Adella’s heart swelled with pride as her husband praised her father’s hard work. For reasons nobody could know - except her dear husband - it was always extra wonderful when a human praised anything a Triton did.
Designing and building such a marvelous ship? Well, nothing was more human than that! Ha! And mer were “animals” to them. Hilarious.
“I’m sure he’s somewhere showing off his pride and joy, the eighth daughter he  never had,” Adella joked, letting out a musical little laugh as she did. Her son giggled in her arms, not sure what was funny, but if Mum was laughing then he should as well.
And at Jack’s praise of her, Adella blushed as she always did even after several years. It meant a lot to her. As a wife, and, as an actress. Jack had made his fortune in acting, after all! He knew a thing or two about it!
“They are the most excited hummingbirds,” she assured him, grinning wide. “They are as anxious to touch America’s shores as I am, and ready to make that hemisphere adore me as well.”
When Jack had found out his wife was a mermaid, well--he’d been frightened for certain! At first. Mermaids were known to be cruel creatures that would drown you beneath the depths as soon as look at you. Or sing you to your death. (Though what a death that would be!)
Jack, however, was a man of sensibility. So he had found himself intrigued and let his brand new blushing bride explain. And explain she did! By the end, he’d been enthralled! Found it marvelous! Enjoyed the glimmer of her scales. 
How beautiful she was! 
He forgot, honestly, half the time--after over half a decade of marriage. They were no different than normal humans. He had been concerned about the children becoming some half-deformed muddied monsters but--
His children were wonderful and perfect.
“It will be nice to see m--our name in lights again. It has been too long, I think,” Jack agreed with a smile. “The first place we should go is Central Park, however. Stretch our legs. I will be missing green after all this is said and done.”
A New Era || Jackdella || Titanic AU
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“I cannot believe I am saying it,” Adella began, laughing at herself for how stupid she was to sound. “But I envy you for having been before. I’m filled with such- like hummingbirds in my chest, with excitement.”
She wanted to just! Punctuate every sentence with exclaimation points! But she kept herself in check. She could be excited in their room, when the children couldn’t run anywhere but in circles As her husband mentioned how beautiful the ship was, Adella hummed, content as she watched him treat the boat with the same childlike wonder as when he’d first read of it.
That was the think about Jack. Nearly sixty, yet, he found so much joy in even giant hunks of metal.
“My father and his men have outdone themselves, surely.” Adella agreed, her heart filling with quite a bit of pride.
“It’s a feat! A marvel, even! Where is your father, anyway?” Jack asked, swiveling his head around as if he could see the indomitable JEFF Trition somewhere about. Of course, he couldn’t. He was probably up somehwere near the Captain’s deck, keeping an eye on everything. They would see him later, at dinner, perhaps.
Jack wasn’t too worried about it, though he was awfully fond of his father in law. Even if they were contemporaries of a sort.
“Also, I hope those hummingbirds are excitement and nothing else--there is nothing to worry about. New York will love you even more than America. Of that, I am very certain.”
A New Era || Jackdella || Titanic AU
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Adella smiled lovingly at her husband and their daughter. It always warmed her. Every time Jack spoke to little Ada, Adella was more and more sure that she’d made the right decision in marrying him, even with some of her relatives and friends urging her not to.
He’s over twenty years your senior! His divorce! 
It was lucky that the Tritons were no ordinary family, and that JEFF Triton was much more concerned with his girls’ happiness than with society’s opinions. As long as the Big Secret was kept safe.
“I know you’ve got an eye on them, we’ll let Ada be a big girl.” And anyway, she had her eyes on the children, too. “What is the first thing you are looking forward to in America?”
What was Jack looking forward to in America?
Certainly not running into Hecate. Not that he would say that, but it was still true. The vile woman lived in New York. Or, she had the last time he’d heard of her. And when you were divorced in 1912, you were sure to hear about your ex-wife from anyone you spoke to. 
It was inevitable, probably, but, well--Jack had a family. A wife and children. Something Hecate never gave to him. She’d be the jealous cat.
Maybe he was looking forward to seeing Hecate.
Not that he would say it. Jack was smarter than that.
“Ah, the Great White Way, of course. Been a while since I have seen those shining lights. Just wait--it’ll take your breath away. Much like this beautiful little beauty.” He knocked his knuckles against one of the ship’s walls as they passed.
A New Era || Jackdella || Titanic AU
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The Titanic was splendorous, a wonder. Jack had been on plenty of boats in his time, but this was not a boat. It was more than a ship, even. It was something else entirely. He found it all wonderfully brilliant. Jack so did like engineering. In theory, anyway. He’d never go into it himself, but he did dabble a bit. If he had not met his wife in the theatre, he would’ve met her peeking over her father’s shoulder at this prototype or the other.
It had been a while -- and what better reason to be off than to celebrate a wedding! And his wife’s success! Nothing, if you asked him. 
He was more or less oblivious of his wife’s anxieties, all truths told, he was far too eager for this adventure. And the children were quite a distraction. As it was, he had a hand on Ada’s head as they made their way through the throngs of people. His other hand held their room assignment. 
“Would you rather me carry him?” Jack asked, looking from their toddler, well, toddling along, to his wife. “Ada’s got him, though, don’t you, love?”
Ada nodded determinedly, her brow set and her tiny hand readjusting on her brother’s even smaller one.
A New Era || Jackdella || Titanic AU
Adella adjusted Alex in her arms as Ada led Archie along. As among the oldest of seven sisters, and now a mother, Adella was a woman accustomed to masking her anxiety and doubts. Those anxieties, however, were never as real as they were now.
This trip on the cruise ship Titanic was not just a fun trip for her, as it was for the rest of her family. When they got to New York, Adella Schildkraut, her husband, and their three children would not be returning to England. As she’d already taken Western Europe by storm as an actress and singer, she was now going to to tackle North America.
How fortunate she had a husband who let her live as Adella the person, not as Mrs. Schildkraut the incubator for heirs. Such a man was rare in this world.
(Though Adella would happily bear more children; wanted to, in fact, but perhaps not quite as many as her mother.)
“Ada, do hold tight to your brother’s hand,” she gently reminded her bright, independent daughter. For a child not yet five, she sure liked to act as if she were old enough for any sort of responsibility.
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Name: Jack Schildkraut Class: First Class Marital Status: Married Partner (if applicable): Adella Schildkraut (nee Triton)  Occupation: Actor/Author Biography:
Jack follows his wife onto the Titanic. It is her dreams that take them there. New opportunities awaiting her in America, the Broadway stage and beyond, if she is lucky. Jack is perfectly content to be along for the ride. He’d had his five seconds of fame, his time in the spotlight.
He enjoys simply being Adella’s eccentric husband these days and helping raise their three beautiful children. Sure, their relationship is unconventional to most. Even Adella’s family is a bit put off by many thing about it, but he finds he quite likes all her sisters--from the one with a mind for engineering to the one who ran off in scandal (made him look like a saint.) Sure, Adella became his wife after a divorce all but disgraced him. Sure, he’s twenty-odd years her senior. Sure, she’s the one with the profession while he stays home with their piles of money and three children (normally attended by a governess, of course.) 
But--it works for them. And that’s all that matters. Jack is perfectly happy to pick his things up and move across the Atlantic so Adella can pursue her dreams. He’s just happy to be along for the ride!
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It had been hard for Duchess since Perdita had left. She’d flown in Marguerite, again, to help with day to day work that didn’t involve spending time at Town Hall at her desk for hours on end. Why she’d thought being on the Board wouldn’t be difficult she couldn’t understand. Honestly, her motivation came mostly from Phoebus’ belief in her. In his gentle encouragement. And it was that which kept her going. Phoebus had charged her with keeping the best interests of Swynlake a priority and she was going to do her damndest to make sure the town was safe.
But doing that meant that her business went to the wayside and took a backseat to her Board member duties. Or it would have if she hadn’t gotten quite the message from one Jack Skellington. She’d worked with him once or twice before for different galas and while he was eccentric there was something about him that Duchess just lived for.
Which made it very easy to set a date and time for him to meet with her.
She was actually working on her next line, when his voice sounded from the doorway of her work room. She turned abruptly, giving him one of her warmest smiles as she held her arms out to him.
“Darling, I had no idea you were in Swynlake,” she gave each cheek un bise before pulling away from him. “Now, before we start, look. What do you think? Pastel or sharp colours?”
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Jack bent down, accepting the kisses readily, with a smile on his face. Ah, he loved the French. So classy, so romantic. Duchess smelt like expensive perfume and shampoo--he had missed such a thing. His first wife had been French and it was one of his favourite parts of Europe. Los Angeles had a severely lacking French community.
And Duchess was charming on her own too, for sure. Jack always liked talented people. Duchess was exceedingly so. He had been sorry to hear about her scandal. Such a shame. It was good to see her rallying.
(Jack hoped that one day, the same could be said about him.)
“Oh, I prefer bold every time,” Jack told her without hesitate. His hand came up to tilt the sketchbook just a bit, careful not to brush the sketches. “These are marvelous. I see your talent has only advanced since we last met. I simply adored that suit you made me for the 2015 Grammys. One of my favourites. I was so heart broken to give it back.” 
It’s For the Magicks! *|* [Duck]
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Louie couldn’t help but shrug his shoulders. Sure he’d seen the wild Romeo and Juliet. The one with Leo DiCaprio at his finest and all. Yeah he’d seen that movie. It was alright. Louie didn’t hate the concept entirely at least. “Yeah…the one where DiCaprio cries in a hawaiian shirt? I’ve seen it.”
He wouldn’t mind being a star like Leonardo DiCaprio. of course not. The guy was rich and successful and everything. Did that mean he’d enjoy playing Romeo? Well…not really. “Fun or not, Romeo and Juliet are like…the lamest. Who falls in love in three days and decides to just die? That’s crazy!”
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“Ah, but isn’t love always crazy?” Jack said, sighing wistfully. 
It had been for him. Both his marriages were a whirlwind of romance, the highs and lows equally intense. Still, Jack believed in love and he loved all those classic romances. There was nothing quite like them, the modern just didn’t do the same justice to something like love.
But, well, Jack also knew children often did not appreciate such things.
“It is dramatic, though. You would make a charming and compelling Mercutio. But, do not worry, we won’t be doing Romeo and Juliet. I find high schoolers tend to butcher Shakespeare. No offense.” 
Taking Suggestions “” [Open]
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It’s For the Magicks! *|* [Duck]
It had been almost two years since Jack had been in the public eye and he was growing restless. Not that he would mention it to anyone, but he could feel it inside of himself, this growing melancholy. And melancholy could be quite poetic and awe-inspiring, if you wanted it to be. If you never suffered, how could you possibly play a character suffering?
Jack wasn’t playing anyone, these days. So all that melancholy just sat in his chest, getting thicker and thicker.
However, he had finally been struck by inspiration. It was thanks to the Town Board elections, actually. He had forgotten that the indomitable Duchess LaBlanc lived in this charming little town. Eager, he had phone her office and arranged a meeting as soon as she was free.
It was a few weeks after she had been elected, but Madame LaBlanc was a busy woman, so he did not mind. It gave him time to gather his notes and ideas.
Now, he was lead to her office, smiling widely as the woman came into view.
“Duchess, darling. What a small world! It has been too, too long.” 
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Louie wished he was on a show like the office. If he were, he would’ve raised his eyebrows and stared in disbelief at the camera. Instead, all he could do was wrinkle his nose to show his real feelings on the matter.
“Classic…also meaning ancient, overdone, not a real challenge. Boring to our audience.” Louie refused to perform in something that his friends back home in Duckberg wouldn’t even have heard of. No matter how fun the concept of murder in a play might be. “I take my murder plays like a fine wine, old but not disturbingly so,” Louie informed him, though he was well aware that what he was saying was complete nonsense. He’d never even had wine before.
“I’m just saying instead of old and unknown, go with something people like! Heathers has murder and mayhem in a high school setting. Ugh if I were a girl I’d be a great Veronica. Though I can settle for JD. Or there’s the french one Les Mis. Everyone dies there. Or if we go away from the musical thing, though they’re super fun… The Real Inspector Hound, old but not ancient like Shakespeare. Or I don’t know, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are dead. As a fun sort of re-telling of a sort of interesting Shakespeare story.”
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What a clever chap young Mr. Mallard was. Jack was not at all put off by his suggestions, even if they were unacceptable suggestions. There was no way he would put on something like Les Misérables for a spring showcase secondary school production, but it did speak to his excellent taste. (Though, the Heathers was much less refine of a palette, but still a smashing good time, Jack would say. He did quite like the original cult classic, though he was not sure about the musical version.)
“Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead certainly has its merits, I do like a revival of the classics. Though, Shakespeare is timeless for a reason, Mr. Mallard. Have you not seen Baz Luhrmann’s Romeo and Juliet? I highly recommend it for you, I think you would enjoy it.” 
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Taking Suggestions “” [Open]
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Mirium smiled a bit at his comment a tad…unsure what to take from that. I mean, sure, they weren’t all professionals like MR. SKELLINGTON!! but it wasn’t like they would be awful.
But she was too polite to day that, not unless he was rude to her or about her friends, but she didnt know if she could say something like that TO A TEACHER!! So, instead, she just gave a cute little shrug and tucked her hair over her shoulder.
“I’m….glad to have helped, Mr. Skellington. How…how are you liking… being…home?”
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Originally posted by stydixa
Her words popped up almost hesitantly and she felt her brow crinkling up as she looked at him. She didn’t know HOW he liked being home but she hoped it was…nice for him. She loved Swynlake even if it was a bit kooky sometimes.
How was he enjoying be home?
Why, he hated it. 
Swynlake held nothing but bad memories for Jack. Well, he supposed it was where he fostered his love and affinity for magic. Without his “authentic” experience from Swynlake, he may not have gotten the job playing Hemlock, and maybe the rest would not have happened.
So, he was grateful for Swynlake, of course.
But--he hated it. It was small and slow and quaint. There was no grandness to it. The newest building was the science center at the university and that had been erected in 2003. 
Still, he smiled brightly.
“Oh, I love it. Simply love it. It hasn’t changed a bit.” 
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Taking Suggestions “” [Open]
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Amelia nodded and smiled. She liked this man so far. She’d never met a famous person before. There were always horror stories about them being quite full of themselves and rude to ordinary people, but he didn’t seem to be that way. 
“You know, if you want mayhem, you should put on Chamber Music. That’s a very chaotic one full of ridiculousness and fun. I watched it with my father one time and he said it was far too absurd. That’s how you know it was good.” 
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“You’re full of excellent suggestions then, aren’t you?” Jack exclaimed at her next idea. And he meant it to. There weren’t many people in this town, he assumed that could name more than five plays and those would be the cliche, obvious ones--Romeo and Juliet, Much Ado About Nothing, Midsummer Night’s Dream, The Tempest, Macbeth.
All the obvious ones. 
But, alas! Here she was, spouting off about Arthur Kopit’s Chamber Music.
“Oh, that is delightful, isn’t it? Perhaps would be leaving the boys out of it, but they’ve had their run of the theatre for long enough, don’t you think?”
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Taking Suggestions “” [Open]
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“Oh!” said Mel. She blinked those wide eyes of hers. For a moment she wanted to look like a fan recognizing one of her favourite celebrities. Get that little star-studded heart of Jack Skellington’s beating. 
“I remember seeing the sequel to one of those movies in the news. Wasn’t there some horrible controversy about a Mundus playing a Magick character and he refused to apologize? I forget– do you remember what happened to him…?”
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Jack’s smile froze in place. It was perfectly fine, of course, no one could even tell that he had vacated the premises for a few moments, but still, he felt the shock of her words hit him square in the chest. At least she seemed ignorant about the whole fiasco. Didn’t surprise him. That was why he’d come home to Swynlake after all, wasn’t it?
People here didn’t watch telly. They certainly didn’t engage in Stan Twitter(TM).
This was--fine.
Perfectly recoverable.
“No, no--I don’t think...I don’t remember hearing anything about that. It was a few years ago...” Wasn’t completely a lie. Jack had apologized, hadn’t he? He’d apologized for disappointing people--disappointing his fans. (Though, he found them all to be hypocrites. They had liked his work just fine when it had first came out. Magicks had still existed then.) 
He smiled a little wider, friendlier then.
“I’m quite sorry, but I will be late for an appointment! Thank you for stopping to chat, it has been a pleasure. So sorry I do not have time for an autograph, but I am sure we will see each other around!”
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And with that--he squeezed, calmly, through the crowd and vanished out of the coffee shoppe.
Taking Suggestions “” [Open]
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The Nightmare Before Christmas (1993)
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“Hello, hi.” Freddie said, always happy to stop and talk to an attractive older man in a turtleneck sweater. “I do, it’s completely overdone. I’m partial to musicals myself, and I think it’s always bold for secondary schools to either do something more contemporary, or to really go back to the classics. I mean, my two favourites are Hello, Dolly! and Rent, but I suppose it’s all about how much uproar you’d get from the parents, and the talent of the cohort you have.” Freddie said, shrugging.
“If you need any help though, I was a impressive Marius in my uni AmDram society’s production of Les Mis. And I’ve always wanted to try directing.” He said with a quick, piercing glance up from under his eyelashes. It was a look he knew captured attention, he only hoped it had the intended effect. 
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“That is very kind of you, but I tend to find the directorial chair fits just one, much like a throne,” he said with his very best charming smile, so that it did not come off as an insult. Though, really it was not. He did simply truly believe that one creative vision was better than multiple.
“As for a musicale, I do not know how I feel asking the students to sing and dance--I would rather do an engaging play than attempt a musicale where the children are woefully unprepared.”
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Taking Suggestions “” [Open]
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Now, perhaps Mel would regret engaging with the man. She could barely stand a regular Mundus– she imagined the acting kind would be even worse. They very rarely produced any sort of usable reagent, you know, because they were constantly performing. If a reagent was the echo of the real thing, than the performance of a reagent was the echo of an echo– not enough to wrap your hand around. 
But she was in a mood. One could not say what mood it was, but she looked at the man like a cat looked at a mouse, and when she smiled at him, it was, briefly, a malicious one. 
Do not play with your food, Melaenis, she could hear her mother now. 
But it was so fun. 
“Oh? Really? Now isn’t that fun. Anything I would have seen?” asked Mel, still performing her own part of wide-eyed ignoramus. 
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Right, right. Jack had to remind himself that he did look different now than he did before, when he’d been in his prime during Hemlock Hill. Not to mention, his subsequent movie roles. Even if People magazine had still called him “devilishly handsome” and people online referred to him as “daddy” (which he thought was delightfully amusing.) 
But, for people who were not as big of fans, he could see how it would be hard to recognize him.
“Well, I have been in several blockbusters released worldwide. My show, Hemlock Hill, was popular in Britain, as well as America. Independence Day of the Dead and the Jurassic Park franchises are what I am most notable for, but I have been in a great many things over my long career.” 
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Taking Suggestions “” [Open]
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Sofia felt vaguely like she had just been hit by a truck, blinking owlishly down at the man sitting at a table in the Lucky Cat Cafe. She had his ordered drink in one hand on a small tray, and usually during this part of her interactions with customers, she’d smile, deliver their order, maybe stick around for a moment to make a brief joke or answer a question, then move along on her merry way. 
This gentleman had jumped about three pages ahead in the script. Her look of shock was more so regarding the fact that he seemed to not pause for breath during his spiel more than anything.
But Sofia was nothing if not adaptable, and she gave him a smile as she set down his drink. “I’m sorry, sir, I don’t recognize that one,” she admitted, holding her tray in front of her hips as she cocked her head to the side curiously. “What’s it about?”
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Ah, yes--the face of shock at recognizing a celebrity. Jack was rather used to it, but that did not mean it did not exhaust him from time to time. Yes, it was nice to be acknowledged for your legacy and hard work, but sometimes, he appreciated living in obscurity, just like any Average Jack. 
(The irony of having introduced himself the way he had was lost on Jack here.)
Instead, he put a hand to his chest, and then reached out with that same hand to grab the girl’s. (His other hand was holding his tall, half-caff, soy latte.) 
“My dear girl,” he said, very seriously, “it is an American classic about the Brewster family, descended from the Mayflower settlers, but now composed of insane homicidal maniacs.”
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Taking Suggestions “” [Open]
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Jack Skellington -- Character Sheet
everybody's waiting for the next surprise / skeleton Jack might catch you in the back / and scream like a banshee / make you jump out of your skin / this is halloween, everybody scream
won't ya please make way for a very special guy / our man Jack is King of the Pumpkin patch / everyone hail to the Pumpkin King, now!
Archetype — The Hero Birthday — October 31, 1960 Zodiac Sign — Scorpio MBTI — ENFP Enneagram — 7, the enthusiast Temperament — Sanguine Hogwarts House — Slytherpuff Moral Alignment — Chaotic Good Primary Vice — Pride Primary Virtue — Charity Element — Air
[tw -- miscarriage mention, implied abuse (but v vague)]
Mother — Eve (nee Meyer) Schildkraut (deceased) Father — Benjamin Schildkraut (deceased) Mother’s Occupation — homemaker Father’s Occupation — construction worker Family Finances — Poor (until Jack got rich.) Birth Order — Only child. Brothers —  None. Sisters — None. (Had a miscarried sister.) Other Close Family — Fern Bristlecape (second ex-wife) (FC: Sarah Michelle Gellar), Nemesis Hellsplat (first ex-wife) (FC: Katey Sagal), Hecuba Hellsplat (daughter, 32) (FC: Natalie Portman), Luna Bristlecape (daughter, 22) (FC: Emmy Rossum) Best Friend — None. Other Friends — None. They all dropped him when he fell out of favor, think about THAT. Enemies — None, tbh. Anti-Magick people probably. Pets — None. He should probably get a dog or something. Home Life During Childhood — Rough. His dad was a drinker and spent all their money, and he wouldn’t listen to his wife about needing to save any of it. Jack was always a...creative boy and his father saw it as emasculating, so he didn’t really tolerate Jack’s love of theatre. Which is why he moved out at such a young age (18). Once he had the money, he tried to convince his mom to move to LA with him, it didn’t work. Town or City Name(s) — Swynlake, England (born), LA, California, USA (where he’s lived most of his life.) What Did His or Her Bedroom Look Like — POSTERS. POSTERS EVERYWHERE. Jack spent the meager amount of money he did make as a young boy mowing lawns to go to the movies and to buy posters to decorate every surface of his room. Any Sports or Clubs — Drama club, secretly. Football, outwardly. Wasn’t actually half-bad but he got benched a lot because his heart just wasn’t in it. Also! Plays jazz piano. His mumma taught him. Favorite Toy or Game — Make-up. Dress-up. Dolls, so that he could act out his favorite scenes from movies. Spent a lot of time just--memorizing shit and monologuing to his mother while she cleaned the house. She called him her little parrot. Schooling — Went to Swynlake Primary and Secondary. No university. Favorite Subject — English and Drama. Popular or Loner — Popular. Definitely. Important Experiences or Events — Moving to LA! His first job! All his subsequent jobs! The birth of his daughters! The destruction of his career. Nationality — British Culture — LA (yes, that is a culture fight me.) Religion and beliefs — Jewish, but nonpracticing. Believes in hardwork.
Physical Appearance:
Face Claim —  Jeff Goldblum Complexion — Darker skin tone but still fair. Hair Colour — Salt’n’pepper, used to be black. Eye Colour — Hazel. Height — 6’4 Build — Skeletal Tattoos — None. Piercings — None. Common Hairstyle — Coiffed. Clothing Style — Eccentric, loves a good turtleneck. Mannerisms — Very Loud and wiggly. Is never sitting still for long. Likes to climb on furniture. Doesn’t sit in chairs properly. Usual Expression —
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Overall (do they get sick easily)? — Nah, he’s in good health. Physical Ailments — None. Neurological Conditions — None. Some depression? Allergies —  Probably seasonal. Grooming Habits — Pretty good, ofc. Has to keep in Tip Top shape, even if he no longer has stylists Sleeping Habits — Has a bad case of insomnia. Eating Habits — Eats well, he’s a vegan. Exercise Habits —  Exercises more or less regularly. Does yoga mostly. And like...cycling. Emotional Stability — Has a lot of shit going on underneath but pretty chill outwardly. Body Temperature — Runs a little cold actually. Always has cold af hands. Sociability — Super social! Though mostly for his own benefit. Addictions — None. Drug Use — Used to be heavier. Probably smokes weed, but also do we want a Jack high on the marijuana? Alcohol Use — Frequent but not abnormal.
Your Character’s Character:
Bad Habits — Talking over people, being self-centered, being insensitive. Good Habits — He tries !! and he’s very healthy aha Best Characteristic — He CARES, he’s just not great at showing it Worst Characteristic — Literally does not care. Worst Memory — Getting absolutely destroyed by all media outlets and falling from grace. Best Memory — The premiere of hemlock hill ofc! Proud of — His career. Embarrassed by — Not much, really, but deeply upset about his career being trashed. Driving Style — Erratic lmao Strong Points — He is a very good teacher, when he actually focuses properly. Temperament — Always good-natured! Unless you really piss him off, he can turn really cold and vicious almost without warning. Attitude — Happy-go-lucky, outwardly anyway. Weakness — Caring too much what other people think, while also not listening to anything people say when they give advice. Fears — becoming irrelevant. Phobias — None. Secrets — That he is Deeply Unhappy. Regrets — Lots of things, mostly not having a good relationship with his daughter, Hecuba, which is why he has a better one with Luna. Feels Vulnerable When — People drag up the shit that made him lose his career and fame. Pet Peeves — People not recognizing him or being purposefully obtuse. Conflicts — Wanting to continue to be famous v refusing to change. Motivation — To be Famous. Short Term Goals and Hopes — To be Famous again. Long Term Goals and Hopes — To be Famous again. Sexuality — Straight, but he can be convinced, probably has had dalliances with men. Exercise Routine  — Does yoga every morning and evening. Day or Night Person — Night owl, for sure. Introvert or Extrovert — EXTROVERT. Optimist or Pessimist — Optimist.
Likes and Styles:
Music — Jack can play the piano and was in a jazz band for a while, so he loves music, especially jazz! But, really, he can get into anything. He tries to stay #hip for his students. Books — His book, of course, you should read it. Also reads a lot of plays/scripts. Magazines — Any magazine that mentions him. Foods — He’s a vegan! So, vegan food. Loves a good tofu. Has to eat well to keep his svelte figure. Drinks — Tall, half-caff, soy latte at 120 degrees. (I have absolutely no idea what this means but I googled “complicated starbucks orders” and this is what came up.) Also, likes tea. The like one piece of British culture he retained. Animals — Jack is very fond of strange animals–like okapis or the maned wolf. Animals that are just truly bizarre looking. Bonus points if they are obnoxiously large like giraffes. Sports — Played football in secondary. Wasn’t that bad. Social Issues — Magick Rights! Also, considers himself a feminist. (He’s not a terrible ally...but he’s also not perfect by any means.) Favorite Saying — “Acting is not about being someone different. It's finding the similarity in what is apparently different, then finding myself in there.” ~ Meryl Streep Color — Jack is a big fan of black and white–a solid, classic combination that you can’t go wrong with. That’s not to say he doesn’t love color, because he ABSOLUTELY does. It is just that black and white is his favorite combination. Clothing — Loves to dress brightly and fashionably! Jewelry — Not a whole lot. Wears nice watches, probably some rings/necklaces. Websites — His website, which I should make lmao. TV Shows — Hemlock Hill. Movies — His movies, Greatest Want — To be famous. Greatest Need — To learn.
Where and How Does Your Character Live Now:
Home — A large, eccentric mansion on top of a hill. I like to think that it is across from Cruella’s house. It is, of course, called the Skellington Mansion. Household furnishings — An eclectic combination of modern with like the skeleton of a Victorian mansion, so like really ornate, heavy curtains--but a white leather sofa. Favorite Possession — His Emmys. Most Cherished Possession — Is this not the same thing - Jack Neighborhood — The Woods Married Before — Twice! Once to a sorceress-actress, once to a fairy-model. Significant Other Before — Lots of girlfriends probably (all Magicks). Children — Hecuba Hellsplat and Luna Bristlecape Relationship with Family — Estranged for the most part. He barely, if ever, speaks to his ex-wives. Talks with Hecuba very rarely. Has the best relationship with Luna. She’s his bb girl. Car — Some speedster probably, a nice fancy, flashy car. Career — Actor. Dream Career — Actor. Dream Life — He had his dream life. Cry. Love Life — More or less nonexistent. Talents or Skills — Excellent at memorization. A good parrot (can mimic mannerisms/speech patterns really well.) Can play the jazz piano! Intelligence Level — Quite high on certain things, absolutely clueless on others. There is not a lot of in between, really. Finances — Still wealthy af, he has like a successful 40 year career to live off of for the foreseeable future.
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