itsbxtgirl-a · 2 years
(✉️ ➡️ eggplant parmesan): hey, so (✉️ ➡️ eggplant parmesan): the riddler set up some kind of weird domino thing, and i may or may not be trapped under a giant glass dome a couple blocks from your apartment (✉️ ➡️ eggplant parmesan): if i buy you a shake, can you come bust me out?  (✉️ ➡️ eggplant parmesan): if i buy you two shakes, can you not put this in the group chat?
( 📩 → richard j. nightstick grayson ): uncle eddie back at it again...  ( 📩 → richard j. nightstick grayson ): how long do you think it took him to build that thing? like where do you commission someone to build a human size glass dome? there’s gotta be some questions with that  [ .... ] ( 📩 → richard j. nightstick grayson ): i want TWO milkshakes and you have to buy me an expensive lush brand face mask. ( 📩 → richard j. nightstick grayson ): because i am CURRENTLY having to pre-wash off my face mask to come save u from this glass dome of doom ( 📩 → richard j. nightstick grayson ): who’s your favorite? me? i know it
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itsbxtgirl-a · 2 years
This had to be one of the stupidest things that had ever happened. To any superhero, since the beginning of time. In fact, Simon was pretty sure if Hal found about this, he was going to go ahead and take the ring back. “He’s gotta be, like, a baseball pitcher or something,” Simon commented, wincing as Steph dabbed at the cut. He had to physically restrain himself to keep him from swatting at her hand like a little kid. The cut wasn’t bad, and it certainly could’ve been worse, but how he got it? That was just embarrassing. Simon didn’t even really go after art thieves. He was a Green Lantern. He was supposed to be fighting aliens, not assholes with phones to thrown.
Sighing, he leaned away from Steph, reaching up to poke at the band-aid experimentally. Unsurprisingly, it stung, and he let out a little hiss, pulling his phone away. Looking down on the ground, he spotted the discarded phone and picked it up, tapping at the screen. “It’s unlocked,” he commented. “I’m gonna call the guy’s mom. Tell her what he did.”
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“Part time pitcher, part time art thief. What a life he must live. Do you think he actually is able to steal anything? Or was this the attempt to stop the pitcher life and his skills came in handy?” Steph mused. “You know, one time when Gotham’s power went out I saw two dudes who tried to both steal TVs and they ran right into each other because of how dark it was. Sadly, both televisions were lost. I mean, karma, but what did those poor TVs do to deserve the shattering of death?” She mused as she closed up her belt, taking a step back and watching as Simon poked at the band aid, letting out a hiss. She rolled her eyes in response. 
The comment of his phone being unlocked peaked Steph’s attention, peering over curiously with a delighted, yet evil cackle. “Oh please do. You know he’s going to get his ass chewed out. What’s worse: jail time or Mom’s disappointed glare? Trick question. It’s both at the same time. Which is gonna happen to him when we call his mother.” She was, perhaps, a bit too excited at the prospect. 
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itsbxtgirl-a · 2 years
[📱to Purple the Second ] which Superboy? [📱to Purple the Second ] no promises Jeff won’t try to gnaw his arm off, too, and answer dependent that might be fun to watch [📱to Purple the Second ] double team [📱to Purple the Second ] King Shark on one arm, Jeff on the other
( 📩 → kate 💜🦄 ): the ( 📩 → kate 💜🦄 ): the first one, the one with the leather jacket. usually the one everyone thinks of bc the other one is Small. well as small as one can be when you’re kryptonian... ( 📩 → kate 💜🦄 ): REGARDLESS, i think getting you arm gnawed on by jeff would be a much better time than king shark  ( 📩 → kate 💜🦄 ): jeff is so much cuter!!
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itsbxtgirl-a · 2 years
[ wound ] my  muse  patches  and  bandages  a  wound  your  muse  has  gotten @impulselantern​
“That dude had a killer aim,” Steph said, dabbing gently at the cut on Simon’s forehead with a cotton ball, one of the pouches in her belt open with all the first aid supplies she had. “Like, where do you think he learned to throw a cell phone like that? Enough to nail you right in the head. That’s literally so funny—also, let us mourn that man’s insurance on this phone. He really was committed to getting away with those stolen art pieces.” She mused, wiping off the rest of the blood before putting a purple bandaid over the cut. “There! Good as new. Head injuries always bleed the worst. Thankfully, you should make it out alive.” A pause then Steph grinned a bit, “hopefully. I make no promises. I’m a vigilante, not a doctor.” 
They had been staking out a potential art burglary, and by that Steph meant that she was actually just talking to the Green Lantern and not watching properly. The guy was already halfway down the street with his bag of expensive art pieces from the museum before they realized and went after him. In his desperation to not be caught, he promptly tugged his own cell phone out of his pocket and chucked it right at them. Steph had to commend the aim, even if she knew Simon would glare at her for just that.
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itsbxtgirl-a · 2 years
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Sooner or later, you have to walk away.
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itsbxtgirl-a · 2 years
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dc meme: ten characters [2/10]
Stephanie Brown (Spoiler/Robin IV/Batgirl III)
↳ Everything doesn’t have to be about fear. There’s room in our line of work for hope, too.
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itsbxtgirl-a · 3 years
[📱to Purple the Second ] [image attachment: Jeff the Landshark, chewing on Kate’s bedpost] [📱to Purple the Second ] want to babysit? [📱to Purple the Second ] he’s a delight
( 📩 → kate 💜🦄 ): omg ( 📩 → kate 💜🦄 ): stop. i want to squish him ( 📩 → kate 💜🦄 ): all we get is king shark trying to gnaw superboy’s arm off  ( 📩 → kate 💜🦄 ): i am on my WAY!!! 
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itsbxtgirl-a · 3 years
“Leave before I change my mind!” || @itsbxtgirl​
To say that Helena wasn’t on the best terms with the batfam currently would be an understatement. Dick had basically threatened to arrest her and while she hadn’t interacted with the other members since taking over the Cosa Nostra she couldn’t imagine they were any happier about it as she hadn’t let them in on the real reason she was doing this. It was easier that way, safer for others and hopefully it would reduce the risk of being exposed. It did come at the cost of her relationships though and she would be lying if she didn’t often reevaluate if it was worth it, too late to backtrack now though. “Give me one reason I should listen to you, if you haven’t noticed, I have business to do.”
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“Are you serious?” Steph asked, honestly utterly confused at exactly what to do. It was like Helena disappeared and suddenly was in the mafia? Running it even, it seemed. Steph had been in the batcave while Bruce seemed to scowl over the file on the screen before him. She hadn’t reached out, hadn’t tried to keep in touch with any of them. She was unsure of how to react to the entire situation, staff tight in her gloved hands as she stood before the woman in her Batgirl uniform. “Considering there’s no conscious mafia men waiting for you right now it gives you the perfect opportunity to just go, Helena. I haven’t called GCPD, but I will if I have to.” 
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itsbxtgirl-a · 3 years
6) “Oh please don’t eat that.” // @itsbxtgirl
Villains in Gotham were especially rude. They came at you no matter what you were doing, wouldn’t stop until they were out cold or in cuffs or both. Most of the time, Dick really didn’t mind it that much, because what else was he going to do? It was part of walking down the street in Gotham if you weren’t in costume, and if you were? You could bet on trouble heading your way. 
Except today, it had been quiet. Quiet enough that Nightwing and Batgirl had stopped off at a hot dog stand to grab a bite to eat while on patrol. And just as Dick went to take a bite from his hot dog… Mirror Master showed up and slapped it out of his hands. Dick made quick work of the villain, zapping him with a surge from one of his escrima sticks before he could get another hit in and cuffing him to the light pole, then turned to his hot dog on the sidewalk and picked it up.
Turning to Steph, he made a face. “It was on the ground for, like, five seconds,” he pointed out. “And only the bun touched the sidewalk! I can tear off the part that was on the ground. There’s no need to waste the whole thing.”
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Steph stared at Dick in varying degrees of horror. She got it to a degree. She was a kid who grew up having to make do with what she could for food while home alone almost all hours of the day. But she knew how nasty the Gotham streets were. You had to cut your losses when it came to dropping food, well, anywhere when you dropped it on the sidewalk. Especially Gotham. Though, she couldn’t say that she wasn’t exactly surprised by Dick and just picking the hot dog back up. 
“Do you know how many different feet have walked on this sidewalk? Literally so many. And! And who’s not to say that Clayface hasn’t thrown himself here. You could be eating his clay...body.” She waved at the ground with a disgusted face and huffs, “that’s literally so gross, ‘wing. I will be taking a photo and shaming you in the group chat if you do, I hope you realize. You know that Tim will have a field day with it. Jason. Think of what Jason might use this for? He’ll tell Starfire that you eat hot dogs off the street then she’ll think you’re stinky or something. I know it.” She definitely did not know that, but it was a bluff she was willing to take. 
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itsbxtgirl-a · 3 years
Cass always tried to be in motion, in a figurative sense. Training with her dad since her eyes had opened, running away from her dad and that life, finding her real family and training with them, and every night since has been one of capes and masks and fists. It’s why moments like these—laying down and listening to music with one of the only people she loved in this world enough to not feel tense when doing something like this—felt so special to her. It meant that she could still do regular people things
Feeling the bed shift, Cass turned her head to watch Steph get up, her excitement clear as day. She laughed, letting herself get pulled up to her feet. “Okay, okay,” she agreed with poorly faked reluctance, if her own grin was anything to go by, “only for the six cherries.”
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It’s been a while since she danced with another person, how did people usually dance together? Cass held on to Steph’s hand, offering her other hand while beginning to sway back and forth. “Wanna be twirled?”
“I knew the six cherries would get you.” Steph said with a wide grin, her nose scrunching up all happily. It was times like this where she felt like she could actually take a moment to just be. It was hard. It felt like almost all of her life was a fight; a fight to be seen as enough, a fight to stay alive, a fight for justice. There was a select few people she could actually be with, take a moment to simply exist without masks, without a fight impending in the distance. She was sure that Cass had similar sentiments. 
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“Twirled? Uh, duh,” Steph grinned, her hand going into Cass’ so that the other woman could twirl her around among the messiness in her bedroom. It was chaotic, but everything had its place. Sometimes Steph wondered if it was a reflection of herself at times. A breathless giggle escaped her as she twirled, swaying easily as the music played in the background. “I’d give the twirl a nine out of ten. You still have the opportunity to make it a ten out of ten, the dance isn’t over yet.” She teased with a grin. 
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itsbxtgirl-a · 3 years
14) “I would rather eat glass for the rest of my life than eat whatever this is.” @glxrious-purpose​
Steph stared at the man and merely blinked, unsure exactly what to say to that. “It’s a hot dog, dude.” She sighed and tapped her foot a bit, “I mean, I get it. Vegan and vegetarian eating habits are a sustainable alternative and helps the Earth, but man...a hot dog just hits sometimes. Besides, Gotham hot dogs come from even shadier looking carts and I have only gotten food poisoning once.” She informed him while grabbing her order from the man at the cart, “don’t knock it until you try it!” 
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itsbxtgirl-a · 3 years
[ dance ] for your muse to dance with mine @cxinwayne​
Sleepovers with Cass were always fun. Growing up, Steph didn’t have a lot of friends. People didn’t take to her for whatever reason, no matter how hard she tried, so to have someone like Cass meant the world to her. Even in the quiet moments like now where they were simply laying on her bed as a Spotify playlist played on Steph’s laptop in the background, changing into one of her favorite songs.
“Oooh!” Steph beams and sits up abruptly, getting off the bed and making grabby hands at Cass. “Dance with me, Cass!” She let out a huff of breath to get the mess of curls out of her face as she beamed at her. “Pretty please with like six cherries on top?” She jutted her bottom lip out as she leaned in closer to curl her fingers over the other woman’s to try to pull her up to her feet.
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itsbxtgirl-a · 3 years
(✉️ ➡️ eggplant parmesan): hey, batgirl, i’m stuck in bludhaven tonight but i just got a text from gordon that i could use your help with (✉️ ➡️ eggplant parmesan): do you mind running by the warehouse district and stopping kite man from doing… whatever it is he’s doing right now (✉️ ➡️ eggplant parmesan): jim wasn’t really specific. somebody taught him about emojis, so he just sent a bunch of kites and an exclamation. and a caution sign? i don’t know. (✉️ ➡️ eggplant parmesan): i asked jason to go look, but he left me on read :/
( 📩 → richard j. nightstick grayson ): idk i’m on a hot date with me, myself, and i plus a milkshake in a diner rn [ .... ] ( 📩 → richard j. nightstick grayson ): NOOOOOOO ( 📩 → richard j. nightstick grayson ): you KNOW i can’t stand that mfer.  ( 📩 → richard j. nightstick grayson ): as he SHOULD HAVE. kite man wants me to be his nemesis SO bad like. i get it. i’m amazing, but also, dude. it’s just getting sad at this point.... ( 📩 → richard j. nightstick grayson ): what do i get out of this? i want options. 
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itsbxtgirl-a · 3 years
[TEXT] what side are you on? pumpkin or skeleton? @cxinwayne
( 📩 → cass 💛🖤 ): HMMM ( 📩 → cass 💛🖤 ): i think i have do skeletons, but purely because pumpkins have been mean. and also ruined my favorite purple sweater 😡 ( 📩 → cass 💛🖤 ): they got pumpkin guts all OVER me, cass.  ( 📩 → cass 💛🖤 ): plus i saw them steal candy from a toddler. true story.  ( 📩 → cass 💛🖤 ): what about YOU? pumpkins or skeletons?
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itsbxtgirl-a · 3 years
“Bad time to suggest a romantic stroll through the graveyard?” @cleverbxrd​
Steph shoots Tim a tired look, but her lips quirked up in a smile she couldn’t really resist biting back. “I’m covered in pumpkin guts,” Steph started while pulling seeds and pumpkin pulp out of her long hair, “and just saw at least three ghosts. I’d take a romantic stroll literally anywhere else.” She deadpanned, pausing her attempts at getting the various pumpkin goop out of her hair to reach out and pick some of the slimey mess out of Tim’s curls. 
“Any other ideas, Boy Wonder?” She asked softly, a far too infatuated look on her face as she looked up at her boyfriend from beneath her lashes. 
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itsbxtgirl-a · 3 years
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itsbxtgirl-a · 3 years
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very much obsessed with these two rn
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