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“I feel like I can push the idea of beauty.”
Raych Jackson
©Fatimah Asghar
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“Christmas Eve my mom braided my hair back in cornrows. There as nothing blocking my face, no make-up. There I was, in a sweatshirt, in a hairstyle usually for men, and I was like-- wow. I’m beautiful. It made me feel like, what else can I do with my beauty and still feel confident?” Raych Jackson ©Fatimah Asghar
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“I used to call myself flat chested before other people could.”
Raych Jackson
©Fatimah Asghar
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“I’m trying to look at my body as a site for intelligence and information gathering, not just my brain.” Dani Martinez ©Fatimah Asghar
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“When I was little I would spend a lot of time naked in front of the mirror. It made my grandpa uncomfortable.” Dani Martinez ©Fatimah Asghar
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“When I go into a casting room I start ticking off the things working against me-- I’m dark skinned, I’m not petite, I have tattoos, I have short, nappy hair. The things I normally view as positive about me in my life becomes negative.”  Sam Bailey
©Fatimah Asghar
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"I only recently got to a place where I can feel beautiful by myself, without someone else's eyes."
-Sam Bailey ©Fatimah Asghar
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"When my internal and external self match up is when I feel most beautiful-- when none of it feels like a lie. When I can step away from my physical form and forget."
Jovan Julien ©Fatimah Asghar
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"When you're taking a photo, there is a mix between candidness and finding the beauty. Even in moments of candidness or happiness, its hard for me to see the beauty of myself."
Jovan Julien © Fatimah Asghar
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"I need to fall in love with myself naturally. Not just right after I get a haircut or something. That's part of the reason why I'm growing my hair out."
Jovan Julien © Fatimah Asghar 
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"I think gendered clothing is stupid. I've always wanted to wear dresses. I got to the point in my life where I've stopped caring."
Hieu Minh Nguyen
©Fatimah Asghar
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Q: When was the first time you felt beautiful?
"I wish it was easier to remember. Because I totally remember the first time I felt ugly."
Hieu Minh Nguyen
©Fatimah Asghar
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"If you start off the day with a good pair of clean underpants, it'll be a good day. Otherwise, you are wondering, 'can they smell me?' It's the fear of your body being your body. The fear of your body existing in someone else's space."
Hieu Minh Nguyen
©Fatimah Asghar
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"[I like] when people tell me I look like my dad. It makes me feel like I belong to something."
Cam Awkward-Rich
©Fatimah Asghar
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"I love my body deeply when I am using it for running or play."
Cam Awkward-Rich
©Fatimah Asghar
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"I made a decision: I won't fuck anyone unless it's my idea. Sex has to be my idea."
Britteney Kapri © Fatimah Asghar
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"I was super opposed to masturbating for years because I hated myself. Learning to love my body while touching myself was one of the hardest things for me. Finding the artistry of loving yourself was an insanely lonely experience that I was uncomfortable talking about. We don't talk about masturbating enough."
Britteney Kapri
© Fatimah Asghar
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