itsonlyzac · 6 years
“You’re too easy on him...” Zac sighed. He felt bad being the guy who said no, the one who laid the rules but he knew without them how easy it was for a child to run free. Now it wasn’t like Zac would never let Luke come over, if Elliot had asked for him to come over later Zac would have taken it as a viable middle ground. The fact is that Elliot simply wanted to abandon his promise and hang with his friends, by going against his word he shouldn’t receive a reward for being forced to stick with his family. At least that’s how Zac saw it. Elliot could invite Luke over next time, in advance, without trying to get out of family time. 
He grunted, glad even if Dakota was the good cop he would stick to Zac’s choice. Also, the hand on his belly reminded him how hungry he was. Which certainly didn’t help the mood Elliot was putting him in. “You can have Luke over during the week or you can go to his, but not today. It’s as simple as that. It’s not up for discussion any more.” Was it too early to wish his other children didn’t talk back once they became teenagers? He glanced at Charlie, leading her sister in a dance. Yeah, fat chance of that ever happening. She had more personality than any of them. Ophelia on the other hand... oh she’d be his little angel forever.
Two parents against one teenager was not how Elliot saw this going. Even as Dakota seemed to look sorry about his decision Elliot wasn’t feeling very pleased. This was going to be the day from hell, his sisters would bug him and his parents would nag him. All he wanted to do was play games, maybe talk about the girls from school. He wanted to fume, wanted to yell, wanted to throw things. Zac’s temper certainly was inherited in his son. He’d just make this picnic hell for everyone, Elliot had decided when he walked off. Until he reached the doorway and spotted a photo of them from a while back. When was the last time they’d had a group photo? The fact he questioned it made him stop and look back. God damn it, maybe, just maybe, his parents had a point. He wouldn’t say that so openly though. Can’t admit he’s wrong.
When Charlie came running up to him he looked down his nose, for a moment feeling strange just how much taller he was than her. When did that happen? Charlie could be annoying, but all siblings were right? “Yeah just remember your helmet this time. Dad is already in a mood. I can’t believe he won’t let me go to my friends,” he complained, waiting for her to step before walking her out of the front door and heading towards the garage where the four wheelers were.”
“Nope she’s mine,” Zac said once he’d gotten Ophelia settle. He walked a little faster so that Dakota couldn’t get to them. “This one is mine!” He joked, his playful tone making Ophelia laugh in his arms. “Get the food, we’ll meet you at the car... if you’re quick enough.” He bounced his daughter, looking at his husband over his shoulder. 
Zac shook his head, a little annoyed that Dakota was giving Elliot such lenience. There were times Zac wished his husband would simply agree without needing all the facts, especially now Elliot was a teen, but Dakota was the fair one of the pair. He gave Elliot the moment to state his case, even if it was a weak one. 
‘I take offense’ his silent scoff replied, moving to cross his arms over his chest as if pouting like a child. Dramatic or what? His arms fell away as his attention splintered between the three children and his husband. He never had enough arms for them all. One to feel Charlie, one to clean up Ophelia’s drawl, one to drag Dakota to him, one to hold Elliot together. Four arms, that’s what he needed.
“Exactly my point. Luke and his game will be there any other day. If you had asked to see him later I might have agreed to that, but you’re so ready to drop plans with your family for a game and that’s not okay. You gave us your word, you stick to it.” Zac’s word meant a lot, and he expected that to follow with his son. If people said one thing and acted another way trust would never survive, and he hoped Elliot would be a trustful person. At least most of the time, he knew the boy was a teenager… teenagers lied, they hid things, but Zac didn’t want Elliot to think he’d get a free pass whenever that happened either.
Elliot’s eyes shifted into a small glare in the direction of Zac, a less sinister look towards Dakota. Well, Zac knew who was emery number one today. 
“Pa… It’s not like that!” He whined, swaying on the spot and sighing dramatically. “I see you all the time. We live in the same house!”
“I work most of the day, your father has his dancing, the girls have us running around, when we drive you to school you’re grumpy, we sit at the table and you barely tell us about your day. You see your friends, they come over or we drive you to theirs. You may be home when we are, but you close your door and stay in there even when we invite you to watch a movie or play some games with all of us. You may live in the same house Elliot, but regarding spending time with all your family? That I’m yet to see.”
Zac reached for Ophelia, taking the smallest child in his arm. He bounced the baby on his hip. He worried that perhaps the newest addition had made Elliot step back from them all, thinking he had less of a position in this family now that Ophelia was here. It hurt his heart to think Elliot wasn’t the little boy in his arms any more.
Elliot’s mouth opened and closed several times as he glanced between his parents. “It’s not fair,” he declared before turning on his heels, heading towards the front of the house where the stairs were to his bedroom. Except he didn’t go up to the stairs, he looked back at his sisters and parents. “Well? Are you coming?”
Dakota tilted his head at Zac to reference the way his arms were now crossed as if to say. ‘I rest my case’. He turned back to Elliot, focusing on what he had to say. He could definitely see why Zac had said no and he actually agreed with his husband.
Dakota nodded along with what Zac was saying but bit his lip when Zac neared the end of what he was saying. He walked close to Zac, a hand snapping out to catch Charlie before she felt to the floor, his heart pounding momentarily as she was able to right herself. His reflexes have become almost superhero like after having three kids, it was like his body sensed the danger before his mind could even comprehend it.
Once Charlie was smiling dopily back at him he relaxed, watching Charlie take Ophelia’s hand and dance in a circle. “Bare careful darling.” He asked her before continuing on with what he wanted to speak with Zac about semi-privately. “Could we possibly let him go over there later if he plays with the girls? Or maybe invite his friend Luke out once we’ve had a bit of time with him?” Dakota whispered to Zac wondering if this was a good compromise. “I’ll trust your call on this one babe.” He patted Zac’s stomach affectionately, slipping his hand under the edge of it to rest his hand on Zac’s bare side.
He didn’t want Elliot to be glaring at them all day when it was supposed to be a nice family day for them all. It made him a little sad that Elliot was getting to the age where hanging out with your parents was lame. He wasn’t a little boy anymore. He looked to Zac, relieved that he was able to perfectly explain how he felt. He gave Zac’s side a squeeze. “I agree with your father, honey.”
He let go of Zac and stepped towards Elliot, sighing when he turned his back on them. He was waiting for the sound of a door to slam once Elliot got to the stairs, assuming he was going to have a bit of a row. He was surprised however when Elliot didn’t do as he thought and instead spoke to them. Dakota’s frown turned into a slow smile and he nodded. “Yeah, we’ll be right there Elliot.” Dakota told him, happy that things seemed to be sorted for now. He took Charlies hand who jumped up and down in excitement.
“Ellie! Can we go on the four wheeler!” She asked excitedly, tugging her hand out of Dakotas so she could run ahead to her brother. The girls were so attached to Elliot and he could tell that they were happy to have him along for a day of bonding. He watched her go with a smile, turning to Ophelia in Zac’s arms. “You’ll let papa love on you today right?” He cooed, tapping her nose and smiling when she giggled.
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itsonlyzac · 6 years
By the sound of Elliot’s voice, he could already tell he was about to be roped into something. With Zac’s comment, it was solidified that he was definitely about to be roped into something and apparently pinned against Zac. “Let me hear what he has to say before I just say no.” Dakota told Zac, wanting to give Elliot a fair chance. Sometimes Zac may be a bit too strict and so he elected to hear the kids out before he just went along with what Zac said.
“What am I saying yes or no to?” He asked Elliot, reaching a hand back to Zac’s waist without taking his eyes from Elliot to silently show Zac support on his decision. Dakota furrowed his eyebrows as Elliot’s dramatics. He definitely picked that up from Zac that was for sure. Dakota finally looked over to Zac, meeting his eyes and shrugging his shoulders a bit. Over time, they have become so in tune with eachother that they didn’t even need to speak aloud to converse with eachother. He send a small smirk Zac’s way with an eyebrow raise to say, ‘I don’t know but he definitely gets it from you’.
Dakota walked around to Elliot, thinking over what he has been told on both sides as he brushed a hand through his eldests hair lovingly to help cushion the blow. “Elliot, you know how much family days mean to me.” Dakota started, his tone light. “We just want to spend time with you and your sisters. The game will always be there and you can see your friends at school.” Dakota hates not giving Elliot what he wanted but he had to put his foot down on some things. After his mother had passed, family had meant so much more to him than anything and he cherished the moments they were all together. “I’m sorry, but I’m going to have to agree with your father and say no. I know you don’t like this decision but let this be a lesson for next time. You made a promise to us and it’s important that you keep it, when you’re older, you’ll learn that people trust you to keep your word and if you don’t, you won’t be someone that others can rely on.”
Although Elliot may be angry with him, at least it could be a teachable moment. He tried to make the best of everything for the kids or at least teach them something valuable. “Now, come on, lets get a move on, your sisters are getting cabin fever.” He joked to help with any tension there might be.
Zac shook his head, a little annoyed that Dakota was giving Elliot such lenience. There were times Zac wished his husband would simply agree without needing all the facts, especially now Elliot was a teen, but Dakota was the fair one of the pair. He gave Elliot the moment to state his case, even if it was a weak one. 
‘I take offense’ his silent scoff replied, moving to cross his arms over his chest as if pouting like a child. Dramatic or what? His arms fell away as his attention splintered between the three children and his husband. He never had enough arms for them all. One to feel Charlie, one to clean up Ophelia’s drawl, one to drag Dakota to him, one to hold Elliot together. Four arms, that’s what he needed.
“Exactly my point. Luke and his game will be there any other day. If you had asked to see him later I might have agreed to that, but you’re so ready to drop plans with your family for a game and that’s not okay. You gave us your word, you stick to it.” Zac’s word meant a lot, and he expected that to follow with his son. If people said one thing and acted another way trust would never survive, and he hoped Elliot would be a trustful person. At least most of the time, he knew the boy was a teenager... teenagers lied, they hid things, but Zac didn’t want Elliot to think he’d get a free pass whenever that happened either.
Elliot’s eyes shifted into a small glare in the direction of Zac, a less sinister look towards Dakota. Well, Zac knew who was emery number one today. 
“Pa... It’s not like that!” He whined, swaying on the spot and sighing dramatically. “I see you all the time. We live in the same house!”
“I work most of the day, your father has his dancing, the girls have us running around, when we drive you to school you’re grumpy, we sit at the table and you barely tell us about your day. You see your friends, they come over or we drive you to theirs. You may be home when we are, but you close your door and stay in there even when we invite you to watch a movie or play some games with all of us. You may live in the same house Elliot, but regarding spending time with all your family? That I’m yet to see.”
Zac reached for Ophelia, taking the smallest child in his arm. He bounced the baby on his hip. He worried that perhaps the newest addition had made Elliot step back from them all, thinking he had less of a position in this family now that Ophelia was here. It hurt his heart to think Elliot wasn’t the little boy in his arms any more.
Elliot’s mouth opened and closed several times as he glanced between his parents. “It’s not fair,” he declared before turning on his heels, heading towards the front of the house where the stairs were to his bedroom. Except he didn’t go up to the stairs, he looked back at his sisters and parents. “Well? Are you coming?”
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itsonlyzac · 6 years
Dakota hummed as he finished up braiding Ophelia’s hair back. “Papaaa, are we going yet.” Charlie asked beside him, laying upside down on the couch and making goofy faces at Ophelia.
“Soon baby.” He chuckled as Ophelia giggled and clapped her hands together, spurring Charlie on.
“How soon?” She asked excitedly, moving so much as to almost slip off the couch of not for Dakota reaching out to grasp her leg before she could do so.
“Alright sit back up.” Dakota instructed after she was safely on the cushions again. “If your father and Elliot are all set to go we can leave.” Dakota answered after he has secured a pretty blue bow to Ophelia’s braid. “There we go! All done! Thank you for being so good!” Dakota cooed, leaning around to kiss Ophelia’s cheek as Charlie sat up.
“I’ll go check on them!” Charlie shouted, hopping off of the couch quickly, ready to dash out the living room.
She took off running, Ophelia climbing to her feet to run after her. Dakota stood up, groaning as his back cracked a bit. He picked up Ophelia so she wouldn’t fall while trying to keep up with Charlie. “No running!” He called after Charlie, not really going after her as he knew Zac would scold her in his place. “Now, lets get your shoes on hmm?”
He was just finishing tying Ophelia’s shoes when he was called. One thing about being a father was that you were at your child’s every beck and call apparently. “Come on, lets go see what your brother wants.” He helped Ophelia to the ground, watching her immediately go in search of her siblings- namely Charlie who she liked to follow around when Elliot didn’t want to be bothered.
He walked into the kitchen, running a hand through his hair. “I have been summoned?” He looked to Elliot and then to Zac, feeling a bit of tension. “What’s going on?” He asked, furrowing his eyebrows as he came to lean on the island that separates him from the other two.
“Pa!” Elliot sounded relieved as Dakota walked in, sure he could convince Dakota to let him go. If he just got one parent on his side then he could wiggle his way out of this whole family bonding experience.
“Say no,” is all Zac said as he moved around the counter to where their lunch had been packed away. He pulled out a slice of apple from one of the containers, handing it towards Charlie to help tie her over now that there was a delay with their oldest.
“No- say yes! Yes to letting your son have friends! To not socially destroying him. Luke got this new game I’m dying to play, and everyone's going to be hanging at his house - but Dad won’t let me go because he doesn’t want me to have fun,” the teenager dramatically whined. There was one thing Zac had to admire, he certainly picked up the dramatic streak he had. At least around the family. Elliot was much shier around those he did not know.
Zac reached out with a smaller piece for Ophelia, giving a look to Dakota as he did. ‘When did he get like this?’ read his face. “I’ve told him he made plans with us, he doesn’t get to just change them because he wants something else. The game will be there tomorrow.” Zac turned his gaze on his son. “And come on, we’re going out to the lake we’ll be having all kinds of fun.”
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itsonlyzac · 6 years
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Husband & Husband #95 “My husband is NOT pregnant”
Buy the book here: Husband & Husband Vol. 1
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itsonlyzac · 7 years
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Husband & Husband #93 “My husband’s imagination”
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itsonlyzac · 7 years
“Okay okay I know you want to go hang with your friends but you promised Sunday to us so you’re going to keep your promise,” Zac said firmly, eyeing his eldest child. It felt like just last week Elliot was learning to walk around their New York apartment, and now he stood barely a teenager with a look of annoyance on his face. They were current standing around the kitchen counter, a male on different ends. How had the child gone from walking into his arms to standing so far away?
“But Luke wants to show me a new game an-”
A groan from the teenage. “Papaaa!” Elliot cried out to his other father, Dakota, hoping to get him on his side.
“Don’t you dare-” Zac rubbed his temple as his sons voice rang out. This child was making him grumpier by the second. “Turning your father and me against each other is not a good way to keep yourself from getting grounded Elliot. You said you’d spend the day with the family. We’re going to make a big lunch and take it out to the pond with the girls. Your friend will still have their game tomorrow.” 
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itsonlyzac · 7 years
“Alright, let me know if it gets any worse then.” Dakota told him, continuing he method as he could see the effects it was having on Zac. If it was making Zac feel good, how could he stop?
Dakota relished in the teasing he got back. He had missed the little moments like this between them. How easy is was to get lost in each other and joke around. It often felt like the world revolved around Zac’s smile and his laugh in those moments. It was only more reason to never lie like he had again. He could have lost all of this and that thought truly scared him. The hand resting in the small of his back though- that grounded him and made him feel safe in their future together. He pretended to zip his lips closed to assure Zac that /of course/ this would be their little secret. “Your mum will never hear of the weird noise you have just made…or will she.” He joked, happy to keep this going just a little bit longer if it meant that Zac kept his hand on him.
Dakota sucked in a shaky breath as Zac held him. It felt like they were closing the distance that has been made between them and that itself made him feel all the more emotional. Zac was bridging the gap again and he couldn’t have been more thankful to have this back. He could feel Zac’s warmth on his back and the security his arms provided him. He nodded his head in confirmation. “Yes you should have. I always get emotional for things like this- how could I not?” Dakota chuckled waterly at himself. He couldn’t ever help himself. It was like his body was so full of love that the excess poured out of him in the form of tears. The kiss Zac gave him helped him draw that love back in, to not let the excess slip from him that much.
“This is everything I’ve ever wanted.” Dakota’s hands went up to cover his eyes. “I always wanted to get married, to have a proper family, and a house to hold that family.” Dakota admitted. “You’ve given me so much. Sometimes, I feel like I’m dreaming when I’m with you. It all feels too good to be true. How are you even real?” Dakota shook his head in disbelief that this was his life. How had he managed to get someone like Zac? How is he living out his biggest fantasies right now? His hands dropped to cover Zac’s. “Our family is the most important thing to me. Making memories with you and Elliot has been the highlight of my life and this right here, seeing our future in the works, gives me so much joy I don’t really know how to properly explain it.” Dakota’s heart felt so full but he had already learned that it always expanded to accommodate the love that grew everyday.
Dakota was happy that Zac held him close just as he was secretly hoping for. Finally things felt like they were beginning to get back on track. It felt like coming home after being in the rain for so long. It was as if the sun had chosen to shine down on them and the alone. Dakota feared his heart would beat out of its cage with the way Zac had laughed and told him he loved him, and this time he didn’t want to quell it. He wanted to let his heart celebrate in the fact that he was loved by Zac, that this was their life and even though they had hit a rough patch, they could definitely make it past it. The incident now seemed like a test to prove that they were ready for marriage, to see that they could work things out. Zac was his for better or for worse and this only proved it. He met Zac’s lips again with his own, taking what he could get. He wasn’t ready for it to end just yet. He savored the moments his lips brushed Zac, almost transported back in time when they used to make out because they couldn’t keep their lips (and hands) to themselves.
Dakota shivered, Zac’s lips on his neck giving him goose bumps up his arms. He tilted his head, allowing Zac all the space he needed to continue kissing at his skin. His grip tightened on Zac’s shoulders for a moment, vowing to never hid something that big from Zac ever again. He couldn’t, not when he has seen the repercussions of it. Dakota held onto Zac stepping back until his lower back met the edge of Zac’s desk, a small gasp bubbling up his throat as Zac nibbled over the spot on his skin that he always did. He bit at his lower lip, his hands running down and over Zac’s chest, mapping out the expanse of it all over again, his fingertips tracing the dips and curves with the same reverie he had as when he first touched him.
His heart raced, his pulse sure to be mirroring it. Zac had this ability to make him just a little bit wild, to make him crave every touch he received and then some. There was never enough of Zac. One hand reached back to stable himself so he didn’t fall over on the desk as he leaned back enough so Zac’s lips had parted from his neck. His other hand travelled back up Zac’s chest to the side of his neck, drawing him back to his lips again. He took the time to nip at his lower lip, soothing it over with his tongue.
“If she does I won’t be making any kind of noise, even the good kind,” he warned, raising a brow at his fiance. "And I’m fairly sure she wants more grandchildren... how else am I going to pretend I’m making one when I can’t even make the noises involved?” he added, just to get a reaction out of Dakota, enjoying the teasing for now.
It was true, Dakota cried more than he did, and he was learning that he could cry a fair bit. The thing was he didn’t plan to make Dakota cry, more smile. Maybe excitedly jump about. Zac himself was excited. He really wanted to build a home. Wanted to watch from day one all the way to moving in. They could help build it, put nails into the frame, put their hand prints into the foundation. Anything that would hold a trace of them and Elliot long after they had all left this world. It was a dream he’d had for over half a year now - a farm, a house, a home. This land provided so many opportunities, they should try out as many as they could.
“You realize all of those things you give me too? Like... you’re going to be there on that wedding day,” he pointed out. “You raise Elliot like he’s your own, and we’ll have more in time. This house is going to be what we both want and need. I’m not giving you all this, we’re both working to achieve it. Even during the hard times.” He paused. “I admit... I’ve not been easy for a while now. I’ve not been... like this,” he squeezed Dakota’s hand. “Yet you have been here. Patient. Mine. You put just as much work into all of this,” Zac told him. He never wanted Dakota to forget his role in all this - Zac certainly wasn’t handing a house over, they’d both have to compromise on designs and Dakota would even have to deal with the contractors when Zac couldn’t. They did everything as a team, even if one thought he was out for the count.
Parting his lips he gently nipped at the male’s neck, wondering if it was darken and reveal itself to him later. A reminder he could spot whilst they ate dinner. Maybe he’d add another as they joined together on the couch for a movie, instead of sitting apart on opposite ends. He brought his hand up as his lips moved away, his thumb moving to press down over the reddened area right where it would bruise. Oh how he would love to see that darken later. 
As they reached the desk Zac’s hands slid down Dakota’s sides until her could left him just so he would settle back onto the desk, pushing the folio to the side. He grunted when Dakota nipped and lapped at his lip, knowing how it drove him crazy. Both his hands moved down work open the front of Dakota’s pants, blindly working their way. His lips remained against the others, only breaking for air or to take a glance through his lashes to watch Dakota. He did this as his hand slid beneath the fabric of his clothing, stroking him so that he would harden. 
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itsonlyzac · 7 years
“Do you need some Advil, love?” He asked, confining to play with Zac’s hair, lightly scratching at his scalp every now and then just because. He smiled at the sigh Zac let out, happy that Zac was relaxing. Sometimes he feared that Zac would over work himself- especially with all the stressors they’ve had in their lives lately. He eyes traced Zac’s face for any signs of fatigue, ready to suggest him some sleep should he look a bit ragged. He didn’t find anything noticeable so he chose to be selfish for a moment and just enjoy his time with Zac.
“Oh do I?” Dakota chuckled at Zac’s comment. His chuckle turned into a laugh to which he buried in Zac’s shoulder. “I do /not/ sound like that.” He continued, coming back up to get his breath. A new round of laughing started up as Zac admitted his failure. “I pretend you never said anything.” Dakota tapped the side of his head playfully as if banishing the thought. “I’ll look forward to it then.” He flirted. He couldn’t help himself, it’s been a while since things have seemed this comfortable between them and he was making the most of it.
“Oh good I love the gifts we get to share the most.” Excitement was building up in Dakotas stomach at what it could be. Zac was always so good at surprising him. He just /got/ Dakota and knew what was really important to him. Zac somehow managed to take the things he really cared about and turn them into really meaningful surprises or gifts. He couldn’t even guess at what it would be this time given how content he was with their life right now. “Okay.” Dakota nodded his head, holding onto Zac’s shoulders as he climbed off of Zac’s legs. He gave Zac a smile before he was turning around to face the desk, waiting patiently as Zac reached around him. His eyes tracked Zac’s hand as he pulled out a leather folio. He stepped closer to the desk, reaching out slowly and letting his fingers trail over the leather gently, tracing the gold house. His heart leaped into his throat at all the possibilities that symbol could hold.
He gave Zac one last look over his shoulder before he was opening the folder. The waterworks were well on their way from the get go. There were several starting points for a house - a /home/ for them. “Zac…” he sniffed, his eyes tearing up as he looked at the dance studio plan that Zac had included with the other ideas. Zac was so thoughtful, so supportive of him and his career and he could never thank him enough for that. It was so rare to find someone who genuinely cared about his aspirations and passions in life and here Zac was making it look so easy. He flipped through a few more pages, already imagining how they would design their home, what would look good with what, what Zac would like and how their tastes could come together. He noticed how there were no prices included. It was a blessing and a curse and it very much reminded him of when they first became a couple and he was so hesitant in seeing any big dollar signs on things Zac wanted for him.
A tear fell as Zac added a pad of sticky notes along with a beautiful gold pen with DW engraved on it. He quickly caught onto the meaning and his heart soared even higher. Dakota Williams- a name he was more than eager to take on. He sniffed again, more tears of pure happiness working their way out as Zac noses at his neck. “Our home…” he repeated, emotion thick in his voice.
He wiped his cheek, turning around and grasping Zac’s cheeks in both his hands, surging in to press his lips to his fiancé’s. It’s been a while since they’ve kissed like this and honestly he could do it all day if Zac would let him. It was emotionally charged and full of all the feelings whipping through him right now. “I love this, I love you. Thank you so much Zac.” He mumbled in between kisses to the others lips. He was smiling so wide by now that he couldn’t even kiss him as properly as he wanted to so he pulled away, excitement still clear on his face. “I’m so excited to be apart of this.” Dakota wrapped his arms around Zac’s neck, coming in for a hug now and pressing himself close. “You have no idea how happy this makes me. How happy /you/ make me.” Dakota whispered, giving Zac a squeeze.
“I’ll see how it unfolds. Maybe some fresh air and water will be enough.” Zac let out another sigh at the scratching of his scalp. That was heavenly. It was like when he got a head massage at the barbers. You know that feeling when someone is watching you? Zac could see Dakota’s eyes on him without having his own open. He wondered what he looked like through the others gaze. Probably old. Zac felt like he’d dramatically aged up in the last year.
“You so do” he teased, his hand resting on the small of Dakota’s back to make sure he didn’t fall whilst he laughed. “Good. It’ll be our little secret then. No one will have to know,” he said in a hushed tone, acting up in the playfulness of the moment. It was just like old times, laying out on the couch making jokes about the people on reality TV, or even laying on the bed in St Lucia sharing mango and talking about the little details. It was them just being them. 
When his hands were free they found their way around Dakota. They held their bodies together, pulling Dakota towards his own. It’d been a while since he’d felt like they fit this way. He could feel the other inhaling, feel the way he reacted. Zac could be a blind man and still be able to truly see the dancer. “I should have brought tissues...” he said at the first sniff. He pressed a kiss behind Dakota’s ear, soothing him the only way he could.
Truth being Zac hadn’t first intended to plan with Dakota. He had the idea to bring the male blue prints already drawn up. They could adjust what was needed but it would all be ready to go. Except that wasn’t how they should build a home together, not with Zac deciding everything and getting Dakota to check it over last minute. So he got to work on putting samples and catalogs together, getting it in the easiest way they could mark everything and keep it all together in one place. It certainly helped they could walk the exact place the house will be built, they could picture in their heads before the foundation is even laid.
“Our choices. Our needs. Our family.” That is the goal Zac had been working himself back towards. Dakota may have broken his trust, but it couldn’t be easy the way Zac had pushed him away. Now he wouldn’t be building a house every time things got bad, but he certainly felt like taking the step of planning together was bringing them back onto the same page. "Pick what you like. Dream house. We’ll our kids in it. Keep a little place in New York to visit until they’re older and walk to go to school in the city or wherever. Somewhere to make memories.”
He was startled but pleasantly surprised as the male cupped his cheeks and kissed him. His hands snaked around Dakota, pulling their bodies against one another. The kiss dragged him in, dragged him back, pulling a fire out of the deep hole he’d tried to hide it in. Zac pulled back just for a moment to laugh over how Dakota couldn’t seem to say ‘i love you’ without breaking it up with a kiss. “I love you too,” he said, returning his lips to the other’s, his hands sliding down Dakota’s hips. For the first time in weeks he felt a charge, a need, a desire that had been missing.
“I think I could work it out...” he mumbled, his lips moving to kiss along Dakota’s jaws. “I know how to make you tell me all your secrets...” he added. The words had a sour taste to them given what their last fight was about but the moment passed. He stepped Dakota back towards his desk. He parted his lips and started to nibble the stop over Dakota’s pulse, just like he usually did.
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itsonlyzac · 7 years
“You’re not getting a headache are you?” Dakota asked, lifting a hand to the back of Zac’s head to gently run his fingers through his hair. They haven’t had these small intimate touches that Dakota craves as much recently. For that reason, he was soaking up all the attention he was receiving right now, burning the touches zac gave him into his skin so he could remember the fire that Zac had left should he back away again. He would remember it should the sheets grow cold between them when they laid to rest that night.
It had been hard to give Zac his space to process everything but he had understood his need for it nonetheless. He bit his lower lip as Zac’s hands slid down to the back of his knees, his free hand coming to grip Zac’s shoulder as he allowed the other to adjust him in his lap. He smiled appreciatively, content with how much closer Zac had brought him. Dakota hummed- a happy sound that couldn’t help but reverberate in his throat at his needs being met.
Dakota leaned his body into Zac as much as he could whilst still being able to look at him. Being this close he could see all the intricacies of his eyes, the allure of them and the way they yet again managed to hold him captive. How anyone could possibly look away from that was something beyond his comprehension. He blinked however at Zac’s confession. “…you did?” Dakota asked, feeling his stomach flutter and he cheeks grow warm. For a moment, it had felt like their first Valentine’s Day where he had been surprised that Zac had gotten him anything. He hadn’t been expecting anything, plenty happy with Zac cooking them dinner. He didn’t need much to be happy when it came to Zac. All he had needed was his presence and a kiss or two and he was ecstatic. Dakota wasted no time in leaning into the touch Zac left on his cheek bone, his eyes closing for a moment to fully enjoy it. He lifted his hand to cover Zac’s, not ready to loose the touch just yet. It has been in his personal opinion far too long since Zac has touched him for this long at one time since they had come here.
“You didn’t have to… you know I was happy with you making dinner right? I really enjoyed that.” Dakota told him earnestly. He felt a little bad that he didn’t have anything for Zac right now. He hadn’t left to go shopping alone, still too scared to be on his own just yet even though Jasper had no idea where they were. He was in the midst of writing a love letter though, just something that Zac could keep with him to remind him that he loved him everyday and not just Valentine’s Day. However- there was far too many things he wanted to say to him so he had the difficulty of how to shorten it so it didn’t become some kind of novel.
“A bit,” he admitted. It was just behind his eyes but he was sure it would go away. Dakota’s hands in his hair certainly helped. His eyes fell shut, a sigh escaping his lips as the touch left that tingling feeling behind that almost always relaxed people. Zac welcomed it, even if he didn’t have a headache. This is what things had been like before the attack, before the hidden truths were revealed. For a moment Zac wanted to stop everything, to make Dakota get off him and go back to work whether it hurt his head or not. It was better than his heart hurting. He breathed through the anxious desire, his eyes still shut as Dakota played with his hair. Everything is out in the open. It’s okay. We’re okay.
“Sometimes you purr like Aladdin,” Zac informed the other, his eyes once again open. “It’s like this noise you may...” he attempted to recreate it, sounding quite inappropriate as he did. It clearly wasn’t a good attempt at mimicking him. “Okay maybe not like that. Lets ignore that fail,” he grunted. “I’ll record you doing it one day to show you, it’s a you-only noise.” Because that sounded intelligent. Zac clearly needed a break after work if he was talking like he’d been up all night.
Nodding just so he watched Dakota for his reaction. Things had been so weird lately that even their first anniversary fell short, even Elliot’s birthday strained between them. It was like they could put 80% forward but it was clear that there was twenty still missing, no matter what they did. Time had to heal things or they’d fully break forcing things. They’d never forced anything before, it had all come naturally to them. It wasn’t easy just waiting, processing. Zac wanted to make it all better, but he simply couldn’t. They both knew he’d have been lying if he’d kissed Dakota like nothing happened. It would be wrong if they hadn’t fought, hadn’t had space form between them when someone lied. Their relationship would be pretty messed up if they’d been so willingly to force happiness just to never address the problem, to never fix it. There would always be cracks in their foundation if they hadn’t gone through the time to lay new concrete.
“To be fair... the gift is not just for you.” He probably should have started with that one. “And we would have gotten to this point eventually anyway...” Zac probably shouldn’t have called it a gift, but it was something that was pretty special for them. Something Zac wanted to give to Dakota, to share with him. “You’re going to have to turned around though. We’ll need my desk,” he prompted, nudging Dakota’s leg just to help him get off safely. They didn’t need Dakota having a klutz moment and falling off.
Zac reached around Dakota to the larger drawer of his desk and pulled out a heavy leather folio. He placed it in front of Dakota, letting the other open it when he was ready. On the very front of the dark folio was a gold embossed house. On the first page were pictures Zac had collected, some ideas to start them off. The very first one being a dance studio for Dakota. He’d build it by hand if it meant Dakota wouldn’t give up his passion. It followed with plans, different ones depending on Dakota and him liked. They were starting points, sure to change with their own needs and designs. The following pages included hundreds of pages of catalogs. They started from the type of path that would lead to their front door to the lighting they’d have in their kitchen to the floors the floors they’d dance over, the roof they’d sleep under. Zac had purposely kept all price tags out, not to be sneaky but so that they could truly design the house they wanted, not worrying that a front door might be $2000 instead of one they could get down at a hardware store for $100. They would start with the bigger picture, the frame work of their house, and then go through the catalogs to pick the structure like the flooring, and then the heart, like the paint, the couch, the bed. He added a stack of post its beside the folio and a gorgeous gold pen with DW engraved on it’s end - Dakota Williams. “Our home...” 
Foundations took a while to lay, a while to let them dry and set... they cracked, they had problems... but they could always rebuild. Zac nosed Dakota’s neck, closing his eyes. They could always rebuild.
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itsonlyzac · 7 years
Dakota was sitting on the couch with his legs stretched out and a book in his hands. He wasn’t reading it all that seriously as his eyes managed to stray from the pages every now and then to gaze at Zac. Although he was busy and couldn’t talk, Dakota still just liked being in his presence. He likes the simple comfort it gave him to be near Zac. It was also a bit of a plus to just watch him work in general. The view may be different now that he doesn’t have the city landscape behind him but he still looked every bit as powerful and attractive as always. He bit his lip, looking away from Zac and back to the sentence that he had left off on, a bit giddy that someone like Zac was actually engaged to him. It had taken a moment to get Zac out of his mind to actually focus on the book for a second but that focus was shattered almost as soon as it came. He looked up as Zac spoke, his eyes back on Zac and the way he pushed his chair out a bit. Dakota didn’t need anything else from Zac to get him up. He clambered to his feet, carelessly tossing his book on the couch. What was the name of it again? The thought left him quickly, not really caring much about it as Zac was beckoning him over.
He already knew exactly where he was going to sit the moment Zac’s legs came into view. “Hey.” He breathed, coming around the side of the desk and sliding himself into his rightful spot on zacs lap, wrapping his arms loosely over Zac’s shoulders. “Taking a little break?” He asked, pressing a small kiss to his jaw.
“Mhmm all the numbers were starting to blur,” he admitted. It got like that after a while. When he was in the office he would go get a coffee or make calls instead but he couldn’t do any of those right now, given the clients he needed to call were in another timezone. Zac’s hands slid down to the back of Dakota’s knees, pulling him up along his legs so he was more stable on his lip. He’d missed the weight of the other on top of him, missed the way his lips felt against his skin. Trust was still something they were building on, but it had never truly been broken in the first place. Just put in the wrong box, and they were hurriedly unpacking looking for it. 
“I know we had dinner on Valentines day... but I did you a gift,” he told Dakota. His had raised to the male’s cheek, brushing his thumb over Dakota’s cheek bone. When was the last time he’d done that? Sure, they’d shared some kisses, touched when they were nearby... but it’d always been pulled away from, always felt like it was wrong to do it. Zac had been putting distance between them, processing. But in that he’d lost the smaller things. He missed the green forest that greeted his golden orbs. He missed the freckles that turned into constellations. He missed the weight of his love.
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itsonlyzac · 7 years
Things were different. Not quite in a good way nor in a bad. Life was simply moving forward. The farm had been cleared of the crops and little things around the house had been fixed. It was a new normal. Stable. Enough. Zac had cleared a spot in the living room for his office set up, a large desk with all his paper work where he could still watch Elliot when he was downstairs. Right now he was down for a nap, and possibly going for a play date with a family Zac had met in town. He’d been working for hours on accounts when he suddenly had had enough. Closing his laptop he relaxed into the back of his chair, his eyes roaming the room before landing on Dakota. Eyes slid over the males figure, admiring the long legs and toned arms. That was all his. “Come here,” Zac beckoned, pushing his seat a bit and spreading his legs, as if welcoming Dakota to come sit on his lap.
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itsonlyzac · 7 years
The unexpected praised brought a slight blush to Zac’s cheeks, not used to being called a good father. Naturally he looked towards Elliot in his crib. Instinctively he wanted to pick the child up and get closer to him, but instead he focused on the tasks at hand. Elliot was okay right now, once Zac had things settled he’d give Elliot some real attention.
“Huh? Oh. Okay. Well yeah, that’s probably a good idea.” Shit. His son was already getting so big. A toddler bed? He felt his heart strings pull. Outgrowing a crib shouldn’t make Zac so emotional, but he had to fight back a wave of sadness. If he outgrew the bed so quickly what would be next? “Mmm except when he kicks me in the face,” Zac added, though he didn’t laugh. It seemed like the distance was back between them, something not quite connecting. 
As Dakota left Zac shrugged, he didn’t need Dakota to be back right away anyway. He moved through through to the laundry and started to unpack the bedding. He shoved one load in, added some softener and tried the machine. It took a few tries but he got it to work, used to a more modern device back home. Oh things around here certainly needed an upgrade. He felt like maybe it had its charms when he first came but right now it just felt dirty and old. Or perhaps it was just his mood making everything seem worst. Beast on the other hand seemed to be happy, fast asleep on the tile of the laundry. “Don’t go shitting in here,” Zac warmed before leaving the animal to go get the baby proofing started.
Opening the bags from the hardware he found the small power drill first, then located the different items. Covers for the power points not in use, little locking devices for the cabinets, a couple door gates to contain the toddler within the assigned space. He looked over at his son after taking the items out. “You see what you put me through?” He asked the child, a hint of a smile appearing again. “I’ll cover you in bubble wrap next time we move.”
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itsonlyzac · 7 years
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remember alec’s face after he kissed magnus for the first time
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itsonlyzac · 7 years
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itsonlyzac · 7 years
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shadowhunters meme (6/8) favorite scenes
2x18 - Awake, Arise or be Forever Fallen
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itsonlyzac · 7 years
Dakota winced. He didn’t like being a factor in Zac having to take off work. The whole reason why Dakota didn’t tell Zac about this whole Jasper thing was to avoid becoming a burden on him. In the end, he’s become an even bigger burden then if he would have just told him in the beginning. Dakota just felt the energy drain from him at that thought. All he wanted to do was curl up in a ball, maybe cuddle up to Elliot and go to sleep. But he couldn’t do that- the nightmares have come back. If he went to sleep, he would only find Jasper there waiting for him. “I’m sorry.” He mumbled.” Rubbing his hand up and down Zac’s arm.
Dakota just hoped that Zac didn’t end up regretting this. He bit his lip as he looked around with Zac. He could picture them here long term though. As much as he liked the city, he was ultimately a cozy home and family by the fireplace kind of man. He would be turning 22 soon, he felt much older than he looked, especially after what had happened. When your life flashes before your eyes, it’s almost as if it fast forwards you a few years.
 “We just might.” Dakota commented, coming out of his own thoughts. “If there’s a signal, my guess is that it’s definitely not up to your preferred speed.” Being in a high class office definitely had the works. “It will be nice to see you around the flat more though.” The corners of Dakotas lips upturned in a small, reassuring  smile. He was a bit scared that once Zac is around him more, he’ll grow tired of him. He remembered how worried they had been in the beginning before he moved into Zac’s flat, seeing each other everyday and learning each others bad habits. Seeing each other more, he knew Zac would bound to get a bit more snippy with him before they got used to it.
“Well for starters, we need to get everything you bought put up unless we’re using them right now.” Dakota started off, looking to Zac. “Then we can work on the washing. I think we need to check all the faucets and the bathroom to see if the water is running properly.”
“It’s not your fault. Life happens. I took off leave for Elliot, I still have to take time off for his doctor appointments and if he’s sick. It wasn’t a position with flexibility, and yet I was trying to make it bend to my life instead of bending to it. If I didn’t step down it wouldn’t have been long before I got fired, and that would have been so much worst,” Zac explained, not intending to guilt Dakota about his job loss because it wasn’t just one event that left him in the position he was. If he didn’t have Elliot he’d be more likely to stick to the career, but what if his son needed him? Dakota worked too, so there wouldn’t be as much time off if it had still just been the two of them. Having a family changed a lot in how their lives ran.
A lot wasn’t up to his preferred desires. Zac remembered looking at the property when buying it but didn’t expect to temporarily live in it so soon. He was used to modern facilities, and this was well loved. Old. Falling slowly apart. He wouldn’t stay here long before the absolute need to plan the new house started to itch under his skin. New everything sounded better than used beyond its date. 
Zac nodded. He moved out of Dakota’s reach, needing the space. It wasn’t that he didn’t like having Dakota closed, he just didn’t like how much was still unsaid. Things couldn’t just go back to normal after what had happened. “Water should be fine, if anything the pipes are old. They had people living her when I bought it, they moved on clearly.” Zac grabbed the bag with the bedding. “I thought we should probably buy a crib for Elliot but I didn’t know how much space we had to work with so he’s sleeping with us tonight.” Plus it would be warmer for him too. And a kid between them would hide the space, surely.
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itsonlyzac · 7 years
The truth was Zac didn’t know how he was going to be doing all his work from home. With a toddler needing attention, two dogs and a cat in his space, and Dakota’s need for attention he would be over simulated. Concentration was going to be a bitch to obtain. Zac mentally made a note that when they built the new farm house there was to be a designated office for hims work, away from the main living spaces. “Later. Maybe tomorrow. There’s too much to set up today.”
He felt the other’s body freeze up against him and frowned. Was Dakota angry or upset that this had come to be? What did he expect? Zac couldn’t keep taking time away like he had been. He was the bosses son but that didn’t give him immunity if he couldn’t do his job for more than a few weeks at a time. “It’s not really something I want or don’t want. I can’t keep leaving the office, work is piling up and people are having to pick up the slack I leave.” That hurt Zac more than anything, the fact he was letting people down and not getting work done. He was proud of his career, the fact he even had one, and he was letting others and himself down by not filling the requirements. A step down was really his only option for the company not to suffer.
“It’ll be a change. I’ll be doing different things, within the same department. But I’ll be working from home, will be here for Elliot and you. I got to work out if this place even gets a good signal yet, might need to set up a new phone line to be installed and such,” he looked around the older home. He didn’t think too much about it when he bought it, never expecting to have to work from it for an unknown amount of time.
Zac nodded. So basically Dakota and his paychecks were both cutting down. If Zac wasn’t a William’s he would have to worry about how they wold pay their bills, or pay for Elliot’s needs. It was only luck that he found himself in the position of the 1%. “Right well, this place needs a lot of work anyway so we can start listing the jobs that need to be done around here.”
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