its-mikewazowski · 11 years
I'll see that it's done. And I'll add another new law that everyday is now called Sunday as a gift from yours truly. 
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There should be a law
that makes Sundays lazy days, every week.
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its-mikewazowski · 11 years
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its-mikewazowski · 11 years
I don't know. We put all this work into a piece of paper and then someone could just rip it. No one can rip our chants. But I guess it's your decision and not mine. I'm not all that into decision making. 
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Yes chanting will make this situation so much more serious. Oh! A petition would be super duper official and serious also. 
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its-mikewazowski · 11 years
Not really, I'm not exactly up to smelling like some wet dog. You can't be friends with demons? There's a name for that it's called discrimination. How unfair.
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No! Ugh, I totally could have figured that out, too. Demons are always sneaky, though. They’re tricksters. They like the mess with people. Would you like me to perform an exorcism? I can go find some Holy Water. 
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its-mikewazowski · 11 years
A demon. Guess it's not obvious since I fooled you this whole time.
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A girl, obviously. What are you?
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its-mikewazowski · 11 years
Why run around so much? It takes a lot out of ya. My best friend Sulley is on the football team he's always running around. You're both really weird.
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It’s actually a really nice day outside! I can finally run around without freezing half to death. Score!
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its-mikewazowski · 11 years
Yeah then what are you? 
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Oh, you’re so frustrating. I’m no demon. 
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its-mikewazowski · 11 years
Sweet, let's do it. We can chant some stuff too because chanting always makes the cause seem really important and serious. I have such little faith in us but maybe it'll make authorities start thinking about a change.
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Yeah, I agree one hundred present. Maybe we all should just sleep in and go to classes a like ten in the morning to show them.
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its-mikewazowski · 11 years
No way am I a demon. I don't scope out cute boys in showers. Since you're a demon and you're into that, I guess, all the more power to you.
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Of course they’re fake! Haven’t you ever seen the little disclaimers, though? “Based on a True Story.” So it’s not entirely fake. I believe there are ghosts and demons out there. Maybe not doing things as evil as in the movies, but definitely watching cute boys shower probably. 
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Stop it! Maybe you’re a demon. Twist people’s words around to make them confused so you can pounce and attack. 
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its-mikewazowski · 11 years
Okay. I'm putting all my trust in you that it won't taste like pee, though.
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One of my favourite colours is blue too. You can get green tea, it’s really nice, if you like I could make you a cup of green tea if you ever want to try it.
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its-mikewazowski · 11 years
But, you do know those movies are fake right? None of that stuff can actually happen, that's ancient history. We defeated demons a long time back that's why we make movies poking fun at them.
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I just hope you're not a demon that would mean your own dad is afraid of you. 
But the movies! They always show demons in the dark, so you can’t see that there’s no one there. Those movies are so scary. I used to watch them with my dad and we always got so scared. 
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You’re twisting my words! This isn’t fair. I’m not a demon! Throw some Holy Water on me. I won’t even flinch. Then you’ll see. 
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its-mikewazowski · 11 years
I'm Mike Wazowski. I'm a senior and I'm just messing around, my 'like really' fast and furious friend. I'm pretty sure I'm just kidding. I can tell you if I need a message sent at all, right?
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No, but you could run around all night which is basically the same thing. How do you know it would never happen? I bet we could make it happen if we tried hard enough. But eh, things probably wouldn’t be as exciting then anyway. Most things happen during the day so. No… what do I look like, some messenger? But, I do like running. I’m really fast. Like really. I could maybe hook you up with something. First, who are you? I do generally like knowing my business partner’s names and all.
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its-mikewazowski · 11 years
You can't run around all day if you become nocturnal. But then again, school at 2 will never happen. Have you ever thought about running around and doing errands for people? I don't run and it takes longer for me to do errands. You could people like me out.
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You say that like it’d be a problem. Cause I don’t know about you, but I’d be fine with being at school till nightish. At least, knowing that I don’t have to get up in the morning. Maybe then we could make the shift to being nocturnal! All the best things are nocturnal. Like bats. And owls. Owls are really cool. Online school is a thing? That seems boring. I’d rather run around a lot instead of sitting on my ass all day.
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its-mikewazowski · 11 years
I'm amazed that schools been a thing since the 1800's and people haven't revolutionized it yet to start later in the morning. I don't know who to blame, but we need to protest.
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Oh, I completely understand that problem. I absolutely hate waking up early. I wish we could just sleep in. 
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its-mikewazowski · 11 years
If we started at 2ish, we'd be at school until nightish. Online school is a thing but then I'd never leave the house, and I also couldn't be here.
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Waking up early is never fun. Never. Ever. At all. It’s really one of my biggest problems that I have with school on the whole. If it started at like 2ish, that’d be like ideal.
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its-mikewazowski · 11 years
I like Sprite mainly because the can is blue and green, my favorite colors. I'd try tea but I doubt it can be blue or green.
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Tea isn’t so bad, there’s a variety of flavours to try. I quite like sprite, although I’m not a big fizzy drink fan. 
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its-mikewazowski · 11 years
No way was it a demon. Demons are afraid of the dark so they're especially loud at night talking to people so they don't get too scared. I mean, they're probably like that.
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 Demons do hope people bleed though, so yeah, thanks so much. Why didn't you ever tell anyone you were part time demon?
Oh, are you a sleepwalker? That’s very cool, though I’m sure it may freak out your roommate. One of my younger brothers is a sleepwalker and it’s so freaky. Like, one night I got up to go to the bathroom and he was just standing in the hallway staring down the staircase. I thought for a good month that there was a severe possibility that a demon was in my home. No! I didn’t say I hoped you would bleed in your sleep! But if you’d still like to thank me, I wouldn’t turn down being appreciated. 
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