no, i don't. I think Chris would just outright leave if he tried to put the moves on him. They should watch the movie and kiss and cuddle, with Frankie battling not to fuck him on the couch. Then after Mulan, Chris leaves with a goodnight kiss that lingers for far longer than anticipated. Then he goes back to his room. AND they text! :D
and text! and text! and maybe sext lmfao! :P but not, but maybe. ;)
well, tay. if you think they would really fuck on  the first date, yeah, why not?
but i personally think they should just kiss and feel up each other and then chris leaves, for the night and then they can text and stuff throughout the night. Since Josh is never around, he’s always with the french character dude, yeah?
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Christopher kissed back, ever so shyly, blushing as he did so. He didn't know what possessed him to like the boy so much, but fuck, it was worth it. When they finally pulled away to what it seemed to him like days -- there was a quiet thoughtful aurora throughout the room. Chris hoped that Rossi didn't regret it, because he certainly didn't. He took the older boy's hand and led him to the futon, and sat him down, and following suit. He just wanted to do it again and again and again. This is how a relationship should form. This is how it should feel. Chris noted in his head, shaking it softly and giggling once more. 
That seemed to awaken Frankie from his "kiss-bliss", as he saw the dark brown eyes search his. They sat like that for a moment before Chris leaned in steal another kiss from this darling boy. He didn't regret any of this. 
He giggled once more, -- he was feeling like a school boy again -- and sat in Rossi's lap, laying his head into the lean chest. Chris felt, Frankie's arms go around him protectively, as he heard the opening credits and music of Mulan come onto the flat-screen television before them. 
This is how a first date should be.
Films & Privacy || Christopher
Christopher stared into Frankie’s eyes for a long continous second, before he whispered quietly not wanting to break the tender moment.
“Um, Rossi, I’d love to come in if you don’t mind” 
Chris stood on one foot, slightly, shluffing back and forth to one foot and another, awkwardly waiting to come in. He was nervous, oh so nervous to be in Frankie’s room — alone. With no one else, no distractions. Nothing. Just him, his awkwardness, and this gorgeous boy before him. Fransisco. Or well, Rossi.
They had become best friends in a matter of days. It was refreshing, not being in his own room alone — Josh nowhere to be found for a set of random hours. It was nice to talk about his thoughts, and having Rossi there listening without judging him. Of course, Josh had done that, but since he came back — there was a distant feeling surrounding him. And Christopher couldn’t deal with it for a long period of time.
Which lead him outside of his best friend’s room. Tidy and spotless, with the smell of caramel popcorn — his favorite, throughout the room. He smiled, and walked into the room, passing Frankie at the door. He sat down tenderly on the boy’s futon, crossing his legs and setting down the movies on the floor below him. 
Christopher motioned Frankie to come sit down next to his thin lanky figure, pleased and less nervous when he complied. 
“So, what movie are we gonna watch first?” he asked softly, leaning closer to the tan body sitting next to him, smiling shyly and blushing. He couldn’t help it — Frankie made him act like he was 14 again, and he personally loved it.
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Texts @ Chris
Mickey: Everyone likes cuddling dude, everyone. Just because Josh's ass is magnificent doesn't mean -- ugh, you know what, we'll have this conversation later. I invited him over for a movie anyway, I don't know what to watch though. Any suggestions? I dunno what he likes.
Chris: Disney movies will make some of his stutter go away. so there. consider me the genie love matcher dude. Fuck that didn't make any kind of sense. Whatever. Anyways -- we'll continue that conversation after this "date" with Bilvy. Take care of the kid. And his hips. Will ya?
Mickey: I haven't even been looking at his hips! Thanks to you I'm letting a stranger in my room! Albeit a cute one! But still a stranger! Well, mister match maker, do you know what disney movie is his favorite? Or any further suggestions?
Chris: You should. I thought he was a girl with those hips. He's not a fucking stranger! He's my best friend. Or one of them, trust me mickey. I am pretty sure it's the Little Mermaid or Up. Pick your poison, yeah? And he's ticklish as fuck on his hips. Another reason to be touched em, yes?
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Texts @ Chris
Mickey: Josh could not be the one giving birth! It'd totally be you! Even if you're not permanent bottom you probably are most of the time! Anyway, you expect me to be a gentleman? Ay, coño, you're expecting a lot from me! I'll be a good boy, I guess /:
Chris: be a good boy then. :D he'll probably like cuddling if he's the same as he was before josh and i moved. he was a huge cuddler. so cuddle. eat popcorn and shit, and pretend to watch a movie with him as you're thinking of your next move. sounds good, yeah? and he totally could! with an ass like his, he could be doing anything. look, we're totally not gonna be discussing my sexual preferences of my positions now. that's just awkward as fuck.
Mickey: Everyone likes cuddling dude, everyone. Just because Josh's ass is magnificent doesn't mean -- ugh, you know what, we'll have this conversation later. I invited him over for a movie anyway, I don't know what to watch though. Any suggestions? I dunno what he likes.
Chris: Disney movies will make some of his stutter go away. so there. consider me the genie love matcher dude. Fuck that didn't make any kind of sense. Whatever. Anyways -- we'll continue that conversation after this "date" with Bilvy. Take care of the kid. And his hips. Will ya?
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Texts @ Chris
Mickey: YOU COULD'VE HAD ONE OF OUR FEMALE FRIENDS ACT AS A SURROGATE! Anyway, we all know you'd be the one to give birth xD But, I hate to say it, you were right. Now how do I go about making him mine? He seems so... fragile.
Chris: Use your "suave" moves on him. But be a gentleman, eh? I personally think if you continue whatever you two are doing then ask him out he'll say yes. Though, I've noticed he avoids certain topics, like home situations. Just don't ask about that and everything will be fine! And, shut up. Josh could be the one giving birth. Whoever said I was a permanent bottom?
Mickey: Josh could not be the one giving birth! It'd totally be you! Even if you're not permanent bottom you probably are most of the time! Anyway, you expect me to be a gentleman? Ay, coño, you're expecting a lot from me! I'll be a good boy, I guess /:
Chris: be a good boy then. :D he'll probably like cuddling if he's the same as he was before josh and i moved. he was a huge cuddler. so cuddle. eat popcorn and shit, and pretend to watch a movie with him as you're thinking of your next move. sounds good, yeah? and he totally could! with an ass like his, he could be doing anything. look, we're totally not gonna be discussing my sexual preferences of my positions now. that's just awkward as fuck.
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Texts @ Chris
Mickey: Yea, yea. You just want me to love the child you and Josh have somehow created. Since when you have you been so blunt, mister?
Chris: Totes, cause mpreg is totally real, now. Well, certain friends bring out this blunt side. ;)
Mickey: YOU COULD'VE HAD ONE OF OUR FEMALE FRIENDS ACT AS A SURROGATE! Anyway, we all know you'd be the one to give birth xD But, I hate to say it, you were right. Now how do I go about making him mine? He seems so... fragile.
Chris: Use your "suave" moves on him. But be a gentleman, eh? I personally think if you continue whatever you two are doing then ask him out he'll say yes. Though, I've noticed he avoids certain topics, like home situations. Just don't ask about that and everything will be fine! And, shut up. Josh could be the one giving birth. Whoever said I was a permanent bottom?
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Texts @ Chris
Mickey: Okay, you win, you win. I like him. He’s too cute for his own good.
Chris: Good. Cause if you didn't like him, I'd say you'd need to go to another mental house. You'd be officially crazy if you didn't like him. I mean. c'mon. those hips and the stutter, and the face. like really. if you have any sexual organs you should be attracted. Good thing Bilvy loves the dick. In your case.
Mickey: Yea, yea. You just want me to love the child you and Josh have somehow created. Since when you have you been so blunt, mister?
Chris: Totes, cause mpreg is totally real, now. Well, certain friends bring out this blunt side. ;)
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Texts @ Chris
Mickey: Okay, you win, you win. I like him. He’s too cute for his own good.
Chris: Good. Cause if you didn't like him, I'd say you'd need to go to another mental house. You'd be officially crazy if you didn't like him. I mean. c'mon. those hips and the stutter, and the face. like really. if you have any sexual organs you should be attracted. Good thing Bilvy loves the dick. In your case.
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Yeah, man. ten minutes. then report back to me, well through texts, of course. 
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Let's say italics then. Then use your language on him. Either it'll make him stutter more so than usual, or actually speak in fluent sentences. 
But, it all comes down to the question: do you like this boy with the stutter?
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He didn't. -- I was shitting you. But since I got you're attention. He just likes a Spanish accent. Well, any accent. But Spanish the most. I remember him telling me some years ago. It just stuck -- you know?
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You're fucking funny. He's not our love child. Just a great friend, that has an interest in guys from Uruguay. But I guess it's all good. Not like we know anyone from there. 
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Mickey! I'm not playing anything. It's just nice to have a guy with you in this place. Yes, you being sssssmmmmooootttthhh. You should be, least with Bilvy. He's a precious thing. 
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Yeah! That's him, with the girlish hips. So are you gonna go and be "miguel" with him, or what?
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Well, there's Frankie. I call him Rossi. Then next-door, just like old times Bilvy is there. He's fucking cuter with his stutter. You should look into that. Just sayin, Mickey.
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I've been fine, getting sick. The same ol' shit. Are you rooming near us?
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Hell yeah, it is. How've you been, well besides being thrown up into here. 
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Hi, everyone! Um, I’m Aaron.
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