its-little-ohme · 28 days
Oooh can’t wait for more chapters!
The Ginger Cullen Chapter 1
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This was an idea I kept having and is basically a self insert of myself to Twilight. I have never read the books and it’s been a while since i’ve seen the movies. Also The changes in the timeline are because I think they are needed to allow for myself to better interact. Also please feel free to correct my mistakes and suggest ideas for the story. Happy reading!!
Jacob Black looked down at a pale skinned, ginger, freckled seventeen year old boy. The boy had cuts and marks all over his body. And, not all of them were from the vampire attack he’d just been through. The boy was Justin Bush. And Justin had a past filled with pain, both physical and mental. Justin was also Jacob’s imprint. As Jacob stared at his true love, his life, as he lay bleeding, barely holding on to life he was vaguely aware of Edward returning from searching who attacked Justin.
“VIctoria is long gone. How is Justin and the mutt?” Edward asked softly. He didn’t even say ‘mutt’ with as much venom as usual. Carlisle filled the copper haired male in on Justin’s condition. All of the Pack and Cullens stood watching with sad eyes. Despite the situation Justin had a smile on his face.
“J-jacob, Promise me that you’ll love again. That you’ll mourn me and then you’ll live your life.” Justin said as he put his hand on Jacob’s cheek. “Justin-” Jacob tried to respond. But, Justin wasn’t having it. “Promise me!” Justin was nearly shouting at this point. While this scene was going on Paul, Jacob’s beata, and Carlisle traded looks. Edward heard the silent conversation and knew that there was no other way. They could save Justin but Jacob had to go with it. Otherwise, If they tried to enact their plan Jacob, as alpha could hold them in violation of the treaty. Carlisle stepped towards Jacob and was able to contain his flinch from The growl from the alpha wolf.
“Jacob, There’s a way to save Justin.” Carlisle said softly. It Took two seconds for Jacob to figure out what Carlisle was suggesting. Jacob wanted to scream, to yell, to howl, To go back in time to stop this from happening. He was shaken from his thoughts at the sight of Justin’s eyes fluttering as his grip on Jacob’s cheek lossen. Jacob couldn’t let it end like this. With Tears in his eyes Jacob looked up to the sire of the Cullen clan.
“Save him. Whatever the price, save him. Please.” By the end Jacob is nearly sobbing into Justin’s ginger locks. Carlisle wasted no time as the Cullens moved to keep the pack from interfering. While their alpha had given the all clear, Justin was their alpha’s mate and his cries of pain would compel the wolves inside of them to act. While the Cullens restrained the pack Edward moved to Jacob. While he’d be allowed closer than the rest of the pack due to being Justin’s mate. He couldn’t be allowed to interfere either. As the copper haired boy Could hear his thoughts and made his long since dead heart break. ‘Mate hurt. My fault mate hurt. Don’t care if he's a leech, just want mate to live’. Were JUST some of the thoughts going through the alpha wolf’s head. Edward felt bad. Just three weeks ago he was smug about Bella choosing him. Just three weeks ago he would have taken glee in the fact the mutt was about to lose his mate. But, that was three weeks ago. Before he’d met Justin. Before he began to see Jacob as his little brother. Before Bella exposed Justin’s secrets. Before it all went to fuck.
As soon Edward was close enough he wrapped Jacob in a tight hug. He managed to move Jacob a few inches back to give Carlisle the needed space to turn Justin. Jacob stared with morbid fascination as the blonde vampire bent down towards His imprint’s neck. Edward gently placed his cold hands on Jacobs cheek turning his head away from Justin. “Jacob, believe me you don’t want to see it. It’ll scar you. Just look at me, everything will be fine.” Edward had been there when Emmet was turned and he had a hundred and five years of experience and the turning of a vampire was NOT something to look at too closely. Jacob broke down into sobs and launched himself into Edwards embrace. Jacob had grown to see Edward as his big brother. Edward ran his hands through Jacob’s spiky hair softly as Carlisle bit into Justin’s neck.
“Everything will be fine.” Edward kept repeating at Justin’s scream before the ginger slipped into unconsciousness.
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its-little-ohme · 2 months
Chapter 1: Pilot
Noah Puckerman x male oc
18+ fic minors dni
“P-please, faster!” The one room apartment echoed with sounds of a squeaky bed and hard grunts. Sweat and cologne mixed in the room, I grasped the sheets harder in front of me, till my knuckles were stark white. I was so close, so very close, then I felt Noah shift a bit and enter me again, and I felt that spark of white pleasure as he hit my prostate, and the room became dizzy, and I could no longer will my hands to grip the sheets. Noah came right after, but was immediately off of me and disposing of the condom in the bathroom trash. He didn’t join me, deciding to get dressed instead.
“The day you fuck me is the one day you decide you want to be in time for school?” I chuckled a bit, as he looked back at me after tugging on his black ripped jeans.
“If I miss class again the schools going to report it to my probation officer and I’ll go back to juvie. Then I’ll never fuck you, is that what you want?” He grunted and pulled on the shirt he had discarded on the floor just moments before.
I stood from the bed and walked over to him, pulling him close with the shirt he just put on. “Of course not.” I cup him with my hand, firmly grasping his manhood, “I would miss you too much.” He hissed a bit, pulling me in for a scorching kiss, but my alarmed reminded the both of us that school started in the next hour. What a cockblock. I sighed.
“Ugh fine, let me get dressed and we’ll go, no point in sleeping in if I’m already awake.” I went to my dressers and pulled on a pair of underwear before putting on a baggy black shirt with white skulls and mushrooms on the front, and grabbing a pair of black cargo jeans with embedded chains. I felt arms wrap around me, teeth scraping against my left ear till they got to my piercing, then I felt Noah use his tongue to suck the earlobe into his hot mouth. A familiar shiver went down my spine.
“Noah, we want to be on time today.” I hit his arms till he let me go, and I rushed to the adjoined bathroom.
“Right, but you forget how much I love your ass in those pants,” he followed me into the bathroom, and while I tried to tame my unruly, brown curls, he simply groped my ass.
“That’s the only thing you love about me! Now are you going to do something about your appearience, or are you going to just let everyone know you’ve had sex today? I’m sure the cheerleaders will appreciate it.” I glared at him through the mirror as I struggled to pull the wide tooth comb through my locks. He didn’t say anything but simply ran his hand through the tuff of hair in the form of a Mohawk, and shrugged.
“What? I look badass.” He started tilting his head in the mirror, rubbing his hand on his chin. And it was then that I discovered the two small gifts I left him, in the crook of his neck. They were very noticable, as they were dark purple and any teenager would be able to tell they were hickeys.
“Shit man! Those look like they hurt.” He must have also discovered them as he lightly grazed them with his fingers, and simply shrugged again, but looked at me with his eyebrows raised. “Yours are worse, and hurry up, we’re going to be late. The football guys are going to be waiting.” I examined my own neck to find the said hickeys, and there were two small ones like I left on Noah, no, instead hickeys lined my entire neck and collar bone. “It looks like I’ve been eaten alive!” I sighed, and Noah chuckled deeply before pulling me into and rubbing his knuckles against the top of my head, running all the effort I had put into my hair. Grunting, I elbowed him in the ribs and changed to a sleeveless turtleneck to cover the massacre on my neck.
Then we were off and we were speeding down the street to William McKinley High. The dreaded day was about to begin and I wouldn’t even be able to hang with Noah during or afterwards due the muscle headed jocks that were his pose. People knew Noah and I were neighbors so It’s not a surprise to see us ride to school together, even if I am a theater nerd and he’s an athlete. I’m separate from him enough that his lackies aren’t in my case and half of them have slept with me and my payment was their word they nor any other pea sized brain jock would ever lay a hand on me ever again.
Parking I took off the spare helmet and placed it in its assigned bag, and taking my stuff, I waved bye to Noah, blowing him a kiss before running off to the first class of the day, Chem, which was on the other side of the school. But not before looking back just in time to see the posé jockeys we’re surrounding Kurt, lifting him up, but before dumping him, allowing him to take off his scarf. Then he was swung into the dumpster. Yikes he was probably going to smell for the rest of the day. That stinked.
And so the day progressed, first Chem, then Math, PE, and I was given a break from the torture for lunch, where after eating, I was dragged into the nearest janitors closet by familiar hands. Pulling on the lights, I crossed my arms and looked up at the owner of said hands. “Noah! I’m not in the mood. You know I consider Kurt a friend, but you and your lackeys treat him like dirt!” What do you feel so insecure in your own lives you have to take apart someone else’s! Make them feel like shit, so you can feel better about yourselves! Tell me how does that work when you also like a man's ass instead of a female's genitals!” I was shaking, close to tears, my breathing was heavy and I somehow was clenching Noah’s shirt with my hands. Similar to this morning, however, the intentions were very different. This time I wanted to smack him with my hands and not my lips. Kurt may not have been out, but he was flamboyant enough to where people just naturally assumed.
“Thomas, I have to bully him! It’s the only way I’m safe from worrying about watching my back whenever I go down the halls! You know this! We discussed this! You're the one who decided we needed a plan to keep this,” he gestured between himself and I, “A secret. We can’t take it back now. And you know what! I don’t need this! I wanted a quickie, but if you're ‘not in the mood’ then fine. I’m outta here!” He stormed out of the janitor's closet. I was behind him moments later, just in time to witness a red slushie dumped on Rachel’s face. Oh how the universe wills me to witness not one but two awful deeds today.
Well Rachel may have deserved it. She did out Sandy Ryerson to the principal for not giving her the role she wanted. But I forgave her easily for that one because her dads are nice to me and invite me to dinner all the time, which I will have to again, because they make an amazing key lime pie.
Weather she deserved it or not I wasn’t going to have the poor girl suffer with red dye number 6 in her eyes all by herself, so I grabbed ahold of her shouldered and dragged her to the girls bathroom, I followed in and after making sure the stalls were empty, I locked the bathroom door, so we could have some privacy. Yes, I’ve been in the girls bathrooms before, many need help and I am not waiting by the door just because I have a penis. Gender neutral bathrooms should honestly just be installed already, but till then, I’ll risk the detention.
“Thomas! Where have you been this morning?” I grabbed some cheap paper towels from the automatic machine, “In class Rachel. I don’t skip every day.” I took the napkins and held them to her eyes and let her rub her eyes herself. If done wrong, that ice could scratch and I was not going to be the one to ruin Rachel Berry’s future career because she had to get a glass eye.
“Right, I guess that makes sense, you do have to pass your classes to be in musicals. Don’t want to risk losing your spot. Speaking of spot, there’s a new club called ‘Glee’ and they are having auditions for students to join. They are a music performing group who in the past have won an award. It would be great for your career. You want to get ahead while you can. I know I am, I’m getting out of this city…..”
“And moving to New York” we said in sync. And giggled.
“Rach babe, look at me! The drama club barely lets me perform because they need people and I’m all they got, my talent comes second. They see me with all my piercings and dark clothes and shutter at the idea of seeing me on stage! I doubt the ‘Glee club’ will want me anymore then the drama club does.” I cast my eyes down to the broken porcelain sink which most likely had gum stuck to the bottom of it. My right hand subconsciously goes to my right ear which unlike my left ear is covered in piercings, lining the entire ear.
“I guess it might be best then. Oh well I’ll be the star pupil then. Don’t you have class to get to?” She threw away all the paper towels, now dyed with red dye number 6 in the trash, and unlocked the door, urging me from the female bathrooms.
“Right, well ‘adios chica!’ And I ran into class, interrupting the one and only Will Schuester in the middle of his oh so exciting, yet incredibly boring lesson about Spanish verbs.
“y que tienes que decir por ti mismo?” Will glared at me with that squint in his eye he gets whenever he’s scrutinizing someone.
“Echándole una mano a mi amigo, si sabes a qué me refiero” I smirked and his eye roll and sat down, sadly next to the boy who wants to bang me but not love me, Noah Puckerman, who was my Spanish seating partner. It was in this very class he was forced to do a group project with moi, in which instead of studying the pretenses used in Spanish were studying the human anatomy and how it feels pleasure.
“Thank you Thomas for joining us, now repeat after me….”
It was finally time for clubs, really the only reason I attended school was to perform on stage after school hours. Standing on the stage, sweating my balls off is the most euphoric experience of my life. It’s like a high I can keep chasing and I’ll still look good after 20 years of doing it. Noah doesn’t approve because the football meatheads have it out for the art kids, but they won’t touch me, though Noah doesn’t need to know why I’m not afraid. He has, though, questioned my record of not being slushied in the face. I’ve got those blubbering idiots under my thumb, I was untouchable.
That was until I walked to the classroom where the drama club was usually held, and there was a paper in the door that read, “fundings cut, to better help the sports in school.” I ran to Mr. Ryerson who I found in the parking lot about to go home for the day.
“Mr. Ryerson! What happened to the drama club! We bring in funds to the school, so why are they cutting us off!” I was panting, gripping my jeans as I leaned over trying to catch my breath. Noah was the athlete in our relationship, and I only pant and sweat in bed. Sandy put his hand on my shoulder. “Look kid, the drama club didn’t have that many students to begin with. And whatever we had brought in in terms of funds, the sports teams have always overshadowed that amount! It’s time we move forward, try different interests. Maybe you just haven’t found a sport you're into yet, but you will,” he fumbled with the keys in his hands, “now if you excuse me I got places to be.” And off he was, leaving me stranded in the middle of the parking lot, my soul crushed into what felt like tiny pieces.
What snapped me out of my trance was Noah’s motorcycles revving next to me. I looked up to see him staring at me questioningly. “You coming?”
I chuckled, getting on the back, wrapping my arms around his strong waist. “Not yet but I’ll have you fix that.” The ride felt faster today than usual.
When Noah spends the night, I get the best sleep. And not because I’m burnt out from having sex. Well a little bit because of that, but the main reason is muscle surprisingly makes a great pillow, and if I lay my head of Noah’s pec, and hoist my leg in between his, and just hold him as if he’s a giant teddy bear, it’s the most comfortable position for sleep, that just can’t be replicated.
“So Drama club has been canceled forever, you won’t have to worry about me being slushied anymore.”
He shifted a bit, “I told you that shit wasn’t going to last. Hell, no artsy fucking fartsy shit last in that school. Might as well try to fit in while you can now.” Now honestly this is the response I would expect of Noah. However I was done feeling belittled for my interest in the arts for the day.
“Noah, you can’t be serious! You know how much I looked forward to Drama club! And now it’s all gone, just to fund some twig bitches and over self-esteemed hunks of meat! First Kurt and now this, it’s like you want to trash everything that I care about. Are you trying to secretly imply you don’t like me anymore?” I was standing now, pacing back and forth across my room, while I ranted. Noah simply sat up on the edge of my bed, holding his hands, resting on his knees.
“First of all Iit was the team’s decision to do that to Kurt, not mine! And I have no control over where the school funding goes. I’m not responsible for your shit.
“No you're not. But that didn’t stop you from wanting me to quit Drama in the first place. Nor does it stop you from bullying Kurt because he’s the only one brave enough to be himself in a school full of bullies!” Noah was standing, putting on his clothes. “You know what, fuck this, I’m going to Quinn’s.” I scoffed. “Ya that’s right, go suck up to your whore.” And he left. Slamming the door on the way out.
Spanish terms, in the order in which they appear:
*and what do you have to say for yourself
* had to give my buddy a hand, if you know what I mean
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its-little-ohme · 2 months
Walter O’Brien x Male Oc- Sharpshooter pt.1
Word count: 1071
"You should know that taking 5ᵗʰ street decreases your eta by 2 minutes."
The car I've been watching for the last hour takes the next right onto the road that would take it to the 5th street route. "There we go, now I'll be able to see yalls happy faces all that sooner. See you at the garage." I climbed down the fire escape to slip through the window into the garage, otherwise known as the scorpion headquarters. I couldn't help the cheshire like grin I had plastered on my face, which was noticed by Sylvester who sat at his desk analysing the equipment the team and I had been testing.
"Judging by the expression on your face, I would say the comminicator worked."
"Not only did it work, it had a farther reach then I could have predicted. Who knew car radios could
be so susceptible to my scrap radio's frequency. It makes you think how possible it would be to
cast a higher frequency able to be picked up by
more cars giving way for stalkers to talk to their pray."The Scorpion team and I had been working on a one way radio to allow me to communicate with their transport of choice without the possibility of someone listening in, like the possibility is with cellular devices. "Do us a favor Thomas, and don't let your morbid sense of humor get us in trouble." Toby strolled in, with the rest of the gang behind him, back from their drive.
"I make no promises Dr.Curtis,"I reply, the corners of my mouth inching higher up on my face. "I'll make sure to give the Fbi a heads up for a potential future stalker." "Oh come on Cabe, don't down-play me like that, I'm already a stalker, keeping my eyes on both you and our wonderful band of misfits."
"You call us the misfits, but somehow you are the strangest of us all." Happy, uncharacteristly like her name sake had a smile of her own growing. "Happy, You flatter me. Now someone tell me, how clear was the signal? Did the connection get fuzzy around towers, hospitals? Did you try changing the station? If so-"
"Thomas I need you to scope for our next mission, I'll bring you the data on the radio as soon as it's typed." And there was Walter. The leader of Scorpion, with the fourth highest IQ in the world, and the reason any of us are here today. He brought in people that others cast aside, who excelled in certain things, and because of that, make them a vital part of the team.Their special qualities goes as followed. Walter O' Brian: The brain of all tricks. He could think himself out of a metal box, screwed shut, that is if he wasn’t afraid of tight spaces.
Dr. Tobias Curtis: The personality detector, a puppy of a man who has the most personality out of all of us. His blind spot? Happy Quinn of course the focus of most of his thoughts.
Happy Quinn: Our mechanical expert who is as tough as nails, with a personality of steel. Don’t let her do the emotional stuff a mission might require, you won’t get far.
Sylvester Dodd: Our Tech expert the man behind the chair, he may be physically weaker than the rest but his brain is no joke when it comes to cracking codes.
But of course we also have our supporters,
Cabe Gallo: The former Fbi agent who takes care of our back when were in potential physical harm. He's also the one who gives us government tasks which gives us a pay-check.
Paige Dineen:The literal mother of the group. and the emotional backbone to our otherwise logical group.
Ralph Dineen: Son of Paige and the youngest genius to grace the garage. Scorpion has taken him under our wing in order to give him the support none of us had when growing up.
And me, well I'm the sharpshooter, mastering in
long distance mathematical problems, and the lookout for the team whenever they go out on missions.
"Hmm? Another mission already huh? Well alright what do you need me to do? "Walter began towards the stairs," follow me, and Cabe come with, you'll give Thomas the play by play." Cabe grunted, and both of us followed Walter to the white board on the second level.
Nothing beats basking in the sun expecially on a day like this where there is a bit of wind cooling the sweat that starts to firm on my brow. The sky is a dazzling, radient beacon of energy and warmth, I have to close my eyes in order to take it all in. It's all interrupted when my radio starts up.
"Thomas we need an exit." Walter's voice comes
through, and I'm reluctant to focus on anything other than the rays of the sun, so I fumble for the radio with one arm, the other covering my face.
"Roger, looks like there's a window on each floor of this building your in, pick one and jump!"
"Thomas, Tobias is being questioned by security, they haven't spotted me yet, but it's a matter of time before they catch on that we're not supposed to be here, distract them."
With a sigh I roll on to my stomach and start fiddling with the scope of my rifle. Spotting Tobias in a window on the far right I also see that
three more security agents are making their way over. "Three more on your way Walter, I'm going to have to make a little noise." I find a fire alarm that doesn't have anybody near and set up my shot, but then I'm forceably rolled over and a rag is shoved into my face, while my arms are restrained by my side. I'm fighting to get out of this stranger's grasp, but my breath gets heavy which causes me to inhale what ever chemical they put on this damn rag. My vision starts to blur, but before I pass out I make out the static of the radio as one of the men apart of this attack picks it up appearing to speak to Walter on the other side. Walter, and Tobias are now by themselves about to be captured, and there is nothing I can do to help them or myself. That's my last thought as my world goes dark.
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