itsjoalba · 1 year
Remember that sometimes not getting what you want is a wonderful stroke of luck.
Dalai Lama (via thehopefulquotes)
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itsjoalba · 1 year
Sunday Currently
-Eleven Minutes by Paulo Coelho
-I've written something on my journal.
-Jazz music for babies (really a relaxing background music while writing 💯)
-Nothing, I mean no scent just the usually homey scent...
-To be hired especially in the creative department. I really hope there's a chance to make it to the designing world.
-My sleeping attire since it's 7am ahahah yah writing this at this very moment while basking the feeling of morning feeling. 😴😂
-That I am actually writing something right now.
-To have a stable income. Pleaseeeeeeee (so many things to pay and things to BUYYYY 💸 ahahahah the gastador self is screaming! )
-Enough time and faith to hold on to my dream. TBH, I'm so tired of waiting the "waiting game" is really challenging as of the moment. I don't have any resources anymore (money) and I tried freelancing but there's a slight chance to be able to work with clients nowadays especially there's so many GREAT DESIGNER in the market. I just gotta keep on reminding myself that I can do this and if not I can still and will be doing DESIGNING no matter what. It's so clear to me what I really wanna do especially with the phasing of my life right now. I just really wanna create even if I suck sometimes.
-A bit distant. I need to realign with myself it's kinda affecting me (inner world) and the relationship I have. But all is well. Just needed to be more disciplined with my everyday habit especially now that I'm unemployed.
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itsjoalba · 2 years
I love that moment. When you’re on a long car ride, or listening to music, or reading. And you completely zone out. You forget your troubles, and everyone around you. You’re focused on that one thing, and that one thing only. You’re content, and everything seems peaceful.
Unknown (via thehopefulquotes)
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itsjoalba · 3 years
The Untethered Soul 
Nothing much
Television sounds...
Buwad from the kitchen.
That I will be more courageous with the things I do.
That I won’t stress the small stuff.
I won’t consume something that is not healthy online. 
That things will be okay soon. I know it will be. I hope I will be strong enough and brave enough to conquer everything what’s in front of me. 
Pangbahay clothes.
That I was slowly breaking the bad patterns and being aware of my bad behaviours. 
To feel connected again with someone. I know that I’m blessed with family and friends. But to be honest, these past few months it’s been a very challenging to connect with the random people. I feel like I’ve been distant with my family. And my friends they too have their priorities (completely understandable) Or I'm just having sepanx with the people around me and at some point they’re slowly settling down with their life and with their own little family. Just wanna connect lang jud with people. Like random chikas and random bonding ughhhhh. 
CONNECTION! genuine connection. ahahaha lol self. Just let if flow jo, just let it flow. 
A real conversation, there’s this one person I met online and ever since our last conversation I still crave for it. I feel safe at some point when I talk to him though we have a naughty conversation, but with other stuff you can feel that he is listening to you. In time, I don’t know if we will ever meet in real person. I still don’t know. But I think it is not impossible to meet someone whom you can connect with whether its online of offline. (but more of the offline pls. hahahaah)
A bit anxious with things lately. There are phases of life jud like the ups and downs but Im slowly facing them and recognizing them. Feeling like the change is inevitable. You cannot escape it you just have to overcome it until you’re YOU again. Until you will adjust to things around you. Indeed, we are growing and evolving as a person. I just don’t want to overthink small things. It’ll will pass rjud. For now, I just need to accept and learn to let go of stuff. 
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itsjoalba · 3 years
Conversations with God by Naele Donald
Done writing my other blog post, Still gonna brainstorm another blogpost ;)
Double Take by Dhruv
Going to a bookstore today... 
About my pre covid travels
This pandemic will hopefully calm down, like mo chill lng mga taw slight.
Everything will work out for the best.
Better days ahead.
That things will be okay.
That whatever is happening to our society will be an eye opener.
Pangbahay clothes.
That I will be brainstorming another artwork for house warming.
That at some point I can handle things slowly.
To have a food buddy plus laag buddy. (I know I have friends whom I can call, but you know na what I mean hahahaa)
more disciplined with my finances eheheh 
Happy, I mean genuinely happy. I know things are going crazy with our panahon today. But at some point there is still something to be grateful about. I got news 2 wonderful news from my super super close friends. And I can’t wait to meet those little ones. Ahhh another reason for me to look forward and start saving up for this little cuties, I’ve been dreaming of this and imagining what kind of tita I am. When I think about it, It makes me grounded and happy. Blessing in disguise maybe? to keep us reminded that amidst this pandemic and bad news there is still something to be thankful and something to celebrate about. 
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itsjoalba · 3 years
Waves of change...
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Have you ever felt sometimes that people might leave you? I know not literally but can you imagine that one day things might/will change. The time you're having fun with them, the spontaneous trips you guys have, the food trips and everything in between. Hard pill to swallow but everything is not permanent, change is the only constant. Thinking about this feels like a bittersweet feeling. When you’re “in the moment” with them you just don’t want to end it, it feel so good to be surrounded with good people that everything flows smoothly when you’re with them. This is such an underrated blessing, not all people got to experience this kind of bond with people, when you know they are not just there for fun but also when you are facing defiance. I thank G and the universe for letting me experience this kind of experience. May I always gonna take care and cherish this blessing. With the waves of change and as we grow older we have different priorities now, some of them are pursuing their long time dream, some of them are thinking about settling down, some of them wants to migrate and start a new life in a different place. It is slowly sinking-in that we got to decide and think about long term decision now. Gone are the days that the only concern we have is “guys asa ta laag, asa ta kaon?” LOL kidding aside. But seriously, we talked about “adult” stuff now, it feels weird but at the same time excited about what will happen next with our lives. It’s amazing to think that we can talk these things openly with each other. But deep down while listening to them part of me wants to pause first, like guys can we slow down a little bit? Can we take a little time to breathe? But this is life, we got to experience every phases of it and how we deal with the changes that is happening right in front of us. That’s the beauty of this we got to witness ourselves and the people around us mature and grow. The things we hope and planned before is actually happening right now, right in this moment. Yes, we have dreams and plans to achieve but that doesn’t mean the fun stops already, it is just that we have our own dreams and desires to pursue. And as we go on and think about what will happen next why not cherish the chances and bonds you guys have while you’re still having that moment. For me, I really don’t know what will happen next. But as we go on I just hope everything that we decide what to do with our lives will align to what’s meant for us. Upon thinking that people might leave me, I think I was just eaten up by my anxiety and fear. Because honestly, I think they will not. I know who to call and share my sentiments with and I’m always gonna be forever grateful about this (and vice versa). Always gonna cheer for them and support their decisions in life. Well, for me? I still don’t know what to focus and I’ still figuring things out. But deep down I know what things that I wanna do I’m going there guys, slowly but surely...
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itsjoalba · 3 years
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itsjoalba · 3 years
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itsjoalba · 4 years
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itsjoalba · 4 years
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sold 💯
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itsjoalba · 4 years
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itsjoalba · 4 years
Barista Story
Last week was the mark of my 3 year outa school life LOL. And yesterdays was my 2 year mark working in a coffee shop. Well technically, more than a year only. I worked as a barista and was absorb in a travel agency company for a year with the same management.
Pandemic happened and I'm back working in a coffee shop. So I'm going to share with you some of my experiences having a job as a customer service.
I never imagined myself working in an office wherein you have your own cubicle, you have your own computer and other stuff. I always imagined working in a customer service related work or anything that there is more personal interaction (face to face) activity. I kinda love personal interaction especially when dealing with different people. I graduated as Human Resource but never did I practice my profession.
I didn't apply for any job for bout a year. I wanted to feel the feeling of not being pressured in finding a job just because you're a fresh grad and all you need to do is to look for a decent job because somewhat that is how society works. I really wanted to disconnect with all the responsibility that I needed to face just because I'm at the phase of the "adult-life". I'm somewhat disappointed with myself after graduation. I don't know where my life is heading to, where am I suppose to do next, what kind of job do I really want. Can I even choose a job that I wanted. My mind was spinning, it was an endless battle of "what ifs". Everyday I'm tired like I didn't do anything but my body is so tired not only physically but mentally. I'm overthinking things and scenarios. I'm having anxiety so much anxiety that it drowned me. I was so low and down at that moment. Every time I wake up I feel afraid and I'm so lonely I can’t even tell my friends. Good thing I have my cousin who always accompany me every time I feel low (thanks to them and to some close friends). 
I wake up and all I did was cry and I didn't know why. I'm struggling day by day. Asking help from the Man above was my weapon and my refuge. Even if I was at my dark place there is still a small amount of hope left in me. I always convinced myself that one day everything will make sense and everything will fall into place that I may find answers to my endless questions. Everything changed when my mom talked to me "Jonalyn, dli mani para amoa imong paningkamot para sa imong ugalingon raman na, atleast og wala nami maka ana mi nga naningkamot kas imong ugalingon. Dili sa tanan panahon naa ang mga taw nga imong ge saligan. Saliga imong ugalingon." That was the big shift and it hit me. It hit so hard that I cried and thank the Man above because my mom was right. All this time the only thing that I needed was right in front of me. I was so moved by what my mom told me, I was so motivated and inspired to do things that I need to do. I always sabotage myself, so many alibis just because I'm not yet ready to face what's really needed to be fixed. Maybe I didn't treat myself correctly that I victimized my own self. I poisoned my own mind with the wrong activities and wrong mindset. I didn't pay attention to the blessings I've been receiving. I was covered with clouds of doubts.
Fast forward today, I may not land the job that I desired but sure I landed to the job that is necessary for me. Being able to work is such an underrated blessing. I didn't see this coming to be a barista but it changed some parts of me, it brought so much new learnings it unfolded some skills that I didn't realize I can do. To serve people and clients a cup of coffee everyday was my motivation. It added to my purpose everyday. I always look forward to create latte arts, serve delicious coffee (both local and international) and to widen my understanding and knowledge in the coffee industry. Being able to learn this new knowledge and dive into this kind of work and industry was one of the things that I'm forever grateful for.
And above all, the people that I'm surrounded especially to the management I'm under. They taught me a lot of things that I needed to learn both work and life. They share a lot of new perspective not only in my work but in some aspect of life that I will always gonna carry throughout my journey.
It's been a while self, I congratulate you for always finding reason to go on, for creating the life that is meant for you, for looking the good things that brought you to beautiful moments. And above all, for trusting to the Man above and to the universe. For always trusting that the things that is meant for you will always gonna find you. There are so much things to unfold, experiences to learn and people to meet. Whoever people I will meet and whatever I will do in my life I hope it will always gonna align to my soul purpose. 
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itsjoalba · 4 years
“The camera makes everyone a tourist in other people’s reality, and eventually in one’s own.”
— Susan Sontag (via macrolit)
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itsjoalba · 4 years
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Two days ago, my close friend had a birthday. I painted her dog for her.
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itsjoalba · 4 years
In my eyes, good conversation is the birthplace of true attraction. So open up and share with me every encounter and experience that shaped you into who you are today. Tell me all about your hopes and dreams and captivate me with your passions. Arouse my curiosity and you'll have my attention.
— Beau Taplin
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itsjoalba · 4 years
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itsjoalba · 4 years
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