March 30, 2020
The worst feeling that I’ve felt in my many years of life is being surrounded by people that I love but still feeling so alone and empty. I have no motivation to do anything. I used to be into fitness and right now that I have all the time in the world I can't bring myself to enjoy it again. I wish I could smile like I used to when I was a kid. I didn't even go through anything so traumatic to make feel like this. I'm just so depressed and empty. There was a point in my life where i just felt so numb and everything felt so unreal. Like a dream. or a nightmare. I was lucky to be able to pull myself out of it but no one ever knew. This sucks but I am trying. I just don't know how I got to this bad. I really wish I could talk to someone about this but all I get is “ Everything is going to be okay” although it’s comforting, sometimes, IDK you just feel dumb for letting them see you so vulnerable. And sometimes it just feels better to leave some things unsaid. Since nobody really knows who I really am behind the screen, I just thought id share how I feel right now. I never really liked writing but getting this all out and being pretty anonymous feels kinda good. I’m not asking for help, just simply writing to help myself out. Maybe someone can relate and they can see that they're not alone. I know ill be okay someday. I think with everything going on in the world today has me feeling a little extra depressed, I can’t leave the house, and most of the day I spend it alone. Hopefully, everything goes back to normal soon. I wish all you guys health in these uncertain times. Be safe, stay clean. Talk to you soon <3 
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Do not chase people. Be you and do your own thing and work hard. The right people who belong in your life will come to you, and stay.
Unknown. (via extrememonotone)
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If you really want to see your manifestations come true & live the life you dream then you must find the courage to step up and make changes within yourself that match the energy of that position/person.
4/25/19 : se
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Don’t wait for apologies from people who have walked all over you before you allow yourself to find time to heal. Don’t expect them to be sorry, and don’t live under the illusion that you can only move on once they’ve come crawling back to you, asking for forgiveness. They might not even realise they hurt you in the first place. They might not even care. You don’t need to wait for anyone to bandage your wounds for you, because honestly, there is no one else who does it better than you.
one reminder a day #5 / n.j. (via ninasdrafts)
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If I cannot do great things, I can do small things in a great way
Martin Luther King Jr. (via maxworkshop)
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I appreciate all that I am and all that I have. Stop focusing on what you do not have, and shift your consciousness to an appreciation for all that you are and all that you do have.
Wayne Dyer (via aspiritualwarrior)
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We were taught to never make mistakes, and that’s why we never do something out of the ordinary. 
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So I am feeling pretty inadequate right now. Like no matter what I do, it will never compare to what others have done or are doing and I shouldn't even try to keep up. I know I'm not the only one who feels like this from time to time. All we can do is let ourselves feel it and carry on. It's okay if you feel like this, too. Just don't let that feeling win. Tomorrow is a new day.
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I can't stress enough how important it is to make friends at uni. Especially in scientific fields.
People think that the greatest discoveries are made by lonely geniuses who spend days surrounded only by books, but that's not true. Scientists often have great influence on each other and inspire each other. Collaboration is a key to success.
The same thing applies to everyday life at uni. Helping and supporting and motivating each other is just the best thing you can do as students or academics.
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Math professors: You want to bring what now to the exam? What formula sheets? No way, you’re supposed to just know that! AND NO CALCULATORS EITHER! I fucking hate calculators...
Physics professors: Yeah, y’all can bring the whole library and use the Internet if you think that can help ya. And don’t forget a scientific calculator unless ya know trig functions for weird angles and crazy square roots by heart!
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