ja1-d3n · 1 day
Phil: …Is everything ok?
Jaiden: [Stares at him in silence as "It's Been So Long" by The Living Tombstone plays in the background.]
Phil: [Laughing] Jesus Christ–
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Jaiden does a bit of "FNAF fishing" with Chayanne and Tallulah a few days after losing Bobby. 🥲
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ja1-d3n · 2 days
Kind of bullshit Tara gets bent out of shape bc you and rose kissed. But she's allowed to shove her tongue down whoever's throat she wants.
look, we're not... exclusive or anything...
and i never said that it didn't bother me seeing her kiss other people.
i'd just rather... stew it over. leave it alone, you know? its... not my business.
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ja1-d3n · 4 days
Jaiden saw the way Schlatt exchanged looks with her, and she just let off a measly shrug. Her smirk never leaves her face. "Maybe a game or two." She watches him line up the balls and take away the guide, and she hands him an extra stick that was on the wall. "Who's breaking first?" She says, walking over to the high top to take a sip of her drink.
Take A Sip And Soap Your Soiled Mouth || JaiSchlatt
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ja1-d3n · 4 days
Jaiden let out a soft laugh through her nose at Tara's reaction about the birds. She should've taken a picture. She definitely has ones from the past though...
[Text: Tara ❤️] he would've killed me for being a witness to the crime
She lets out another little laugh, feeling the tension lighten up just a moment. Tara's next text makes her heart climb up to her throat. She stares at it for a few minutes, trying to figure out a response. Something that isn't desperate... Something that isn't... Weird!! Think, Jaiden, think!!
[Text: Tara ❤️] yeah totally that would be cook!
She sends the text too fast, her fingers shaky. FUCK.
[Text: Tara ❤️] cool*
[Text: Tara ❤️] cool*
[Text: Tara ❤️] i meant cool
[Text: Tara ❤️] you're always welcome to visit them anytime :>
She almost didn't write the word "them" in her last text. It was a last second addition.
[Text: Tara ❤️] hey
[Text: Tara ❤️] i know its been a little since i heard from you
[Text: Tara ❤️] just wanted to check in, see how you're holding up
[Text: Tara ❤️] i miss you
The last text was typed, sitting in the send box for a while, before Jaiden haphazardly deleted it before sending.
Tara stares at her phone for at least twenty minutes, typing and untyping as a pit forms in her stomach.
[Jai 🥰💋]: hi 🙂
[Jai 🥰💋]: im okay, how are you?
[Jai 🥰💋]: how are the birds? ive missed them
she stares for even longer, debating if she should admit to missing her, she doesn’t.
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ja1-d3n · 4 days
Jaiden gives a soft giggle at Rose's thanks, quickly slipping in behind her when she enters. She takes a look around the cafe, bustling with a few people. She can see the drink menu from afar, their list of assorted vegan foods separated on its own panel. Jaiden sighed happily. Rose really knows how to pick cool places. She gets in line with her, side by side. She has full intention of paying for both of them, whether Rose realizes it or not. "So what was that pink drink you mentioned before?" She asks, tilting her head to try to get a better look at the menu, kind of just resting her head on Rose's arm in the process.
Now You Know Retcon // Jaiden and Rose
Rose had felt good about telling Tara, and even Suzy was still acting normal after all she knew. One step at a time, but she was ready to step faster. She asks Jaiden to meet her for a cafe trip, like her and Bailey had done, she was probably next in line. She hadn't seen her in a few days, and that wasnt very long at all, but she was suddenly so excited to see as soon as their eyes meet. "Hey!" @ja1-d3n
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ja1-d3n · 4 days
Jaiden sighed happily as the donuts landed next to her, and she opened the box and perused through the treats before picking out a powdered jelly donut. She watched as Jacob waved at the birds, both Ari and Tofu immediately hopping to the edge of the cage to give their hello's in tweets and chirps. They're craning their heads at him, excited, recognizing him. Jaiden smiled. "Their heads, and a little bit on their back. So mostly their heads." She said, taking a bite of the donut. The sweetness fills her mouth, and she feels a little more at ease. She washes it down with the white mocha that Jacob got her, and suddenly, she feels like she's back in their apartment. Like nothing could get to them. His question snaps her back to reality though, all of the events flooding through her head in a sudden myriad of flashes. She took a deep breath and sighed. "A... Lot..." She said weakly, placing the donut down and clapping her hands together to get the dust off.
So How Should I Begin This? || Jaiden & Jacob
Its been a while. Too long, in fact, since she last saw Jacob. Jaiden was wracked with so many feelings, so many thoughts swimming through her head, she was so preoccupied at every prior event that she didn't even take time to check on someone that has been there for her since day one. She was flooded with guilt, flooded with longing. She knew that whatever she had to bring to the table, Jacob would help her digest it. So, during a weekend afternoon, Jaiden pulled out her phone to send Jacob a text.
[Text: Jacob 💙] hey
[Text: Jacob 💙] i miss you
[Text: Jacob 💙] i have a lot i need to talk to you about
[Text: Jacob 💙] come over and visit the birds in theta?
She sent the texts one after another, not giving much time in between as she hammered the texts out. She hoped Jacob would be free. She needed him to be free at this point.
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ja1-d3n · 6 days
Jaiden's face lit up as Jacob described and showed off the things he brought to her, a genuine warmth filling her body. All in all, he's still her best friend. He knows her like no one else does. "Dude, you're the best." She says, relief flooding her voice and expression. She nods at his question, turning with drinks in hand to lead him upstairs. It wasn't a long walk, they enter her room and Jaiden hits the door with her hip so that it shuts. The birds are on top of their cage, preening each other, enjoying a beam of sunlight that was shining on the top of their cage. Jaiden walked over to her desk, placing the cups down before taking a seat at her chair. "Feel free to sit wherever... You know the birds so you're good to say hi to them too." She says happily, grabbing Jacob's cup and placing it on the nightstand near him. She had so much to talk to him about... But for now... Its good to just relax.
So How Should I Begin This? || Jaiden & Jacob
Its been a while. Too long, in fact, since she last saw Jacob. Jaiden was wracked with so many feelings, so many thoughts swimming through her head, she was so preoccupied at every prior event that she didn't even take time to check on someone that has been there for her since day one. She was flooded with guilt, flooded with longing. She knew that whatever she had to bring to the table, Jacob would help her digest it. So, during a weekend afternoon, Jaiden pulled out her phone to send Jacob a text.
[Text: Jacob 💙] hey
[Text: Jacob 💙] i miss you
[Text: Jacob 💙] i have a lot i need to talk to you about
[Text: Jacob 💙] come over and visit the birds in theta?
She sent the texts one after another, not giving much time in between as she hammered the texts out. She hoped Jacob would be free. She needed him to be free at this point.
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ja1-d3n · 6 days
Jaiden breathes a small sigh of relief as she gets a response from Tara. She half expected her not to answer at all. Not that she would blame her or anything... Things felt weird.
[Text: Tara ❤️] doing okay, all things considered
[Text: Tara ❤️] the birds are menaces as always, ari ate a raspberry earlier and it got EVERYWHERE
[Text: Tara ❤️] i think they miss you too
Yeah, she can send that. That's not weird at all... Her heart is aching.
[Text: Tara ❤️] hey
[Text: Tara ❤️] i know its been a little since i heard from you
[Text: Tara ❤️] just wanted to check in, see how you're holding up
[Text: Tara ❤️] i miss you
The last text was typed, sitting in the send box for a while, before Jaiden haphazardly deleted it before sending.
Tara stares at her phone for at least twenty minutes, typing and untyping as a pit forms in her stomach.
[Jai 🥰💋]: hi 🙂
[Jai 🥰💋]: im okay, how are you?
[Jai 🥰💋]: how are the birds? ive missed them
she stares for even longer, debating if she should admit to missing her, she doesn’t.
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ja1-d3n · 6 days
When he teases her, Jaiden flashes him a look, one that had deviousness plastered all over it. She follows him over to the table, drink in hand, placing it gently on a high-top next to the table. "Shouldn't be too hard, yeah?" She said, already grabbing a pool stick and putting chalk on the end. She's staring at Schlatt, unbreaking eye contact with a smirk on her face.
Take A Sip And Soap Your Soiled Mouth || JaiSchlatt
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ja1-d3n · 6 days
Jaiden's heart squeezes again when Rose says what she says, her arm that is linked in Rose's tightening just a little bit. "Oh, like you don't look pretty all the time." She giggles, leaning her head into Rose's shoulder for a moment while they walked. They approach the opening of the cafe, and Jaiden unlinks her arm from Rose's to scurry ahead. She grabs the door and opens it, holding it open for Rose to make sure that she goes inside first.
Now You Know Retcon // Jaiden and Rose
Rose had felt good about telling Tara, and even Suzy was still acting normal after all she knew. One step at a time, but she was ready to step faster. She asks Jaiden to meet her for a cafe trip, like her and Bailey had done, she was probably next in line. She hadn't seen her in a few days, and that wasnt very long at all, but she was suddenly so excited to see as soon as their eyes meet. "Hey!" @ja1-d3n
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ja1-d3n · 8 days
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been losing my shit over this gif for like 5 minutes now
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ja1-d3n · 10 days
*bitch slaps* stop being stupid
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ja1-d3n · 10 days
Fight for Tara, she deserves someone who would fight for you
i mean, i would...
but relationships are also two-way streets...
i can't fight for someone who doesn't want me to fight for her........
i don't even know okay?
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ja1-d3n · 10 days
Eugene is gonna take your girl, watch out
i've been aware,
also, she isn't mine...
i have no claim over her-- we haven't talked about anything like that.
not that i would mind it though...
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ja1-d3n · 10 days
Tara and Schlatt are hooking up, way to lose both of them
for once...
i doubt this one...
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ja1-d3n · 11 days
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everybody say thank you quackity
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ja1-d3n · 11 days
Jaiden nodded as she listened, smiling at the fact that it was vegan friendly, and-- Huh? Jaiden still was listening, but she honed in on what Rose said in the middle. She blinked for a moment, just staring at her, processing the words. She couldn't even say anything before Rose was already walking, and Jaiden skipped a beat to catch up a bit. "Oh yeah! Totally, the pink drink sounds cool..." She said, walking next to Rose in stride. Did she just come out so casually? Does Jaiden even respond to it?? What's the right move here??? Rose just chose to be really vulnerable with her... Like, really vulnerable. Even if it was just a passing statement. She trusted Jaiden with something like that..? The thought alone made her heart flutter, made her feel like a new bridge was being built between them. She links her arm in Rose's, looking to her and giving a smile. "Did I tell you that you look pretty today? Cuz you do." She said, genuinely, sweetly. Maybe they'd talk more about it when they sat down...
Now You Know Retcon // Jaiden and Rose
Rose had felt good about telling Tara, and even Suzy was still acting normal after all she knew. One step at a time, but she was ready to step faster. She asks Jaiden to meet her for a cafe trip, like her and Bailey had done, she was probably next in line. She hadn't seen her in a few days, and that wasnt very long at all, but she was suddenly so excited to see as soon as their eyes meet. "Hey!" @ja1-d3n
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