iwritefanfics239 · 2 years
River of Forest: Chapter 1
Jadekit gasped. He hissed as he tried to escape the fearsome creature. A giant monster was lapping at him like an elder laps water. He turned to his littermates, Swiftkit and Lizardkit, and they stood staring. "Don't worry!" Lizardkit squeaked. "I'll save you!"
"No you don't," the monster boomed, grinning with sharp, studded teeth, clean and shiny. It's claw gleamed as it snatched up Lizardkit and started to eat her as well.
"Swiftkit, save us!" Jadekit mewled. She squirmed, trying to reach her brother, but he just stood there. The monster opened it's big jaws and...
"Tired?" a voice meowed calmly. It was Deepslate, one of the queens.
"Not really. The kits are pretending I'm a monster," the monster gave a mrrrowr of laughter, "They always overreact when they get cleaned."
"I wish I had my kits sooner," Deepslate mewed.
"Believe me, you aren't missing much."
"Monster! Get away from me!" Jadekit hissed, kicking it rapidly in the face.
"Guys, stop pretending," Swiftkit insisted, "Let's go bother the elders until they make us tell a story!"
"Yeah!" Lizardkit agreed, she turned back to the monster, "See you later, Eagleflame!"
Eagleflame sighed, "Don't bother Lichenheart when he's sleeping!"
"We won't!" Jadekit squeaked before running off.
Jadekit caught up with his siblings, stumbling a bit as he was the smallest of the litter. They reached the elders' den, and stepped inside. Most of the elders were sleeping except their grandmother, Weaselpatch. They greeted her, and Jadekit led her outside so the four wouldn't wake the others. The small gray tom had a very important question to ask. So much so, that when he asked, it came out quicker than expected.
"What was that?" Weaselpatch strained. She was old, so she didn't have the best hearing in the Clan. "Can you repeat?"
Jadekit tried to slow down this time. "Have you ever seen StarClan? Like in your dreams? I want to know because I think only medicine cats get prophecies and stuff like that."
"Oh StarClan, no." Weaselpatch laughed, her voice raspy of her age. "I don't know anyone who has gotten a visit from StarClan other than Mosstail. But she is the medicine cat, so who knows? Maybe StarClan will visit you someday."
Jadekit swelled with pride at the sound of those words. 'StarClan? visit me? Wouldn't that be something!'
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iwritefanfics239 · 2 years
River of Forest: Prologue
A small, dark gray tom stumbled through the tunnel, covering in dirt and twigs. "Hello?" he mewed.
Through a thickening fog, he could see the faint shape of a she-cat. As she came closer, the tom suddenly recognized her. He gasped, "Rosepelt?"
The she-cat smiled and nodded. "I haven't seen you in a while, Dawnleap. I've heard you've become deputy of SkyClan, congratulations," she purred, walking up to him and resting her muzzle on the top of Dawnleap's head. She suddenly removed her resting position and looked at him, now seeming both sad and frightened at the same time, "I hope you've prepared yourself for what you've done. You've chased ThunderClan out of the lake territory, and now you will receive great karma."
Dawnleap frowned. "What do you mean?"
Rosepelt sighed, gazing down at her paws. "Two Clans will cause war within our territory, but only glimmering jade will tear the two apart for the better, or opposite."
Dawnleap opened his mouth to respond, then closed it once he had nothing to say. His ears flattened. "W-what do you mean by that?" he mewed, anxious for an answer.
Before the words came out of his mouth, Rosepelt had vanished. 'What could she mean by that?' he wondered. Suddenly, yowls of pain and anger rang in his ears, and his eyes widened as he could feel their pain. Foggy shadows of cats ran beside him, but soon encountered a bigger shadow, which consumed the two smaller ones. Dawnleap's ears flattened even harder against his head when he saw them. Cats. Young and old. Small and large. All walking, their heads low, in the opposite direction of where he was facing. "They're all coming back from a battle," Dawnleap muttered, "Oh StarClan what have I done?"
He started walking beside some cats. They were crying, bleeding, some even carried the bodies of cats, who now were hunting with StarClan. Hearing the pain in the cats' voices. Smelling the blood, he started to join in the crying, the mourning. Once the cats had gotten back to what seemed like ThunderClan camp, they all gently set down the bodies, then sat down and started a caterwauling mourn, that could make any cat regret any decision they've ever made, hoping that if it hadn't have happened, this wouldn't be the outcome. Dawnleap stood staring at the cats, his eyes wide with sadness. He then sat down in the center of the camp and joined the caterwauling with the Clan he had chased away.
srry if I am a bit cringe or something, I'm new to tumblr, so I kind of don't really know how to use it 😅
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