ivytowler · 4 years
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Until Tomorrow — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/33NgPVB
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ivytowler · 4 years
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#SocialResponsibility as it pertains to #Coronavirus I hope the majority understand the goal of “flattening the curve” as it has been referenced. The virus is here so it’s not going away. The current acute goal is to slow the spread so we can adequately care for the sick. This is not a time to throw caution to the wind and assume that since you aren’t in the category of “more susceptible” that you can therefore keep doing all the things. If you don’t have to go out into public then please do society a favor and stay out of those spaces. I for one am not looking forward to this sequestering and I understand it is going to be extremely difficult however, it’s our duty to protect others and to do our best. A retreat I was supposed to go to in Palm Springs this week has been smartly postponed to help prevent our small group from traveling and possibly spreading any viruses. A conference I’m supposed to go to in two weeks is strongly considering cancelling and will likely announce a postponement soon which is a responsible action! I’m so proud of these groups and others for making tough decisions by making the right choice for the whole. If we work together we can help to “flatten the curve” and avoid over taxing our hospitals and healthcare workers and even help save lives. What a powerful action if we all work for the same goal. So please keep UTD with the latest science data and social recommendations. And for the few that have out cried “I’ll do what I want when I want.” Please please consider helping us all and follow these recommendations, it’s not a joke. What creative ideas do you have for the next several weeks to continue on with life and events and work but to avoid worsening this epidemic? — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/2IPsNnS
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ivytowler · 4 years
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I am still holding on to my dream of a flower farm but for now, this will do. I Am Ready For Spring! 💐🌸☀️ — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/2TPMlxi
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ivytowler · 4 years
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Isn’t she cute? My goal shoes @officeofangelascott and those tights @juliaroberts 😍 — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/2IAEQW7
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ivytowler · 4 years
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Sharing #entrepreneurialadvice #iowawomeninbusiness #womensupportingwomen #workingmomlife #personalbrandphotography and #localbusinesses over on @personalbrandphotographerivy 🥰 — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/331CtF8
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ivytowler · 4 years
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Never Ever. And for the record, you can cheer on women and support women and want equal treatment for women and not be a man hater. All the men in my life are supportive of me and women and being whatever we want and doing whatever we want. They are good HUMANS. So if you are a dude reading this please don’t misinterpret my loud support of women as a back hand slap to you, because it’s not. I’m just damn proud of how hard I have worked and how hard my female friends have worked and our successes that I want EVERYONE to know about it. #internationalwomensday #femaleentrepreneurs — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/3aEDIg1
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ivytowler · 4 years
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No championships this weekend but they played their hearts out 🏀 — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/2IvukPE
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ivytowler · 4 years
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It’s his birthday. 🎂 And if ever there was someone to M A R C H F O R T H it’s this guy. 💪🏻 My rock solid man and best friend. Cheers to many more healthy and meaningful trips around the sun, I love you! 😘 — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/3cx6xg3
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ivytowler · 4 years
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#momsweekend day 2! Found the banner for today’s pic. Enjoying brunch and her 🥰❤️ — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/2PDv4X1
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ivytowler · 4 years
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#momsweekend #axid #iowacity Love her 🥰 — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/39bCUip
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ivytowler · 4 years
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Can you name them all? ❤️ — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/2SNIRfy
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ivytowler · 4 years
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My cup is over flowing. I want to and I love to travel. Our family is a busy one so being able to save and go to places takes some work but it is SO WORTH IT! One of the ways I get to see new places is with my clients. #ivyseendestinations are planned about a year out since the logistics and prep work is a huge undertaking. We (me and 7 other photographers) scout locations online, find photogenic spots online, use trip planners and take advice from travelers like @katherine_wanders . We look into permits and insurance and get special permission for locations. If it were easy, everyone would do it and do it often. Wardrobe design is a heavily worked out planning board that doesn’t happen overnight when you want to create unforgettable images. Lastly you have to price it so it’s attainable and profitable. Or why else do it? Tomorrow is PLANNING DAY! We will decide the location and dates tomorrow so please stay tuned. One hint: you’ll need your passport! — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/2SXmumS
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ivytowler · 4 years
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Girls night out called for big curls! And tacos. 🌮🍹 — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/2SXs1tr
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ivytowler · 4 years
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14 is my favorite number, he’s my favorite guy 💗💖 — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/2wcp7t7
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ivytowler · 4 years
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Diving In! @the.middle.finger.project and will likely get the audio version too just to listen to Ash tell me to stop fucking around and to just do it already. (Hint: I’m already on my bad-ass way so this is that tasty icing on the huge slice of cake I’m eating!) — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/2UOcRcC
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ivytowler · 4 years
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Hello! I’m starting #valentinesweek2020 off with #selflove 🥰 & doing the love your bod challenge by @boopbod which you can still join if you sign up now using the link in their IG bio 💗 Today I’m loving how free I feel when I let go of the worry about what others think. I thought this would go away as I became an adult but It didn’t, it got worse. I can say I don’t care and still do my own thing but then doubt will creep in and I’ll second guess my actions and worry until an acceptable time passes and it no longer matters. It’s pretty exhausting carrying the weight of worry. Wanting to be liked by everyone. Wanting to please everyone. Not wanting to ruffle feathers. Especially people who are your closest friends and family. I want to make them proud and make their life easier— I don’t want to embarrass them by being too “Ivy” or disappoint them by not being good enough or not working hard enough. But I’ve realized I can’t continue to do all the things I think I need to do to make others happy. If I want to say, do, share or be something— it should be ok to be me. And not give a flying fuck what someone else thinks. Especially what the public or people on social media might think. So here’s a toast to myself to continue to be all the Ivy I can be. To love big, laugh loud, hug so you know i mean it, to say fuck when I want because I’m an adult and I’m allowed to say fuck, to speak up when I need something, to give generously because it’s in me to do it, to give advice to those I can help, to share as much as I am comfortable with which is quiet a lot. Cheers to breaking down the barriers of fear and to have the courage to continue with this new freedom. #fearlesslyauthentic #grlpwr #momoffour #practicewhatyoupreach #letitgo 💗 Thank you to @barefootphotography.biz for this perfect photo of me 😍 — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/2UKGlYK
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ivytowler · 4 years
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If I needed to hear it maybe you did too. #IamEnough — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/384Fru7
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