catalystsofchange · 3 years
please stop saying you’re sorry. // @cleverbxrd​
Dick left. He’d had a decent enough reason for it, had an excuse he was sure anybody would understand, one he knew his family understood better than most, but he’d left. He’d disappeared in the middle of the night, leaving only enough clues to let them all know that he was alive, that he’d left willingly, that he was planning on coming back. And given all their histories? That wasn’t enough. That was never going to be enough. He’d left, and he’d left when things between him and Tim were already tenser than he’d like, when the fact that he’d taken Robin and given it to someone else was still a rift between them. He didn’t think he could apologize enough for that.
Apparently, Tim disagreed.
Dick winced at his brother’s words, rubbing at the back of his neck. “I’m--” he started, cutting himself off with an awkward grunt as he snapped his jaw shut. “Right. That’s... uh... Can I say ‘my bad?’ Is that on the table?” It was only half a joke. (A better big brother would have a better idea how to talk to the kid, at least. Dick had been failing at this job for as long as he’d had it, first with Jason then with Tim, then Cass, and probably with Dami too. He’d had plenty of opportunities to fail, between them all.) “Look, Tim, I... Are you okay? Have you been okay? I know it’s been... I know I haven’t been here.”
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immortalweapon · 3 years
(✉️ ➡️ Tim D.): Hi! I hope it isn’t weird for me to text you.  (✉️ ➡️ Tim D.): I mean, I’ve texted you before! And we’re friends! Right? So it shouldn’t be weird!  (✉️ ➡️ Tim D.): [UNSENT] God Ward is right I /am/ bad at this. (✉️ ➡️ Tim D.): I just wanted to check in and make sure you were okay. New York got pretty bad during the blackout, and I saw Gotham was hit by it too. I know Gotham is kind of dangerous anyway harsh sometimes Gotham, so I was a little worried? And I hadn’t heard from you, so I just thought I’d make sure you didn’t get hurt or anything! (✉️ ➡️ Tim D.): So. That’s what I’m doing! (✉️ ➡️ Tim D.): So hi! (✉️ ➡️ Tim D.): [UNSENT] Not the best attempt, Rand!
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itsbxtgirl-a · 3 years
“Bad time to suggest a romantic stroll through the graveyard?” @cleverbxrd​
Steph shoots Tim a tired look, but her lips quirked up in a smile she couldn’t really resist biting back. “I’m covered in pumpkin guts,” Steph started while pulling seeds and pumpkin pulp out of her long hair, “and just saw at least three ghosts. I’d take a romantic stroll literally anywhere else.” She deadpanned, pausing her attempts at getting the various pumpkin goop out of her hair to reach out and pick some of the slimey mess out of Tim’s curls. 
“Any other ideas, Boy Wonder?” She asked softly, a far too infatuated look on her face as she looked up at her boyfriend from beneath her lashes. 
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daisyquakes · 3 years
(PUMPKIN KING): for OUR MUSES to run into a group of jack o’ lanterns shaking people down.
"I honestly thought they were just kids in really good costumes," Daisy started with, wrinkling her nose as she looked at the group that was on the other side of the street now, ducking into a convenience store that looked so natural that anyone else might have just thought it was a bunch of teenagers getting some snacks for the night. "They're hustling people. Like, that tall pumpkin head thing just shook down that kid on the corner and some other people." She looked at Tim, not missing a beat. "Me. I'm people. I gave that asshole twenty bucks and I don't think he really needs bus money."
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mjxwatson · 3 years
( ☕ ) a ‘spilling tea’ text | @cleverbxrd
✉️  –> D. Tim : I never realize how much tea rich people or ceo
✉️  –> D. Tim : the amount things people send to us is insane but also funny
✉️  –> D. Tim : like someone sent a story about Mr. Stark from his younger days and I kid you not, i laughed for hours
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bewaretheraven · 4 years
“ what do you want to know? ” // @cleverbxrd
Tim Drake was good at schooling his emotions. Most of the Bats were. Rachel had noticed it with all of them, with Dick and Jason and Cass, and it made sense that Tim would be the same. It was always refreshing, in a way. When she was with them, it felt less like she was choking on feelings she didn’t understand. The emotions were still there, but they were muted. What she felt was more of her own, more familiar.
The problem, of course, arose when it was her emotions that were an issue.
Tim was as calm as ever. He was the mellow stream, and Raven was the roaring river. She had been ever since she closed her eyes on a battlefield and opened them to empty grass and two years down the drain. And there was so much she had missed, so much she didn’t know. Tim, it seemed, understood that. Tim, it seemed, understood her. He’d always been good at that. “Everything,” she said quietly, uncertainly. “I want to know everything. What... What happened? After. Between now and then? With all of you?” She was asking him to give her years of information in minutes of time. And he would. She knew he would.
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demiwonder-a · 4 years
how do you fly with no wings? // young justice
WHO: Cassie Sandsmark, Bart Allen, Conner Kent, Tim Drake.
WORD COUNT: 4939 words.
LOCATION: New York City.
GENERAL NOTES: Young Justice is back, baby! Well, they thought they were back. A mission goes awry and Cassie falls and falls hard.
WARNINGS: Canon typical violence, guns, mentions of drugs/drug trade, mentions of past injuries. 
CASSIE: There was something in the air that Cassie felt settle deep into her bones, none of it good. Her mind whirled with possibilities of what it could possibly mean. The team was back together, officially. It couldn't be them. This was good, right? It had to be good. It felt like there was some dark cloud hanging over her head despite the joy she felt at being back together with her friends once more. 
The mission was easy enough. It was supposed to be, at least. Intervening in a drug trade that was to go down between two of the traffickers they had been following. Something for them to ease back into working together once more. Cassie was situated on the top of the building across from the meeting place, ready to spring into action as soon as Tim gave the go ahead. "In position. Is everyone else ready?"
KON: The super's eye peeked open at the sounds of his girlfriend's voice in his ear. He had been lounging atop the building where the meet up was supposed to occur for what felt like hours, just waiting to be given the go ahead to crash through the roof with only a pack of gum to entertain him. 
Phones could be tracked, according to Tim. That and he hadn't wanted a ringtone to go off in the middle of an interrogation, which, in Kon's defense, had only happened once so the fact that their fearless leader was still harping on felt a bit unnecessary to begin with. 
Either way, he popped another piece of gum in his mouth, humming at the sweet taste of juicy fruit as he pushed his sunglasses further up his nose. "Born ready, babe. I've been stuck up here for forever!" He complained, flicking his ball of foil into the air and turning into sprinkling ash with a quick flash of red, "Tim's the one taking forever, right Bart?" He snickered as he turned the volume down on his com. He'd know when it was time, and even if he didn't, it was always cooler to make a late entrance anyway. It added pizzazz to these things.
TIM + BART: "Cut the Bat-Brat some slack, Slug," The speedster's chipper voice sounded over the link, following gusts of wind and quick electric snaps. Tim had to smile. It felt so familiar, something old that resurfaced after a good dusty coat had been brushed off, still a bit rough in practice and use, but... These guys had been running their hero gig almost longer than Tim had, in the team sense at least. When Tim had left Young Justice to Cassie, it was to distance himself, to protect them from the possible consequences of his presence causing their utter demise. It was still a prevalent memory, the mass of them to be truly honest, amassing in a visceral fear that made his stomach turn every time he thought about it. Kon, Bart, gone and back within the same... No. They're here. You're all here, you're all getting back into the swing of things. Just keep it cool, keep everyone else in line like you were trained to do. You're a Robin, God damnit.
Crouching from his high vantage point, Tim could clearly see all three members of his merry band, whether they knew it or not. The shadow of the concrete around him kept him near invisible, if it wasn't for the glowing white lenses of his mask and the bright flash of red that spread over the new uniform's arms. Fingerstripes, those were Dick's thing... But Tim needed a change. Needed something new for the new Red Robin. The old one... Well, the old one died at the hands of Ra's Al Ghul, when he told himself he'd never be able to get back in the game because of what he'd done, what he was made to do to keep his city and his family and his friends safe. Besides, with his old gear either destroyed or left to ruin, he figured he'd need to do some upgrading regardless.
"You still thinkin', feather-brain?" Another breath of a laugh, shaking his head and glancing in the direction of the speedster. Bart was keeping himself occupied, as always, by playing around with the rusty lightning that haloed every appendage as he ran. Short sprints gave him just enough to practice throwing the thin bolts at the gravel, every strike leaving a blackened mark on the ground, throwing his already wild hair back further over the open top cowl. "You're almost scarin' me with how spooky silent you are. Then again, guess we've just worked with a boss that likes to be a little more commanding-" ZZRP! "... Not that there's anything bad about that, Wondy."
Bringing his arm up out of it's draped cape coverage, Tim glowered at the holographic screen appearing in his field of vision, working on typing in commands on the gauntlet. White lenses narrowed as he worked, a sly smile forming as information flooded the screen. "I'd have thought you all discovered patience while I was off the team. Guess that's what I get for assuming." Remotely, Tim snagged footage from the hidden security cameras outside of the building's loading bay. Without much more than a second to lose, the familiar lights of a transport truck came up on the screen. People or product, didn't matter, that was their cue.
"Transport approaching, East loading bay. Go for Operation Hart Protector. Flash, keep the truck from parking, watch perimeter. Superboy, Wonder Girl, bust in. Keep watch for digital storage, and don't destroy them please and thank you."
CASSIE: A small smile tugged at Cassie's lips even through the ominous cloud she felt darken with every passing moment. There was always a part of her that couldn't help brighten up around her team, her best friends. When Tim had left she had been a bit wary of leading the team herself, not wary in her skills but in everyone not wanting her to lead after having Tim as a leader. She never had trouble finding her voice, making sure it was the loudest and most commanding. Almost on the other side of the spectrum from Tim, cool and calculating while she was loud and commanding. 
"Thanks, Bart. I think," Cassie snorted out. "No destroying, you got it." This part was easy, putting herself in the mission mindset. She could push aside the looming gray cloud and the way her stomach was churning, head starting to spin. It was fine. Maybe a trip to Dr. Mid-Nite was due, but she'd keep that to herself for now. 
Cassie took to the air, flying towards the loading bay and faltered in the air as her head spun. She quickly righted herself and let out a shaky breath, shaking her head and surging forward to punch in the door. "You're slacking, Superboy!" Cassie quipped despite the words feeling heavy on her tongue. What had just happened? 
Didn't matter. She had to keep going.
KON: It wasn't like he wasn't paying attention, he was great at multitasking, after all, but he was almost always more attuned to Cassie's heartbeat than anything else. Most days it thumped solidly in his ear, grounding him when work got overwhelming and comforting him when he caught glimpses of Clark flying across the sky. He figured it was just a super thing, really, because he knew with certainty Clark did the same with Lois and he would bet his last Dr.Pepper Jon did it with Damian. It was nice, knowing that the person you loved most in the world was safe and happy but now his head snapped toward where Cassie's heartbeat was coming from, the falter in its beat making him frown. 
Cassie never got nervous. Not even when they faced foes that were far more terrifying than some drug traffickers. It worried him and a part of him wanted to rush over to her but he would never hear the end of it if he did. Not from Tim and certainly not from Cassie herself. She could take care of herself, always had. 
He tore through the ceiling with a grin, grabbing one of the few guards by the collar with a quick, "Sup?" Before grabbing onto the man's weapon and tossing it across the warehouse. 
"C'mon!" He whined, "Ladies first and all that. I was just being a gentleman." He grinned, winking at her as he tore a strip of metal from a parked van and formed it around the guards wrists in makeshift handcuffs. "You think Robin would buy us some handcuffs or do you think he'd be worried we'd use them for less than PG purposes?" He asked, dropping the man onto the ground as he glanced toward Cassie.
TIM + BART: Bart didn't need to be told to GO twice. He was off running the minute the order was given, a blip on Tim's visual radar as he appeared to just.. Appear in front of the parking truck, leaning against the hood, still humming from an engine that didn't have time to turn off. "Hi, boys. I'm gonna have to ask you to vacate the premises, orders from the boss." A gear shifted, the tires crunched against the pavement. "... Haha, oops." The speedster pushed his hands against the hood, flipping himself onto the trailer in a few quick motions, holding onto the edge for fear of getting flung off. "I don't think they bought it!!" He called out over the engine revving, the vehicle scraping the side of the building as it attempted to throw the hero off.
Tim was still waiting, a looming shadow at his post, listening and watching like a... "You do know I can still hear you all, right?" He sighed, closing down his holographic computer and standing on the edge of his vantage building. May as well get into the fray, he wasn't trained to just sit back. Besides, he'd been doing far too much of that lately. Grapple launcher in hand, the bird leapt into the air and soared for what felt like the first time in forever. Flying was really more Dick's thing, but there was a special kind of feeling in that free fall, the calculations you had to make, to get yourself to safety without hitting the ground or pulling your arm out of its socket. Without another spoken word, or much other thoughts,  the red bird swung up to fall near silently through the hole the Super left in the ceiling, crouched and ready to strike.
A loud crash against the wall and a mumbled "Owwie..." In his ear caught his attention first, head whipping over to the wall the noise. "Flash?" 
"M'fine," came the grunted reply, Bart pushing himself back up on his knees. "Truck's not parked. In fact, it's way past that." 
"Not to worry, Captain, I'm on it." Funny, Tim doesn't recall Bart ever sounding annoyed himself. His scowl deepened even as he tossed batarangs into the onslaught. There were a lot more hostiles than he'd initially thought...
"Hey, Rob, did these guys also have a weapons trade deal? 'Cause it's a little hard to catch up when I'm also being shot at."
Double shit.
CASSIE: Whipping her lasso out, Cassie snapped it out and wrapped it around the nearest man's forearm. She tugged hard and sent him flying back. A smile pulled at her lips and she rolled her eyes at Conner's attempts at flirting in the midst of them taking down the guards. "Definitely not," she tugged her lasso back and kicked out at the guard who was attempting to charge her, sending him crashing into the nearest wall and making him crumple in on himself. Tim came swinging in and it was like something clicked into place despite the persistent bad feeling that had made itself home in her chest. 
Of course, that couldn't last. Bart's voice sounded out through the comms and Cassie's heart sunk right down into her stomach. "Shit," she breathed out, trying to think of a solution and quick. "Flash, I'm coming! You two handle this!" She barked out the orders and shot out of the doors that were no longer hanging on the hinges after her hard punch. There was a memory that flashed across Cassie's mind of Bart and his knee, the way Deathstroke had put a bullet in it with no hesitation. She couldn't let him get hurt again. She wouldn't.
The dizziness was back and Cassie felt like she was seconds away from throwing up, but pushed it back. She pushed herself harder and faster, shooting through the air and throwing her lasso to wrap around the exhaust pipe of the truck. A scream tore its way through Cassie as she tugged and tugged hard, lifting the back of the truck up and dragging it backwards. Shots sounded out and Cassie tugged up harder, bullets ripping through the air and bouncing off her bracelets. Pain shot up her arms and spread throughout her body unlike she had felt before, the gas being pressed harder to try to get away from her. The exhaust pipe snapped and Cassie was sent flying back, a surprised yelp leaving her. "Oh no you don't!" 
Cassie caught herself in the air and tried to push through the dizzy spell and pain tingling in her entire body. Then something seemed to just snap as she pushed through the air, her body faltering up high in the sky and suddenly dropping down. Cassie scrambled, trying to force her body back up airborne but nothing happened, the dread setting in. 
A blood curdling scream escaped Cassie as she yelled out, "CONNER!" She was falling down towards the ground at a rapid speed and unable to stop it.
KON: He smirked, happy at the sight of his girlfriend's lips twitching into a small smile at his antics. He swiftly dealt with another guard, tossing him against a wall and pointedly ignoring the man's loud groan of pain. "Hey, if you didn't want to deal with us you probably shouldn't be doing... whatever it is you're doing here," he said before turning to Tim, "What are they doing here again?" 
His head whipped toward Cassie, his eyes following as she punched her way through the metal doors and off toward Bart. "Goddammit," He sighed, turning to Tim, "Does she seem a little off to you? Her heartbeat is going crazy." 
He sighed, pulling Tim behind him as a barrage of bullets came through the open door, a large truck screeching to a halt as "What are we supposed to do n-" His words were cut off when he heard, once again, Cassie's heartbeat falter and then, no more than a second later, the terror-laced scream of his name. He glanced at Tim, eyes wide but before the man could say anything he was flying up through the roof once more, dropping Tim onto a different building before he pushed himself toward the sound of the scream. 
His heart raced and he swooped down, his heels digging gouges into the street as he skidded right under Cassie, his arms ready to catch her before he was shooting back into the sky with a relieved laugh, his arms pulling her closer to his chest. "What the hell was that, Cass? Are you okay?"
TIM + BART: This was... Too familiar. Too nostalgic. The staff in his hands seemed to transport him back to a time when he was just a teen, a teen in green tights, a little too obsessed with ninjas, given the gruff command to take care of his own team as his predecessors before had done. A near mirror image of the League, the ones stuck to their sides or in their shadows. The wind in his hair as he whirled around, added more to the momentary illusion, and he forgot for a fleeting moment that the four of them had ever been apart. It was clockwork, just as easy as muscle memory...
That was, until things went wrong. 
Just their luck, the world gave them a sign that they should've kept to themselves, it seemed. Tim barely had the chance to answer Kon's questions before the scream nearly blew out the speaker in his ear. White eyes went wide with shock, a whispered "Cass-" making it's way out of his throat. It didn't take much more than a shared look of fear to know that his teammate had heard it too, possibly a million times louder than either of them wanted to hear. He was trying to think of a plan, to send Kon off so he could fend off the rest of the hoard himself, to call back Bart and get at least someone on his 6, but his brain doesn't run on super speed, the ground flying away from him faster than he could start to talk again.
"What the hell-?!" Another sentence, reflexive and reactive, and again barely spoken before he was dropped out of the air again. Damn it all. Tim rolled to a kneel again, looking up to see a blurred streak racing off into the horizon, his plans fizzling out like a match in a puddle. They had this, they had this under control and ready to get done. What the hell was going on that he didn't plan for?? He wanted to make a retort, tell the other that he was fine, that he should've just left him there to duke it out, but... He worried. Lips pulled into a tight frown, masked eyes watching the blur fade away, he waited... Listened... Watched. It's what he was good at, right?
Bart skidded to a full stop just behind the capture zone, though his gold, sparking eyes darted from the sky to the road. "Grife, they're gone," He sighed, a gloved hand flicking through the windblown nest of hair, letting it fall into his face. He wasn't about to get another hospital trip out of them coming together again as a team, no sir. Besides, he had the plates, make and model, and gaudy off-white color scheme committed to memory, it wasn't like it was going to be hard to find with a now broken exhaust. 
It was a moment of silence from the both of them, just staring at what they could only assume was the super-couple above them. All was quiet until Tim decided it was time to speak up again: "Status report."
CASSIE: There was a certain sense of helplessness as Cassie fell down, down, down. The wind caused her hair to whip past her face, not because of her pushing her body through the sky but from her descent down towards the ground. Her eyes squeezed shut as tears stung at them, so many faces flashing in her mind as the air rushed past her body.
Conner, Bart, Tim. Her team she had let down in a course of action she hadn't even seen coming. Donna and Diana, two Amazons and her sisters she had felt so disconnected from for far too long. She didn't feel a part of the Amazons and entirely too much like a boat floating far out to see. There was Kara and Jon, the two other Kryptonians that had wormed their way into her heart. The anger she had quietly held for Kara despite being able to relate far too deeply. There was a regret in the fact she had been angry with her in a place that had only come from wanting to protect Conner. Her mom. Her mom, who had only wanted to take care of her and was horrified when she decided to become a hero. Her mom who she hadn't talked to in so long and ached for her in this moment. Maybe she was right, Cassie didn't know what she was doing and hadn't in a very long time.
Suddenly, arms were around Cassie and she was shot back up into the air. She let out a startled gasp and her eyes opened, arms scrambling to wrap around Conner's neck tightly. She parted her lips to answer and wasn't even sure what to say. What did happen? 
"...I don't know," Cassie whispered weakly, a tear escaping and rolling down her cheek. She wasn't one to fall apart like this, but she had been scared, terrified even. "I was...I've been feeling off lately. Dizzy and just like something wasn't right. I ignored it for awhile, was gonna go visit Dr. Mid-Nite...then I just—" Failed them. She failed them and the mission. Their first mission back as a team and she had ruined it. 
"I was flying after the truck and it was like someone tugged the power chord on my powers. I just...fell. I couldn't make myself fly no matter how hard I tried. If I had to guess I probably can't even make a dent in a door I punch. I'm...useless. I don't have any powers." The reality came crashing down on Cassie swift and fast. She didn't have any powers. She had had powers for so long now, was one of the heavy hitters on the team alongside Conner. What good was she without them? 
Tim's voice crackled to life in the comms unit and Cassie's response was half hearted—monotone at best. "I'm fine." She didn't feel it. Not in the slightest.
KON: She was safe, here in his arms with her heartbeat fluttering wildly and her voice breaking. He looked down at her and his teeth dug into his bottom lip as his fingers squeezed a little tighter only to ease up again in an instant. His flight wavering as his brows stitched together in concern. 
There had never been a time that he could remember that he had been scared to hurt her, but now as he looked into her eyes and saw the vulnerability shining there he had to take a deep breath just to collect himself. He shifted her weight into one arm and brushed away the stray tear as best as he could, his lips pursing as they continued to flow. He landed them on the ground and glanced around, a small dry chuckle bubbling past his lips as he ran a hand through his hair. They were farther out than he had anticipated, somewhere upstate from the look of it. He had been so terrified, so panicked in the moment that he hadn't even realised how fast they were flying. His only thought had been getting her away as quickly as possible but now he felt guilty. Bart needed him, he had left Tim on a random roof, his need to protect her so strong that he hadn't given a second thought to abandoning the team, his best friends. 
They could have been captured, they could have been hurt, they could have been killed. 
He took a shuddering breath, his eyes squeezing shut as he reached blindly for Cassie's hand and cradled it in his own. He needed to focus on her right now. Bart and Tim were smart and capable and probably already tracking them. 
"Why didn't you tell me?" He asked, hating how just a few weeks earlier she had asked him the same question. When did they start keeping secrets? Lying by commission? That wasn't them, was it?
"You are not-" he huffed, snatching the comm from his ear and pinching it between his fingers until he heard a satisfying crunch. "Look, we'll figure it out, Tim will- I don't know, do Tim things and we'll fix it, okay? Don't cry," he said pulling her into a hug, "I hate when you cry."
TIM + BART: No visual, they disappeared... That wasn't too odd in a normal sense, but this wasn't a normal mission. He knew they were out there at least, knew they were still alive. He wished that was all the assurance he needed. Cassie wasn't fine, and Kon wouldn't be fine unless she was. Something had gone terribly wrong here. Possibilities flooded his head, nearly blocking out the mental work he'd already put in that he'd take on solo to try finishing what the four of them had started. Maybe it was easier that way, anyways-
Nope. Fuck. Stop that, you promised you'd stop that. You're fine. Just breathe.
A deep grumble sounded at the back of his throat when he pulled up his screen again, typing quick commands to try and find the pair... And noticed he could only see one dot on his radar. Damn it. Damn it all. "Well, at least he won't get to whine about calling it off."
"Yeah, he can get pretty whiney, huh?" Without a second to spare, it seemed, the yellow-clad speedster had come up to flank the vigilante, his eyes slightly glowing from the sparks that threatened to take his vision for the moment. "I don't think he'll be doin' much of that now, though."
“What happened?" Tim asked, concern filtering through the gruff mask he attempted to put on his voice.
"She just..." Lost, confused, worried, the speedster looked back up at the sky. "She just kinda' fell."
The two shared a moment of silence, each one lost in their own thoughts. If Tim wasn't trying to figure it all out at once, he'd have to laugh at the fact that this was probably the longest time Bart had ever stayed quiet. Deep down, Bart knew it too, but he was stuck in place, rooted, grounded, frozen. All words he never wanted to be. But... What could either of them really do? No one had the full story, least of all Cassie, they were sure.
"... Head back home, Bart," Tim eventually sighed, closing down the holograph screen, turning his head at the familiar sound of an engine on the streets below. Hello, old faithful. "Get some rest. I'll send a report when I can." Walking, not running, Tim dropped off the edge of the roof and onto the waiting top of the Redbird, waiting until he was actually in the old car to lean back and... 'Relax'. To say he had a bad feeling would be rhetorical.
And Bart only watched, still at a loss for words. Did he really want to go 'home' tonight? It felt like he shouldn't, he should let the two of them be alone as much as they could. Maybe he should leave a note, send them a text, maybe he should go to the Garricks or his old place he shared with M-... No no, don't do that, Allen. With the feeling of tears threatening to take his eyes, the speedster set a sort of concentrated scowl on his face at the horizon line. Without another second to lose, he was gone in a flash, taking off to no destination in particular. There were no problems while he ran free, there wasn't anything he had to worry about if he just kept going.
He'd be back tomorrow anyways, always smiling, always happy.
CASSIE: Conner was trying, but all Cassie could feel was a never ending sense of dread and disappointment. She hated letting them down, had been afraid of it for so long even. Back when she was the leader of the team that was a constant fear. For as confident as she was, she truly had lost all faith and confidence in herself steadily over time. She saw Diana, even Donna, and didn't know where she fit into the picture. They were Amazons through and through, but she...she wasn't. She could pretend all she wanted, but she was just some girl who happened to be part god and was only ever gifted these powers by her deadbeat of a grandfather who just so happened to be Zeus. 
Why didn't you tell me? The question was enough to make Cassie grimace and flinch the tiniest bit. She had told Scott, breaking down in a similar fashion in the man's new home on Genosha that something was wrong with her. She hadn't said anything to anyone else, almost afraid if she uttered any more about it that something would happen. Little did she know, she was doomed regardless. 
"I didn't mean to...I was scared. I thought something was wrong and I was afraid if I talked about it then there would actually be something wrong with me. How am I supposed to explain that? I can't explain it other than I had a terrifying gut feeling that there was something absolutely fucking wrong with me." Cassie sighed weakly and scrubbed at her eyes tiredly, she felt completely drained. Whether it was from the loss of powers or just...emotionally being completely destroyed was up for debate. The lasso at her hip felt entirely too heavy and she wanted to rip it apart, throw it away with her bracelets and never look at either again.
"Yeah. We'll figure it out." Cassie parroted halfheartedly at best. She had a feeling that they wouldn't. That she would be...stuck like this and wouldn't be needed. By anyone. "Let's just...can you take us home, please?" She requested quietly, moving to wrap her arms around Conner's neck once more as his arms moved around her. The wind in her hair and the clouds in the sky were a far different experience when someone was carrying her rather than her flying through them herself. Her head fell to Conner's shoulder and she squeezed shut tightly. They'd figure it out. They had to. Right? Right. (She hoped so at least. She didn't know what she'd do if she was stuck like this forever. She could only hope and try not to let that diminish for now.)
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itsnightwing · 4 years
( text ↻ red baby bird ): timmy? i have a question: do you want to invite the young justice team to Thanksgiving this year?
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roi-des-voleurs · 3 years
[ hand ] for the SENDER’S MUSE to offer assistance to the POSTER’S MUSE. -- @cleverbxrd​
The green constructs were more than a little weird, and were starting to make Remy really wonder just what had happened to Death. Was it possible that he had...gotten out? Could one of the these constructs be him? If that was the case, Remy would not be adverse to letting the constructs have a few cards in their faces, though he wondered if that would do any damage to them, or if he would just hit something else behind them.
When a bunch of them started closing in on him, he was tempted to test the theory, until he heard someone call out to him from behind the constructs. Remy saw the guy and gave him a wave. "Well, I was gonna see if I can blow any o' dese t'ings up, but if you could maybe get dere attention, den we might avoid some unnecessary property damage, hein?"
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mistressofmagic-a · 3 years
[ text ] i have to do something. i’m going crazy just sitting here…
(✉️ ➡️ mit ): i take it you can't do much without power? (✉️ ➡️ mit ): [unsent] a stupid question I'm sorry— (✉️ ➡️ mit ): are regular comms working? i saw bats earlier, he's as chatty as ever (✉️ ➡️ mit ): but I'm thinking maybe we can set up a grid in the city, get us all on the same page, might be easier to contain some of this if we operate in districts or grids (✉️ ➡️ mit ): [unsent] if nothing else we'll at least /feel/ more in control of what's going on
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flylikefalcon · 4 years
one word prompts — 🔄 (found) // @cleverbxrd
Sam had always liked birds. It was something Riley found hilarious, something that made him grin and whoop and clap Sam on the shoulder like he’d just told the funniest goddamn joke anyone had ever heard, but it was true. As a kid, he remembered watching the pigeons in the park, his mother at his side. They’d always looked so free, like they didn’t have a care in the world. Like they knew who they were. Sam had always liked that.
It had been a long time since he’d gone to the park and sat on a bench to watch them. He’d never done it in this universe, though it didn’t make much of a difference. Birds, as it turned out, were pretty much the same across the multiverse. And there was a cold comfort in that, too.
He’d been lost in the motion of the birds for a while now, watching them until his mind was numb. It took a movement from the corner of his eye to break the trance (because a soldier’s instincts never faded, even after they came home). He turned his head to follow the movement, spotting the wallet the moment it hit the ground. Shit. Pushing himself to his feet --- and scaring the birds off in the process --- he ran towards the wallet, scooping it up before catching up to the kid who’d dropped it. “Hey, man,” he said, “I found this. Think it’s yours?”
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catalystsofchange · 3 years
👻  for  a  snapchat  from  my  muse // literally anyone of mine i just wanna experience this ( @cleverbxrd​ )
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(in response to this)
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ghostthwip · 4 years
[ panic ] for your muse to grab mine’s arm or get behind them in a moment of danger @cleverbxrd​
Swinging through New York City had become sort of Gwen’s catharsis. She could go swinging and for the time being, forget about all the guilt that plagued her. Forget that she was filling the shoes of a ghost here. (She had thought about going to...her grave here, but had ultimately put it off. It wasn’t a good idea. Not now anyways.) It wasn't exactly the same in Gotham. She had memories from the Gotham on her Earth. The friendship she had formed with Robin through helping him out in a bind despite how clearly wary he was of adding another powered friend to his roster he already had. She missed taking the ferry across the bay and being able to talk to Robin—to Tim. It had taken him time, but he had finally give a name and a face to the Robin persona. Just like she had taken off her own mask after far too long.
Not having friends was easier. Everyone she came across she had hurt, but maybe this time was different? He was a hero. He could protect himself. That’s what she told herself at least. Had. Had told herself. Guess it didn’t matter now that she didn’t live there anymore. 
She shouldn’t be in Gotham, but nostalgia brought her here. Gwen swung from the old buildings, seeing the smog and blurred city lights rush past her until she landed in an alleyway to take a quick breather and asses what she wanted to do next. That was, until she apparently interrupted a mugging and the guys turned their attention on her. “Alright, boys. Let’s leave the poor college student alone—” They got a new addition in the form of a man wielding a staff and promptly shoving her behind him to take care of the men.
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Gwen was immediately irritated, tugging roughly at the man’s arm as the last jab took out the muggers. “Hey, dipshit, are you serious? Do I look like I’m a damsel in distress? I’m wearing spandex for fuck’s sake. Clearly, I can handle myself.” She snapped, hand raising and quickly webbing the hand of one man to the ground as he twitched towards his weapon. Though, once the man looked at her she faltered. “Robin?” She asked. His costume here was different, the symbol different as well, but the features she recognized as Tim. 
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itsbxtgirl-a · 3 years
Steph wondered what exactly she missed while out on patrol. There was a literal satellite in the yard. She could only assume it wasn’t too terrible if Oracle hadn’t interrupted her patrol and told her to get her ass to the manor, but there was that immediate spike of fear when she hadn’t heard from Tim or even Bruce. (Despite the Batgirl name, Steph always turned to Babs first, considered Babs her superior. Though, that could also be the whole...rebelling against Batman thing. She digresses.) 
A thousand things were running through the girl’s mind as she hurried into the cave, tugging down the cowl and finding Tim in there, fuming and red in the face. “Timmy!” She breathed out in relief when she saw that he was seemingly somewhat fine. Though, she couldn’t fully believe it until the gap was closed and her hands were smoothing over the man’s biceps and coming up to cup his cheeks with her hands. “What the hell happened? No one said anything on patrol to me. Are you okay? Why is there a satellite in the yard?” 
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glxrious-purpose · 4 years
★ : a text about one of their talents -- @cleverbxrd
[Metal Moron Unknown] I am sure you have seen those tedious mortal acts where someone pulls a rabbit out of a hat. [Unknown] I however can pull an entire hutch of rabbits out of a hat. [Unknown] Or something much better than a rabbit. Like a very large snake. [Unknown] I would offer to show the mortals of this realm, but I certainly do not wish them to think me to be only a cheap conjurer.
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rxdshood-a · 5 years
text message → @cleverbxrd
( 📩 → bitchothy ): replacement.   ( 📩 → bitchothy ): i need you to not be an absolute freak for at least ten seconds and do something for me.  ( 📩 → bitchothy ): i died and you took my job, you owe me. ( 📩 → bitchothy ): also don’t ask me how i got your number. i’m changing my number after this interaction so don’t give it to dickwad or i’ll give you an atomic wedgie hard enough your underwear will be so far up your own ass you’ll taste it. just on mere principle of it all 
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