j1-1j 1 month
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Oliver is an up-and-coming boxer who has many dreams of redemption. Today he faces a match valid for the championship, he is ahead when suddenly he falls to the ground the doctors rush towards him and understand that he is in cardiac arrest so they start resuscitation, they use the defibrillator nothing they continue for 10 minutes before transferring him to hospital. Where, however, there will be nothing left to do.
Oliver died of a malignant arrhythmia ignored by his doctor for economic reasons.
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j1-1j 2 months
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Pino is a lifeguard and today he has been assigned to supervise a surfing competition, in which his best friend Paolo is participating.
Paolo is a skilled surfer, but even the best make mistakes, in fact he miscalculates the trajectory to ride the wave and is sucked under water. Pino intervenes and brings Paolo to the shore, Pino checks Paolo's conditions and understands that Paolo is in cardiac arrest.
Pino with the help of the doctors present, manages to save Paolo.
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j1-1j 2 months
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Giordano is a lifeguard who is passionate about surfing and while off duty he decides to have fun with his surfboard. However, a wave takes him under water and Giordano loses consciousness. Luckily for him, the other swimmers notice that something is wrong and draw their attention to an empty board. The lifeguard on duty reaches it and realizes that someone is in danger. Giordano is brought to shore, but he is in cardiac arrest. The lifeguard on duty begins the maneuvers. On the beach there are nurses who assist the lifeguard and with the use of the defibrillator they manage to save Giordano's life, put at risk by a carelessness.
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j1-1j 2 months
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Guglielmo is a lifeguard and like every morning he checks the sea while walking on the beach. Suddenly he hears a cry for help Guglielmo enters the water and reaches a boy in difficulty and brings him to the shore. On the shore the boy loses consciousness and goes into cardiac arrest. Guglielmo begins resuscitation maneuvers and with the help of the defibrillator saves the boy's life, endangered by secondary drowning.
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j1-1j 2 months
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Nicol貌 is an entrepreneur who likes to play tennis and for this reason he signed up for a tournament organized by the sports center near his home.
Nicol貌 is playing the semifinals very well but he feels tired and asks for a break, but then he collapses on the playing field. The doctor rushes to him and checks his pulse and breathing, which are absent, the doctor begins resuscitation. The referee brings the defibrillator and switches over to the doctor. The doctor applies the defibrillator and delivers a shock, Nicol貌 begins to breathe irregularly but his heartbeat is still absent. The doctor resumes resuscitation until the defibrillator gives the ok for another shock, which is the good one. Nicol貌's heart starts beating regularly again, Nicol貌 is safe.
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j1-1j 2 months
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Mauro is a boy who lives in a wealthy family and loves swimming in their pool.
One day while swimming, however, he hears something strange, he screams and then sinks. Mauro was alone at home, but a neighbor alerted by the scream, rushes, realizing that the scream was coming from the pool. The neighbor dives in and helps Mauro, placing him near the pool. The neighbor is a nurse, so he calls for help and checks for a heartbeat and breathing, Mauro is in cardiac arrest, the neighbor begins resuscitation maneuvers, after 10 minutes the ambulance arrives, the doctors dry Mauro's chest and use the defibrillator, nothing, they decide to intubate him and take him to the hospital, the neighbor also goes up with them.
Mauro arrives at the hospital still in cardiac arrest, the doctors try to save him, carrying out all the maneuvers for over an hour, but it's all in vain, Mauro is dead.
The neighbor informs his parents who give their consent to organ donation.
Autopsy tests show a decrease in potassium.
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j1-1j 2 months
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Umberto is a rising boxer and he gets better and better with each match. Today he has to face the boxer who is ahead of him in the rankings in a direct clash.
Halfway through the match the result is uncertain, when Umberto first staggers and then collapses to the ground. The opposing boxer stops the referee's count and calls for the doctor. The doctor feels Umberto's pulse, there is no heartbeat, so he begins cardiac massage, while the opponent goes to get the defibrillator. A replay shows that Umberto has suffered a barrage of blows to the chest before collapsing to the ground. The opponent dries Umberto's chest with a towel and applies the defibrillator, the doctor delivers a shock and the heart starts beating again. Umberto is safe.
After a few months of convalescence he returns to the ring to complete that match, winning it.
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j1-1j 2 months
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Adriano is an aquagym instructor, and like every morning he goes to the pool. He goes to the bar to have breakfast and then goes to change. He comes out in his usual green swimsuit and like every morning he dives to do a few laps, but he doesn't resurface Adriano goes to the bottom of the pool. After a few minutes a colleague comes in and notices the scene so he enters the water and brings Adriano to the surface laying him on the edge of the pool. The colleague feels his pulse and understands that Adriano is in cardiac arrest so he begins resuscitation maneuvers, another colleague brings the defibrillator dries his chest and applies the plates then gives a shock, nothing the voice of the defibrillator says to continue resuscitation. 5 minutes later the ambulance arrives and continues with the maneuvers for another 45 minutes.
But it's all in vain Adriano died of congestion, in fact he had asked for an iced juice at the bar, perhaps too much.
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j1-1j 2 months
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Mario is an entrepreneur who likes to spend his free time on the tennis court near his office. One day, however, while playing, he has a cardiac arrest, but despite the efforts to revive him there is nothing more to be done an hour later he is loaded covered by a white sheet into the ambulance.
Mario had postponed too many times a cardiologist visit that had been prescribed following a fainting spell in his office.
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j1-1j 2 months
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Ivan is a passionate cyclist and for this reason he decided to participate in a race in a nearby city. Ivan has trained a lot and 13 km from the finish line is in a good position, when inexplicably he falls from his bike and remains motionless on the asphalt, one of the doctors assigned to the race rushes towards him. The doctor, not feeling a heartbeat, begins resuscitation maneuvers after a minute the race ambulance arrives and provides the defibrillator, the doctors perform resuscitation on the street for 20 minutes before loading him into the ambulance. In 5 minutes Ivan is transported to the hospital, but every effort is in vain after 1 hour the doctors give up for Ivan there is nothing more to be done.
Subsequent tests revealed high levels of a medicine used to treat circulation problems that Ivan had taken however as a doping substance, the result was a non-reversible cardiac arrest.
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j1-1j 2 months
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Eddie is a personal trainer on vacation, but he can't give up a jog on the beach. During the run, however, he collapses to the ground, the lifeguard is nearby and realizes that Eddie has had a sudden cardiac arrest, so he gets down from his post and with the defibrillator with him reaches Eddie. With the help of some people present, he moves Eddie away from the shoreline and begins resuscitation maneuvers, luckily the people who helped him move Eddie away from the water are 4 doctors on vacation.
The lifeguard, alternating with the doctors, applies the defibrillator and in 5 minutes Eddie comes back to life.
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j1-1j 2 months
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Sergio is a university student studying marine biology. One day, during a break from exams and classes, he goes to the beach to take advantage of the windy days and rough seas to have fun surfing. While he is having fun riding the waves, however, he does not take into account the passage of a cargo ship, a high wave overwhelms him. Sergio is underwater and cannot come back up. The lifeguard is alerted by some surfers in the water and begins the rescue procedures. He goes to the point where Sergio's surfboard is located and with the help of the other surfers he searches for him underwater. After 7 minutes, Sergio is found and brought to shore. The lifeguard begins resuscitation, one of the surfers takes care of the defibrillator, the surfer applies the plates and delivers a null shock. The two continue for 25 minutes and when the ambulance sirens are heard, Sergio's heart starts beating slowly again, the ambulance loads him and takes him to the hospital. During the journey, however, the heartbeat stops, the doctors resume resuscitation but upon arrival at the hospital there is nothing more to be done, Sergio is declared dead 15 minutes after getting off the ambulance, even the electroencephalogram had become flat. A young life of a university boy tied to a cruel fate with what he loved, the sea.
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j1-1j 3 months
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Kevin is on vacation with his family, this year they went to a seaside resort. One day in the hotel where they were staying Kevin decides to dive into the pool, but he doesn't resurface a congestion has blocked him underwater and the hotel pool has no lifeguard. Kevin remains underwater for 5 long minutes, a swimmer pulls him out of the water and begins with resuscitation maneuvers someone alerts the lifeguard of the nearby beach who arrives with the defibrillator, dries Kevin's chest and applies the defibrillator and delivers a shock, nothing, the heartbeat is absent. The two continue resuscitation while waiting for the ambulance. In the meantime Kevin's parents are unaware of what is happening to their son, as they are busy in the wellness center. 15 minutes later the ambulance arrives and the doctors take charge of the young man continuing the resuscitation, but an hour later comes the surrender, all in front of the parents who had just left the wellness center and had gone to the pool to relax, the doctor reads the clock 14:50, the mother bursts into great pain the father screams desperately. Kevin their only son, only heir had died on that carefree vacation.
If only there had been someone to watch over him in that pool perhaps nothing would have happened and Kevin would still be alive.
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j1-1j 3 months
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Samuele is a boy who likes to spend Saturday afternoons with his friends, he and his friends have fun playing basketball. One day, however, the moment of joy is interrupted Samuele is inexplicably on the ground and does not respond to his friends. One of his friends is a specialist in the local hospital and understands that Samuele has suffered a cardiac arrest, he begins resuscitation maneuvers and has a defibrillator brought to him, thanks to his intervention Samuele is saved.
In the hospital he is diagnosed with Brugada syndrome and a portable defibrillator is inserted, to prevent other similar episodes.
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j1-1j 3 months
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Jai is a skilled tennis player who is training for an important match, he has just passed a medical examination regarding his left wrist that he had previously broken. The training is almost over when suddenly Jai collapses, the tennis player who was with him desperately calls for help, a blonde woman who works at the local hospital comes to his aid. The woman understands that Jai is in cardiac arrest, begins resuscitation and orders the man to get the defibrillator. The other tennis player arrives with the defibrillator, the woman switches with the tennis player and attaches the defibrillator to Jai's chest and delivers a shock, nothing, the heart is still stopped, the woman resumes resuscitation. After 10 minutes the ambulance arrives and for 70 minutes tries to resuscitate Jai, but without success.
Jai was no longer there, the tests carried out revealed an aortic problem perhaps due to a blow received on the tennis court
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j1-1j 3 months
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Claudio is a young boy who has been passionate about tennis for 6 months, which is why his parents gave him some training. One day while he is training with his instructor and is about to throw the ball, he collapses to the ground. The instructor realizes that Claudio has had a cardiac arrest so he takes off Claudio's shirt and starts with compressions, the doctor from the facility comes to his aid with the defibrillator, attaches the plates to Claudio's chest and delivers a shock. Nothing, the heart is still stopped, the doctor resumes the procedure and after 2 minutes Claudio's heart starts beating again. The ambulance arrives after 3 minutes and takes Claudio to the hospital where he is operated on after being diagnosed with a congenital heart problem that has not yet been detected. Claudio successfully overcomes the operation and after a few months returns to playing tennis.
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j1-1j 3 months
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Malcolm is a boy who is passionate about football and plays in the local team, but one day during training for an important match he collapses on the ground, his teammates rush over, call for help and try to help Malcom. One of them realizes that Malcom is in cardiac arrest so he rips off his shirt and starts chest compressions, while another teammate performs mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. In the meantime, the team doctor arrives with a defibrillator, attaches the plates to Malcolm's chest and delivers a shock, his heart is still stopped, they start resuscitating him again, after 5 minutes the ambulance arrives. The doctors go down and continue resuscitation on the field for another 5 minutes before loading him into the ambulance, 15 minutes later the hospital doctors take charge of him and continue resuscitation, but it is all in vain, after an hour the doctors declare him dead.
Malcolm's heart stopped due to an arrhythmia that would have been treated if seen earlier, but the sports doctor of the category had been bribed by Malcolm's team who did not want to lose their best boy.
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