itslieutenant · 5 years
sexual sentences .
oral ———————————–
“ your mouth is so warm and wet ”’
“ open wide, baby ”
“ god i love the way your tongue feels on me ”
“ deeper — shove your tongue — deeper ”
“ you’re making me tremble ”
“ lick me — there again ”
“ how do you like my tongue between your lips? ”
“ flick my clit — ”
“ slower… drag your tongue over me… ”
“ i can’t wait to lick your… hard… gorgeous… cock… ”
“ all i want is to feel you deep down my throat… ”
“ baby, your lips are so tight… god… ”
“ you’re — gonna make me come like this — ”
“ can i fuck your throat? ”
“ wanna fuck my throat? ”
“ how’s this? ”
“ i just want to kiss your cock/pussy/ass all over… ”
fingering ———————————–
“ one finger in — how’s it feel? ”
“ think you can take a couple of more? ”
“ grind against my hand, show me how much you want me ”
“ i’m so wet for you… i need your fingers…”
“ work your hips for me ”
“ you’re doing so good ”
“ when can i have more? ”
“ you’re making me impatient… ”
“ you’re so wet and nice ”
“ that’s it — let’s stretch you all nicely… ”
“ i can’t wait to be inside you ”
“ do you want me? more of me? hm? ”
“ someone’s eager to see me… ”
“ god… just… slip your fingers into me already, you tease… ”
“ your lips are so good, baby… ”
“ suck on my fingers. ”
“ kiss my thumb ”
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itslieutenant · 5 years
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“ I’m counting on it. ” Playful wink, curved and crooked smile that allows a glimpse of the boy who thrives on the fight: adrenaline rush well controlled, a discipline equally matched with thrill. “ — best way to learn, and best way to teach, ” he says, “ — and if we get a couple of bruises out of it, well, guess you can call it progress. ” 
( Words full with experience, a story perhaps shared for another time. He can barely count the bruises that come - blooms against skin that tell of a good hit and a promise of ache. Too many tell of a fist too fast, and a block too slow. )
“ We’ll work with some standard stuff first, see how you go - then comes the tricky part. Hitting the floor. ” A finality in a sense in what he says; a nod towards where the balance truly shifts and quick movements can turn the tide to victory. To fall was not the end, but rather, the next stage – for those lucky at least, to know what to do. 
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     “If we DON’T get bruises from this, I would say we didn’t try hard enough.” She laughs, a warm smile lifting her features. She’s looking forward to this more, now. She can already feel a little adrenaline pumping through her system, the thrill of having an opponent that would actually train properly with her flooding her veins.
     “Sounds great, thank you so much. I know I’ve got a lot to learn, but I think I’ve got the basics down.” Well, she’s proved a few times she’s got the basics down. But that doesn’t mean that going over them again won’t be appreciated. The more practice she gets, the better.
     “Do you need me to bring anything along with me, later?” It’s hand to hand, so it’s not like she’ll need any weapons, but perhaps some wraps.
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itslieutenant · 5 years
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“what gave it away?  my sunny disposition or the slime – ” kirk shakes his hands, slinging iridescent goo everywhere “ – trail leading all the way back to the transporter room?”
so, really, it hadn’t gone THAT badly.  a miscommunication when he’d sneezed his way through  a complicated vocal pattern.  the llucholians had been delighted by his blunder, mistaking it for a celebration.  kirk sighs heavily, squashing down his irritation.  “it’s an easy fix.  i’ll just need your help with it?  after i shower?”  because this is gross.  “can’t say i’ll be adding SNOT to the list of bodily fluids it’s okay to be covered in.”
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     “... maybe a little of both?” Nyota bites down on her lower lip to stop herself sniggering when he tries to shake off some more slime. it’s dripping off of him, honestly, and it smells pretty bad. 
      honestly, Nyota had figured she should probably go with him. but if she had then it would look like he wasn’t making the effort to learn their language. “that’s fine. you rid yourself of that... stuff, and i’ll write up another speech for you. we’ll go through it a little more thoroughly this time.” she smiles, folding her hands behind her back as she steps aside so that he can pass her to go shower. “yeah, you’ve DEFINITELY put me off. consider that checked off my list of things i want to be covered in.” she jokes, shooting him a grin.
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itslieutenant · 5 years
It was this particular side of Nyota’s personally that Scotty had always admired; her ability to look authority in the eye and say no, when she didn’t agree with a decision or something she considered unjust. While she was a kind and genuine soul who was proud of her femininity, she wasn’t afraid to stick it to the man when it was required of her. It was an admirable quality which had her ascend to bridge crew in a matter of months, and secured her a place as an integral part of their crew. They had been through a lot together. This was just one more obstacle. 
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Looking up as they entered the huge dry dock, where the frame of the new Enterprise-A was beginning to take form, the engineer felt his heart flutter a little as he laid eyes on her. She was just as beautiful as he’d envisioned she would be; the perfect home for his precious bairn; for them all; a safer, more durable place to live while they sailed amongst the stars. One thing was for certain, he would never allow what happened on Altamid to ever happen again while he was chief engineer. “Gods… She’s beautiful, Nyota…” 
      Nyota doesn’t ever want Scotty to feel like she finds him in ANY way ‘crazy’. They’ve been through so much together, have seen so much, and that has ingrained him firmly into her life in a way that cannot be severed. Least of all by the words of some bureaucrats that know nothing about what it’s like to be part of a CREW. Their bond is firm, all of them, and she would never want to lose Scotty. 
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      As they step into the dock Nyota first sweeps the area for guards, before she tilts her head back so that she can look up at the Enterprise. She exhales softly, eyes drifting slowly across the frame, before she turns her head to look at him. “She is. She’s looking great so far, Scotty.” She places a hand on his shoulder, squeezing gently as she smiles over at her friend. “You want to go take a closer look? Make sure everything is being done properly?” 
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itslieutenant · 5 years
As his afternoon shift concludes, Spock has every intention of retiring to his quarters to take a respite from his duties in order to once again be able to perform at his maximum capacity. However, as he passes the mess hall, a familiar figure catches his eye, and, despite his better judgement, he finds himself changing his course.
As his presence is noted with an invitation, he gives a slight inclination of his head. “I would not be opposed to it, Lieutenant. Thank you.” He takes a seat across the table from her.
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“Anything of interest?” he inquires, his eyes taking note of the text displayed on the other’s PADD. He has become accustomed to exchanging the conventional inquiries and pleasantries - it was, after all, a necessary bonding experience among the crew that seemed to increase their efficiency. This time, however, he finds himself genuinely interested, and it catches him off guard.
      She feels her lips tug upwards when he takes a seat, admittedly a little surprised to see him here after his shift. Usually he retires right away, to go and relax in... whatever way it is he enjoys relaxing. 
      For a moment, she sets her PADD aside and reaches for the tea, pouring him out a cup as he sinks into the seat opposite her. 
     “No problem at all.” She hums, sliding it across to Spock before she leans back in her seat and casts a glance at her PADD when he speaks again.
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     “Sherlock Holmes. I read them all when I was a teenager, but... Something made me want to pick them up again.” 
      She closes down the PADD, though, locking it so that she can reach across for her own cup instead. She’s not going to read with him sitting opposite her, after all. That’d be pretty rude. 
      “Have you read them? I’d definitely recommend them if you haven’t.” 
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itslieutenant · 5 years
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SHE MADE A BEELINE FOR Nyota when she heard her call out, hardly caring who stood in the way. They’d stand aside if they didn’t want to get stepped on, and no one wanted to get stepped on. She considered that an efficient way to get through life. ❝I am well, Nyota Uhura. Seeing you again is good, but I did not think it would be in this place.❞
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      Nyota’s lips are pulled into a small grin as she watches Jaylah make her way through the crowd, almost shouldering people out of the way without a care in the world. When she comes to stop in front of her, Nyota looks her over properly, smiling that little bit wider. “You look well. How has life been treating you?” She hums softly, hand gesturing vaguely to the area around them. “We were stopping by for supplies, and, well... I heard you were here and wanted to see how you’ve been doing. We’ve been keeping up to date with reports on your progress, but nothing beats hearing it first hand.” 
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itslieutenant · 5 years
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          She’s right. Leonard knows she’s right. But admitting it feels a little too much like salt in a wound (and dammit if Leonard has never know when to properly give up on Jim Kirk). Gritting his teeth, McCoy shoots another scathing glare in the captain’s direction, muttering too low for anyone but Uhura to hear, “…he only does this when he’s seriously injured, Nyota. I’ve seen it a hundred times. He’d rather bleed t’death than admit to that kind of weakness.”
          He’s trying to sound as furious as he feels, but beneath that veneer of outrage lurks real fear. Leonard has made a career out of saving Jim despite the other man’s self-destructive tendencies; he lives in dread of the day that his efforts simply aren’t enough.
           Finally, the CMO returns his gaze to Uhura, watching her stiffly for a long moment before finally nodding his assent. In a furtive gesture, Len slips a pre-loaded hypo into her hand. “…if it gets bad, and he won’t see reason… knock him out, and comm me. I’ll come runnin’…” 
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     “I know, Leonard...” She sighs, casting a subtle glance over her shoulder at where there Captain tries to keep focused on whatever it is he’s deemed important enough to ignore medical care for. “And I really don’t think that he’ll ever change, in that sense. Self preservation seems to be very low down on his list of priorities.” 
      She can understand fully why Leonard is so worried. Jim does IMMENSELY stupid things all the time, recklessly ignores the advice of a man TRAINED to keep him safe, and then acts defensive when called out on it. It’s like dealing with a petulant child, sometimes.
      When she looks back at Leonard, he presses a hypo into the palm of her hand, and she glances down at it for a moment. “Of course.” She pauses a moment, tucking the hypo into her pocket, before she tips her head back to look up at the CMO again. “Just... Linger by the door. I’ll go and talk to him, and if that doesn’t work, well... I’ll lure him away in ten minutes under the guise of showing him something recovered from that wreck. Then I’ll jab him, and you can carry him to the Med-Bay. Deal?” 
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itslieutenant · 5 years
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     “Commander,” She greets, looking up from her PADD when he comes to stand across from where she’s seated. She’s off duty, reading a book she’d downloaded last time they were on Earth, and it would seem he’s just clocked off for the day, as well. She offers him a smile and points to the side table at her left, tilting her head. “I’ve made some tea. Would you like some?” 
@inlogicaveritas - { liked for a starter }
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itslieutenant · 5 years
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“ alright, ” grin, excitement - the kind that comes from a man well versed on moving on the mat. “ after a warm up, we’ll look at your form first, ” play - tongue in cheek with recognised merit and mettle. as he speaks, he lifts a hand, fist curled in a ‘knock’-like form and taps at his cheek “ – i’ll let you get a couple of hits in, and we’ll see what we can do from there. ” 
little opportunity, he knows that - for some officers to really train, to really fight ( better - explorers and the curious are what they are. a soldier is something else - at least, for most ). but, sulu also knows the ease in skip and shift - light jump to security and fight that comes with unstoppable forces and immovable objects. 
uhura is definitely that, he thinks. 
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     “You SURE you want to let me hit you? I’m tougher than I look.” She’s grinning-- giving away the playfulness of her words if it wasn’t already abundantly clear. She wouldn’t be swinging on him full force, after all, this is a sparring session not an actual fight. But, she has to admit, the prospect of having a sparring partner that actually knows what he’s doing is exhilarating. Nyota is GOOD at hand-to-hand combat. She’s trained herself, practiced for years. But Sulu is something else entirely, and she can’t wait to learn from him. 
     “Thank you, though. Really. It’s rare I actually get a chance to practice with someone else.” She’s sparred with other men - and women - aboard, of course. But the men always either hold back or try TOO hard, and most of the women haven’t shown much interest  in any hand-to-hand that she’s noticed. So, to have a moving target that can hit back will prove immensely useful.
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itslieutenant · 5 years
Heal - One muse offers sex to comfort their sick/injured partner.
smut prompts || accepting || @fasciinating
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     “I love you…” She breathes into the crook of his neck, her fingers clutched into the hair at the nape. She’d crawled into his lap a few moments ago when she’d noticed the strained look on his face, the way he’d been glaring across the room. He doesn’t take sitting out LIGHTLY, and she knows it must be really bothering him to not be able to be on the Bridge, but he’s injured. And orders are orders; he’s to stay put until he feels BETTER. Jim’s words.
      He murmurs something into her hair ( she’s ASSUMING a reciprocation ) as she gently skirts one hand down his torso, feeling the lines of bandages beneath his shirt. He doesn’t flinch away but she doesn’t apply any pressure, merely noses up to his ear and exhales softly, smiling against the shell of his ear. “Let me take your mind off of it…” 
      Spock is melting into her touch, she can feel the way he leans into her, the tilt of his head that presses his ear to her lips. And she takes that as permission to help, her small hands drifting slowly between them to hitch her dress out of the way. Her panties are slid down her thighs, her teeth gently nibbling on his earlobe, and she exhales quietly as she reaches into his pants to free his cock.
      He makes a low noise that vibrates deep within his chest, and Nyota closes her eyes, fingers stroking slowly around him to feel him stiffen in her grasp. “Breathe… Focus on me.” She instructs when she feels his body tense, careful not to lean her weight against his already injured ribs as she lifts herself onto her knees. Her forehead drops to his, their eyes locking, and she offers him a gentle smile as she slowly lowers herself down onto his length.
      She almost moans at the sensation but bites down on her lower lip, eyelids fluttering closed for just a moment, before she seats herself fully and takes the entirety of his length inside of her. Her name leaves his lips in a soft rasp, large hands dragging up her thighs to grab hold of her hips, and Nyota shudders softly as she begins to ride him. It’s a slow pace, each rock of her hips not taking him more than an inch from inside her, keeping him buried DEEP… Intimate and sweet. 
      She can watch through hooded eyes as Spock’s features relax, his jaw going slack for his lips to part around a soft groan, and it’s beautiful. She would do anything to make him happy, but this is certainly no chore.
      It’s a slow and steady build between them, the fire pooling deep in her belly and shooting sparks up the length of her spine, and when Spock cups a hand to her jaw to guide her down for a kiss there’s no hiding the quiet moan she breathes into his mouth. One of her hands finds the hair at the nape of his neck again to clutch gently, and she braces the other lightly against his shoulder, rolling and circling her hips slowly to take him deep and at JUST the right angle each and every time. 
      She can feel his body twitch gently beneath hers, his fingers flexing where they grip her hips, and unsurprisingly she’s right there with him. Her walls flutter, her hips falling just slightly out of rhythm, a little jarred as she rocks down against him. It’s hard to keep control when she feels that pressure building up and up inside of her.
      She stutters out a moan when she comes, ducking her head to bring her lips to his ear, and his name tumbles from them amidst quiet moans and soft curses. Nyota rides herself through it slowly, quivering and fluttering around the length of his cock, and it only takes a few more strokes of her hips for him to tumble with her. His fingers grip tight at her hips, pinning her down seated DEEP on top of him, and Nyota moans quietly against the pointed tip of his ear as he growls out her name. 
      A few silent moments pass as they catch their breath, enjoying the aftermath, before Nyota slowly leans back so that she can press her lips to his with a soft, warm smile.
     “I’ll draw us a bath. Wait here, I’ll come back for you.” She promises, thumb sweeping the sharp cut of his jaw, before she steals one last kiss and rises onto shaky legs to make her way through to the bathroom.
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itslieutenant · 5 years
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     I’ve ALMOST finished all my drafts across my blogs, just a few asks and a couple replies left, so if you want a thing from Nyota tomorrow then please like this post. I’ll write you a starter and also send you a meme or two <3
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itslieutenant · 5 years
Keep reading
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itslieutenant · 5 years
Smut Prompts
Send me a word and I’ll write a drabble or starter about…
First - Our muses having their first time
Mouth - One of our muses going down on the other
In - Our muses involved in penetrative sex
Plunge - One of our muses fingering the other
Behind - Our muses having anal sex
Scratch - Our muses having rough sex
Voice - Our muses having phone sex
Pony - One muse riding the other
Beg - One of our muses denying the other their orgasm
Toys - One muse uses sex toys on the other
More - One muse has multiple orgasms
Play - Our muses roleplay in the bedroom
Video - Our muses watch pornography together
Speed - Our muses have a quickie
Blind - One muse blindfolds the other for sex
Worship - One muse worships the others body during sex
Control - One muse acts a the dominant over the other during sex
Perform - One muse watching the other masturbate for them
Watch - One muse putting on a show for their voyeur partner
Alone - One muse masturbating to the thought of the other
Bind - Our muses using restraints in the bedroom
Risky - Our muses having sex without protection
Motor - Our muses having sex in a car
Check-In- Our muses having sex in a hotel
Party - Our muses having sex at some sort of get-together
Nature - Our muses having sex outside
Pray - Our muses have sex in a house of worship
Sorry - Our muses having sex after an argument
Reunite - Our muses having sex after being apart for some time
Rub - Our muses take part in frottage/friction play
Slap - One muse spanks the other
Partition - One muse puts on their best lingerie to seduce the other
Passing - Our muses have a one night stand
Domestic - Our muses have a sensual night as a married couple
Honeymoon - Our muses have sex as newlyweds
Celebrate - Our muses have sex on a holiday
Caught - Our muse get caught having sex by a third party
Friends - Our muses are friends with benefits
Wet - Our muses have sex while submerged in water (tub, pool, etc.)
Coffee - Our muses have sex in the morning
Private - Our muses have sex in a closet
Math - Our muses have sex in the 69 position
Beast - One muse roleplays a pet or animal for the other
Veins - Our muses indulge in bloodplay
Create - Our muses have sex with the intent to conceive
Flowering - Our muses have sex while one is pregnant
Gasp - Our muses introduce breathplay to their bedroom
Lock - One muse uses a chastity device on the other
Whisper - One muse dirty talks the other
Liquor - Our muses try to have sex while smashed on alcohol
Influence - Our muses decide to try something  they read about/saw in a movie
Exposed - Our muses take part in exhibitionism
Warning - Our muses try some more dangerous sex
Silent - One muse gags the other
Past - Our muses have sex in a historical AU
Shame - One muse humiliates the other as part of a sex game
Doctor - One muse takes on the role of a medical professional for roleplay
Reflect - Our muses have sex and watch themselves in a mirror
Greed - Our muses have especially decadent or hedonistic sex
Strap - One muse pegs the other
Throne - One muse sits on the other’s face
Magic - Our muses have sex as part of a ritual
Feel - Our muses engage in sensation play
Soldier - Our muses play with a military/uniform kink
Holy - One muse belongs to a religious order, and the other seduces them out of celibacy.
Survival - Our muses have ‘glad-to-be-alive’ sex after a battle/cataclysm
Finale - Our muses have a final fling before a major battle/cataclysm
Heal - One muse offers sex to comfort their sick/injured partner
Goodbye - Our muses have one last night before breaking up/leaving each other
Slumber - One muse has a sex dream about the other
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itslieutenant · 5 years
Smut Starters
Send me a number and muses and I’ll write a starter based off the image! No peeking!
[1 M/M] | [1 M/F] | [1 F/F]
[2 M/M] | [2 M/F] | [2 F/F]
[3 M/M] | [3 M/F] | [3 F/F]
[4 M/M] | [4 M/F] | [4 F/F]
[5 M/M] | [5 M/F] | [5 F/F]
[6 M/M] | [6 M/F] | [6 F/F]
[7 M/M] | [7 M/F] | [7 F/F]
[8 M/M] | [8 M/F] | [8 F/F]
[9 M/M] | [9 M/F] | [9 F/F]
[10 M/M] | [10 M/F] | [10 F/F]
[11 M/M] | [11 M/F] | [11 F/F]
[12 M/M] | [12 M/F] | [12 F/F]
[13 M/M] | [13 M/F] | [13 F/F]
[14 M/M] | [14 M/F] | [14 F/F]
[15 M/M] | [15 M/F] | [15 F/F]
[16 M/M] | [16 M/F] | [16 F/F]
[17 M/M] | [17 M/F] | [17 F/F]
[18 M/M] | [18 M/F] | [18 F/F]
[19 M/M] | [19 M/F] | [19 F/F]
[20 M/M] | [20 M/F] | [20 F/F]
[21 M/M] | [21 M/F] | [21 F/F]
[22 M/M] | [22 M/F] | [22 F/F]
[23 M/M] | [23 M/F] | [23 F/F]
[24 M/M] | [24 M/F] | [24 F/F]
[25 M/M] | [25 M/F] | [25 F/F]
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itslieutenant · 5 years
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she returns & the waft of TEA LEAVES is not far behind. a scent of red spices threads through his thoughts, calming the noise of nature at its smallest scales of energy; an infinite level of atoms & subatomic particles. nyota claims to SHARE his interest, lifting Spock’s chin in her direction. he takes the cup, fingers gliding around its ceramic curve. it feels WARM on his skin. as does this simple feeling.  “ it is an IMPRESSIVE argument. ” Spock replaces his padd in his lap with the cup in his hands, “ however, i would prefer to discern its fallacies myself rather than by opinion alone. ” his eyes slight, regarding Nyota carefully, “ perhaps, you would care to JOIN ME in the lab at a later date to see for yourself. if the subject TRULY interests you, of course. ” 
      Nyota enjoys these quiet moments they have together. where they’ve no responsibilities besides those they bear to each other. where they can simply enjoy being in each other’s company. and she especially enjoys them when Spock speaks of ANYTHING that he enjoys. the soft but pleased expression on his face as he discusses science or plants, or anything that has taken his fancy that day... it is something she could listen to forever. 
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     “of course. you just let me know the time and i’ll be there.” smiling softly, she rests one hand on his shoulder and leans down, pressing a light kiss to his cheek bone. small fingers squeeze his shoulder gently, before Nyota straightens and returns to her seat on the couch. her legs tuck up beneath her, and she curls her fingers around the warm mug in her hands, bringing it to her lips to take a tentative sip. “this is the new stuff i picked up last time we docked.”
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itslieutenant · 5 years
“ Uhura! my HERO. ” Jim smiles impishly. as impressively frustrated as he is, he doesn’t mind her laughing at him. she must be one of the few. he finishes her water for her and slides it deep across the counter, taps the table twice, swallows, and holds up two fingers for the glancing bartender, who is currently mid-order, “ i always feel like such a TOOL at these things, i ju- ” he turns his face and squints at her in a reflective expression of distaste, confident her calculation of the pompous crowd is spot on, and quite comfortable to bitch openly about the last three hours of his life if she’s willing to hear it.
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“ no one needs to own an entire inhabitable planet for the storage space. do they realize how many displaced people could utilize the resources there? plenty to go around and assholes like that are still clambering for safety nets after Nero. well, there’s safety then there’s GREED and it pisses me off. ”
     “your knight in hooped earrings.” she jokes back, a grin drawn across her features.
      honestly, her and Jim bitching about something or someone isn’t an uncommon sight. she finds it easy to voice her distaste in things with Jim, because more often than not they share the same opinion on the matter at hand. she nods when he talks, sighing softly as she glances around them. the next room over is where all the politicians and leaders seem to have remained, the bar is filled with people like them. trying to escape mundane conversations and pointless posturing that gets nobody anywhere. it’s frustrating, and a lot of the time, it’s DISGUSTING. 
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     “i know, Captain. but bureaucrats only have one thing on their mind, and it has nothing to do with the well-being of their people and EVERYTHING to do with lining their pockets.” she frowns to herself before looking back at him, thanking the bartender when their drinks are set down. “there’s no way we’d be able to convince them to see sense even if we tried. they’ve gotten an idea and somewhere to dump the shady shit they don’t want anyone to see. they’re not going to give that up for the good of their people.”
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itslieutenant · 5 years
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Happy 10th Anniversary to the AOS Star Trek movie~
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