#share please
greenparadiseperry · 1 month
I want everybody who see this to comment or repost this and tell your favorite song from Elvis❣
It's embarassing to call myself a fan when I haven't listen to even half of his work😵
I will tag here some accounts I recently begin to follow, please dear Elvis fans share this!!
@vintagepresley, @bigdaddyelvislover , @elvisalltheway101 , @elvislittleone
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smoshpostiing · 3 months
TW: ED discussion
i think its time for me to share some of my story and also talk about angela <3
this is a positive post but contains heavy topics, please proceed with care ❤️‍🩹
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for my whole life, or as long as i can remember, i have struggled with body dysmorphia and disordered eating.
when i was sixteen, these issues got really serious and took over my life. i was hospitalised, and over the next few years saw endless GPs, specialists, dietitians, and referred to day stays and recovery programs. it was neverending. i never felt good enough, or "sick enough", and was stuck in my own mind.
eventually i became okay with the idea of recovery and at around the same time, my love of smosh rekindled itself after being a fan for many years. i had seen angela giarratana in starkid musicals and smosh videos and loved her so much, i related to her a lot.
around the start of recovery i had noticed subtle comments and allusions she had made to her own experiences that many may not have noticed unless they had been in a similar situation (moments talking about her sword af character being like herself, etc)
then came her short film "guts". the combination of these things made me feel so seen and valid and safe and brought me so much comfort. it was the push i needed to commit to real recovery. and now i am months into recovery. ❤️‍🩹
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her openness and subtle vulnerability has brought me immense comfort. she deserves the world and there is no way i could ever thank her enough for the impact she has made if she even knew how she had contributed to my recovery.
being able to relate to her and finding reasons to take back control of my life is something i think i should finally share with you all on here.
i still have days where im not doing so great. but i am reminded that i am not alone and i can get better. angela is one of those reminders. <3
i was so lost until i was reminded there was hope for me.i wont say recovery is easy, because it isn't. but if you are struggling, you are seen. i promise. there is hope for you.
angela, thank you❤️‍🩹
thank you my nearest and dearest moot @unknownteapot for the nudge to put my story out there in the hopes that maybe there is someone else who may be in a similar position. please share if you can <3
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moon-blush · 1 year
I'm going through a medical emergency that's putting me out of work till the middle of February at the best, till March at the worst. It's two operations and a surgery.
I'm so stressed about it. I'm not rich, I don't have much savings and what I do have has been put towards my hospital travel/bills that my insurance won't cover.
I've gotta come up with 1,800 for my bills so I can at least keep my apartment, my car, and phone on, otherwise I'll lose both and I just don't know what to do. I know this is a stressful time for everyone and I hate that I have to post this but if you can help with anything, please do. I really need it. I'm practically begging. Please friends, help me if u can, I can't be homeless here at -40 temps on top of recovering.
I also have venmo if that's easier, shoot me a message.
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invoke-parlay · 11 months
Hello everyone :) i can do a myriad of things such as make candles, sigils and spell jars; custom art like collages, drawings, paintings, pressed flowers (albeit its not that good); write poetry, do spell work; and can proofread. In other words, I’m open to suggestions. ‼️‼️
so if you need any of those things please hmu my tip jar is open and I am ready for …. Commissions??
Help your local crazy gardening witch afford to survive the month ☺️🌻🎉
Weeeee! 🤠
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samson-draws · 6 months
I'd like to do the whole poll thing too if I may take a minute of your time!
This is for my fellow Dungeons and Dragons fans out there, but the poll is also intended for people who play adjacent systems. Genasi are a playable race of humanoids with an element theme. I greatly enjoy playing, writing and designing them, so I'd like to know:
What's your favourite flavour of Genasi or which one would you at least love to play? Go wild and elaborate in the tags!
For explanation: PARAGENASI are a representation of a mix of two basic elements, e.g. smoke for a mix of air and fire.
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arsnof · 7 months
A little help, part II
Things continue to suck. I don't usually share anything about my personal life, but when I do, it's because I'm broke. So, since the last update, we’ve moved back to the US, to my hometown with the aim of helping take care of my disabled father. Things are going well, aside from the fact that I have next to no money for food or bills.
My spouse recently got a job, but then suffered an asthma attack bad enough to warrant a hospital visit and keep them from work for several days. Not even one paycheck in. Between that and regular doctor’s visits and prescriptions (all without insurance), we’re at the bottom of our barrel.
So I’m asking for some help. Like, down on my knees. If you can’t, it’s okay; I understand. A share is always helpful, too.
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eternalnight8806-3 · 10 months
I'm raising $1,500 until 08/17/2023 for my fundraiser:
Help Me Keep My Home
If you could donate, I'd be forever grateful. If you could share this link with anyone you know it would be extremely helpful. Thank you in advance for any donations or shares. I appreciate everything.
PayPal Fundraiser Link
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olivescales3 · 3 months
TFLOC has almost 50 total reads! Please share it with others to make my readerbase grow.
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saltykingsalty · 10 months
I once used the Labrys Lesbian flag
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in a piece of fan art, but then I saw it on a TERF blog, and I looked it up to see if it was a TERF flag and got a lot of mixed information, so now I want to know,
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nekulines · 10 months
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Hello! Good news! I got a job! Bad news, I still have to pay for some debts and gonna be short this first month So I'm running a 2 slot with the discount for big static sprites again. RTs are apreciated!
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dresupi · 1 year
Hey guys.
My partner got laid off and his last day is March 31. His checks were delayed by a month, so we do have a month’s worth of income still coming to us, as well as what we have saved.  
He works from home for a contractor who runs call center campaigns, and the campaign he’s currently a part of is ending. 
We’ve been aware of the campaign ending for about two weeks now, so it’s not as if it was a huge surprise, however, until recently, we were under the impression that they were going to assign him to a new campaign and that there wouldn’t be any down time between paychecks, but we found out that’s not the case. At least, not immediately, so there’s going to be some scrambling as we figure out what we’re going to do.  
As far as I’ve been able to budget, we should be okay to pay our bills and buy groceries for the near future as long as he’s able to get another job soon.  However, the things we are going to need help with are toiletries, cleaning supplies, pain management items and so on.  So if you are able to help us out with any of the things on this list, I’d be so thankful for anything you could do. Even if you just share this around, it would help so much. I’m not demanding anything at all, I just figured it couldn’t hurt to ask.
I’m just bummed that the second we have the tiniest of somethings saved up, we have to use it up again, it’s like we can’t ever get ahead. 
He’s going to fix up our vehicle and do some doordash/ubereats/grubhub to try and supplement what little we do have, but that’s not guaranteed income like what we were used to.
I’ll also be sharing my etsy shop link as soon as I get everything restocked so if you’d rather wait for that, I totally understand.
This list is just full of some things I had in our amazon cart for future purchase, things we need around the house, and personal items for us and the kids.  Again, not demanding anything whatsoever, just sharing on the off chance that someone can help us out.  
We really need some kind of a win, so if you could also just keep us in your positive thoughts, that’d be wonderful as well. 
Thank you in advance. <3
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newmentalitywhodis · 1 year
Hi there! I haven't been on tumblr in a decade so it feels really weird posting and seeing old posts, ya girl was going through it! BUT ANYWAYS. Niko is in dire need of dermatology testing, teeth cleaning and ear cleaning. She first started pulling her hair out a few years ago, it scared me to death because it happened in the middle of the night while I was sleeping.
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Over time the excessive hair pulling and itching decreased after a few vet visits they gave her shots to ease the itching/biting, we tried anxiety meds for a few months (8 to be exact) and then determined that we should get dermatology testing because it is more likely to be an allergy issue. I even got blood work done and they said she's healthy THANK GOODNESS she's healthy on the inside because my heart would be BROKEN. However, it's still present. I still occasionally see chunks of hair missing. I am currently in a financial bind that prevents me from taking care of Niko's vet expenses in the way that I want to. I'm currently a student in college studying Vet Technology myself, but I'm unable to diagnose her properly so I can only speculate. Using GoFundMe was my very last resort. I understand there are more important causes people may want to donate to, but I would HIGHLY appreciate it if people donated to or shared this GoFundMe.
Here is a video of her teeth and ears:
Thank you so so much! For reading, watching sharing and or donating! I'll feel so much relief once this is solved and I'm sure my (13 yr old) baby will too.
Vet Estimates:
Animal Dermatology Clinic testing sliding scale of $1,250-$2,000 (I called and they said I have to pay for the consultation first which is $200)
Teeth Cleaning $600 (not including tooth extraction, I really hope she won't need one.)
Ear Cleaning $80
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mysticlavendar · 1 year
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Hello hi sorry to bother! Kind of broke rn so if you’d like to help commissions are open!!
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Kristen VS Hodgkin lymphoma
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octupus-on-the-moon · 8 months
Listen up!!!
I'm opening up commission for translations.
Why? Because I'm studying different languages as a major and minors and I would like to become a translator one day.
What? I'd like to translate mostly fanfictions, books, manga, comics. It's important that I have free access to the text! I will translate to english, german or spanish, in any direction.
How? Just write to me directly and share with me the link to text or the post or the page or whatever you want to have translated. I am not going to take any credit for your work, only for the translation!! as it is traditionally done. (I will be posting the translations on here or on AO3)
Something else? If you like my translation (either as a consumer or commisioner), I would like to take donations for the work 😊 just write directly to me if you have interest!
Thank you for your attention!
Estoy abriendo comisiones para traducciones.
Porque? Estoy estudiando letras en diferentes idiomas en la universidad y algún día me gustaría ser traductora.
Que? Quiero traducir mayormente fanfictions, novelas, mangas o comics. Es importante que tenga libre acceso al texto! Puedo traducir al inglés, alemán o español, en cualquier dirección.
Cómo? Escribeme directamente a mi, añadiendo el link al texto, publicación, página web etc. No voy a tomar ningún derecho sobre el texto, solo sobre la traducción!!! (Estaré publicando las traducciones aquí o en AO3)
Algo más? Si te gusta mi traducción, ya sea como lector o como escritor, eres libre de dejarme una donación 😊 escribeme directamente si tienes interés!
Gracias por tu atención!
Ich eröffne Übersetzungsanfragen.
Warum? Weil ich zur Zeit verschiedene Sprachen an der Uni studiere und später einmal Übersetzerin werden möchte.
Was? Ich möchte am liebsten Fanfictions, Novellen (Romane), Mangas oder Comics übersetzen. Es ist wichtig das ich freien Zugang zu dem Text habe! Ich kann auf English, Deutsch, Spanisch (egal in welche Richtung) übersetzen.
Wie? Schreib mich direkt an mit dem Link zu dem Text, Post oder Seite etc. in dem ich den Text finden kann. Ich übernehme keine Rechte über den originalen Text, nur über die Übersetzung!!! (Ich werde die Übersetzungen hier oder auf AO3 posten)
Noch was wichtiges? Wenn du meine Übersetzung magst, als Leser oder Anfragender, kannst du mir gern einer Spende lassen 😊. Schreib mich einfach direkt an, wenn du Interese hast!
Danke für deine Aufmerksamkeit!
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I'm really curious. Please share and don't hesitate to add details of your country or continent. for example, i grew up having supper around 5, latest 6. Now, i have it around 7 And i'm from Québec, Canada (Eastern province)
I was in shock the first time i slept over at a friend's house and they were having supper at like 8:30 PM. Her family was from Latin-america, so i've always wondered if maybe it was just the norm there, and 5 PM was the norm here..? Who knows? Not me, that's why i'm making this poll!
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