iwantsmallerhips · 3 years
hey y’all so i think we all make being constipated a like big joke but i seriously just got my appendix taken out because i was so constipated that my poop was in my appendix. please please please pay attention to your bodies and don’t let something happen because it’s “supposed to”.
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iwantsmallerhips · 3 years
coming to the realization that i might just be big boned because i’m only 156 and my collar bones are sticking out like crazy
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iwantsmallerhips · 3 years
started a 72 hour fast wednesday and i’m at 51 hours so hopefully i’ll b able to finish it. i have work tomorrow when my fast ends so it’ll b a little longer :)
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iwantsmallerhips · 3 years
peeing every 20 minuets because i’m liquid fasting>>
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iwantsmallerhips · 3 years
now today moms told me i’ve lost too much weight while i’m still overweight and idk how to feel. like i don’t wanna worry her but i really want to get down to 110
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iwantsmallerhips · 3 years
had dinner with dad last night and when i walked over to him he said “oh good ur losing weight”
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iwantsmallerhips · 3 years
lost about 3 pounds the past few days so i’m almost at the 150s which i haven’t been in since elementary school
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iwantsmallerhips · 3 years
doing a 48 maybe 72 hour fast already at 24 so…idk if i should doe
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iwantsmallerhips · 3 years
hey so i actually haven’t posted since like 2018 but i’ve relapsed and edtwt just isn’t enough so i’m on here and there :)
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iwantsmallerhips · 4 years
self care is getting high enough to ignore ur tummy grumbling <3
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iwantsmallerhips · 4 years
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This is a list of foods that are “safe” foods, they help metabolism, provide a lot of vitamins and minerals, and help keep the body free of toxins and other chemicals that cause weight gain or fat storage. It’s meant to be used as a cleanse diet to get away from processes foods and the sluggish feeling that comes with not eating healthy. I thought it was nice to have a list of a ton of foods I could eat and not be afraid of the effects. Tailor it to your calorie limits and create a healthy menu for yourself. You’ll find that you can eat more for fewer calories, and the calories you’re eating do more good for your body. Having a list of safe foods helps fight binging, because you aren’t always thinking about what you can’t have and instead can think about what you can have!
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iwantsmallerhips · 4 years
no, you won't lose 10 lbs over night
no, you won't notice changes right away
no, you won't go down two sizes in a day
No you won't become thin in just a few days
but you will eventually
one day you'll notice your pants won't stay up anymore
one day you'll shower and look down your body and your tummy will have shrunken
one day you'll see how promintent your collarbone has become
one day you'll put on a bra and notice your ribs are slightly showing on your chest
one day people will comment how slim you've become when they see you or hug you
i promise you it will happen
just don't lose hope, don't lose motivation, don't lose your dream
You. Can. Fucking. Do. This.
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iwantsmallerhips · 4 years
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my inspo
[photos not mine, ask to remove]
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iwantsmallerhips · 4 years
Do it.
Do it for every time you cried over your body.
Do it for every time you hated what you saw in the mirror
Do it for everyone who said you couldn’t
Do it for “have you lost weight”s
Do it for the double takes.
Do it for me.
Do it for you.
Do it for us… we all believe in you. You can do this!
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iwantsmallerhips · 4 years
self care for when you hit rock bottom
i fucking hate self care posts made by neurotypicals so here’s one from someone who Actually Gets It
-can’t shower or take a bath? me either. dry shampoo can make your hair look and feel cleaner, and baby wipes or makeup wipes work great to get the top layer of grime off your skin.
-can’t wash your sheets and make your bed? i feel you. push your blankets out of the way and shake the crumbs off your sheet. it will at least be a bit more comfortable.
-can’t even change out of your dirty pajamas? been there. hit yourself with some febreeze and a lint roller. if you can, brush your hair. if you can’t, hair ties and bobby pins are fantastic.
-can’t make anything to eat? same. if you can, there’s no shame in ordering food. in fact, it’s probably better you eat something rather than go hungry. if you can’t, try and find something that comes pre-made or takes minimal effort to make. at the very least, drink some water.
can’t respond to messages or reach out for help? yeah, i get that. set an alarm for a few hours from now and respond to any messages you need to once you’ve given yourself time to prepare. if they’re Important Messages that need Professional Responses, you can find fill-in-the-blank format rough drafts on google. as far as personal messages go, don’t feel bad for sending a mass “I’m sorry, I’m in a personal emergency right now. I’ll get back to you as soon as I can.” response to everyone.
-can’t even sleep because it’s so bad? asmr videos always knock me out, personally, but i also watch a lot of bob ross. just try to find something quiet and soothing to use as background noise and take your mind off it, or at least give you a more peaceful environment to think about it.
-can’t go for a walk/drive? try opening the blinds or curtains. you’re still exposing yourself to the outside world. baby steps. (i also play animal crossing or sims; it may be virtual but fuck it. i went on a walk.)
-can’t go into work/school? let people know. let your coworkers or classmates know it’s an emergency and you can’t make it. give yourself up to two days, but then you have to go back. ask to have your work emailed to you so you know what you missed.
-can’t brush your teeth and wash your face? makeup or baby wipes and gum or mouthwash. don’t let yourself physically rot bc you’re rotting emotionally.
-remember that you’ve been here before. if you survived then you can survive now. that’s what this is about- survival. you don’t have to be living your Best Life. right now, it’s more than enough that you’re alive.
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iwantsmallerhips · 5 years
cravings masterpost
over the years, i have been taught what certain cravings mean and how i can replace them in a healthy way. so i figured, why not share it with you guys? 
if you crave chocolate…
your body needs magnesium. a quick fix for this is raw nuts and seeds, legumes, or fresh fruits. 
if you crave sweets…
your body might need some of the following: 
-chromium - have some broccoli, grapes, cheese, or chicken. 
-carbon - chow down on some fresh fruit. 
-phosphorus - chicken, eggs, legumes, or grains can help. 
-tryptophan - similar to magnesium, have some raw nuts and seeds, legumes, or fresh fruits. 
if you crave bread or toast… 
your body needs nitrogen. have some high protein foods such as fish, meat, nuts, or beans. 
if you crave fatty foods… 
your body needs calcium. broccoli, kale, legumes, or cheese help. 
if you crave alcohol… 
your body might need some of the following:
-protein - think seafood, dairy, or nuts. 
-avenin - chow down on some granola or oatmeal. 
-calcium - broccoli, kale, legumes, or cheese help.  
-potassium - bitter greens or seaweed usually do the trick. 
if you crave ice cream/shaved ice… 
your body needs iron. some suggestions are fish, greens, seaweed, or black cherries. 
if you crave burned or grilled food… 
your body needs carbon. chow down on some fresh fruits. 
if you crave soda and carbonated drinks… 
your body needs calcium.  broccoli, kale, legumes, or cheese help.
if you crave salty foods…
your body needs chloride. goat milk (yes i know that’s a little odd) and fish help. 
if you crave acid foods (burgers)… 
your body needs magnesium. just like chocolate, have some raw nuts and seeds, legumes, or fresh fruits. 
if you crave cool drinks (milkshakes or malts)… 
your body needs manganese. some suggestions are walnuts, pecans, almonds, pineapple, or blueberries. 
if you’re PMS-ing… 
your body needs zinc. red meat, seafood, leafy greens, and root vegetables are helpful. 
if you’re overeating… 
your body might need some of the following: 
-silicon - nuts and seeds are a quick fix. 
-tryptophan - eat some cheese, raisins, sweet potatoes, or spinach.
-tyrosine - vitamin c supplements should do the trick. 
if you crave tobacco…
your body might need some of the following: 
-silicon - nuts and seeds help, but stay away from refined starches. 
-tyrosine - vitamin c supplements or red, orange, or green fruits and veggies can help. 
disclaimer: i am not a health professional in any way, this is just advice i have been given over the years. 
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iwantsmallerhips · 5 years
reblog to lose between 7lbs and 11lbs before august begins
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