ja1-d3n · 2 months
She's The Movie || Taiden
Jaiden felt prepared...Enough. She was on her way over to Alpha, biting her lips on the way over nervously. They're just planning on watching movies. A test run for their movie night plan with everyone else. Jaiden was dressed in baggy gray sweatpants, and an oversized Hatsune Miku shirt, and in her hands was a Tupperware full of brownies and cookies that she literally ran to the store to get. Tara said she was getting dinner so, she figured she could get dessert.
Was she underdressed? She figured that they were just going to be cozy, but, Tara looked good all of the time. She didn't know what she was doing. But, she was dressed, she had everything, and she was finally standing outside of Alpha. She pulled out her phone with one of her hands and steadily typed out a text.
[T: Tara ❤️] i'm outside! :>
She pressed send, and then took a deep breath. God. Stop being so nervous all the time, Jaiden.
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juliettesmythe · 2 months
Text ;; Jaiden
Jules: Hey, A. Are you busy right now?
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writerfae · 1 year
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The ultimate masterpost for all Taiden (Talon x Aiden) shippers <3
Aiden and Talon are both characters of my story The Knights of the Alder. In the story itself they’re not a thing*, but they hold a very special place in my heart so I write lots of scenarios and aus for them. I gathered them all here for all my fellow Taiden fans.
* in my mind they’re pretty much canon, they’re just not there yet in the story, since the focus of the story I like to tell is not on (their) romance
Persephone and Hades AU
-> just a teeny tiny scene
The god of death (Talon) and his lover (Aiden) have to part once again
Season deities AU
-> more if a concept instead of real writing but still good
Winter (Talon) makes way for his love, spring (Aiden)
Arranged marriage AU (Silver Lining)
-> a whole fan-fic like story, three chapters so far
Aiden, son of a lower ranked noble house, gets engaged to Talon, the heir of an influential family. They are not really happy about it. At first, at least.
Possible Future AU
-> the au is mostly about them so you can check it out but this is the one with both of them in it
After years spent apart, ex-lovers Talon and Aiden meet up again to talk.
Angel and Demon AU
-> again the whole au is worth checking out, it’s pure Taiden
Immortal love
Angel Aiden and demon Talon discuss love
Remembering heaven
Demon Talon thinks about the change in his relationship to a certain angel
Aiden asks Talon why he never uses his wings. The reason for it lies in a past the demon can’t seem to let go
Modern AU
Take a Break
The final exams are close and Talon studies for them obsessively. Aiden tries to get his boyfriend to take a break
Back Home
Talon picks up Aiden from the airport. It’s been a year since their relationship break and they haven’t seen each other since, so he’s nervous
About Christmas Dinners and how to escape them
Talon is stuck with his annoying relatives for the family’s Christmas dinner. Luckily his boyfriend comes to the rescue.
Talon and Aiden look after Aiden’s niece and nephew while Aiden’s brother and his husband are out on a date
Curative Cuddles
Talon is sick and, even worse, hasn’t received any boyfriend hugs all week.
Lunch Break
Maya makes a lunch break discovery
Anastasia AU
-> link to the whole au cause it’s the best I couldn’t possibly decide for just a few pieces of it
I think you all know the story. If not, check out the summary in the linked post. Aiden is the lost prince, Talon the con man that finds him - without knowing he did.
Knights of the Alder Leader Aiden AU
The New Second in Command - Part 1
The new leader has chosen a second. Cameron is not happy about it
The New Second in Command - Part 2
Talon and Aiden are well aware of the rumors about them. Talon can’t say he minds them much, except for one
Everything for him
Aiden asks Talon for a favor
Member of the Knights of the Alder Talon AU
The prison guard
Aiden got captured by the Knights. Talon is tasked to guard him. He’d be lying if he said he isn’t a little curious.
Short little bonus scene
In which Talon flirts with “his” prisoner
Other scenarios / AUs
-> these are mostly short scenarios or scenes from au ideas, some of which might as well be canon, the others not
Only for warmth
Aiden and Talon have to share a blanket
The Guard
Talon gets a new job
The Kiss
Aiden just won’t shut up. So Talon makes him
The Nickname
Aiden wonders what the foreign word Talon keeps calling him means. Maya helps him understand
King and Knight
For Talon, Aiden is royalty
Catch me
Aiden triggers a vision and passes out. Luckily Talon is there
Aflame (Fire Bearer AU)
Until Aiden kissed him, Talon never knew that the warmth of a flame could feel so pleasant
Sacrifice (Alder Spirit Aiden AU)
Aiden gave his life to the alder in order to save it. Talon worries that it was all in vain
Remember me (not really an au but not canon either)
Talon refuses to let go. Aiden tries to help him
God-Chosen AU
After helping protecting his village Aiden gets rewarded by the god of the hunt and made his god-chosen, the highest of all priests.
Masterpiece AU
Art student Aiden visits his favorite painting in the art museum, where he meets a boy who looks hauntingly familiar.
Not a snippet but a unofficial ship guide
Just some facts about my beloved ship
Spotify link to their playlist
@deadlycupid @funandorinterestingideas @bluehourskyeli I think you were interest (at least you liked the post I made xD)
also uhhh @bunnymermaidsblog @vampywriter @sleepy-night-child if I recall right you guys like Taiden too, yeah? I thought maybe you’re interested in this 🙈 (if not that’s completely fine too, feel free to ignore!)
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lukeflanagan · 2 years
Text ;; Laiden
Luke: Hey, are you gonna be back soon?
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bunnymermaidsblog · 1 year
Happy birthday to my friend @writerfae ! Sorry I'm late! All these are their characters from their story The knights of the Alder
Welcome to the Clown Aiden au
The overlapping sounds of guitar, violin, cymbals, drums and bells were jumping over each other like deer in the forest. They were, of course dampened by the chatter and cheer of humans enjoying the carnival that came to town.
Talon had no idea how Hela managed to convince him to come here. He has to wake up at dawn tomorrow for crying out loud! Yet here he was watching some poor man on a colorful stage pretend to swallow a flaming torch as the crowd egged him on.
"He's not even really swallowing it..." he whispered to Maya. "This is just ridiculous. Humans don't even have magic and yet everyone is going along with this idiotic..." he was promptly shushed by everyone around him, including his friends.
"Just try enjoying it, Talon" giggled Hela, her red locks falling into her face.
Talon just crossed his arms, preparing himself for a whole night of boredom.
The next preformer was a man who was the size of two. He had his muscles on full display. They looked like the mountains in the far distance. He was carrying a big gold box. The crowd gasped and clapped as the man raised it into the air. Hela was screaming directly into Talon's ear. And then the box opened.
At first nothing happened. Then a boy stuck his head out of the box. He was wearing a jester hat, his brown bangs sticking out from underneath. He looked around curiously. For a moment he accidentally locked eyes with Talon, then continued scanning his surroundings. The crowd cheered. The boy pulled his head back into the box.
The way everyone fell silent almost got a chuckle out of Talon.
The boy stuck his head out once more. The crowd cheered, he hid again. Again and again.
Only when you started hearing the disappointment, the first whisps of anger, the crying of children who wanted to see the man in the funny hat did Aiden whisper excidedly, while bracing agaist the inside of the box:
"Okay, it's show time!"
A small shadow flew out of the box heading for the sky, suprising even Talon. Following it the boy also jumped out, with the happiest grin on his face, red makeup on his button nose.
He moved like unfolding paper, with a destination in mind. He crossed the stage, flicking his wrist, pointig his shoes, making sudden, exaggerated motions. He jumped, and the bells of his hat jingeled. He made silly faces, to which the kids in the crowd fell over laughing.
Talon thought he moved so gracefully, as if the stars themselves were puppeteering him with invisible strings.
The shadow came back, and landed on the boy's shoulder as he bowed. A crow.
Aiden slightly lifted his chin with a knowing smirk. The cool metal of his bells brushed across his skin making it tingle like a kingdom of ants. His crow, Kara was watching him expectantly. They knew this routine well.
He sucked in a breath, filling his lungs fully, so the next move wouldn't hurt. When he started letting the air free, and the crow let go of his shoulder, suddenly (to the audience that is) the large man grabbed his upper body throwing him to the back of the stage where he landed, arms and legs flailing like a ship's flag, as the crowd gasped.
Amongst the people watching Talon felt his muscles tense and loosen over and over again. It was clearly a show, but a good one. The boy looked like a clown getting an undeserved beating. A clumsy duckling facing off against a hissing swan. But all his movements had a purpose. Chest rising and falling like tide of the water, so the hits, few as they may be wouldn't hurt. There were some close calls, he could tell. Both by the boy's few quicker moves to avoid a blow, and the growing frustration on the strong man's face. The clown was clearly improvising. And yet he was smiling like nothing could take away his joy.
Aiden didn't even have to look at Kara, to know that she was wearing the same face she always wore, when he was being reckless. How could a crow have so many different expressions, with so few facial muscles he had no clue. She didn't even have lips.
"Oof" he sucked in a breath, nearly getting hit in the chest, but avoiding it last second, as if he were a floating leaf.
He smirked. This was not their practiced routine, but you don't understand! He was bored! He has done this a million times, in the exact same way.
His pointy shoes hit the wooden stage, as he stood up straight. He needed to spice it up a little.
A fist contacted his face. His bells jingled like never before. This is fine, Aiden thought. It wasn't even that hard of a blow. He staggered back a few steps. This is fine. He stepped backwards, tripping off the stage. This is fine. He looked at Kara's worried face. This is completely fine.
The people in the audience cried out in alarm.
Talon sprang forward to the front of the crowd. He knew that wasn't part of the routine. It couldn't have been. It was just too sudden. The movements were too jerky, not graceful as they once were.
He caught the boy, looking like a child trying to catch a falling star, and held him in his arms.
Aiden's eyes snapped open, smile returning like it was never gone in the first place.
He let his eyes roll around for a moment. That fall didn't hurt nearly as much as it should have. Only then did the clown realise that someone was holding him in their arms. Someone who could have been an angel if it wasn't for the lack of wings. Maybe he is, Aiden wondered. After all who was he to say that angels absolutely had to have wings! He didn't know!
Talon didn't even have time to get annoyed as his head was pulled toward the boy, who planted a big kiss on his cheek, as the audience began to laugh once more. Hela looked like she could pass out at any moment.
"My hero!" The clown sang "Kara, would you be a dear, and give my blonde knight in shining armor a simbol of our gratitude!" His fingers brushed through Talon's hair.
The guard couldn't even utter a word, his tongue like heavy lead, tring to decide between saying: "I need no gratitude, it was my duty to help" or "what kind of self-respecting man kisses a complete stranger?"
A black feather was stuck behind his ear. He looked up at the crow, whose wings moved like spilling ink on paper. He saw gratitude in her eyes, and nodded back.
The next minute the clown literally jumped out of his arms and hopped back on the stage. He held hands with the strong man and they both bowed. When the crow landed gracefully on his shoulder all three dissappeared in a cloud of golden smoke.
The crowd began to trickle away, like rain water through a drain while Talon stood there, unaware of the fact that a smile slowly spread across his face like honey on a warm day.
The end
I hope you enjoyed reading it. I also hope I did your characters justice, as much as I could.
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deadsprout · 8 months
Blue Eye Samurai and the Main Four as the Elements
This is a little something I noticed towards the end of the series and it made me love this show even more than I do. From the start of the series to the end we watch our main four protagonists embrace an element that demonstrates who they are and where I think they're arcs are heading.
Mizu as Water (blue)
Mizu is easy because they are constantly wearing blue and having essential character moments by water and in the sea. But what's more than that, Mizu has no firm identity. Yes, biologically they are a woman, but they never openly identify as man or woman, and because they had neither a girlhood or a boyhood I suspect they have no internal sense of gender. Their identity is in a constant flow state between the two (to become a secret third thing!). They fill the container they are placed in either as a boy, an apprentice, a wife, a warrior, a master. Mizu's identity is in constant flux. Even their fighting styles speak to this flow of movement, constantly using their enemies' movements against them and slipping through their fingers.
Akemi as Fire (red)
Akemi, of all the characters, is the firmest in who she is from the start to the end. She desires freedom and true love and eventually greatness for herself. Like fire, she cannot be contained, she cannot be controlled. When she wants something she gets it, and she is completely unstoppable. She is the master of herself above all. She is directly showcased against the great fire of Edo and of all our characters, I suspect she will be the one to achieve greatness.
Taiden as Earth (green)
This one is less clear at the start, but becomes more obvious in his last scenes with Akemi. At the start Taigen desires "greatness," and traditionally in their world he would be the most likely of the crew to achieve it. But in reality he desires Stability. He becomes a warrior as a means to provide for himself and lift himself out of poverty. When he reaches Akemi at the end he begs her to settle down, to put down roots with him and have a family. When she reveals her desire to be Great, there is literally an inferno behind her and unburned trees behind him. He is stubborn and is slow to change, like a tree or the earth itself.
Ringo as Air (white/grey)
This one took some thinking for me, but it became clear when I realized Ringo's purpose: to help greatness. On his own Ringo can't do much, and he will not become great. But, Air can increase the power and strength of the other elements. Air turns water into a typhoon. Air turns fire into an inferno. Air makes the tree stronger. Ringo heals Mizu. Ringo helps defend Akemi and assist in her freedom. Ringo gets Taigen to the shogun. And at the end of the season? He takes his place at the Swordfather's side, because the Swordfather makes better blades when he as an apprentice. Ringo is the support character, unable to achieve greatness alone, but makes everyone around him even better.
Those are my thoughts :) Feel free to agree or disagree or to add anything! I love interpreting stuff like this, especially something that has such strong opinions about what makes something "art" and what "art" looks like to different "artists."
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saki-19 · 1 year
Since i am a kpop fan and Play genshi i thought hey why dont i try to make a group.
Noone wanted this ornasked for it but hire it is.
Is a 5 member girl group.
They debuted on Mey 1,2023 with their first song queencard.
Stage name:Kokomi
Main vocalist
Least dancer
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Stage name:Miko
Main rapper
The center
Sub vocalist
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Taiden Shogun
Stage name:Ei
Least vocalist
The face of the group
Sub repper
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Stage name:Yanfei
Main dancer
Least repper
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Stage name:Yelan
Main repper
The visual
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Lovely Whale
By Eiichiro Mase
Origami Taiden Convention, Vol. 25, pg. 106
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raspberryjamnnn · 7 days
atashi ni
demo itsu dakke konna kuraku nigoride na kodoku no sekai no naka ni
me wo muketara
dakuryu minai na mono wa kuroku ni naru sono naka de iki ga tomaru
den den den
denatsu de biribiri
kokoro ni massugu nobiteku
kuroi ryusan no kage kara
neraiuchi wo shiteiru kimi wa?
ban bada Bam, badaba ba ba, bam bada Ba, ba bada ban ba,
atashi wo mitsukete!
kimi ni, kimi ni
ichido atte mitaiyo!
kimi wo kurattte midai yo, kono mi de!
ban bada Bam, badada bam bam, bam bada Ban, badamba ban da
kumoridasu manako
chottozutsu mushibarameteku
sekai ga iroase mae ni
hitoomoi ni!!
atashi wa
mada ikiteru?
..mouten datta!
atashi wa
kimi no te de okosareteshimatta you nano
itsu datte
sekai wa ikiteru
kokoro no okusoko ga shindeku
janakute atashi ga
iroaseteita mitai da!
sou sa!
ippatsu no kimi no shougeki,
atashi wo okosu mitaiken
itsumo miteita gurei wa
gurei janakattanda
aa, sore ga taiden nanda!
bikkuri, mou nogarerannai!
yappari, koi kogarerunnda
tsuka no ma no randevu~
ima ni
wasuretetteshimau no
usuretetta nagare wo tadotteru
Kanjou (nanka futashika na jishou!)
wo shinjiteita ano atashi ga
kogeta atashi wo matteru♡
itsu datte atashi ni tsuiteru
itsu datte atashi wo teigi suru
itsu datte mamotte kureteru
atashi no
"nibuku hikatte itai yo"
kusunnda ashita no atashi ga, moto ni modosu no, kono noroi de
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Raiden is a little freak to me becaude hendoes his tricks on hisnleft side, i know tjere arneleftnsidednpeopel ein thenworld but im right sidedneo to be he s anlittle freak. Inwantnto learn hisntricks but im right sided donitll never be fully accurate, unlessni justnwanna learn anbackside 629 in tje leftnside butnifk if i can donthat or jot. Taiden's nackspin kick jumo thingnisnso cool it's likenteonkivks before he hits thenground. It's really interesting to me tje contrast in thenlovement stule between him andnsolid snake. Snakenisnlow to tje grounf snd hisnmovements seem morenpractical while raiden has flips and larher movements, which i think soeaksnto his skill but (perceived> lack of actual field secperience in metal gear solid teo. Anyways inwouldnloventonlroofread this entire thing hut really i just needed something to tupentonsee whay the tupos are like when i can see again. Used teo hrain cellsnto tupe this i knownit's gonna be a mess both in larger form and in spelling. Wahoo!!!
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ja1-d3n · 1 day
Kind of bullshit Tara gets bent out of shape bc you and rose kissed. But she's allowed to shove her tongue down whoever's throat she wants.
look, we're not... exclusive or anything...
and i never said that it didn't bother me seeing her kiss other people.
i'd just rather... stew it over. leave it alone, you know? its... not my business.
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the-book-queen · 1 year
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Hide your wallets, it's that time again! Your daily thread of romance deals is ready, FREE to $1.99!
FREE ✦ Tempting as Sin by Rosalind James
He's an actor, she owns a lingerie store.
KU Title
Contemporary Romance (MF) | https://amzn.to/3t83Nma
$0.99 ✦ The Pilot and the Puck-Up by Pippa Grant
1st POV. She's a pilot, he's a hockey star. They had an incredibly awkward one-night-stand gone wrong.
KU Title
Contemporary Romance (MF) | https://amzn.to/46oSILR
$0.99 ✦ Ancient Vengeance by Katie Reus
She's a sheltered dragon princess finally trying to experience life. He's also a dragon shifter, but he's an assassin who was ordered to kidnap her.
Paranormal Romance (MF) | https://amzn.to/3ER0aUp
$0.99 ✦ The Grand Mistletoe Assembly, anthology
6 novellas, including:
~ Bareknuckle boxer heroine + footman
~ Second chance, she’s a widowed artist
~ Duty-driven Earl has an unexpected kiss with his sister's best friend
Historical Romance (MF) | https://amzn.to/458Augr
$1.99 ✦ Midnight Howl by Milly Taiden
He's an Alpha wolf shifter who just opened a high-end shifter nightclub. She's a high school vice principal who isn't looking for a relationship. Oops, she's his fated mate.
KU Title
Paranormal Romance (MF) | https://amzn.to/3t6HVHP
Putting these lists together takes time. If you appreciate this content, please consider buying me a Ko-Fi. http://ko-fi.com/danielletbq
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writerfae · 6 months
I honestly think modern AU Milan and Cyrus should have had some (one time) rivalry going on when they were younger cause it would be sooo funny.
Like idk…. Boy Scouts enemies. Summer camp rivals…. Volleyball tournament finalists…. Fighting over a good spot for their tent on a hippie festival…. Something like that.
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ketakicreation · 1 year
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miniboo01 · 1 year
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anyawinget · 1 year
Europe Discussion Systems Market Size, Status and Outlook 2021 to 2028
“The Europe discussion systems market is expected to reach US$ 280.22 million by 2028 from US$ 178.03 million in 2021. It is estimated to grow at a CAGR of 6.7% from 2021–2028.”
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Audio Technica U.S, Inc.
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Shure Incorporated
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Table of Content for Europe Discussion Systems Market Research Report:
Chapter 1: Industry Overview
Chapter 2: Europe Discussion Systems Market International and Regional Market Analysis
Chapter 3: Environment Analysis of Market.
Chapter 4: Analysis of Revenue by Classifications.
Chapter 5: Analysis of Revenue by Regions and Applications.
Chapter 6: Analysis of Europe Discussion Systems Market Revenue Market Status.
Chapter 7: Analysis of Industry Key Manufacturers
Chapter 8: Sales Price and Gross Margin Analysis of Market.
Chapter 9: ……………………. Continue to TOC
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