itootakeupspace · 2 years
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itootakeupspace · 2 years
What do you say to a friend that discloses that they’re an alcoholic to you?
1. Maybe don’t say anything
2. Say thank you for sharing
3. Certainly don’t act like you already knew this
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itootakeupspace · 2 years
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itootakeupspace · 2 years
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itootakeupspace · 2 years
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itootakeupspace · 3 years
Photo entry thirty five ~a word~
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itootakeupspace · 3 years
Entry Thirty Four
A message from a dearest friend:
Yes!!!! You will have an internship at the psychiatric hospital! 🙌🏽 You got this babe. You’re a star Asia, 💫✨ you will shine way too bright for this opportunity to pass you by. You will definitely get the internship you want and deserve!
It’s so interesting when you say, I inspire you because you inspired me from the beginning. I would have never thought I’d get this far in my career. I couldn’t have done this without you. You’re always the only person cheering me on. And that’s all I need. And you can always count on me to go hard for you boo. It’s a blessing to have you as my friend.
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itootakeupspace · 3 years
Entry Thirty-Three
New journey. What kind of thoughts are taking up space in my brain? What kind of emotions? Are they mine? Are they others?
Taking responsibility for myself and not everyone else
Not working harder to help anyone than they’re willing to help themselves
Positive mindset
Not letting things consume me
Focusing on my health and well being—mentally and physically —keeping the spaces around me clean
Safe people to talk to
Succeeding in school
Succeeding in life
Looking at myself as my own person
Getting back into healthier habits
No space for toxicity
Honest conversations with everyone
Making the right decisions
Holding people accountable for their words and actions
Better time management
Making more time for the people I love through texts, phone calls, quick conversations
Therapy therapy therapy ~~
Being happy—but really happy
Mutual respect
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itootakeupspace · 3 years
Entry- Thirty Two
A love letter to my hair & a f you to society
This will be the last time that I have heat on my hair for six months. I’m thankful for the protective style I’ve embraced and I’m looking forward to embracing more of them. My hair journey has been one for the books. There’s nothing more freeing than saying fuck you to yt people & this made up “professional code” by letting my hair do its thing and protecting it. Black hair is professional and y’all could never
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itootakeupspace · 3 years
Entry- Thirty one
My brain keeps telling me to be scared of the new journey and to revert back to what I know but my mind and ability keeps proving to me that I was made for this shit and that I will learn so much and grow in my career
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itootakeupspace · 3 years
Wishlist cont’d
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itootakeupspace · 3 years
Entry- thirty
For two years i blamed my body
I wish the doctors wouldn’t have blamed my chronic yeast infections on me
I wish the doctors would’ve let me know that you can easily get them from your sex partner if they are having sex with other women mixing phs
It wasn’t me that was causing the chronic yeast infections and BV
It was you
But you blamed me
You gaslit me and for the life of me I couldn’t figure out what was wrong with my body or what was wrong with me
I thought I was broken
And then that pattern stoped and I no longer wonder why
It all makes sense now
It was you. Not me.
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itootakeupspace · 3 years
Why is not leaving the house such a bad thing?
It’s not.
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itootakeupspace · 3 years
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itootakeupspace · 3 years
It’s going good so far! Traveling and living in a hotel takes a lot of planning/prep/ and rest on my end
I work best alone or with one other person so it has been a huge challenge for me to be in a large classroom setting where we have to collaborate
I’m learning soooo much more about myself which I knew I would because that’s a lifelong journey but
I have a hard time not being able to cook and do my workout routine but I’m doing what I can with a microwave and yoga mat
People want to be heard/seen/ and they want you to hear their stories even when it’s not the right time
Everyone has a story that they’re just waiting to tell
We all want to share our knowledge with everyone even when it’s not the right time
I am kind but I am not friendly. It is very unluckily that I will invite you to have lunch with me. All I’m interested in is one good lunch buddy and that’s it
Humans are vile and there are more people that get off on raping one year olds/children than your brain could ever comprehend
I don’t like talking while I’m eating
Boomers have zero patience and are terrified of technology
Arizona laws protects parents more than children yet we are the government and our sole job is to protect children in the state of Arizona
I’m going to make more money than I ever have in my life
Trauma is forever
My common sense and lived experience outweighs people’s masters/phds every single time
I joined the water club because I’m a water snob and I refuse to drink gross water yet I can’t function without a water bottle on hand/ the water club is $3/month and the water is filtered/reverse osmosis. It exceeds my expectations and I’m happy to be apart of the club
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itootakeupspace · 3 years
Cara Hoffman
When he was her, she said she wanted to turn me inside out.
In the apartment above the bar. In the closet at work.
In the basement when she first lost her job.
Her whole hand inside. And she sucked me until I was bruised.
I took it on my back, in the dressing room, on my knees, on the street. She said it was like biting into a plum. It was like running fast down a hill so light you might become airborne. "That's what it's like to fuck you," She said.
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itootakeupspace · 3 years
Carmen Maria Machado
The Temple of Horror
“She bent my torso backward over it and wrapped her hand lazily around my throat, like a sleepy man clutching his member to kiss. Behind me, the black river was a starless sky, and the sky a star-filled river, and she pulled up my skirt and stroked my sex with her fingers. I hung there like a string-up game bird, blood vacillating between my legs and my head, until I felt a swell like the air before a storm.”
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