddesses decided to curse the rude man with some well-deserved karma.
He considers grabbing one of his other items for some revenge—nothing serious, probably just the slingshot—but he decides the knee pain was probably revenge enough.
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He reaches into his bag and produces a small bottle, inside of which is the soup made by the man in the Faron Woods, Coro. Link hands the Nasty Soup to the other, smiling a fake smile to show that it’s safe. It’s not.
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iterhare-blog · 9 years
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A challenge? Is this a challenge?
All he ever wanted was to protect innocent children from losing their Christmas spirit, but if this elf-wannabe insisted on getting in his way, so be it.
Reim was a surprisingly stubborn man when it really counted.
This time he grabs the entire sign. He then proceeds to break it by slamming it into his own knee.
... and then he clutches his knee because that hurt more than he had expected it to.
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Did that really just happen? Did that really just happen? Link looks down at his now defaced sign in disbelief.
He takes the sharpie back and writes the word once again above the crossed out one. What did he do to deserve this? All he wanted to do was correct people!
「 I am not not an elf 」
The audacity!!
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iterhare-blog · 9 years
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Oh. Maybe he had taken this joke a tad too far. His own family situation wasn’t far from the typical one, but he knew only far too many people who had lost precious ones. For one this young to be in such a situation?
          “ I apoligise. I must have brought up some bad memories. ”
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▲ He shrugged off the strange man’s awkward silence. “My parents are long gone anyways. It’s just me and my sister.”
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iterhare-blog · 9 years
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Childhood memories of his older brother spoiling the news -- Santa is not real -- when he was but a child, perk their way into Reim’s mind.
Will he stand by and let this elf-impersonator ruin Christmas for the young’uns?
Nay. He will not.
He grabs the sharpie from the other’s hand and entirely crosses out the word ‘not’.
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Link grabs a red sharpie from his inventory, adding a thick line onto the sign.
                「 I am not an elf 」
Hopefully that gets through to him. The red and green probably isn’t helping, though.
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iterhare-blog · 9 years
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          “ If you don’t go back to Santa’s workshop right this instance there will be no Christmas this year. Do you really want to disappoint the children? Do you really? ”
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Here, have Link holding up a sign that reads:
                 「 I am not an elf 」
Seriously, he doesn’t even know anyone named Santa. How could he be a helper of someone he doesn’t know?
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iterhare-blog · 9 years
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          “ ... ”
Nope. One grown child sounds like enough hardship to deal with, he’s not having another one as well. Are there really two kids running around out there who looks like him?
Reim.exe has stopped working.
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▲ “You’re telling me this. And besides if I was really your son, you’d have a daughter too.”
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iterhare-blog · 9 years
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iterhare-blog · 9 years
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          “ ... I cannot even begin to describe how incredibly weird and awkward this encounter is. ”
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▲ “I’ve never heard of that name in my life until now, sir. My family name is Kimizuki.”
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iterhare-blog · 9 years
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i just realized how similar they are
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iterhare-blog · 9 years
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          “ No... surely it must have been my eyes playing tricks on me.You wouldn’t happen to be a Lunettes, would you? ”
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▲ “Who the hell are you?”
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iterhare-blog · 9 years
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Too strange. This was way too strange for words. Reim was a worldly man with great knowledge, but even he had no inkling of the city he found himself in. Its futuristic scape only served to confuse the poor servant as he would make his way through streets broad and narrow, feeling the confusion make his head faint. What exactly had happened to the world while he had been unconscious?
Rubbing his temples in incomprehension, the man forgot to keep an eye out for where he walked until a loud honking announced the coming of a metal contraption with a speed far greater than any carriage could muster -- and it was coming straight towards him.
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iterhare-blog · 9 years
moonsdirection started following you
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          “ Son...? ”
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iterhare-blog · 9 years
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Alright so, now that I finally appear in tags, let’s go ahead and say like this post for a starter!
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iterhare-blog · 9 years
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Tfw you’re stuck waiting to RP because your blog isn’t a day old and you won’t appear in people’s activity feed...
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iterhare-blog · 9 years
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Never underestimate the March Hare…
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iterhare-blog · 9 years
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レイム ルネット
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iterhare-blog · 9 years
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what exactly are you trying to do?
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