izumikonata27 · 6 years
Honestly the fact that Alex realises he’s queer through shitty cereal puns is the most realistic scene of Alex Strangelove
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izumikonata27 · 7 years
where is yuri on ice season 2?
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izumikonata27 · 7 years
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End him
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izumikonata27 · 7 years
FFYC is wonderful! Thank you so much for writing it! I was wondering how you decided what house to put everyone in? What qualities made Yuuri a Slytherin and Viktor a Hufflepuff? I hope you're doing well and thank you again for sharing your writing with us.
I’ve already made a post here about why I see Yuuri as a Slytherin which hopefully explains that part ok! 
As for Viktor I chose Hufflepuff for the hardworking aspect (we’ve seen from canon he’s incredibly dedicated to his career and you don’t get where he is without lots of hard work). Other traits of Hufflepuff (from the Harry Potter Wiki) are listed as friendly (he’s a very friendly, outgoing person), loyal and honest (in Viktor’s case sometimes to a fault, he’s very bluntly honest). Viktor as the friendly, cheerful and incredibly hardworking Hufflepuff just really seemed to fit for me. 
For Phichit I chose Gryffindor because he’s outgoing, brave (first Thai skater to make it to the Grand Prix Final ever! That takes some serious courage to be the first of anything) and has nerves of steel (we never see him getting outwardly nervous once in the whole anime which for someone competing at his level is very impressive). He has traits from other houses but I thought he fit well into Gryffindor. 
Chris came from Beauxbatons so he doesn’t have a house. Technically Beauxbatons supposedly only get students from France, Spain, Portugal, Netherlands, Luxembourg and Belgium but considering where Switzerland is geographically it was probably his closest school and so either I’m just going to use suspension of disbelief or say he was a foreign student. 
As for the others, I just see a lot of Slytherin qualities in Yuri, Hufflepuff ones in Otabek etc. Honestly, every character could probably fit every house but I just chose the ones I personally thought fitted the best 
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izumikonata27 · 7 years
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ユーリ!!! on MUSEUM
• Yuuri and Victor audio guide has Yuuri progressively getting drunker on champagne as you move through each section
• Yuuri lets his fanboy loose in the section featuring Victor
• Yuuri’s collection of Victor memorabilia includes photos of young Victor in both the Agape and Eros costumes. Also of young Victor totally not paying attention at a press conference and eating chocolate instead
• Detailed photo of possibly Victor’s SP costume from the previous season. It’s even more gorgeous than the Stammi Vicino one and I desperately need that art made public
• Yuuri’s FS costume and the SP costumes of all the other GPF skaters are on display. Phichit’s and Otabek’s are stunning. JJ’s is laughably plain
• The crotch of Chris’s SP costume was stuffed. There was a bulge. None of the other skaters had it. I could not stop giggling
• The back of Yuuri’s FS costume is incredibly beautiful. How did Victor keep his hands off? (Oh right, he didn’t…)
• Victor and Yuuri’s exhibition costumes have their rings on the mannequins. Also, the costumes have a zipper on the front, where the v-line of the black comes together… Easy frontal access, if you know what I mean
• Lots of sketches, including one of Victor standing to greet Yuuri at the onsen from episode one… without the steam in the way…
• There is a life-sized Makkachin you can pet
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izumikonata27 · 7 years
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I just found this spamano/austria×prussia smut attempt I did years ago and I needed to share it with you tumblr.
I love the fact that I had to specify that the black thing Spain has on his waist is just a really confusing belt (cinturón).
Everything else is just weird and hilarious and I love it and I think my Austria accidentally looks like Luis Piedrahita.
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izumikonata27 · 7 years
sorry for asking this but how much time has passed since yuri and victor first slept together till the big talk and the kiss on the ice? 4 years?
Just slightly under 4 years yes. Three years and nine months. Below is the link for the full timeline 
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izumikonata27 · 7 years
Chapter 5 of obs&bh is up, now with 200% more fluff than usual!
The chapter title comes from the song ‘You’d Be So Nice To Come Home To’ by Dinah Shore 
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izumikonata27 · 7 years
I’ve done some sorting of my tags so I now have a specific tag for Rivals World-building. Anything that has not been mentioned in the fics but that can be considered canon in the Rivals universe can be found here.
The other new tag is Rivals Playlists, specifically to group all the lovely playlists that have been made in one place. If I have missed any out please let me know! 
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izumikonata27 · 7 years
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K-On! High School,  Toyosato Japan
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izumikonata27 · 7 years
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izumikonata27 · 7 years
I just now noticed that in chep. 13 you said Victor couldn't skate to love story after the doping scandal ... does that mean that he regained hope for love from Yuuri again only to get dragged into the scandal ?... If so I feel a lot worse now.... BUT I LOVE YOU ANYWAY!!!!
Well, there was definitely some reason that he was skating to that song…
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izumikonata27 · 7 years
What does btd(s? Idk) an abbreviation for??
Beside the Dancing Sea by @omgkatsudonplease
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izumikonata27 · 7 years
My bestfriend : So who’s the worst villian you’ve ever seen in a fanfiction?
Me : Miscommunication
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izumikonata27 · 7 years
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izumikonata27 · 7 years
Yuuri, clearly super smug about finally beating Viktor and with the intent to be insulting: Enjoying the view?
Viktor: There Is No Heterosexual Explanation For This
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izumikonata27 · 7 years
“Hi Yuuri.” Truly iconic.
In his defence, Viktor is in the middle of one of the worst ‘not now boner’ moments of his life while in a very public setting getting yelled at by his crush so his speaking ability is significantly impaired 
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