itsdigitri · 7 years
Welp. Symbiosis WRECKT me.
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itsdigitri · 7 years
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I'm V confused for multiple reasons. These really look like Davis' originally designed goggles before Tai passed his on. The terrain also looks very similar to the one the 02 kids crashed on. Originally I thought the movie took place in the Real World but now I'm thinking it just alternates and that maybe Tai goes after the 02 kids? Or maybe it's just a continuity/art thing and something bad happens to Tai? I'm leaning more towards the latter because that quote from like the very first PV ever said something about a reality that shouldn't have existed so maybe that's finally going to tie in with the storyline?? But then again, in the other PV Tai was around for the FallDown Mode attack so I'm ????
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itsdigitri · 7 years
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*deep sigh* -Yamato is once again saving Meiko. Proud of my son but this is like 3/5 movies, sis wyd, get it together!!
-Looks like what’s his name-mon is finally joining the fight and he looks totally badass with the other Megas
-Ophanimon Falldown mode appears in the DW so that’s interesting
-There’s a new mystery guy. My guess is he’s the one behind the virus/Meicoomon or the human form of Yggdrasil. Or maybe they’re one in the same. I need to re-watch the last movie cause I don’t remember all the details of what was revealed
-Looks like we may be getting the much needed history behind Meiko/Meicoomon??
-I haven’t really had many issues with Meiko (I’m a sucker for her character type) but half that trailer was her. I think Kari appeared 2-3 times so I really hope the movie is not all Meiko-based
-We’re getting more dramatic TAICHIIIII screaming from Yamato. I live
-They’re also in sync again like the split screen of the two of them yelling hit me right in the feels
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itsdigitri · 7 years
Me: Wow, Soushitsu completely killed my hype for the last two movies. Me, three hours later when the poster for Symbiosis was released: WOW WTH ARE THEY GOING TO DO MY PRECIOUS HIKARI. Give me symbiosis or give me death ~~
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itsdigitri · 7 years
I'm FREAKING OUT!! Darkari and unaffected (??) Meicoomon??? What kind of Hell are they going to put the precious Hikari through?!
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Digimon Adventure Tri Part 5:  Kyousei/Symbioses. (LQ)
Features Hikari, Meiko, Ophanimon Fall Down Mode, and Meicoomon’s mega.
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itsdigitri · 7 years
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That was when Gennai knew He fucked up
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itsdigitri · 7 years
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itsdigitri · 7 years
Soushitsu Reaction (per episode)
Posting below the cut, just to be safe
Episode 14
- My theory about Daigo and Maki being the OG Chosen was so right. But that entire scene was a giant clusterfuck. I couldn’t tell you what the fuck was going on other than the fact that it appeared they got their asses handed to them by the Dark Masters and then Maki’s partner disappeared (died?)
- The train tracks and the cart. The nostalgia. The reunion is so cute. Yamato acting as if he wasn’t excited to see Tsunomon again made me laugh. Poor Sora tried so hard to reconnect with Yokomon. Now my heart hurts.
- Daddy Jou is back and all about finding something to eat and somewhere to sleep. 
- Mimi appears and fakes tears (i think) and is super optimistic about how they’ll return home. Such character development, I’m shook. 
- Taichi chases after Meicoomon when she appears. WHAT A GOOD BOY.
- Nostalgia kicks in again ‘cause it’s lunch time. Mimi is real slick with that comment about Sora’s future husband. Koushiro my dear child is so adorable with his rant about oolong tea. Motimon cutting him off to remind him to eat before Tokomon does is so typical. I laughed. 
- Poor Sora looks so lonely without Yokomon
- Then we have Taichi unsure of what to do about the Meicoomon thing and he has a flashback to her demon mode (meicrackmon is such an ugly name I don't want to use it). Yamato reminds him that Meiko is one of them and walks off like geesh he really doesn’t cut that man any slack lmao. 
- Taichi and Agumon have a moment and I want to die because it’s so damn cute. 
- Sora goes to bat with the lil’ brat Yokomon again and loses and my heart hurts again because Sora doesn’t deserve this.  
- Back to the debate about what to do next, everyone is upset that the reboot may have been for nothing since Meicoomon wasn’t affected. Taichi finally recovers his role as leader and is resolved to reunite his friends. Everyone is on board as well. Yay ~~
- The Digimon are now adults. I’m a little disappointed since they were following nostalgia to a T and the little rainbow light striking them would’ve really just nailed it. 
- Biyomon is still being a brat even in adult form
- Flashback of mini Mei’s, how cute. But i still understand nothing about their partnership other than the fact that Meiko keeps Meicoomon’s demon side under wraps
- Taichi returns from looking for distortions and I’m just wondering how the hell he missed the giant purple coming from Meicoomon. 
- Mimi has her cell phone and this is new and kind of weird to see 
- Takeru calls Meiko hopeless and Hikari teases him. Yay Takari??
- Lmao  Takeru is still saying he loves Yamato the most and Yamato is blushing after Taichi calls him out
- Sora is so upset and it continues to chip away at my heart
- That Taiorato scene…yikes. That was a golden opportunity to distinguish boyfriend from best friend and Toei completely fucked it up. I'm irritated. Taichi is her best friend and an idiot so him being oblivious is normal. I’m not even a shippy person but Yamato and Sora are supposedly end game so I feel like that scene should have gone down differently. Like the whole clenching his fist and staying quiet and looking to Taichi for help. WHAT WAS THAT. And then asking if they should ask Takeru with her right there (I get it was with good intentions but...) ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME. THAT’S YOUR FUTURE WOMAN. COMFORT HER. That was some horribly shitty writing. 
- Then Meicoomon ruins that oh-so-sweet moment  just as Mugendramon appears in a flash of light. Like literally what. the fuck. I dead ass expected Meiko to appear instead because it looked like the gate had opened. Nope, just a Dark Master here to fuck things up again
- We’re back to the real world and Daigo is finally figuring shit out. Unsurprisingly, Maki is shady and is working with Yggdrasil and used Meicoomon to cause the reboot so she could see her dead partner again. I get it, but how selfish can you be? There’s a super cute flashback to teenage Daigo/Maki and Daigo is SMOOTH ASF with that partner line as he comforts Maki. Like shit, please teach Taichi and Yamato your ways.
- Back in the Digi World the gang is reunited and they call for their partners to Digivolve and the Digimon are like ????
- They’re blasted by Mugendramon and i’m over here like how tf did they survive. Then it’s revealed a distortion appeared and saved them all, but they’re all separated without their right partner
- Biyomon is back to being a brat and makes Sora cry - there goes another part of my heart. Then they find Meiko and i’m just like wtf is she Houdini now??
- The others are in other parts of the world and the nostalgia is real. I swear Toei’s goal was ‘how much nostalgia can we fit in one movie’
- Meiko = mountain/country girl = good at making fires
- Biyomon is only being nice to Meiko. What. A. Brat. 
- Mimi and Tentomon make a good name-calling team 
- Yamato and Koushiro are the dream team lmao. Koushiro showing the digimon pictures of their adventures in the real world warmed my heart. Agumon questioning Yamato about Taichi was priceless. ALSO LETS JUST STAND HERE UNTIL THE TRAIN IS INCHES AWAY FROM US AND THEN JUMP. Like how could let that happen Koushiro, you’re smarter than this.
- Taichi is being gloomy because he doesn’t know what they are to their partners anymore and Hikari is like ‘nah just accept them for how they are now because for Plotmon, it’s better this way.’ So wise beyond your years, Hikari. 
- More cut scenes. Takeru is in primary village getting patched up by our good pal Elecmon. Again, nostalgia. 
- Hackmon is filling in Daigo. He’s on the good side aka Homeostatis. We learn that Gennai has dabbled with the darkness and he refers to Meicoomon as libra (I think) because ANOTHER MYSTERY IS JUST WHAT WE NEED AT THIS POINT
- We’re back to Sora and Meiko. Sora is depressed once again and doesn’t know what to do to fix things. Meiko throws her words back at her and i’m screaming because she’s SUCH A GOOD GIRL. 
- Meicoomon appears and is pissed and starts attacking like WUT. Meiko is cool asf and is like ‘yes, you’re bad but i’m also bad for abandoning you i’ll never do that again.’ 
- Dark Gennai appears in Ken form and is all like hi let’s play. He’s reveals he is on the side of Yggdrasil. Meicoomon says bye and goes after Mugendramon but is tossed aside like she’s nothing and falls into DGs hands. Sora shows up all queen-like and throws rocks. DG tackles her and feels her up for her DigiVice (also, what the FUCK was the unnecessary licking, i’m disgusted Toei). Dumb and Dumber (i apologize, I’m still very salty about the previous episode) show up to save Sora just in time. Everyone is reunited due to the distortions and Gennai reveals even more information - Yggdrasil doesn’t want the two species interacting and wants to destroy the Human world. Unsurprisingly, the Chosen have played into Yggrasil’s plan accordingly, and honestly, i’m so over it. They couldn’t have come up with anything better??
- They’re about to be blasted away and Plotmon becomes a total badass and allows them to escape to a boat of all places
- DG finds them easily and Dumb and Dumber along with Hikari come up with the genius plan to let themselves be decoys while the others escape. DG is like HA YOU THOUGHT and sends MetalSeadramon to play. Nice going, guys. 
- Back on the boat, Sora and Meiko are still there. Biyomon finally comes to her senses and realizes what a beautiful soul Sora is and i’m soaring 
- The Chosen are on the run and DG is still babbling nonsense. JYOU FUCKING TACKLES HIM AND I’M CACKLING. HOLY SHIT THAT JUST MADE THIS MOVIE FOR ME. The digimon are ruthless asf and attack him one after the other - it’s fantastic. 
- We see Maki temporarily reunite with Tapirmon and she’s pissed he doesn’t remember her. Like girl what did you think would happen??
- Back in the water Dumb and Dumber are fighting with MetalSeadramon and then they disappear under water after protecting Agumon and Gabumon. They have the MOST GAY MOMENT OFF ALL TIME as they swim towards the surface. Then they’re out of oxygen but somehow are having a conversation with their partners. Agumon and Gabumon save them AND THEY CHEAT US THE EVOLUTION SCENE AGAIN. Plotmon evolves to save Hikari and it’s beautiful. 
- MSD is defeated and scene cuts to Sora returning to the others. DG escapes and disappears. Mugendramon goes after Biyomon, Sora jumps on to get her back. While Sora gets pummeled into the wall the two bond and it’s beautiful and Biyomon evolves. PHOENIXMON IS SO MAJESTIC. 
- Cut scene to Meiko being cornered by DG and him being a creepy bastard again. 
- Back to the action, the two attack, Sora gets knocked off AND JYOU COMES TO THE RESCUE AGAIN. Then all of a sudden, Patamon wants to fight so he evolves and we finally see Seraphimon. Next is Tentomon and now it’s overkill and i’m not happy with the way this played out either. Like them wanting to fight is seriously what triggered their evolution? What. The. Hell. 
- Meiko is being strangled by DG to trigger Meicoomon’s evolution. He says some pretty harsh stuff to her. Like geez, yeah she’s not exactly the best partner but to say she should’ve never been born? Rude asf. 
- Mugendramon is defeated and everyone is ecstatic because they still have a bond. Jyou is smug even though Gomamon didn’t evolve lmao what a cutie. Sora forgives Dumb and Dumber after they apologize (+10 points) but I’m still aggravated by the whole ordeal 
- The world shakes and we see Meicoomon in demon form and the movie ends with DG laughing manically with Meiko passed out
Gotta say that overall I really wasn’t impressed. Confession was pretty hard to follow up with but…this? This was not what I expected at all. I’m pretty disappointed but there’s still two more movies so my fingers are crossed that it’ll get better from here.
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itsdigitri · 7 years
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Nuevas escena de Digimon Adventure tri. ¡Parte 4! Pérdida.
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itsdigitri · 7 years
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Look at these smiling children (except for yama ofc because he's too cool.) MY HEAAAAART 😻
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itsdigitri · 7 years
Ah, sorry, I should've clarified: it's just the Tokuban Adventure stream so it'll most likely be the first few minutes that are aired.
The first part of Soushitsu airs in five days, I’m so excited ~~
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itsdigitri · 7 years
The first part of Soushitsu airs in five days, I'm so excited ~~
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itsdigitri · 7 years
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itsdigitri · 8 years
A metalgarurumon! A wargreymon!! A seraphimon evolution!!! I am sh00k!!!!
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itsdigitri · 8 years
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Remember when Sora was hesitant/wary of Piyomon because of her attachment to her?? 
...And now we've come full circle 
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Dammit Toei, why are you like this??? I am T R I G G E R E D 💔💔
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itsdigitri · 8 years
Re-Watched Kokuhaku
And just wanted to note some thing I missed the first time around (sorry if these things have already been discussed!) 1. That random voice that talked about the destruction of the human world right before Hikari was possessed by Digi-God. Tf was that? And what relevance does it have to the plot - did it disappear with the reboot or is there a bad digimon on the loose?? 2. Meicoomon evolved after Meiko arrived. This isn't really important (she could've evolved simply because she was being held down by the other Digis but I'd like to believe her presence caused it.) I was beginning to doubt their partnership, tbh. 3. After the reboot, Himekawa mentioned that the quantum whatever thing hadn't made an appearance. I'm confused as to what that means because it's supposed to be the center of the worlds, right? It would explain why the digital world was 'off' but what about the other worlds?? Will this continue to be a part of the plot??? 4. Meiko found Meicoomon in the human world (along with that dark X digivice.) It's been awhile since I watched Adventure, but at that time, wasn't it impossible for Digimon to live in the human world on their own? So, where did she come from and how was she already pre-infected?? I get the feeling that this will be a huge chunk of the plot if/when they discover how the infection originated within her. Re-watching really got me hyped for Loss. This is going to be the longest three months ever.
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itsdigitri · 8 years
Everyone: Yay! Taiorato!!!!
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The twos are gone! Yippee, no more infections!!
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