izdehuman-blog · 5 years
13 Reasons Why makes me Uffu (Spoiler alert)
I watched the 3rd Season of "13 Reasons Why" and I'm shocked. I am so damn shocked. I literally cried because of that scene between Bryce, Jessica and Alex in episode 13. This scene broke my heart. The whole season broke my heart in so many ways. For people who are easily upset and empathize too much (like me) shouldn't watch that alone. I did that. And I'm not proud of it.
For me Clay wasn't that interesting. I do like him and what he does is right and I would TOTALLY do that too. But am I the only one who skiped some points where he and someone else are just talking about the murder?
I don't like Ani at all. I was really excited when she first appeared because it was NEW and I love new things haha. But she was so.. Annoying? Fake? A little bit weird and so on.
Bryce wasn't a good character in the first and second season (actually I did not really hate him) but he tried to change! And in the end and even in the first episode I started to like him! He truly tried to change.. As we clearly can see in the episodes. And this scene just broke my heart. I know most of you won't understand that but I do feel sympathy and empathy towards him (may be because I like all bad psycho guys who try to change and that stuff😂). He deserves better.
I NEVER liked Jessica. She was such a dramatically teen girl who thinks everything she does is right. Yeah, being raped isn't easy to come over with. Yeah, Bryce didn't cared at first. But she didn't even cared as well when Bryce was on the ground, beaten up by Zach. I think she is even worse. And yeah, I might be alone with that opinion but I hate these kind of people. She knows true pain and self hate. And she stand in front of a guy who has raped her but CLEARLY regretted it and she did NOTHING. She didn't even tried to stop Alex. She is my least favorite character in the WHOLE season.
Speaking about Alex: I first liked him and every time he was hurt I could feel his pain. But in the 3rd season I started to dislike him. He killed Bryce. And did nothing like Jessica. I hope both of them get what they deserve.
Oh oh oh Tyler. He is as down as his name. He is one of my favorite character. Yeah he does have his bad times and.. Stuff but I sympathize with him a lot! He is such a precious chinnamon roll that needs to be protected! He deserved nothing of this.
Zach.. I don't know what I should say about him. Do I like him? Or not? I really can't say. I understand why he did what he did (Beaten up Bryce) but I also hate him for that in some kind of ways.
Tony my little gay boy. He is just a fckn brilliant character and I love his relationship with Caleb. I hope he gets his family back!!! Nothing more to say.
Montgomery... Well I do like that boy to. He isn't one of my favorites.. because of what he did to Tyler but he was just hurt and lost and that made him go crazy.. I really wished a better ending for him.
Mrs Walker is a weird old lady but I do understand whats going on in her life and that she wants to find the murder or her son. But I thinks she should think about an other way than the "Clay hates him, he must be the murder" - way.
Last but not least: Justin.. Well guys. I do like this character a lot! Mostly because of his relationship with Clay. But I hate all scenes where he and Jessica are together. He deserved better than this crazy... Girl.
Because the last is Hannah Baker! :D bacuse she isn't even there! I am really sad that Hannah didn't appear in this season. It's like she doesn't even matter anymore... Also she is only talked about a couple of times. I wished there were more scenes of how Bryce thought about her in the end.
At the end I want to say that I respect and like all actors. They did a great job and played it damn good.
Also thanks to the team behind 13 Reasons Why. It really made me happy and sad at once to watch this awesome seasons and I am excited about the last one.
"What happened to Hannah will always be the first clause of the story. The rest of the story is about young people, as so many young people, maybe all young people today (learn) how to heal from the things that have hurt them…to make the world that they want it to be, not just the world they are inheriting…and above all, how to take care of each other."
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izdehuman-blog · 5 years
Just a drawing I did yesterday
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izdehuman-blog · 5 years
♥️ She is my favorite
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izdehuman-blog · 5 years
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Just a little late night doodle while I was listening to "Hurt" by Johnny Cash.
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izdehuman-blog · 5 years
Another drawing of Glitchtrap! It is really funny to draw this creep 😅 and I totally love him (Yeah, I know I forgot a few details on him but I wasn't in the mood for more details 😬🤣)
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izdehuman-blog · 5 years
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So.. I tried to draw the VRabbit from the FNaF:Help Wanted game. I am really proud of it to be honest.
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