itstimetofite · 4 years
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Isn’t that funny? We’re told that “America is the greatest country in the world,” but we can’t do what every other industrialized country has already done. So we’re only weak when the citizens need something. Brilliant #MSM propaganda. Absolutely Brilliant. #NotMeUs. #OurVotesAreOurs. #ItsTimeToFITE. ‪YouTube.com/ItsTimeToFITE‬.
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itstimetofite · 4 years
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Dear Democratic Base...
#NotMeUs. #OurVotesAreOurs. #ItsTimeToFITE. ‪YouTube.com/ItsTimeToFITE‬.
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itstimetofite · 4 years
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Our people find it hard to hear these things, but I have to keep it real with y’all. Obama is the most dangerous and potent weapon that the Democratic Party uses against its Black base.
When they want to do something that helps the Establishment, but really hurts us, they simply use Obama to get Blacks to accept it. Y’all know it’s true. #ItsTimeToFITE. ‪YouTube.com/ItsTimeToFITE‬.
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itstimetofite · 4 years
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Have you noticed how almost all of the cop shows on U.S. television show cops to be some honorable, almost incorruptible entity when, in real life, they’re the most corrupt gang in America? Stop with the propaganda. Bring back ‘The Shield’, which showed how cops REALLY are. #ISaidWhatISaid. #ItsTimeToFITE. ‪Patreon.com/ItsTimeToFITE‬.
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itstimetofite · 4 years
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itstimetofite · 4 years
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Yeah, pretty much. When they arrest white people for killing Black people, in their minds they’re like, “Awwww man, do we have to?” #ThisIsAmerica. #AhmaudArbery. #SeanReed. #NotMeUs. #OurVotesAreOurs. #ItsTimeToFITE. ‪Patreon.com/ItsTimeToFITE‬.
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itstimetofite · 4 years
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If cops are so good, then why do they destroy the lives of other cops who report their crimes? It’s because they’re NOT good. Their culture is a cesspool of corruption and raging, dangerous egos, and the quicker we understand and accept that statistical fact the quicker we can fix that toxic, authoritarian, murdering culture. #AllCopsAreCrooked. #ItsTimeToFITE. ‪Patreon.com/ItsTimeToFITE‬.
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itstimetofite · 4 years
Here's some more exclusive content for my Patreon supporters only! Become a patron at LEVEL 5 OR HIGHER now to gain access to this exclusive content. #ItsTimeToFITE.
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itstimetofite · 4 years
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Hey @PeteButtigieg and @JoeBiden, is healthcare still available “for all who want it” at the companies that just laid off 20% of the U.S. workforce? Asking for 33.2M people. #ItsTimeToFITE. Patreon.com/ItsTimeToFITE.
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itstimetofite · 4 years
Here's another exclusive piece of content for my Patreon supporters only! Become a patron at LEVEL 5 OR HIGHER now to gain access to this exclusive content. #ItsTimeToFITE. 
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itstimetofite · 4 years
Here's another exclusive piece of content for my Patreon supporters only! Become a patron at LEVEL 6 OR HIGHER now to gain access to this exclusive content. #ItsTimeToFITE.
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itstimetofite · 4 years
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Dear greedy oligarchs and politicians: You should probably stop what you’re doing, because eventually there will be nothing left for you all to take, and We The People WILL come for you‬. #NotMeUs. #OurVotesAreOurs. #ItsTimeToFITE. ‪Patreon.com/ItsTimeToFITE‬.
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itstimetofite · 4 years
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itstimetofite · 4 years
“The Life of a Black Person in America” **WARNING: GRAPHIC CARTOON** FOLLOW this page, SUBSCRIBE to our YouTube channel (YouTube.com/ItsTimeToFITE), and REBLOG this video. No, this video probably won’t make a difference, but at least it will be on record. #StopPoliceViolence. #StopPoliceAbuse. #StopPoliceBrutality. #ItsTimeToFITE. ‪Patreon.com/ItsTimeToFITE‬.
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itstimetofite · 4 years
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The greed of capitalism has polarized this country to the point to where nobody is listening to anyone and tribalism reigns supreme. #NotMeUs. #OurVotesAreOurs. #ItsTimeToFITE. ‪Patreon.com/ItsTimeToFITE‬.
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itstimetofite · 4 years
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‪Capitalism is like a fat kid with seven unsupervised Halloween buckets of candy. There is no “reasonable amount” that the kid will eat. #NotMeUs. #OurVotesAreOurs. #ItsTimeToFITE. Patreon.com/ItsTimeToFITE.‬
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itstimetofite · 4 years
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Yep. Amateur Lol. #NotMeUs. #OurVotesAreOurs. #ItsTimeToFITE. ‪Patreon.com/ItsTimeToFITE‬.
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