jackbridgwater · 2 years
Devlog #2 Wave spawner and Zombie models
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Hi, welcome to my 2nd devlog and in today's devlog will be about the wave spawner and the new enemy(Zombie) models that I recently added to my game so yeah lets get straight into it.
Zombie Models
Last week I added models for the three zombie types I had in my game the "Normal Zombie", "Runner Zombie", the "Chunky Boss Zombie".
The zombie models are very simple looking.
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and yeah they dont have arms and legs LOL. oh well I could update the models later on anyway.
By the way thats the "Normal Zombie".
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This is the "Runner Zombie" and its exactly like the normal zombie but its wearing shorts because runners wear shorts.
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And this is the "Chunky Boss" zombie. Yeah its fat and has stuff on its belly area.
These zombies do have animation when they walk basically they just bob up and down.
Wave Spawner
A few days ago I decided to add more functionality to my wave spawner. Since I currently have 3 types of enemies in my game I want to spawn different enemies at the same time.
So yeah this is what I got so far.
So yeah thats pretty much it, thanks for reading and have a nice day.
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jackbridgwater · 2 years
Devlog #1 Everything Ive Done So Far In My Unity Tower Defense Game Project
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Hi, welcome to my first devlog, So in this devlog i'll be talking about the stuff ive done so far in my project so yeah lets get to it.
First of all I'd like to talk about what my game is all about :D
About my game
Im working on a tower defense game that is inspired by a few games that 9 year old me was playing on my iPad back in the day, im talking about Plants vs Zombies and a not so popular game called Block Fortress.
Gameplaywise you have to defend your home, to defend your home you need to place turrets to fight the incoming waves of zombies, each wave gets harder and harder.
You can also upgrade turrets to make it powerful. Upgrading the turrets will also change the way they look.
and yeah I think thats all I need to talk about when it comes to gameplay probably will talk more about the gameplay in future devlogs.
This game isn't gonna be a tower defense game without turrets, I've been modeling a bunch of low poly style turrets in Blender. The turrets have different specs like Rate Of Fire, Rotation Speeds, and of course Damage.
Im planning on organizing these turrets into different classes/types, like for an example a "Light Turret" will have fast rotation speeds, high rate or fire but low damage etc
And a "Heavy Turret" will have low rotation speeds, low ish rate of fire but with high damage etc. So yeah that's how I'm planning on doing it I'll talk about it more in future devlogs.
Since this game is inspired by Plants vs Zombies the enemies are gonna be zombies, Currently there are 3 types of zombies Ive hevnt thought of a name for the types of zombies yet.
Actually I'll talk more about the enemies in future devlogs when I've put more thought into it.
So yeah thats pretty much it, thanks for reading if anyone will ever see this :D
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