itsamysunshine-blog · 7 years
“I told them just to text me, they keep filling up the box anyway,” he said with a shrug. He glanced back at the box, eyes narrowed in on a colourful sheet of paper, “hold on,” he said, walking up to his box and carefully sliding it out, “nice, free pizza coupon…” he checked the expiry date, “well, I know what I’m having for dinner,” he said with a grin, folding it up and putting it in his back pocket. He made his way out of the office, “I don’t know if you’ll get a card to go back here, or even need to go back here,” he said as he walked towards the door where he entered from with his card key. “But this,” he tapped on the plain grey door, “is the way into where all the radio stuff happens.” 
Amane shook her head as she watched Archer take the pizza coupon. “Is it for a full pizza or a slice? If it’s the full pizza, where can I get one of those?” She flashed a cute grin, “Broke college student. I’m always looking for free food.”
Then he took her to the radio area. It was like she imagined it but less shiny. “Dude,” She fought the urge to touch buttons and turn knobs, “How do I get to need to go back here?”
Video Killed The Radio Star || Archer & Amane
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itsamysunshine-blog · 7 years
“I’ll have you know that Dagger is the meanest dog breed on Earth.”
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“I wouldn’t doubt that,” Amane flopped the dogs ear back and forth, “Dogs happen to like me, mean or not. Kindred spirits, I suppose.”
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itsamysunshine-blog · 7 years
“I’ll need them when I leave.”  He shrugged easily, then leaned forward, closer to Amane.  “Is this what bullying’s like? Are you picking on me because you like me?”
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“What?” Amane shook her head adamantly. “No, Diego, I don’t like you, platonically or romantically.”
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itsamysunshine-blog · 7 years
“We can start with the office?” he said, walking over and opening the door on the other side of the reception desk. The door was unlocked, conveniently enough, “you probably had your interview in here,” he said, “the station manager’s desk is in here, on the far wall are our mail box slots,” he gestured to the wooden installation, “as you can see I take pretty much nothing from my mail slot, if it’s important the receptionist or manager just texts me.” His mailbox was jam packed with notices and papers. 
Amane nodded as she examined the office she’d been in when she came for her five-minute interview. The job didn’t have many requirements and she was multilingual, which put her ahead of the other burnouts waiting for a chance at the job, too. “Yeah, I noticed the full mailbox when I came here the first time. You could, ya know, like dump it out every once in a while.” She shrugged, “or tell them to stop wasting the paper. Might save a tree or two.”
Video Killed The Radio Star || Archer & Amane
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itsamysunshine-blog · 7 years
Ira kept a strong hold of Dagger’s leash. “I’d say sorry, but I’m not.”
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“I wasn’t going to hold my breath for an apology,” She commented, “Although, I’m surprised you have a dog. You struck me more of a lion or large predator type person.”
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itsamysunshine-blog · 7 years
The Video Killed the Radio Star || Amane 
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itsamysunshine-blog · 7 years
He shrugged with a grin, “Archie’s fine,” he said, it was a shame he wasn’t a red head, it would have made the nickname better. He wasn’t picky about his nicknames, perhaps it stemmed from his opinion that it was too late for him to have any sort of good reputation, or t be taken seriously. 
He looked at the flashing lights, “yeah,” he said with a nod, “probably.” He tilted his head to the side and looked at the phone, he wondered what the calls were about but it wasn’t his job to deal with any of that, he wasn’t paid too, his job was in the booth. “I can’t honestly say I’ve met the lady any more than four or five times since I started here. I guess I can give you a tour or something while you wait?”
Amane put the list to the side and drummed her fingers against the desk. Should she stay and wait? Or go with Archie for a tour. It wasn’t like she wasn’t doing her job. The woman who was supposed to be there with her wasn’t doing her job. 
She pushed the chair back and popped up from it, “A tour would sound fantastic. I’ve never been to a radio station before. What do we get to see first?” 
Video Killed The Radio Star || Archer & Amane
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itsamysunshine-blog · 7 years
“Heh. I mean, I guess so. I wish I knew, really. It’s just a hassle.” Don knew that he needed to get his butt in gear when it came to this stuff, but, really, that just caused him more anxiety. “Yeah. I.. Didn’t think she was alive.” He shrugged his shoulders again. “Yeah, I’m sure. I’m sure back in ancient days when people were more in tune with gods, it was more common anyways.” Don chuckled awkwardly at the joke. He wasn’t going to share his opinion on Beyonce. She was fine, he just didn’t think she was perfect like people said. “Probably. Ryan Reynolds probably is..”
“You’ll figure it out eventually,” He couldn’t stay at CCC forever, right? Amane wouldn’t want to get stuck. She had goals. Staying there until the end of time was not a part of those goals.
“Ryan Reynolds is definitely a part god. His father is probably Loki or something. Or Hermes. Or any of the trickster gods, really.” If she had her creature pokedex Amane could find Ryan Reynolds and find out for sure. “Have you ever tried to see if you had any other demisibs?” 
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itsamysunshine-blog · 7 years
Amane was singing to the music playing on her large bulky headphones when a dog jumped on her. “Whoa!” Her hands quickly pulled her headphones off her head and she tried to step away from the furball. 
“Oh,” Amane saw who the owner of the dog was and stiffened up. Hopefully, the demon still wasn’t after her blood. Amane’s mind was made up. She wasn’t selling it.
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Ira decided that it was a good time to take Dagger for a walk. It had been a while since the dog had been outside, let alone for some exercise. It seemed so mundane for her to do it, but she also had some business to take care of, and she knew Dagger would appreciate the taste of human flesh, he always did. She was almost there when he tried to jump on someone walking past. She would normally let him, not caring about someone’s potential injuries, but she pulled him back. She wanted him to be hungry for the person they were teaching a lesson. “Dagger, down.”
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itsamysunshine-blog · 7 years
He chuckled, “Hey Amy,” he said, “I’m Archer, or just Arch if you’re just as lazy as I am.” He paused and looked at her paper, “weird question and I should probably know the answer but…do you work here?” It looked like she did but he hadn’t seen her. Was it a different shifts thing? Had she not been on long? What was it? 
“Arch?” Amane nodded, “Is Archie okay if I’m not lazy but don’t want to sound formal?” She nodded more enthusiastically waiting for him to say yes to her proposed nickname. 
“OH!” She looked down at the paper he was looking at, “Actually, as a matter of fact, I do. I just started today. I’m supposed to be meeting some lady here about training. They gave this sheet to memorize and I have a feeling she’s a bit flighty cause she hasn’t shown yet.” Amane looked at the large phone in front of her with the red blinking lights. “Hey if they’re important they’ll call later, right?”
Video Killed The Radio Star || Archer & Amane
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itsamysunshine-blog · 7 years
The vending machine was half empty. The station manager never seemed to have the time to make the call to the candy distribution company for someone to come and fill it. Maybe it was that the manager was too cheap to pay the company for more contents, maybe they just kept forgetting? Whatever it was, he didn’t mention it, he didn’t dare, he just came every day to work, hoping that the machine might be restocked because it just felt so impossible. If the impossible could happen and the machine could be filled on its own, maybe he could et out of this town alive one day. He doubted it would happen but the smallest part of him still believed, he didn’t want to betray that part of himself. He looked at the distorted reflection of himself in the glass and at the candy beyond, then back to himself, he stuck out his tongue  and walked down the short hall to the lobby. 
The radio station wasn’t a huge building, there was a control room sectioned off from the recording room by a glass wall, a hallway with a vending machine with doors to bathrooms and a door to the lobby at the end. To get into the lobby you needed a plastic key card, there was some kind of magic on it as well. There was a reception desk in the lobby across from the front door and a door to an office space as well. Standing by this desk he noticed a familiar head of coloured hair. “Hey,” he said approaching her, not really remembering her name, “sushi girl, right?”
Amane clicked the pen in her hand excessively as she stared at the sheet of extensions and names. She wondered how many different creatures could possibly work in one building. Even more so, she wondered if there were any ghouls. After deciphering what she dreams were about, she was drawn to finding out more about the creatures. She got the job hoping to get more information from around the city. Maybe a chance to meet someone who knew more. 
Her clicking was interrupted by a voice, “Oh, yeah, hey! Radio guy!” She tucked the pen behind her ear and it’s bright pink stem blended in with her curled locks. “My name is Amane, though. Or Amy if you’re lazy.”
Video Killed The Radio Star || Archer & Amane
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itsamysunshine-blog · 7 years
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Aesthetic: Amane
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itsamysunshine-blog · 7 years
Artair had heard about enough when she started on a rant and decided to just answer her fucking question. “I learned from the very best of my home.” He didn’t know of any places around here that would teach fighting; if he had a use for more money, it was possible that he could start a place to train people. However, he didn’t want to train people who may turn against him. Artair pursed his lips slightly, thinking. “I don’t know of any places here, as I’m rather new to this area.”
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Amane muttered to herself, “Well, that blows.” She stomped off tossing her hands in the air, “Is there anyone in this city who knows anything?”
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itsamysunshine-blog · 7 years
“No.”  Diego frowned loudly, crossing his arms and leaning back far in his seat.  Defiantly.  “That is not what is happening here.  Also, the door is a very good thinking spot.  The sun comes in the windows and stimulates your brain into being more productive.  It’s scientific fact.”
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“You can sit near a window and not be near the door. You might not need the thirty layers, either.” His attitude tempted her to shine a beam of sunshine into his smug face. See how productive he is after that, She thought to herself. 
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itsamysunshine-blog · 7 years
“Is someone throwing a temper tantrum?” Amane flipped the phone around in her hand as she stood across the table from the other demigod. “If you didn’t sit by the door, you’d be warmer.”
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Diego sprawled out at a cafe table, various layers of winter clothing and pages of notes scattered around him on the extra chairs and table space he didn’t need.  He wasn’t used to the weather, he wasn’t a fan of the weather, and he was very unhappy that the weather in Crossroads was nothing like Dallas.  Bitterly, he text his father about it.  How could Zeus, with all the gifts he had already given, not give a resistance–or, at least, higher tolerance–of the bitter cold?  It didn’t take long to receive a response, just a simple shrugging emoticon.  Diego inhaled sharply, instinct taking over as he chucked his phone in anger.  “Ay, pendejo!”
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itsamysunshine-blog · 7 years
“Oh uh… It’s not really set in stone… But at the moment it’s an english major. But I’m really just focused on trying to find out what I want to do.” He shrugged his shoulders lamely; it sucked that he didn’t know what he wanted to do. “I… Talked to an angel who said I may have had a sister, but that was at least a hundred years ago.” He shrugged again. “Yeah.. Heh. A bunch of kids with superpowers running around throughout history. I wonder if any like.. famous people were demigods.”
“There’s no shame in that,” Amane said it but she totally judged him as he admitted that he didn’t know what he wanted to do. She knew what she wanted to do. She had a four-year plan that was followed by another four-year plan. People who operated without a clue were just foolish to her. 
“Sister? That’s- Oh. The odds of her being alive are slim. Especially as a demigod. Apparently, we have short life spans. I’m willing to bet a lot of old school war heroes were demis. It seems fitting. There has to be someone famous now that is a demi, too. Beyonce? She’s probably a demigod. She’s flawless as it is.”
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itsamysunshine-blog · 7 years
“I always get what I want, sooner or later.”
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“Whatever helps you sleep at night.”
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