ivars-snowflake · 5 years
Ooh, I had no feelings this season so far, until seeing ep 8 and Ubbe stoically watching his brother nearly being barbecued for killing the woman that killed their mother, remember, Ubbe? Was your mother too. And unlike Hvitserk, who wasn't in his right mind, Lagertha killed Aslaug in cold blood....ooooh, wait he reacted. He actually has a fucking heart, huh?!
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ivars-snowflake · 5 years
Hey ya'll!
I'm still alive and kickin', if anyone ever wondered! It's been a long time, and I guess some more time will pass, but I do hope that once Vikings come back, so will my enthusiasm. In the meantime, you can find me @of-storms-and-sadness where I'm spending my days drooling over Daryl.
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ivars-snowflake · 5 years
Oh honey, thank you! If I ever continue it, I'll tag you! 😅 (I'm awful, I know 😶)
Wild - V
Plot: The story follows Morana, a meditarranean girl brought to Kattegat by Bjorn, right before the war. She’s not just any girl though, she’s a princess with a secret she’s desperate to keep unrevealed, and with a great need for a fresh start and a place to call home. She wants it to be Kattegat, but will it be?
Follow her, and those around her, into a series of heartbreaks.
Pairing: I guess none, yet
Warinigs: Morana and Hvitserk having a moment, but not much else really
Word count: 1750
You can read Part I here, and Part II here.
Here’s Part III Part IV
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She marched angrily through the streets of Kattegat, heading to the woods, where Hvitserk was waiting for her.
“Bow or sword?” He yelled, seeing Morana approach. She strode to him, grabbing the sword from his hand and whirling it madly to the nearest tree, roaring like an enraged animal. It was not the first time Ivar talked to her the way he did moments ago, and it frustrated her, because she recognized the pattern but couldn’t break through it. It would always happen when he was in pain, any kind of pain. Then his walls would rise too high for her thin patience to break through them. She was angry at both herself and Ivar because of that, aware of her feelings for him, and aware of his cluelessness of those same feelings. She feared to say it out loud, so she kept silent about it, remaining defiant and stubborn, while dreading he will never recognize it if she keeps her attitude.
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ivars-snowflake · 5 years
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Ivar tilting his head when he smiles
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ivars-snowflake · 5 years
Did I tell you I absolutely love this story? Because I really do! ♥️
It’s a dog’s life Pt.9
*Summary: The reader is new and alone at the quarry’s camp, the only one she has is her dog, who seems to be best friends with Daryl Dixon, a not so friendly man, but that friendship will bring the reader closer to Daryl, finding that there’s more to Daryl than what you can see at first glance…besides, he’s pretty hot at first glance, isn’t him?
*Slow burn, both reader and Daryl’s pov, violence and language twd style.Follows the events of season 1 and 2.
*4044 words
*Pairing: Daryl Dixon x Reader
Chapters: 9/14
*Link to my masterlist with my other works can be found on the description of this blog. I’m sorry for the inconvenience, but tumblr doesn’t show posts with links in the tags
Last chapter Daryl got hurt looking for Sophia when the horse threw him. Luckily, he has the reader and the dog to look over him.
Dinner was awkward to say the less.
When you arrived everyone was already dinning and you went to sit down in a smaller table with Glenn, Maggie and her sister, and the guy you thought was the younger Greene’s boyfriend. You made sure your seat has its back to Hershel, you were grateful he had helped Daryl but you didn’t feel like talking to him or having him scold you or anything.
“Dad says he’ll be alright,” Maggie told you quietly.
“Yeah…” You nodded, giving her a grateful smile. “He’s pretty banged up, though.”
The only highlight of the tense dinner was when Glenn and Maggie began passing notes to each other under the table, not as subtly as Glenn probably thought he was being. Beth and you looked at each other, smirking.
Once dinner was over you helped clean the table and headed back to check on Daryl. Carol had gone to bring him some dinner and you arrived at the same time she walked out of the room.
“He’s awake. Your dog won’t leave his side.” She told you.
“Probably he’s begging him for food now and Daryl’ll give him half his dinner.” You couldn’t help your small, fond smile.
“He has a good heart.” Carol nodded, smiling, though her eyes watered. “Ended up like that looking for my little girl.”
You reached out to take her hand. “He told us where he found the doll, we’ll check it tomorrow.”
“I don’t want anyone else getting hurt on this search…” She said weakly, a tear sliding down her cheek.
“We won’t. We’ll be more careful. Promise.”
Carol said nothing to that, she gave your hand a squeeze and walked away.
You walked into the room and saw Daryl propped up against the headboard with some pillows. On one side he had the trail with his dinner and at the other was Cole, to whom Daryl was giving some of the food. You shook your head, smiling. You knew it.
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ivars-snowflake · 5 years
I love The OA with all my heart.
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ivars-snowflake · 5 years
It's back! You're back! *squeals 'cause happy*
You have no idea how happy that makes me! ♥️
The Road Ahead : Chapter 18
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Chapter Index HERE
Summary : (Set in the beginning of season 1) Anna Brooks lost everything after the world ended — the last remaining part of herself being her older brother, who she lost contact with after communications dropped. While en route towards Atlanta to find him, Anna’s truck breaks down, leaving her at the mercy of the cruel new world. Now, Anna must face her fears head on as she struggles to deal with devastating loss, constant danger, and finding her way in a land that now belongs to the dead. But sometimes, a glimmer of hope can be found disguised as a short-tempered, hard-headed redneck who may just save her life in more ways than one.
Pairings : Daryl x Original Female Character
Warnings : Slow-Burn, Language/Violence/typical Walking Dead themes
Author’s Note : Oh. Hi. *crickets*
I KNOW I HAVEN’T UPDATED IN MONTHS. LITERAL MONTHS. I’M SORRY. BUT THIS WRITING SHIT IS LIKE…HARD. I hope y’all remember wtf has happened in this story because I had to go back and reread because I was LOST. So hopefully this shit makes sense. (I’ll insert a recap to refresh everyone’s memory.)
I’m sorry. I’m gonna go hide in the corner now.
Shoutout to @wilhelmjfink for creating the awesome cover pic for this series! Love you bb.
Okay, that is all.
xx crossbowking
- Anna was attacked by Merle (hopped up on coke, mind you) en route towards Atlanta in search of her brother, Ben. Their parents died at some point during the journey and Anna now wears their wedding rings on a chain around her neck.
- Daryl swoops in and saves Anna from Merle, fixes her truck, and they have a moment *swoon*. He offers her a place in his group but she declines, putting her family first and continuing for Atlanta (even though he already told her the city was destroyed). 
- Anna spends the night in a shitty gas station market, has a flashback of her childhood/a sneak peek into her relationship with Ben, and cries herself to sleep *aw bb, it’s ok*.
- The next day, Anna stumbles across a herd who traps her on the roof of the market…all hope seems lost. Until gunshots from the city draw some of the herd away *aka Rick escaping the tank*. A storm rolls in, providing the small amount of water Anna needs to make it to the city. A car alarm sounds from the city shortly after, drawing more of the herd away *hm…whoever could that be? Possibly a cutie patootie driving a red sports car?…*
- Anna makes her escape and continues for Atlanta. She parks her truck and makes the trek to her brother’s apartment with no trouble. Once there, she finds a walker trapped in his bathroom, but luckily, it’s not Ben. She finds a note from him addressed to her saying that he left for Fort Benning after the city was overrun. Anna stays the night and decides to try for the army base next.
- Anna scavenges the following day, gathers supplies and heads back to her truck before nightfall. She runs into Rick’s group (leaving the city after trying to find Merle) attempting to hotwire her truck, has a not so pleasant reunion with Daryl, but decides to drive the group back to their camp *she owes Daryl, give her a break*. 
- They return as the camp is getting overrun by walkers. Anna helps defend the quarry and saves Carl, almost dies, but *dun dun dun* is saved by Daryl once more.
- Rick offers Anna a place in the group but she’s set on searching for her brother and heading to Fort Benning. She’s still unsure why Daryl is being so cold to her. 
- Stays one more night with the group, contemplating next move. Daryl gives Anna his dinner after she gave Sophia hers, only furthering Anna’s confusion regarding the archer. *make up your damn mind, Dixon!*
- Anna decides to join the group to the CDC. If CDC is a dead end, Rick promises they will try for Benning. 
- Daryl is being a jerk face again and Anna is #overhimandhisissues.
- They make it to the CDC, meet Edwin Jenner, and have an interesting dinner. *group finds out Anna’s mom had cancer, but ultimately died from a walker bite*
- Everyone gets drunk *ayeee gettin’ crunk*
- Anna and Glenn bond while everyone else turns in for the night *supposedly* and she finds out more about the archer/Merle/what happened in Atlanta the day she ran into them.
- She learns that Daryl and Merle got into a huge fight/brawl and is pretty sure she’s the reason it started. Realizes that Daryl is a moody lil’ bitch because he blames her for the way things ended with him and Merle/the fight they had/the mean things he said to his brother.
- Shane pops up outta nowhere, all sorts of fucked up, and basically attacks Anna because he’s a horny lil’ psychopath. Daryl hears the struggle and yet again, *shocker* saves Anna.
- Daryl stays in Anna’s room *cue awkward tension* and she spills out some sort of apology *which Daryl ignores* instead bringing up the fact that she didn’t find her brother. She shares the note she found/her plan to head for Fort Benning. Daryl is like “psh, ya ain’t gon’ make it, ya dumb ho” and Anna’s like “psh, you’re so fuckin’ rude omg” and Daryl storms out and Anna’s all like “JUST BC U GAVE UP ON UR BROTHER DOESN’T MEAN I’M GIVING UP ON MINE” and Daryl’s like “ow…dat’s some cold shit” and leaves.
- Anna can’t sleep because GUILT. Anywho, the next morning everyone has breakfast together, Shane apologizes to Anna/threatens her to keep her mouth shut in the same breath.
- Then, cue the group trapped in the CDC/building about to explode.
- Group gets out, Anna’s a dumb lil ho and runs back inside for her backpack *LEAVE HER ALONE SHE COULDN’T LEAVE THE PICTURE OF HER AND BEN/HIS NOTE TO HER BEHIND*
- Anna almost dies, but whoohoo, she lives! Daryl runs back into the field and carries her semi-unconscious form away from the wreckage.
There. Now everyone’s caught up.
Black spots suddenly danced in Anna’s vision, her stomach rolling, her body’s aches and pains dulling as her legs began to give out, unable to keep up with the archer’s determined pace. She squeezed her eyes shut, her drooping head lolling against Daryl’s shoulder as the world began to fade.
The last thing Anna felt was the archer sliding his arm up her back, slipping it around her shoulders instead as his other arm cupped behind her kneecaps, swiftly swooping her off the ground.
And then everything went dark.
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ivars-snowflake · 5 years
Such lovely chapter ♥️
It’s a dog’s life Pt.5
*Summary: The reader is new and alone at the quarry’s camp, the only one she has is her dog, who seems to be best friends with Daryl Dixon, a not so friendly man, but that friendship will bring the reader closer to Daryl, finding that there’s more to Daryl than what you can see at first glance…besides, he’s pretty hot at first glance, isn’t him?
*Slow burn, both reader and Daryl’s pov, violence and language twd style.Follows the events of season 1 and 2.
*3369 words
*Pairing: Daryl Dixon x Reader
Chapters: 5/14
Last chapter, everyone arrived at the CDC, things got heated between the reader and Daryl which came to an abrupt end, and everyone almost blowed up in there before managing to escape, and are on the road now…
*Link to my masterlist with my other works can be found on the description of this blog. I’m sorry for the inconvenience, but tumblr doesn’t show posts with links in the tags.
Daryl and you stayed silent for a while as he drove without knowing where you were going, your mind full of troubled thoughts. You were starting to slowly feel better but you still hadn’t stopped shaking. You stole glances at Daryl while he drove. You hadn’t talked about what had happened between you in the CDC, hadn’t had the time. You were still confused, but you weren’t sure if you wanted to bring it up.
And after almost losing your lives, it didn’t seem that important anymore.
Still, you couldn’t figure out why Daryl had kissed you only to pull back like that. You felt bad thinking maybe you had pushed him until you made him kiss you, but if he hadn’t wanted to, why did he kiss you back? And in such a way…you felt yourself blush at the memory.
Maybe he had kissed you because at that moment he was feeling down, you couldn’t blame him, after what Jenner had told you, but once he had come back to his senses he had realized he didn’t want it.
Or maybe he thought you’d wanted more than what he did, more than just kisses and helping each other forget the shit world in which you lived for a while. Which…did you? Did you want more? You had never thought it. He was hot, you’d sleep with him no doubt, but something else? Nah…You didn’t think so. Though you had been enjoying his company more and more, and he had had your back…He was a nicer guy than he let out. You just didn’t like him that way, did you? Well, not quite but…no, ending that train of thoughts now. It was silly and good for nothing.
Daryl’s voice took you out of your thoughts and you realized he had caught you staring at him.
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ivars-snowflake · 5 years
you wouldn’t download a #aha.
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ivars-snowflake · 5 years
surprise, fellow kids. I bet you thought you’d seen the last of ivars-snowflake
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ivars-snowflake · 5 years
if posts were cats, I would have 1125 cats, which actually sounds about right.
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ivars-snowflake · 5 years
Pour one out for #ivar + ase.
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ivars-snowflake · 6 years
I'm just 😍
It’s a dog’s life Pt.2
*Summary: The reader is new and alone at the quarry’s camp, the only one she has is her dog, who seems to be best friends with Daryl Dixon, a not so friendly man, but that friendship will bring the reader closer to Daryl, finding that there’s more to Daryl than what you can see at first glance…besides, he’s pretty hot at first glance, isn’t him?
*Pairing: Daryl Dixon x Reader
*Tags/Warnings: Slow burn, violence and language twd style, both reader and Daryl’s pov. Follows the events of season 1 and 2.
Chapters: 2/14
Last chapter, Daryl asked to the reader if she wanted to go on a hunting trip with him and the dog…there we go!
*Link to my masterlist with my other works can be found on the description of this blog. I’m sorry for the inconvenience, but tumblr doesn’t show posts with links in the tags.
A couple of days after Daryl asked you, you joined him on his hunting trip.
You had left the camp early, after having breakfast with Shane and Glenn who were planning a trip to Atlanta for that day or the next. It was the first time Glenn was allowing some of the others to go with him in hopes that together they could find and bring back a bigger haul. Maybe you could join them for the next trip, but for now you were content enough with joining Daryl.
You followed him in silence for hours, Cole running excitedly behind him. You didn’t know where you were going, Daryl walked like he had a map in his head, and you didn’t bother to ask. Sometimes he stopped to look around like he was tracking something and then he would keep walking.
Daryl didn’t say a single word to you, you could think that he had even forgotten about you if it weren’t because when he seemed to notice you were getting behind, he would slow his pace until you caught up. He didn’t say anything about it, and neither did you. Cole ignored you more than what you would have liked, seeming overexcited about the trip.
Honestly, you were enjoying it too. You always liked to hike through the woods, and you had spent quite a bit of time in them. Not as much as Daryl, apparently, neither were you an expert like he seemed to be. But you enjoyed being out there nonetheless and you tried to pay attention to the way in which Daryl moved, especially when he seemed to track something, hoping to learn a thing or two, though you weren’t having much success.
You supposed you ought to be scared, but you weren’t. You hadn’t seen any walker around yet and anyway you trusted Daryl. He was skillful at noticing them and putting them down, and he always came back safe and sound from his trips, always keeping your dog safe too. You couldn’t help but feel he’d keep all of you safe.
“Shouldn’t we be hunting?” You asked after hours of walking without Daryl shooting anything. You were starting to get tired and bored of walking non-stop, even though you were used to walking.
“Not yet, I want to go further than usual. Told you.” Daryl answered without stopping or looking at you.
“Okay…” You looked around at the maze of trees. “How do you know where you are going and how to come back and all that?” You were starting to get bored at the lack of conversation.
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ivars-snowflake · 6 years
Ohh, I love love love this! 😍
It’s a dog’s life Pt.1
*Summary: The reader is new and alone at the quarry’s camp, the only one she has is her dog, who seems to be best friends with Daryl Dixon, a not so friendly man, but that friendship will bring the reader closer to Daryl, finding that there’s more to Daryl than what you can see at first glance…besides, he’s pretty hot at first glance, isn’t him?
 *Pairing: Daryl Dixon x Reader
*Tags/Warnings: Slow burn, violence and language twd style, both reader and Daryl’s pov. Follows the events of season 1 and 2.
Chapters: 1/14
Link to my masterlist with my other works can be found on the description of this blog. I’m sorry for the inconvenience, but tumblr doesn’t show posts with links in the tags.
My new series! I loved writing it, the reader is a bit diferent from what I wrote in my previous two series and I had so much fun, I had a great time writing this and I hope you’ll enjoy it too. Let me know your thoughts!
You yawned as you looked around at the camp, people going about with their morning activities. Carol was collecting clothes to do some laundry, Andrea and Amy were getting ready to go fishing, Dale was scouting the horizon on top of his RV, Shane and Glenn were talking as they looked at a map of what you guessed was Atlanta…
You, though, had just woken up. You should be getting ready and rush to help Carol or do anything that needed to be done, but your growling stomach reminded you to better have breakfast first, you barely had dinner yesterday. You were in need of a run for more supplies, that was probably the reason why Shane and Glenn were studying the map.
You took an almost empty can of peaches and sat down at the outside of your tent, busying yourself with your not so healthy breakfast. Your dog, Cole, began munching on the leftovers of his dinner, some squirrel’s innards.
When you heard footsteps approaching, you didn’t need to look up to see who was coming, the way in which your dog sat up like a flash, tail waggling like crazy, told you enough. Besides the kids, there was only one person he was so excited about seeing.
Daryl Dixon.
Cole had always been a friendly dog so it was no surprise he got along with almost everyone in the camp, but you still couldn’t make sense of his unrestrained love for Daryl. He wasn’t the friendliest one to be around, after all, but Cole adored him.
What surprised you even more was how Daryl seemed to reciprocate the feelings. You wouldn’t say he adored your dog, but he was always asking you to lend him Cole whenever he went to the woods, sneaking him food and snuggling him when he thought none was looking. Considering how Daryl was with the humans that lived in the camp, it was quite surprising.
With a bark, Cole launched himself at Daryl, his mouth open with his tongue out, almost looking like he was smiling.
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ivars-snowflake · 6 years
Hear that?
It's the sound of my heart breaking.
Remember me being afraid? Like, I expected bad shit to happen, but hey! I sure as hell didn't expect that.
Now I need hugs.
Don’t look back Pt.3/3
*Summary:  Daryl is used to his brother coming and going out of his life, leaving him alone, since he was a kid. He’s used to Merle meaning trouble too, and to be dragged into all his messes as Daryl loyally follows his brother. But this time Merle’s mess has reached top and has affected more people than the brothers, and Daryl finds himself wanting to step in and fix it, as once again he’s left alone by his brother. Inspired by me wondering how Daryl felt about having always done as Merle says and yet being always left alone, and especially by wondering how is Daryl so good with kids, handling baby Judith so good, like a pro since day one.
*Tags/Warnings: There’s cute stuff here, but the main tag is Angst. Daryl’s pov, there’s an OC (well…two…), but still, this is mostly a Daryl Dixon fic. Once again, this gets pretty angsty, don’t say I didn’t warn you.
Last chapter! This is going to be very, very angsty people! You’ve been warned.
Also, I’ve been reblogging some pictures of Norman Reedus that I’ve called “young Daryl” and some gifsets that I think kind of have a bit of the vibe of this mini-series. If you want to check it, this is the tag: Don’t look back (Sorry but tumblr doesnt allow me to direct link it)
Link to my masterlist with my other works can be found on the description of this blog. I’m sorry for the inconvenience, but tumblr doesn’t show posts with links in the tags.
Months later, Daryl is still thinking about Claire’s words. He doesn’t know much about Merle’s situation, but now he knows he’s indeed getting an early release, though not until months. Daryl still means what he told Claire, he’s not going to stop being her friend, seeing her an Emily, but he can’t help but be nervous about what Merle is going to think and how his life is going to be with his brother back again.
He’s gone to the woods, further than usual, camped the night there, both to try and clear his mind and also to try and hunt a deer. He’s been only successful at the latest, and so now he’s trying to tie the deer to the bike, which is not that easy. Maybe he shouldn’t have taken the bike for this, but he wanted to ride.
He rides back, plans on going to see Claire and Emily, give them some deer. Between the kindergarten and Claire working more, he doesn’t see them as often as he did once, but still often enough. He doesn’t want to show up at her place with a dead deer over his shoulders and so first he goes to his place to get it ready. It takes him a while, so when he rides to Claire’s place he knows Emily would be back from the kindergarten and Claire’d have finished working too.
“Hi!” Claire grins when she opens the door. “How was your hunting?”
“Got a deer.” He hands him a pack with some of the meat he got ready.
He walks inside and finds Emily inside that kind of big cage that Claire calls park, playing with some toys.  She smiles when she sees him, reaching out to him, babbling something that sounds like “hi.” She does that lately, she stills babbles nonsense but also things like no, mum, and some other little words.  Claire has said she’s going to teach her to say ‘Daryl’ and he’s not sure if she was kidding or not, but the idea makes him feel giddier than he wants to admit.
“Hi darlin’, what did you do to end up in baby jail?” He asks as he kneels down next to the park thing, picking Emily up and placing her outside.
“I told you not to call it like that,” Claire says, humor in her voice, as she goes to leave the meat in the kitchen. “It’s a park.”
“A park, yeah, sure, does it looks like a park to you, sweetheart?” He wouldn’t be caught talking like that to Emily outside that house, the idea mortifies him. He’s still embarrassed doing it in front of Claire, but not as much as once he had been. Emily babbles a “no” and Daryl looks at Claire, smirking. She rolls her eyes but smiles too.
Emily holds on Daryl’s hands as she tries to stand up. Daryl helps her steady herself as she tries taking some steps, his smile going wide. She’s always been a fast crawler, but now she’s trying to take steps too. “I’m going to come one day and you’re gonna be walking already, uh?”
“Then she’s going to be spending more time in baby jail. She already manages to get everywhere just by crawling the moment I don’t have my eye on her, I don’t want to think about her walking.”
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ivars-snowflake · 6 years
Dirt and Ash: Chapter 6
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Daryl Dixon x Original Female Character
Summary: Daryl can’t help but follow another hunter out in the woods after Rick and the Bridge, and their bond continues to grow.
Warnings: “Orange”, Deer Hunting, Kissing, Blood Drinking,  Face Painting, Mentions of Simon, Thoughts of Merle, Daryl feeling Safe
Words: 1910
Tags: @annablack1102 @genevievedarcygranger @letsby @negansdirtygirl22
@mblaqgi @ivars-snowflake @rasa1945 @twdsunshine @onlydarylnormanfic 
Read the rest of the story HERE
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ivars-snowflake · 6 years
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#how the scene really went
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