itsmypersonalagenda · 3 years
“If fat dogs and fat cats are cute then why do fat people get so much hatred?” - The Fat Lady, Probably
(Via my post-melatonin brain.)
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itsmypersonalagenda · 5 years
I’m back! Was living on an island for 2 months. Dead serious. Had a job there. It was great. But I missed tumblr. SO much.
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itsmypersonalagenda · 5 years
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Guys. Is it just me or does this dog look like angus macgyver? (2016 v)?
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itsmypersonalagenda · 5 years
So i’m like, beyond peeved off. Like, i missed a bunch of eps of my shows cause i was away. Now i come home, watch like, one ep of FBI, and my mother f*ucking sat reciever isn’t picking up any of my favourite channels. I have reset and all that c*ap but it’s not freaking working! Ughhhhh!
Sorryr for the rant. I think i’m done now.
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itsmypersonalagenda · 5 years
Help! Please Damn it!
3-4 eps of NCIS missed in a ROW!
Pretty much the same for FBI!
Urgh! My sat reciever isn’t listing my regular viewing chanels! I had a favourites list too! Anyone have channel suggestions for my shows? (NCIS, NCIS NOLA, FBI, New Amsterdam, Hawaii Five-0, MacGyver Reboot) + (CSI, CSI MIAM, CSI NY Bones, X-files, and Major Crimes: reruns) (The cbs ones but in canada?) Please give me a lot so i can see if i have them? Just the names (deja, global ... etc) not the numbers. Numbers are all useless unless i have the same service(and everyone hates bell) i used to know where to find them any given time but my tv’s being a s*it head)
I can’t post new content without watching the shows!
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itsmypersonalagenda · 5 years
#don’t fear the queer
— i’m trying to start something
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itsmypersonalagenda · 5 years
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Guys! We only have until the 18th to vote and Tumblr’s only in third place! For the sake of awesome I am attempting to signal boost this.
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itsmypersonalagenda · 6 years
“Bishop ain’t gonna like that.”
— Torres
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itsmypersonalagenda · 6 years
Ellick x Reader!
Ellick x Teen! Witness! Gender Neutral! Reader
March 24 2019
“Y/N! Hey wait up! We just wanna talk!”
The young teen continued to run through the dilapidated building until they were cut off by a blonde woman, the hispanic man came up behind her and a taller man came from the left. Y/N moved to run away through the opening but a silver haired man cut them off. “Kid. Calm down. We’re not gonna hurt you. Here, we’re NCIS, see?” The teen stopped struggling and turned around to look at the picture the mustachioed man held out to her. “Have you seen this guy?” “I want protection.” The blonde spoke up next as she holstered her gun. “From what?” “Edgar. The guy in the picture.” “Bishop. Take them to get cleaned up. Get them some food while your at it.” “Got it. Can I take Torres in case they try to run again?” “Ya. Get goin’.”
Thirty minutes later the H/C haired teen was seated at Ellie’s desk, eating Torres’ lunch and watching their two escorts duke it out over the female agent’s lunch. “I get half of your’s then.” “Fine. But you have to go heat it up.” “Fine.” Torres left to the break room and Bishop sat on the edge of her desk and faced Y/N. Y/N grinned and spoke up first. “You like Torres.” “What? No way.” “Don’t worry, he likes you too.” “Just sit and eat yor lunch quietly.” “I ship it.” Bishop’s curiousity got the better of her and she prodded lightly. “And what would your so called ship be named?” “I don’t know.” “See? You don’t know everything.” “Ooh. Sore spot. Sorry.” Nick came back in and handed Ellie her half of their lunch. “What about Ellick?” Ellie choked on her soda and Nick’s eyebrows shot into his hairline. “What?” “Nothing. I’m gonna take Y/N to see Ducky. They’ve been talking non-sense all afternoon.” “Afternoon? It’s only one o’clock.” “Don’t question me Torres.” “Yes ma’am.” “I totally ship it.” “Quiet you.” “Yes ma’am.”
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itsmypersonalagenda · 6 years
“What, did you get that from a self-help book?”
“Fortune cookie actually.”
— Kristen Chazal and Jubal Valentine, FBI 1.16 ‘Invisible’
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itsmypersonalagenda · 6 years
— NCIS 2019
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itsmypersonalagenda · 6 years
Molly Weasley x Adopted! Teen! Reader
Coming Out To Molly Would Include
You, for no good reason, would be so damn nervous. Your S/O had told you the horror story of the things that their family had said/done to them. She/He still had problems talking to her/his younger brother because their mother called them ‘unclean.’
Your S/O was muggle born so their father blamed magic for them being gay.
Which is WHY you were coming out to Molly.
Your S/O needed a place to stay.
“So... Molly... I mean mum! I mean... URGH! WHY IS THIS SO HARD?!”
“Spit it out dear.”
*sigh* “I’ve... met someone. At school.”
“Oh? Who is he/she?”
“She/he actually.”
Molly would slowly break out into a grin after carefully wondering why the bloody hell you were squirming so much. Did you really think she’d care? She didn’t. If you were happy so was she.
“Tell me all about her/him.”
“Well, their muggle born, and their parents just kicked them out, so I figured maybe...”
“They could stay here?”
“Of course! We’ll just need to ask your father. Oh! He he comes now.”
Arthur walked in and Fred hollered up the stairs.
“George! Dad’s home! And guess what?! N/N’s gay!”
It went over well with the entire family.
And they all loved your S/O.
Ginny would love another sister.
The twins and Ron were under the impression that there were to many girls, so boy were they excited when you brought a guy home.
And all of your siblings and friends were ‘low-key’ glad you were gay, cause you were damn hot. And that left them with more of a chance.
For shits and giggles. Using a similar idea for a fanfic i’m writing.
How’d I do?
If one or two people enjoy this that’s good enough for me. I’m procrastinating reading the series to much. I’m almost 1/2 way through CoS. First read through. Anyways-have a good day/night! You’re doing great. (Cause someone EVERYONE needs to hear it.)
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itsmypersonalagenda · 6 years
Mock-official NCIS ‘i might have mommy issues club’ membership list
Feel free to add to this
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itsmypersonalagenda · 6 years
Do any of you do that super shrill fan-person scream where you kinda go ‘agrharargahrajrgarah!!!’ So it sounds like some weird idefk what? Ya. Me too.
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itsmypersonalagenda · 6 years
Mock-official NCIS ‘daddy issues’ club membership list:
Just for shits and giggles:
LJ Gibbs
T McGee
T DiNozzo
Z David
N Torres (16.15)
Jimmy Palmer (16.16)
Feel free to reblog and add to it.
@supercasperprincesslove-blog I felt the compulsive need to do this.
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itsmypersonalagenda · 6 years
Very true
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Reblog those rainbow gay squids and something good will happen to you
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itsmypersonalagenda · 6 years
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I made a thing. Can’t tell if it’s any good lol. Guess who? Does this qualify as fan art? I think it kinda looks like ‘teen! Ellick’. (If they were in a vn)
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