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That’s why…
                                                       returning amethyst rp blog                                              please like or reblog if you’re interested!                                                     personals please don’t reblog!
                                                                                        …it’s perfect.
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        && ...so i’m feelin dusting off this blog but like who’s still here cx
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So uh… I was actually gonna let this blog go cause I keep focusing so much on my Pokémon ones…
But then “Too Far” happened.
So long story short I’m dropping all of my threads and starting fresh. ((But, if you have a thread with me that you really wanna keep, just let me know and we can talk about it!)) This starter call will be in queue for the day and I’ll get to posts between work and stuff.
PS: message me if you’d like to plot, instead!
There’s no limit or anything for this call, just know that if I struggle with ideas I’ll message you and that it’s still a mutuals only starter call. Let’s hope this time sticks, yeah? :’3
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So uh… I was actually gonna let this blog go cause I keep focusing so much on my Pokémon ones…
But then “Too Far” happened.
So long story short I’m dropping all of my threads and starting fresh. ((But, if you have a thread with me that you really wanna keep, just let me know and we can talk about it!)) This starter call will be in queue for the day and I’ll get to posts between work and stuff.
PS: message me if you’d like to plot, instead!
There’s no limit or anything for this call, just know that if I struggle with ideas I’ll message you and that it’s still a mutuals only starter call. Let’s hope this time sticks, yeah? :’3
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So uh… I was actually gonna let this blog go cause I keep focusing so much on my Pokémon ones…
But then “Too Far” happened.
So long story short I’m dropping all of my threads and starting fresh. ((But, if you have a thread with me that you really wanna keep, just let me know and we can talk about it!)) This starter call will be in queue for the day and I’ll get to posts between work and stuff.
PS: message me if you’d like to plot, instead!
There’s no limit or anything for this call, just know that if I struggle with ideas I’ll message you and that it’s still a mutuals only starter call. Let’s hope this time sticks, yeah? :’3
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So uh... I was actually gonna let this blog go cause I keep focusing so much on my Pokémon ones...
But then “Too Far” happened.
So long story short I’m dropping all of my threads and starting fresh. ((But, if you have a thread with me that you really wanna keep, just let me know and we can talk about it!)) This starter call will be in queue for the day and I’ll get to posts between work and stuff.
PS: message me if you’d like to plot, instead!
There’s no limit or anything for this call, just know that if I struggle with ideas I’ll message you and that it’s still a mutuals only starter call. Let’s hope this time sticks, yeah? :’3
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My favorite fusion!!!!!!!
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Sweet gem babies
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Please reblog when you’re an active Steven Universe Roleplayer!
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We making a masterlist of all active Steven Universe roleplayer on tumblr!
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The original cool kids.
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Another redraw (excluding the bg as always). Thanks millie-cheery for the suggestion~!
patreon / redbubble / commission info
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I’m not gonna let you stand there and remind me of everything I hate about myself!
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        When Steven wasn’t around, Amethyst didn’t want to be either. It had only been a few days, and already he was the only relief she had from the building tension between Garnet and Pearl. Well, aside from making a bigger mess of her room, that is... but even that was really letting her down.
        Geez... she wished they would just talk about it already.
        But the truth was, Amethyst got it. She knew how Pearl felt, maybe even more than Pearl would admit. But when she and Garnet formed Sardonyx, she’d felt that same weakness Pearl had been trying to make up for. She got it. But she couldn’t get doing that to Garnet.
        Fusion. Of all things. 
        With a heavy sigh, Amethyst kicked a round thing out of one pile and into another. That looked slightly better, but she still felt the weight of being in the middle. After all, she couldn’t blame Garnet for not wanting to talk to Pearl yet. But even if she was disappointed in Pearl... she couldn’t be mad at her, either.
        That’s why it was better when Steven was around. She didn’t have to feel in the middle all by herself. 
        But hey. With that in mind, maybe he was back home now. Plus, she could kind of use a snack. It was a bit of a risk to step out of her room, but... she couldn’t hide in there forever. 
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        For some reason, Amethyst wasn’t expecting Pearl. Especially not a Pearl that was yelling her name. But, after her shock wore off, Amethyst sighed and made her way to the fridge.
        “Oh... Okay.”
        A road trip? With Greg? She could understand Steven going, but wow... Garnet wanted to get away from Pearl that bad? Sticking her head in the fridge, Amethyst cast a sigh. This was gonna go on forever.
Just You And Me
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And just like that, they were gone. Pearl sat alone on the sofa, waiting for Amethyst to come out of her room so she could tell her where Garnet and Steven went. Even despite this (honestly completely merited) behavior Garnet had been displaying since the incident, she hadn’t expected her to volunteer for a ‘road trip’ with the boys. Did she really want to get away from her so badly that she would forfeit their current missions to go on whatever silly errand Greg was on? The again, she’d wasted more time than a day’s time already in order to fulfill her desire to fuse with Garnet, so she really couldn’t judge. 
The longer Pearl waited, the more she thought about what she might expect from her first conversation with Amethyst after that…incident at the communication tower. She honestly wasn’t sure how to feel about the other gem right now herself; how long had she known about her fixing the hub to fuse with Garnet again? Why had she waited until the third time to say anything? Was she trying to get her in trouble because Garnet had refused to form Sugilite with her again? Was she just jealous? The idea irritated her quite a bit. But again, any anger she felt over that prospect was quickly overpowered by the guilt she still felt over her own actions, leaving her back where she started. Luckily, it was at that moment the silence in the room was finally broken by the sound of doors opening. 
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“Amethyst!” She sat up with a start, and sure enough, Amethyst walked out of her room. Putting on an awkward smile, Pearl jumped right into the topic at hand. 
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“Garnet and Steven went on a trip with Greg to the Keystone state, so it’s just you and me for a little while.”
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So, I can’t seem to find many of my owed replies. Shoot me a message if you know I owe you, okay? I’ll be getting to ones I know I have first, but since I don’t have much to do, this is a starter call. c:
Priority goes to new interactions.
Limt is four.
Mutuals only.
Verse may vary. (Maybe.)
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--Words from a Wailing Stone! ✭
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// This post is a reminder to myself to get on this account. I see you on Pro or Sylvia’s account Ky. Get your butt over here!
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Drew some fusionssss
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[ Thank you so much for the follow! I love how you portray Amethyst, she's such a cool character! :> ( via ladyofthemoonstone) ]
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// aslkfjaslkfj Thank you ^^; I’m glad people like how I play her–now I just need to stay my butt online more cx
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