I legitimately thought your avatar was a dinosaur with robot eyes for days now because I never looked at it closely. Although I now realize it is a horse with robot eyes, I no longer know which Pokémon to catch and name Frank. Do you have any suggestions?
Haha -- thanks. I think the correct answer is that you shouldn't name your horse Pokémon after Frank, but also that you should name it something dumb like "pony"
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fcrgottn · 5 months
*sets down some daffodils, bells of Ireland, and pink carnations on a bed of dead leaves*
Send my muse some flowers to convey your muse’s feelings towards them!
Daffodil– Rebirth, New Beginnings
Bells of Ireland– Good Luck
Carnation Pink– I’ll Never Forget You
Dead Leaves– Sadness
"O-oh...thank you...I think"
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always-together · 9 months
Just a Little Something Up Ahead
(Aka: A very long overdue apology, where I’ve been, where I’m going, and the future of my blogs (Spoiler alert: I’m not going anywhere, but updates are needed))
Tagging everyone I remember writing with frequently on my blogs in the hopes they see this and read the whole thing: @pcrplevenom , @nxtleftbehxnd , @misfitxofxfriends , @ssatxr , @advnterccs , @opportunistic-chicanery , @trickywanderer , @twistytwine , @automaton-otto , @monmuses , @raktanag , @dragonizens , @alicerozen , @arianatheangel-girl , @saltygempearl , @castleofmxses
Please take the time to read this whole thing if you can. This has been a long time coming and I don’t want anyone to feel as if my absence has been anyone’s fault, because it absolutely has not been, under any circumstance. It’s been entirely me, and my own inability to maintain all of my blogs during college.
Hello everyone. If I’m remembering correctly, this is my first non-reblog post since last October, when I vowed to come back and respond to the Halloween threads I attempted to start and obviously, disappointingly (most especially to myself), never did. I felt very bad then and still do, because it was going to be my first time interacting with several new blogs and I just…ruined my chance to make a good first impression because all will to write Garnet completely vanished. Some of the people that I tried to start interactions with are tagged in this post, and to both you all and those I write with all the time, but especially the first-timers, I apologize deeply and hope you can forgive me for letting you all down like that.
I know there’s a million worse things to be guilty of on the internet than abandoning your rp blogs because you have no muse, but this has all been just as bad as those worse things to me. Although I’ve undoubtedly been having fun on my Spamton blog I’ve also been feeling incredibly guilty, and for leaving you all in the dark as to my thought processes and IRL reasons why I went away I once again deeply apologize. No words can properly express to every single one of you all just how sorry I am for disappearing this past year and a half. It’s been a long time coming, but now that my fall semester at college is over I feel now is a good time to explain everything and talk about where me and my blogs are going from here.
The number one thing is, of course, college. Even in my freshman year, prior to my Spamton blog, I was having trouble maintaining multiple blogs and characters at once due to work sapping all of my writing energy. Coupled with the jobs I ended up getting, especially the one I’ve had since June, trying to run five blogs at the same time proved impossible. So, foolishly, I took the easy way out and stayed put at the one I had, and still continue to have, the most muse for. I don’t regret doing so, as it made balancing everything much easier to handle, but I do regret not telling you guys somehow first and leaving you all behind like I did.
The other main thing is…hard to explain through just text with no tone indicators, so please bear with me and know that, again, me leaving most of my blogs and you guys behind was no one else’s fault but my own. Attempts to properly come back here and apologize have been stymied by me finding my prior writing style and tagging system cringy and disorganized, respectively. Of course, it was only a matter of time before I felt this way: This blog has been around since I was 17 and now I’m 20, with much more writing experience behind me and the ability to refine my tagging process over the course of my different blogs. This blog feels stuck in the past in comparison to my Spamton blog, my newest blog, in a certain way, in regards to that. Especially with the disorganized tagging. What was I thinking 🤦‍♀️
That’s not even getting into the muse pages across all of my blogs, further worsened by the fact that I’m primarily mobile and can’t edit them at a moments notice or create fancy Caards like all of my mutuals. They make me cringe more than my writing in some ways. Please do not look at my About the Mun page on this blog, I will be removing that when I can 😬
Returning here eventually became associated with regressing to how I was back in 2020 in my mind, and soon that began to spread towards how I felt about my other blogs, too. I was rigid in replies and sticking to plots, barely sent partners memes yet inwardly expected to be sent them in return, and never really IMed or communicated except through tags. I am happy to say that over the past year of silence I’ve gotten better at all of that, but you all shouldn’t have had to suffer while I figured my shit out. But nevertheless I still left, and hid away at my Spamton blog until now.
I want that to change, desperately. I miss you all. I miss Garnet. I miss all of my other muses, too. But considering I’m a junior in college now, with my capstone/thesis fast approaching, I don’t know how difficult that’s going to be. And of course, I don’t want to abandon my Spamton blog, either. Whatever I end up deciding, however, I need to update all of my information pages to reflect my current standards and make my tags more easier to navigate, like they (mostly) are at my Spamton blog.
So until I can find the time with my busy holiday work schedule to do this necessary work on all of my blogs, all activity is currently at @thebigshotman . Feel free to send in memes, random asks, and interact/IM me there, if you’d like! I’ve gotten a lot of crossover threads going lately, and much like the Haunted Mansion there is always room for one more 😊 So please, if you’re still interested in interacting with me after all of the shit I’ve done, head there for now.
I’ll be reblogging this on all of my other blogs tomorrow so as many people see this as possible, and know I didn’t forget about everyone. Changing everything looks like it’s not going to happen until after New Years, so consider coming back to everything my New Year’s resolution-except unlike many resolutions, this one is actually going to happen.
Thank you for taking the time to read all of this, if you indeed still are. Like I said, I’ve missed you all dearly, and I want to come back. But I can’t until I’ve done some very overdue updating and organization. (Everything old will stay tagged as it is, but going forward things will be easier to find.)
I’ll see you all soon. And this time, that’s a promise.
Love, Mun Bri ❤️
Relationships/friendships with Garnet and all of my other muses will remain the same unless you or I message each other agreeing otherwise
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techie-waterwitch · 11 months
What tarot card are you ?
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How wonderful it is to be so strong. Your body and mind are a machine that work in tandem. With calloused hands and shining eyes, your place in the world around you is ever-changing. But you take the challenge with grace and ease. as long as you allow yourself growth, and change, you cannot be limited. It does not come from a place of naiveté– no, far from it. The source of your strength is kindness. / NUMBER: 8 / UPRIGHT: strength, courage, persuasion, influence, compassion / REVERSED: inner strength, self-doubt, low energy, raw emotion
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the tower
Where is the line between awakening and self-destruction? is it thin? Are you walking toward it? on it? Already too far gone? there is nothing more disheartening than trying to find yourself, only to learn that you detest the person you've been looking for. Can I tell you a secret? You are allowed to love yourself. required to, even. How can you go forward without it? Make no mistake– it is not easy. But it is essential. You will get there, and it will be warm. / NUMBER: 16 / UPRIGHT: sudden change, upheaval, chaos, revelation, awakening / REVERSED: personal transformation, fear of change, averting disaster
Tagged by: Not a soul Tagging: @bloodied-and-commander @bxxksxndswxrds @saltygempearl @itssomanymuses @spiraledheart @fcrgottn @thescatteredfcurth @thebrainsandbrawn
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partcfyouruniverse · 1 year
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"Oh! Isn't this planet amazing pearl?! I've never seen so many different lifeforms in one place! There's humans! These furry creatures that crawl in the trees and so many different organics that can fly!" She exclaimed in pure wonderment. "Not to mention the fauna here is beautiful." She commented. Picking up a flower and placing it in the pearl's hair.
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garnet107 · 1 year
This post is very good if you enjoy pearlrose
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onenicebugperday · 2 years
Can you tell me some facts about the blue ghost firefly (phausis reticulata)? I only recently learned that they exist, and I'm kind of obsessed with them.
Sure! They're found in the lower Appalachians and they're called blue ghosts because their glow looks blue from a distance, but it's actually yellow-green up close and in photographs. Why that happens is a whole explanation I can't get into here but if you're interested you can read about the effect here. They often appear green in photography as well.
Males look like typical firefly beetles, but females are larviform, meaning they look like larvae for their entire life even though they pupate to become sexually mature. They're wingless and obviously don't fly, but rather climb up onto low foliage and glow to attract males to them.
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Photo by friel
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Photo by maxbird1
Both makes and females glow for about a minute at a time rather than flashing like most other species, so they are great for long-exposure photos!
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Photo via WNCOutdoors (Notice it looks green, not blue!)
These dudes are a bit rare and only appear for a couple of weeks each year, so there's a fairly decent tourism industry to go see them. It's VERY important that people not go into their habitat and trample the undergrowth, though, because they need it intact to survive! That's where the larvae and females live.
So if you do happen to go visit them...stay on the path :)
Also may I recommend the Ologies podcast episode on fireflies! Tons of good info and blue ghosts are discussed. Link here.
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villains4hire · 3 years
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     Suddenly two arms stretching to spring a rather familiar looking ‘fun’ gem forward to Pearl. Her voice whacky as she did a one-handed handstand, “Hellooooo, IT’S A ME, Spinel!~” Then while attempting to do a fun flick to Pearl’s nose, it’d somehow make a ‘doing-oing-oing’ noise as it’d shake. Sweetly in a joking tone, “Hehe, heya Pearl! Certainly been a while hasn’t it?” In a way... those words went deeper than time itself to when they knew each other somewhat back then as she did an odd, yet warming smile.
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👫(for both Peridot and Lapis if you're up for it)
Send a 👫and I’ll write four headcanons I have about our muse’s relationship
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This one is a little sad. Since Steven left and Greg moved into the temple Peridot takes it upon herself to visit Pearl, Amethyst, and Garnet. She took Steven’s advice to literal sense and tries to fill in the gap he left. She has it all the Steven shirt, the positive attitude right now, the youthful energy she literally tries to be the Steven they want to see in the world. She does her Steven skits for Pearl all the chances she gets. One day Pearl gets worried that Peridot is trying to be someone she’s not. Which is not healthy so she reassures her no matter how much she misses Steven. Nothing could take the place of him or Peridot herself. She enjoys Peridot for who she is! 
Peridot and Pearl get together not just when they have projects they want to do together for experiments. Peri regrets deeply how she once treated her “rival” in the past and now looks to Pearl for guidance, advice, and affection from time to time. 
Pearl and Peri still have their share of little teasing, quips, with one another they jab at each other, but nothing too extreme to hurt one another's feelings.
When Peridot is not at home or hanging out with Bismuth sometimes she’ll ask Bismuth to walk her and Lapis over to the temple to drop them off over there when the green nerd wants to stay over and have a sleepover with the others. Even if Steven is not visiting the crystal gems became a big part of her family. Then Pearl and her will talk and maybe even sing while they wash the dishes together. Peridot asks her if she can teach her how physically fight with a sword or with her fists. Pearl smiles and says they’ll stick to the basics. 
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Surprising absolutely no one! My Lapis can be a big brat! She does all the typical things you would expect someone who is immature and a typical teenager-like person to do. She disregards Pearl’s rules, she teases her, she yells back at her. She ignores her when she scolds her. She refuses to do any chores that the main three will be doing when visiting. 
Lapis has her softer moments though, after all, Pearl may be one the few gems besides Bismuth among all others Lapis may have a chance to talk about her trauma with. They sometimes talk about how both of them will be better to one another now with the exception of their personalities
Pearl being a neat freak likes Lapis to be spick and span when she comes over to the temple. So like clockwork, she once held Lapis down and brushed out her ratty blue hair. So nowadays Lapis just brings the brush over to her with a smug grin and says. “Might as well get it over with.” Then she sits down or lays to make it more difficult for the motherly warrior gem. Eventually, she settles down and allows her to brush her short flowing hair through. 
Pearl believes that both Lapis and Peridot can be a handful when they come to visit so she takes them to the store with her and various places to calm their rowdy energy. Sometimes Lapis will turn on a song that Pearl has never heard before and on top of which the lyrics sound very inappropriate. So she will turn it off causing Lapis to pout, then low and behold Pearl ends up soon humming it then later just flat out enjoying the song as much as Lapis upon her second listen. Then they laugh out loud at how the whole fight about the song was pointless. Hahaha! 
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runby2 · 4 years
Ok, but now I want to know more about Noid and/or your story idea for him
It’s based in the Universe of Yo!Noid 2. A real game. The Noid basically lives in a mirroring void reality similar to the background of his commercials. He interacts with sentient pizza toppings while trying to restore a monument in the center of the void using his trusty Yo-Yo. When he gets there, he’s ambushed by a male counterpart of Hatsune Miku named Hatsune Mike. This is all in the actual game, nothing of my originality has been added yet. The Noid fails, and is replaced by Hatsune Miku, in reference to the real replacement of The Noid commercials with the Hatsune Miku Pizza Commerical.  Basically I wanted to continue the story to have a second half where Noid’s counterpart Mr. Green is introduced. Mr. Green first appeared in the video game Yo!Noid 1. I wanted to have him reappear in The Noid Void and try to take The Noid’s place, only for them both to have been thrown away and forgotten. There was no place to take.  The Noid in this universe is not a mascot, but an alien-like creature called a raboid. Because the original Yo!Noid 2 focused on dissociation and being forgotten, I wanted The Noid to team up with Mr. Green to try and be remembered by even a single person. They’re fading away, and it’s scary.   
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bxttenbound-archive · 3 years
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@saltygempearl​ asked: “Personal Thoughts” (can ignore if you want, I know we only interacted a tiny bit, but gosh I do love your Missi)
Send “Personal Thoughts” and the name of a character that My Muse interacts with. They’ll give their take on that character and I’ll tag a blog I interact with who role plays that character!
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“ Such a curious being. I wonder what has brought them to the point of defending humans of all things form the likes of I. Surely they know far too well how many humans kill humans within the world yet I hardly see her do anything to stop them. Just as with every righteous human wanting to protect a species from the predators that hunt them down they do not see how the prey kill themselves in much more vast numbers than a predator could ever wish. How, entertaining it is to see them proclaim a love for humanity yet sit back when humanity kills themselves. If they did love humanity as they claim we would hardly be the first target to such aggressions. “
“ But we are an easy target, are we not? Easy to blame our kind for harming people when we are doing what we were born to. The wolf must eat the sheep to survive regardless of the shepherd’s wishes and the shepherd knows one sheep to quell the wolf’s hunger today means two saved tomorrow. Yet such a being as herself cannot understand it? How humorous. Perhaps she should read a book or something on the subject. But what can one expect from a person not even of this world. “
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blueskittlesart · 4 years
Steven Universe?
i legit havent thought abt steven universe since last year but ill do my best lol
favorite female character: amethyst
favorite male character: greg universe would treat me right. i trust him
favorite book/season/etc: season 1 for pure nostalgia value
favorite episode (if its a tv show): hmm i think ‘the answer’ because i remember when that ep came out i and everyone around me lost our minds
favorite cast member: estelle,,, p l e a se,,, 
favorite ship: umm i was a big lapidot shipper back in the day el oh el and uhh pearlmethyst was a big one too
character I’d die defending: LARS he was always one of my favs even when he was a dickhead
character I just can’t sympathize with: i honestly cant rlly think of anyone lol shoutout to su for writing sympathetic villains
character I grew to love: umm lapis or bismuth
anti otp: was never an amedot fan but i guess i can see the appeal now that im no longer rlly involved in the fandom
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variantia · 4 years
@saltygempearl replied : see, I was expecting this post to go in a "and then she beat the shit out of those assholes" direction, but I was gleefully surprised to find out that it was, in fact, "and then she took strong but realisticaly appropriate action agasint those assholes and educated them on how to be better". This is my kind of power fantasy oh man
BELLUM.   like, she definitely isn’t above beating the shit out of assholes if they’re actively posing a physical threat to herself or someone else ; but she prefers not to get too physical or violent if she can help it
not only would that worsen her already precarious reputation (   “Permafrost finally loses it” headlines, anyone ?   ouch   ), but it’s just not the kind of person she is, she wants to stand up to people and be allowed to be angry and defend her loved ones and SPEAK UP without completely losing her temper and kindness, without having to rely on physical force
she knows they’re very unlikely to listen to her because she’s dealt with enough of these kind of people to know they’re often unfortunately set in their ways and stubborn and think they’re right, but, there’s a CHANCE they might listen
more importantly, she feels incredibly satisfied with the fact that there are other ways to fight back against shitty people without sinking to their level, and with the fact that anger, even justified anger, doesn’t have to be all screaming and throwing punches
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techie-waterwitch · 9 months
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“Honestly, where did you even learn language like that?”
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“I, umm, that is, well, a heh-”  She chuckles nervously for some odd reason.
“I can explain!” 
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faelapis · 5 years
“🏳‍🌈 do you have any headcanons (lgbt, race, neuro, etc) that are important to you?”
i think personally... the canon ones are the ones that bring me the most joy. just because of the visibility aspect of it all. garnet as a black lesbian who was thrust into a leadership position but learns to open up and prioritize herself, pearl as a more morally-flawed lesbian who needs to both cope with and celebrate her own agency and its myriad of consequences, lemon jade as a closeted couple, rose as a bi/pan person with her own arc which is just interesting as a character, the inherent gender non-conformity of gemkind, etc.
on the side that’s less “direct”, i’d argue steven as a trans metaphor where the narrative is always, uncomplicated, on his side. he is inherently himself and no amount of misgendering will ever change that. there is nothing he needs to do or any particular way he needs to look or act to be himself, he is IS, he doesn’t have to “become” anything. he is who he’s always been. 
other less canon-adjacent speculations include - pearl being autistic, amethyst and jasper as mixed race when human, lapis having inattentive add, spinel has anxiety, white diamond (like me, probably) having avoidant personality disorder.
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athetos · 4 years
7, 18, 26, 54
7. Favorite author? Right now, it’s Tamsyn Muir, who is writing the locked tomb trilogy. Really poetic, violent, devastatingly funny and heartbreaking writing with lots of medical gore and heart. Also very fond of Jeff Vandermeer for surreal scifi that will rot your mind, and Eoin Colfer for being the most Charming children books author that I can still enjoy today, and probably the biggest overall influence on my writing.
18. What’s your revision or rewriting process like? I hate revising. It takes forever. Having to make small edits can take way longer than writing an actual chapter. I definitely think it’s an ADHD thing. I usually try to write everything in one draft, constantly tweaking things as I go, to make it easier for future me. If I have someone giving me a nudge like “hey maybe it would be cool if you added x” it helps a lot. Beta readers save my life. Otherwise, I would never have anything done.
26. Stanalone or series, and why? Stand-alone. I struggle a lot with writing plot that doesn’t fall apart after only 2 chapters to begin with, and I also tend to get bored of whatever I’m writing partway through. Stand-alones are just way more manageable, for the time being.
54. Any writing advice you want to share? Starting is almost always the hardest part, but persevere!! There’s nothing wrong with using random characters or writing fanfiction. Cringe is dead. Write with yourself as your primary audience. If you get stuck, don’t be afraid to skip ahead, and put important scenes to write in brackets so you don’t forget what you had in mind. Leave lots of notes. Don’t use a thesaurus 24/7, but it’s still helpful especially if you repeat the same word a lot. Expand your vocabulary, be experimental, try different POV’s. Make sure the rhythm of writing isn’t the same every sentence (as in, each sentence isn’t structured the same, with the same number of syllables or clauses). Fuck around.
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