ivyjadewriting · 1 year
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ivyjadewriting · 1 year
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It's my 2 year anniversary on Tumblr 🥳
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ivyjadewriting · 1 year
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ivyjadewriting · 1 year
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ivyjadewriting · 1 year
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ivyjadewriting · 1 year
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ivyjadewriting · 1 year
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ivyjadewriting · 1 year
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ivyjadewriting · 1 year
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ivyjadewriting · 1 year
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ivyjadewriting · 1 year
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ivyjadewriting · 1 year
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ivyjadewriting · 1 year
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ivyjadewriting · 1 year
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ivyjadewriting · 1 year
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There are a variety of different types of cults.
Businesses, Governments, Churches, 12-Step Programs, and even some Families can all operate in a cult-like way. Not all cults are harmful. Many are beneficial to some, yet detrimental to others within the same organization.
In many cases, the majority of damage done occurs/becomes apparent after cult exit, especially in the case of those "born in" to a cult organization. This is due to the member being kept childlike, clueless as to how to make their own decisions, dependent, sheltered (often seen as innocence from within), ignorant, and terrified of, the real world.
Once a cult member exits, they often must completely re-learn concepts such as truth, family, love, home, belief, and honesty, among others. This can have a massive destabilizing effect, and lead to Nihilism. Complex PTSD is often a result of having been part of a cult long term, along with the jolting experience of cult exit.
In addition, after being kept dependent on the organization for decision making, priority setting, and even something as simple as always having access to hand me down clothing, a person who exits a cult discovers they are missing basic life skills, and resources, including how to be self reliant.
Members of cults that are not completely isolated from the real world will experience something called Cognitive Dissonance, which is psychologically painful, and mentally exhausting.
If you think you might be a member of a cult, or you know you are, and you have no idea how to escape, know that there are cult exit programs in many areas.
I didn't have that assistance. I unbrainwashed myself alone. It took 7+ years, during which I experienced an ongoing, intensely painful existential crisis. I remained on the edge of homelessness for a decade. I experienced homelessness 4x. I've since been able to create a network of supportive connections. It was a long process full of hit or miss attempts to find a place I felt I belonged.
If you have any questions, or would like additional information, feel free to contact me privately, or drop a comment here if you're comfortable.
#cults #complexptsd #cognitivedissonance #existentialcrisis #Nihilism #rebuildinglives #youarenotalone #mentalhealthrecovery #memoirwriting
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ivyjadewriting · 1 year
Title: Unshackled: The Journey of Ivy Jade
Chapter 1: The Cult's Shadow
I was born into a world of blind devotion, a mind control cult that shaped every aspect of my existence. My father, a high-profile minister, preached the gospel of obedience and control, while my mother silently suffered from the scars of her own traumatic past. Growing up as Ivy Jade, a penname that would later define my liberation, I was trapped within the suffocating embrace of their beliefs.
Chapter 2: The Melancholy of Loss
At the age of 28, my father succumbed to malignant melanoma, leaving me adrift in a sea of confusion and despair. His passing became the catalyst for an existential crisis that would consume my life for the next seven years. Desperate to find meaning and truth beyond the confines of the cult, I embarked on a journey of self-education, unbrainwashing myself from the indoctrination that had defined me.
Chapter 3: Breaking Free
As the veil of control lifted, I realized the extent of the abuse I had endured within my marriage. Summoning the strength to leave, I found myself homeless and alone, facing the harsh realities of the world outside the cult. Determined to rise above my circumstances, I started a cleaning business, defying the odds to become a successful entrepreneur despite my homelessness.
Chapter 4: Unveiling Desires
In the darkest corners of my newfound freedom, I began to explore the depths of my sexuality. Embracing polyamory, kinks, and fetishes, I delved into a world that had been forbidden to me for so long. Through an online forum for the polyamorous, kink, and BDSM communities, I connected with others who shared their stories, their desires, and their consent for me to share them.
Chapter 5: The Sexual Mother Theresa
As my knowledge and experiences grew, I became known as The Sexual Mother Theresa, a guide for those seeking liberation from societal constraints. My following expanded, and I became a beacon of empowerment and education for those yearning to embrace their own sexual identities. I reveled in my newfound power as a unicorn, exploring my own sexuality without shame or inhibition.
Chapter 6: Healing the Wounded
With my past experiences as a foundation, I turned my attention to helping others trapped in cults, questioning their faith, and seeking escape. Armed with knowledge and empathy, I dedicated myself to educating and supporting those who yearned for freedom from the chains of manipulation. The scars of my upbringing became the fuel for my mission, and I found solace in guiding others towards their own liberation.
Epilogue: Unshackled
Today, I stand tall as Ivy Jade, a survivor who has transformed her pain into purpose. Through my memoir, I hope to inspire others to question the beliefs that bind them and to find the strength to break free. Unshackled from the cult that once controlled me, I continue to educate, empower, and advocate for those on their own journeys of self-discovery and liberation.
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ivyjadewriting · 2 years
Who is Ivy Jade?
Who Am I? What’s My Agenda?I’m an incredibly transparent person. In some ways, radically so.I grew up the daughter of a high profile fundamentalist minister in SoCal. I was misdiagnosed rapid cycling bipolar at 19, and put on pointless medication for a couple years. Later this diagnosis would be over turned and corrected. I have severe ADHD, and Complex PTSD (though that wouldn’t surface for some…
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