jackelyntam · 5 years
Research project
Jackelyn Tam
Professor Fish Burton
English 2010
30 October 2019
Research Project
Audience: Teens. Who struggle with their identity.
For each of you, “teens”, are trying to find out who you are. Who are you? What defines you? Does someone get to say who you are or is that decision made by you? Some say that the character of one person will depend on their family, their genetic background, or does it stem from the environment around the person? Every story has characters that influence us on how we think makes up a character or a personality. Let’s take the example of the Thor and Loki for example. They both have their own definite character that they play. Thor is the real son of the king and acts almost alike with their father. Loki is an adopted son who does not act or have a character of either his adopted parents. Does his character come from his biological parents or does it come from the environment at which he was raised in? This raises the question, does who you are born from define who you will become? What character do you want to play in your life story? Do you have a say of what character you want to play? Quite often your parents or the people around you may say “you fall after your father so well….” Or “you will be just like your mother/ parents…”. However, do you parents have an influence in who you will become and do they have an influence genetically or environmentally?  
           The main question is does character or one personality defined by nature or nurture? In this article by Mcleod he explains the extremes to the nature versus nurture topic. Nature by extreme is called “Nativism” (Mcleod). Nativism are people who think that all their abilities and their character are biologically inherited (Mcleod). He writes “psychological characteristics such as behavioral tendencies, personality attributes, and mental abilities are also “wired in” before we are even born.” (Mcleod). This explains how the side of Nativism would have viewed the topic of where character and attributes come from. On the other side of Nativism there is the “Empiricism” (Mcleod).  Empiricism is the extreme perspective on a person who thought on the nurture side of the scale. The Empiricist thinks like this, Mcleod writes, “Their basic assumption is that at birth the human mind is a tabula rasa (a blank slate) and that this is gradually “filled” as a result of experience” (Mcleod). Mcleod draws a perfect picture of the two sides: Nature versus Nurture. One either by the extreme naturist or the extreme empiricism. Which one of these extreme ends defines who you are? On the spectrum of nativism, you don’t get a say on who you will become. On the other hand, there is empiricism where you are born with no qualities or attributes, as Mcleod would say “a blank slate”.
In the past there have been men or the society who have tried with efforts to distort the truth of whether nature or nurture creates a person self-worth or character. These people were extreme nativist who would do anything to create judgment and fixed perspectives on a religion, or a race or, a group of a people. There are a couple of evidence from history that proves that men have a way of distorting the way we look at people, however, we will discuss only two. There are many people in life and in school that have a way to discriminate humans from what they look like and who they are born from. The first event in history is the discrimination in WWII specifically for the Jews. In world war II, the Nazi; Hitler convinced the people that the cause of Germany’s problems was because of the Jews. He was convinced that linage of the Jews was a dirty thing. He then started to discriminate and even kill the Jews for their existence based on their linage and their biological inheritance. However, little did he know that the Jews weren’t the problem but the people around them, like Hitler. In reality, the Jews had the right minds and the right intelligence to help society grow and flourish. It was Hitler and his anger and judgment that was blinding him from seeing the truth. In this website article it says “An example of this type of prejudice can be found in the memoirs of a member of the slowly declining British aristocracy, who wrote that her social class resented the Jews "not because we disliked them individually, for some of them were charming and even brilliant, but because they had brains and understood finance."” (web.mnstate.edu/shoptaug/AntiFrames.htm.). The people began to judge the Jews based on where they came from. By nature, they discriminated them and placed them in a box based on by whom they were born from. The problem is not only the fact that they were extreme nativist, but they falsely accused the linage of Jews. Another article has claimed, “throughout history, many have sought to define Jews, incorrectly, as a single and uniform category of people with fixed characteristics, which racists and anti-Semites falsely believe are rooted in biology. But the lives Jews have lived around the world and throughout history can perhaps be characterized best by their immense diversity.” (European Jewish Life before World War II).
The second evidence in history, of this biases and clouded thought process in nativism, is the racism against African American humans. This set of wrong judgment based on their color and their biological features is the same situation as the discrimination for the Jews. Except with this situation, of racism towards African American humans, they would change the history they taught in class to drill in the young minds the false accusation for the African American humans. This article by Brosnan talks about how black people were portraited in the 1800’s school education. Schools at the time were taught differently than the school we teach today. The schools back then would teach things they thought would benefit the society. They believed that white people were significantly “superior” than the African Americans. They would design textbooks and book based on this knowledge that African American are worth less than the white race. In result of writing text books like this, they would in reality, force African Americans psychologically to stay in the fields and hard labor work areas (Bronsnan).  By looking at history, we have seen so many mistakes based on non-researched and clouded judgments be based on whether someone’s worth or someone’s character stems off nature or nurture. We can’t let the biases from the world or others decided for us what we can be or what we are. What character or attribute is inherited by nature, and which is created from nurture?
Sexual identity is an example of an attribute that is created by nature. In this article, written by Loof, where he explains more about the sexual dominance and identity, he expands its most recent controversies in today’s topic of how sex is determined (Loof). Is it by nature, biologically created through hormones and chemical reactions with in the chromosomes, or is it by nurture? In today’s world people have wanted to become more like each other sex. Women want to be equal with men (loof). They want to be treated like how men are viewed as (Loof). Biologically one may be born as a female or a male human however, in today’s world there may be cases where nurture can potentially overcome what has biologically shaped gender. However, on the other hand, there are attributes that cannot be changed which are called the major genes (Fuller). Fuller writes an interesting article based on clearer way to see things on the nature side. He explains that the major genes are those that are passed down from parent to child like hair color, eye color, height etc (Fuller). He also says that diseases or viruses is also something that we cannot change by nurture, but it is passed down to parent to child (Fuller). Diseases that are passed down genetically affects the personality and attributes of a child. There are some diseases or viruses that affect the intelligence or even the ability to use the mind well enough to have their own character. This is where nature cannot be avoided. Shuttleworth agrees with Fuller, nature cannot be avoided. He writes that there are some fine lines of nature that we cannot control which are diseases that are passed down. There is another article, written by Shuttleworth, agrees with Fuller that some nature attributes that are passed down cannot be changed. However, he says that environment and heredity both have an influence as to forming character and other attributes (Shuttleworth). Shuttleworth in his own words says, “Further, in the case of intelligence and many other variables, it is essential that we have a determination of the joint contribution of hereditary and of environmental differences.” (Shuttleworth). Fuller starts to back up what Shuttleworth have been claiming on how a character is formed. There are attributes that are inherited that cannot be changed, a set of genes that are set into your DNA that cannot be changed, however, once one is being developed inside the womb, that is where nurture comes to influence your development in building character. Your parents give you a set of DNA that is unchangeable but inherited. After you are given this DNA form, you are vulnerable to have nurture to develop into your character (Fuller). Some may say you “fall after your father or your mother” however, one does not exactly inherit a 50 to 50 ratio of mother/father side. “variation in heredity are the causes of variation in traits.” (Fuller) Evolution makes organisms; humans to have variation in the DNA. Your parents are a mix of other genes that were passed down from one family tree to the next… therefore your parents will pass down a variation of genes that are not particularly what your mother or father have shown to have but are in the blood line. They may be a recessive disease or characteristics that runs in the blood line of the father or mother.
The last three sources are interesting because it connects nature and nurture together to help build character. The last three articles mainly talk about “biological clocks”. The first article is by Mcleod, the article introduces the biological clock theory. This article believes that a person’s personality and character may not reveal itself as a child but over time it will come. It is as if a biological clock is ticking its time for each individual gene to starts its chemical process. The article says “Characteristics and differences that are not observable at birth, but which emerge later in life, are regarded as the product of maturation. We all have an inner “biological clock” which switches on (or off) types of behavior in a pre-programmed way.” (Mcleod). The environment of development affects the way or when the genes are turned on…  “What does it mean that grit is “heritable”? Although an estimated 99.9% of your genes are exactly the same as mine and your neighbor’s and literally everyone else you know, a tiny fraction of human genes differ.” (Angela). Sometimes we think that character and “grit” are from nature, meaning that these qualities come from genetics, which is mostly true. From the nativist point of view, alike from what Angela said, we are all practically genetically the same (Angela). Now, here is the trick to this. Most of our genes are turned off. Angela compared our genes like a switch that is turned off (Angela). When that certain gene is turned on, let say for example a gene that causes “grit” like qualities, that person will have that ability to overcome challenges; to use this quality of grit to become a better person. Therefore, the main question we all have been wondering is, how do we turn it on? How do we turn on the gene’s that are on “off pilot”? In the point of view of the nurture side of things, the way to turn on is simply through experiences. Experiences and environment triggers chemicals inside of us to “turn on” the gene that has been “off pilot”. Circumstances that happen to a person will trigger a character that maybe unlikely, considering his/her background, to achieve. We may be born with character or attributes that may already be “turned on”. Yet, we also have the ability to change or gain more attributes and qualities into our genetic pool. Therefore, nature versus nurture: it goes both ways. We are not born with nothing and yet we are also the creators of more. Creators to change and create more of who we are (Angela).
There are stages to life that are delicate and it can affect the delicacy of the biological clock. The delicate stage of life are the developing stages of finding who you are. The last article called “Development Holds the Key to Understanding the Interplay of Nature versus Nurture in Shaping the Individual” explains more about this. The stages are for example ages from in the womb to ages 25 years of age. These developing stages are so critical because it will affect a person permanently for the future than the stages of adulthood. Adolescents who face hard environment events in their lives are mostly likely to have a great impact in their life to come (Development Holds the Key to Understanding the Interplay of Nature versus Nurture in Shaping the Individual). An outside impact on the body of a person in a developing stage will significantly affect the person in the long run. For example if a young person was to be treated with any kind of drug to mess with the growth of the young person, the drug will also mess up with the timing of turning on the genes that are suppose to turn on to have a normal mental and physical side of human (Development Holds the Key to Understanding the Interplay of Nature versus Nurture in Shaping the Individua). These sensitive periods of growth are important to the timing of creating the character of a person. It is implied that genes and the experiences in a sensitive growth period trigger on other genes and rather say cognitive functions of the brain (Development Holds the Key to Understanding the Interplay of Nature versus Nurture in Shaping the Individual). Meaning that one can gain more intellect no matter what. One is not stuck in the same situation. As do babies grow do the brain develop… suggesting that the easer to develop and change cognitive behavior is the more likely to gain more intellect… meaning that at a younger age where it’s a sensitive time where the brain absorbs everything is the best time for increasing intellect. It’s not just intellect, he says “wider range of cognitive behavior” (Development Holds the Key to Understanding the Interplay of Nature versus Nurture in Shaping the Individual). The controversy whether it is nature versus nurture is deceiving because it is nature and nurture that creates one’s character. We are born with a set of genes that are not changeable however, once we are in the womb nurture plays a big part in shaping what was already given to you. Through setting off the right genes at certain, specific times, can shape a person’s personality and character to be unique and different from others.
In conclusion, nature versus nurture is a controversial topic that many want to know if to whom you are born to will affect the person you will become. There are people out there who think that nature is the only thing that creates a human being character. There are people who think that if you are born to a killer it makes you a killer. There are people who think that nurture is the only way to which one can create a life character. They think that you are born with a blank slate. Nature versus nurture is controversial, however, I believe that it is not nature versus nurture but it is nature and nurture that affect and creates a personality and character. To answer the question of what changes character, the answer is nature and nurture. This answer questions like who do you want to become? Does who you are born from change the outcome of who you will become? Your parents do play role in creating your DNA and raising you, meaning they create the environment in which you will be raised in. The environment that you create and the parents that created you will affect a big significant towards of who you will become. Your family, your friends, the influences that are around you will shape what you will take and what will trigger you inside. Even the financial opportunities and help that your family will provide will shape the person you will become (Cherry, 2019).  These do affect in who you will become however there is your own will to change yourself. It is your part to make sure you aren’t affected by the people around you that may put false accusations on you and your background. It is your job to make sure that you are in environment that will turn on the genes that are needed to have a normal or even better qualities in your life to come.  
 Mcleod, Saul. “Nature vs. Nurture in Psychology.” Nature Nurture in Psychology | Simply Psychology, https://www.simplypsychology.org/naturevsnurture.html.
 Untitled Document, http://web.mnstate.edu/shoptaug/AntiFrames.htm
  “European Jewish Life before World War II.” Facing History and Ourselves, https://www.facinghistory.org/resource-library/teaching-holocaust-and-human-behavior/european-jewish-life-world-war-ii.
 Brosnan, AnneMarie. “Representations of Race and Racism in the Textbooks Used in Southern Black Schools during the American Civil War and Reconstruction Era, 1861-1876.” Paedagogica Historica: International Journal of the History of Education, vol. 52, no. 6, Jan. 2016, pp. 718–733. EBSCOhost, search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=eric&AN=EJ1120017&site=eds-live.
  Loof, Arnold De. “Nature, Calcigender, Nurture: Sex-Dependent Differential Ca2 Homeostasis as the Undervalued Third Pillar.” Taylor & Francis, https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/19420889.2019.1592419.
 By: John L. Fuller research associate division of behavior studies R. B. Jackson memorial laboratory Bar harbor, Main
 Shuttleworth, F. K. “The Nature versus Nurture Problem I Definition of the Problem.” Journal of Educational Psychology, vol. 26, no. 8, Nov. 1935, pp. 561–578. EBSCOhost, doi:10.1037/h0061615.
 “Nature versus Nurture.” Character Lab, 1 Mar. 2019, https://characterlab.org/thoughts-of-the-week/nature-versus-nurture/.
 “Development Holds the Key to Understanding the Interplay of Nature versus Nurture in Shaping the Individual.” Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, Elsevier, 20 June 2017, https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1878929317301196.
  Cherry, Kendra. “How Different Experiences Influence a Child's Development.” Verywell Mind, Verywell Mind, 18 Aug. 2019, https://www.verywellmind.com/experience-and-development-2795113.
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jackelyntam · 5 years
When you feel like you are just about done with all your homework. When you feel like you just about done with your career with your problems, there seem to always be another door to open. Never really able to open to the next section of life. How many more doors, how many more problems, how many more papers, how many more trials in this life do we have to go through to get to the other room? To finish life with a smile. To feel like you have succeeded. Learn from the doors. Learn from each door that I open. It will never be too much neither too little.
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The Mad Doctor (1933)
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jackelyntam · 5 years
The Rich
The countries and the rich people donate so little to the cause for the people who are effected by this dreadful crisis, absolute poverty is barely sufficient for the needs for the theirs then the rich people still take the money for more pleasures. Look around you and start noticing how much homeless people are in the streets. Look. Don’t turn away. I see it in the peoples eyes as they look away trying to not make eye contract with the people who beg for food beg for a little bit. The rich who keep their head down low as they walk a little more quicker to pass the children the parents who sit in the streets in a cold day on a blanket. Them ever so grateful for just a mere blanket for them to sit on to give them a small amount of warmth. But the cold shoulders of the rich who look away with fear that the absolute poverty is a transmittable disease.
Yes, there is fear that the people who are in need may have a mental disease and that they may be using these money and resources that we give for bad… however, I believe that no matter who it is and how sick the needed are, everyone deserves a second chance and there are always limited second chances.  If they are sick mentally we must get them to a hospital to help them with therapy… anything they may need to live. For a life is worth more than anything and is worth more above their actions. I do fear and hate the needful humans actions but I do not believe that I hate the needful human. I judge based on the value of a human life rather than their choices. Everyone does learn but everyone needs a resource to go to. Therapy, medicine, food, hospitals, facilities to help people who are in need learn from their choices…
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jackelyntam · 5 years
opinion series
Jackelyn Tam
Professor Fish Burton
English 2010
15 October 2019
Opinion series:
“main purpose of informing readers about the various and differing perspectives on the issue you have chosen.” “The objective here is to summarize, inform, and also provide initial commentary about the competing views that have already been expressed about your topic.”
           1 Opinion: Audience: gothic 500 words
3 sources:
1.     “Nature versus Nurture.” Character Lab, 1 Mar. 2019, https://characterlab.org/thoughts-of-the-week/nature-versus-nurture/.
quote… “We want to know what we can change and what we can’t.”intext citation ….. look up how to do it in MLA format.
Are we all broken inside or are we all nothing to begin with? Broken hearts and broken houses that are hearts keep inside of us. Is there a way to change to fix a broken house? To put together glass that has been shattered to the floor? From the perspective and research from psychologist and professor Angela Duckworth she writes from her study of nature versus nurture. She says something for all of us that are broken and shattered, “We want to know what we can change and what we can’t.” (Duckworth). Her perspective on this, the cold truth in nature and nurture, is all about both sides. We are all robots, designed in one certain way, genes all marching in one unison. However, here is where nurture comes to play and mess with our character and our little glass house. Some robotic genes are turned off. All they see are black abyss of nothingness waiting to be turned on. A powerful force from the outside of yourself triggers drugs, to ignite the light in the dead robot genes, turning them back alive. We are now changed, maybe broken or maybe for the better. This all depends on what kind of genes were turned on.
2.     By: John L. Fuller research associate division of behavior studies R. B. Jackson memorial laboratory Bar harbor, Main
This perspective is from John L Fuller he says that some may be affected from nature rather than nurture. He answers the question on whether we are born broken or not. He explains how some are born with a mutation meaning a sickness diseases. As if those people were made to be shattered. A mutation through nature that affects a life of function. Character. There are some diseases that was given at birth that affect intellect and personality. Broken by birth. This is a perspective on how nature does have a affect on ones intellect and future. It is by nature that through diseases are genetically passed down.  There are no absolute defining line between your father and your mother that makes up your genetic attributes. There are glitches and there are middle and in-betweens that could affect the characteristics in you. It is never to say by nature you are 50 /50 for you mother and father.
3.     Loof, Arnold De. “Nature, Calcigender, Nurture: Sex-Dependent Differential Ca2 Homeostasis as the Undervalued Third Pillar.” Taylor & Francis, https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/19420889.2019.1592419.
In this dark world where we all become animals and compete. To be more specific competing against women between males. This demented world where they say that men are by nature stronger and dominant than women. However, this study by Loof has done his studying and he explains how we can say that men are stronger than women however it may seem that women are more dominant because of the xx chromosome. The xx chromosome was said that was the x is dating back to the ancient days making it stronger and women who still have the xx-double chromosome. This xx chromosome makes women live longer. Making women more dominant than men. This side is where we look at nature from a sex gender dominant and today world on whether women or men are dominant. By nature, women are dominant however men are also dominant because of the y chromosome making them turn on more genes that are specific to the y chromosome. In the dark society where we are pulled and ripped apart because of the category of sexists. This helps us understand that there is a equal dominance of men and women. Naturally this claim is true.
           2 Opinion: Audience: elementary kids 500 words
3 sources
1.     “Development Holds the Key to Understanding the Interplay of Nature versus Nurture in Shaping the Individual.” Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, Elsevier, 20 June 2017, https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1878929317301196.
Once upon a time there was a little froggy. This little froggy was still a little tadpole… he hasn’t had little legs yet. He hasn’t developed them yet. He wondered to himself “when will he get those legs.” He wanted them badly to grow up. To be a normal froggy. During this time of being a tadpole he knew that he had to try his best to grow and to grow. He asked his mother how he can get those legs like hers. She said “well, you have to grow. To grow you need to eat and do all the things necessary for you to grow to become a big froggy.” Well, that’s what the little tadpole did. He ate as much as he can and he exercised and he stayed away from harmful things like drugs. And soon enough he could see little nudges from his body where is legs were coming in. slowly ever so slowly as he ate and exercised and stayed away from the bad he could see he was turning into the froggy he wanted to be. Once he was a big big froggy he realized that being a tadpole is really important. Because if he didn’t stay away from those scary drug frogs and if he didn’t eat a lot then he wouldn’t be the froggy he wanted to be. He wouldn’t probably be able to grow legs either. He would be a weird demented froggy. Nurturing your body as a tadpole baby is important. To grow to be the best froggy man person you can be.
2.     McLeod, S. A. (2018, Dec 20). Nature vs nurture in psychology
These set of smart people who major their lives in researching about nature versus nurture. And how nature and nurture effect someone personality and character. Nurture, by the extremes, is relying on only on the environment and situations and circumstances. This is meaning that they believe that someone’s character and personality isn’t defined by who they are from but is defined by what they will do and by the environment they created by themselves. Nature, by extreme, is that everyone is defined by who they are from. Genetically, meaning that your parents and your family define who you are. In this article, they say that nurture is a lot more to do with ones personality and character. They give an example of children who are born in poor environment and poor situations tend to score lower than those who are born in and raised in rich societies. It is all because of the resources that are given to those who are available to have. Nurture of one’s self is important in shaping someone.
3.     Cherry, Kendra. “How Different Experiences Influence a Child's Development.” Verywell Mind, Verywell Mind, 18 Aug. 2019, https://www.verywellmind.com/experience-and-development-2795113.
This perspective on nature versus nurture is that the environment have a big role in changing character for example she explains how some one is influenced a lot from their peers. Peers is a big thing for growing people. Friend and family are all the people you learn from. The friends you hang out with will ultimately change who you are. For example if you choose someone who is a bully to be your friend you will also act like a bully. Social pressures are the key too changing ones personality. What you do and how you act and what you say are all influenced by the people around you. so choose your friends wisely.
           3 Opinion: Audience: Christian people 500 words
3 sources
1.       “European Jewish Life before World War II.” Facing History and Ourselves, https://www.facinghistory.org/resource-library/teaching-holocaust-and-human-behavior/european-jewish-life-world-war-ii.
Intext citation: (Brooks)
For centuries Jews have been criticized and judged based on where they were born and to whom they were born too. Or even criticized and judged based on their religion. This webpage explains how the Jews in the past were stereotyped as horrible things. Or they were the cause of something horrible. It wasn’t just the Nazi who stereotyped these people but it was other groups of people who would judge these people based on their religion. However in this webpage article it says  “throughout history, many have sought to define Jews, incorrectly, as a single and uniform category of people with fixed characteristics, which racists and anti-Semites falsely believe are rooted in biology. But the lives Jews have lived around the world and throughout history can perhaps be characterized best by their immense diversity.”(Brooks). In this quote I want to emphasize how it says that jews were actually diverse in their culture and religion. They would judge them from their nature genetically born from, however, this doesn’t define who they are. It’s all about the environment of where each individual jew had to experience. And that is what made who they are. They didn’t let the society pressures and to whom they were born to change them.
 2.     Shuttleworth, F. K. “The Nature versus Nurture Problem I Definition of the Problem.” Journal of Educational Psychology, vol. 26, no. 8, Nov. 1935, pp. 561–578. EBSCOhost, doi:10.1037/h0061615.
In this perspective we look at it scientifically where ShuttleWorth think of nature versus nurture as a two-working process. He studies animals and how it will affect them. He looks at the natural selection of animals. He claims that if we can change the natural selection of animals we could possibly change the natural selection of humans. The example of the beginning of time of noah and the boat where he wipes most of the population of the wicked people. This he calls it “eugenics”. Which he believes that if we can eliminate most of the population that have weaker genetic characteristics then leaving only the elite kind of people. Then through mating with each other with the same genetic DNA of greater characteristics and DNA would multiply more species men who have the same elite DNA.
3.     Brosnan, AnneMarie. “Representations of Race and Racism in the Textbooks Used in Southern Black Schools during the American Civil War and Reconstruction Era, 1861-1876.” Paedagogica Historica: International Journal of the History of Education, vol. 52, no. 6, Jan. 2016, pp. 718–733. EBSCOhost, search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=eric&AN=EJ1120017&site=eds-live.
This is an other perspective of the biases of the society and the judgement of the society for one race or culture. This article talks more about how back in the day society were confused of the nature versus nurture. They were clouded by their judgment on black people. It went so far as to change the history texts and education texts in schools. They would degrade the African American humans in their history texts. This was for the purpose to have the African Americans never raise higher potentials than the white Americans.
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jackelyntam · 5 years
Sitting outside and feeling the cold can be unpleasant. It’s unpleasant but, at least, it’s present. It’s there. You feel it on your skin and in your bones and you know where you and it stand and it gives itself to you freely. That’s worlds more than can be said for most people.
Ota-Drew (via ota-drew)
A close person once said to me the exact same. There is a reason for the winter. There are reasons for the cold. It is there. The cold is uncomfortable. The cold is bitter. The cold are like needles that sink down into your bones. The cold is “unpleasant”. Yet there is a purpose for the dark, “unpleasant”, bitter, and painful coldness of the winter. It is to help us feel. To feel something. A life without love can bring us lower than the coldness of the winter. Into a dark abyss of darkness of no feelings. The winter brings me back to reality. The cold brings me back to a life full of feelings. A feeling that I exists.  
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jackelyntam · 5 years
Absolute poverty… is a disease. It is a deadly sickness… we can compare this crisis as almost as a spreading disease… they say that 26% of the world is in this state of distress… meaning that 1.2 something Billion people are effected by this crisis so called absolute poverty.  The symptoms from absolute poverty… death, malnutrition, decrease in intellect… from lack of education… death in little small children… while this disaster is happening in the world there are the society of the rich… buying stuff for entertainment rather than needs… when consumed by money we are consumed by distraction from what is the importance of life. We buy clothes to look for glamor… we use our money for vacations rather than using those to save others who are in need of that money to buy food. We use it that money for tasting food rather than eating it… we use that money to make ourselves look better by buying injection to implanting plastic or chemicals that will alter the way we look. We use that money for enjoyment rather than functional… stylish versus functional… to shelter our children with new indoor playground to protect them from the outside… technology, phones; videos, .. drug for pleasures…what has this world come to. Don’t be desensitized by the riches of the world by the pleasures. Look. As the present angel of the movie scrudge. The angel begs and forces the rich to decent to look upon the dark in the world and how they need your help.
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jackelyntam · 5 years
I am so tired…. Desire and sleep are two different things. My desire to finish up all my homework and my body screaming at me to sleep. My body tries to convince me that it’s time to go to bed by making my eyelids heavier than they should be. My brain is foggier than it should be. However, my desire tries to force it’s way through the fog onto paper. My body forces my brain to feel like the walls are dancing and my eyes goes on focused at times. My desire pulls my body out of it and slopply tries to finish up what I have started with writing load and loads of papers before the next day hits. Wait.. it’s already the next day. what is the point. Im gonning to sleep ….
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jackelyntam · 5 years
Delicate hearts
Small things can become large things. Watch what you say and what you do. You never know who is affected from what you say or what you do. Small things can affect something largely. The butterfly effects. One small little moment can in turn affect something bigger. A non-thought through comment about anything can affect someone’s emotional well-being because of what they are going through or the back-ground of someone. Knowledge is the key. Careful what you say and be aware of peoples situations and their background. Think before you say something before you hurt someone deep inside. Yes, it is probable that you will mostly likely hurt someone from a comment you have said but it is better to have the lease amount of people hurt. People’s hearts are delicate. Be gentle. Be kind. Be aware and smart. Hearts are delicate and are easily to break. We are all are patched up glass pieces that have fallen and shattered everywhere. In one shape or form we are all are a little cracked. We need to help each other by preventing from getting us more shattered. By doing so we need to watch what we say and what we do. Be more aware and careful. It’s time for the call for more sincerity rather than thoughtless nonsense that can be hurtful towards others. In doing so we can help the world become more patched and better. This in turn can help us as humans become a better person and more mature.
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jackelyntam · 5 years
It’s almost scary to look at this painting. It’s a storm. Its nature taking its natural course in things. For me it’s scary. I guess, with different perspective you could look at this piece of art and feel something different. It is as if the sea wants to swallow you up into its waters. For me I am a human who lives off air and a decent amount of water. Human’s who can’t breathe under water would fear being engulfed by this sea and never being able to breathe. However, if a fish would look at this piece he would feel fine. almost like the fish would want to be in this piece of art.
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Trying to practice sceneries more,, not sure if this counts ?
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jackelyntam · 5 years
True Love?
How far does love blind us? Love is blind. Love blinds us from seeing reality. That pink aura in which flowers are descending spontaneously out of nowhere slow music is playing, everything is in slow-mo and your lover is shinning in glimmers and sparkles… no matter what you lover does or says will mean nothing to you because you are so in love. Love blinds us. Love is like poison. A sedative. A drug. It numbs us to what is truly real. Lies are acceptable. Backstabbing is acceptable. Cheating is acceptable. This kind of love is created by desperation. This kind of love is created by desperation to find that lover. Then what is true love? Is love really blinding? No. True love is seeing flaws. True love is seeing weaknesses. True love is seeing all that dirt in-between and accepting and changing and working together to be able to improve together. True love is not blind but desperate love is blind. True love is communications that are spoken through tears. True love is smiles at small inside jokes. True love are the anger moments of the day at each other but sooner or later find yourselves coming back together. True love is the tender sorry that is spoken softly and with emotion to change for them. True love is seeing the dirt. True love is seeing weaknesses. True love is change. Desperation can rob true love of its shine. Desperation is blind. Desperation is not love but the false fake love.
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jackelyntam · 5 years
Research Nature; Nurture.
Sources for character nature versus nurture.
1.     “What does it mean that grit is “heritable”? Although an estimated 99.9% of your genes are exactly the same as mine and your neighbor’s and literally everyone else you know, a tiny fraction of human genes differ. And these genetic differences among people are correlated with differences in our physical and psychological characteristics.” “Our genes are chemically switched on and off throughout life, and in fact, most of the time, most of our genes are switched off. Until a gene is switched on, it doesn’t do anything. It’s like a script that sits, inert and unread, on an actor’s shelf. Epigenetics refers to changes in which genes are expressed.” https://characterlab.org/thoughts-of-the-week/nature-versus-nurture/
Angela Duckworth:  
Medium: web
Date accessed: 9/17/2019                    
“Nature versus Nurture.” Character Lab, 1 Mar. 2019, https://characterlab.org/thoughts-of-the-week/nature-versus-nurture/.
 Sometimes we think that character and “grit” are from nature, meaning that these qualities come from genetics, which is mostly true. From the genetic point of view, alike from what Angela said, we are all practically genetically the same. Now, here is the trick to this. Most of our genes are turned off. Angela compared our genes like a switch that is turned off. When that certain gene is turned on, let say for example a gene that causes “grit” like qualities, that person will have that ability to overcome challenges; to use this quality of grit to become a better person. Therefore, the main question we all have been wondering is, how do we turn it on? How do we turn on the gene’s that are on “off pilot”? In the point of view of the nurture side of things, the way to turn on is simply through experiences. Experiences and environment triggers something inside of us to “turn on” the gene that has been “off pilot”. Things that happen to a person will trigger a character that maybe unlikely, considering his/her background, to achieve. We may be born with character or attributes that may already be “turned on”. Yet, we may also have the ability to change or gain more attributes and qualities into our genetic pool. Therefore, nature versus nurture: it goes both ways. We are not born with nothing but we are also the creators of more. Creators to change and create more of who we are.
  2.     https://www.simplypsychology.org/naturevsnurture.html
 Saul McLeod, updated 2018
McLeod, S. A. (2018, Dec 20). Nature vs nurture in psychology
Medium: web article thing
Date accessed: 9/18/2019
“Characteristics and differences that are not observable at birth, but which emerge later in life, are regarded as the product of maturation. We all have an inner “biological clock” which switches on (or off) types of behavior in a pre-programmed way.”
Side: nature…. This quote is the side on nature. It contradicts nurture. They have a set gene already from genetically from the parents and linage…. And they are set in order already from the genetic side of things and are turned off… but will turn on at a certain time…. Not by environment but by genetics… like you have a set of genetic characteristics inside your DNA and some are turned off, but they will turn on. And each person don’t have the same.  
 Nature vrs nurture….McLeod says that they are in two side groups that are too the extreme with either one side or the other and they are called nature: nativism    nurture: empiricism believe that you are born with a blank slate… and you achieve more characteristics as you grow
 “A modern proponent is the American psychologist Arthur Jenson.  Finding that the average I.Q. scores of black Americans were significantly lower than whites he went on to argue that genetic factors were mainly responsible – even going so far as to suggest that intelligence is 80% inherited.”
yet, he goes on to say that most of the claims and results were biases because of the social norm during that time period.
This is nature point of view
Nurture point of view on this thought:
“More fundamentally, they believe that differences in intellectual ability are a product of social inequalities in access to material resources and opportunities.  To put it simply children brought up in the ghetto tend to score lower on tests because they are denied the same life chances as more privileged members of society.”
 The characteristics of intellect, on the nurture side of things, variable vary dependent on the environment of a person. This guy gives an example of children who are raised up in a environment that has a low income and low parental support. This example shows how different characteristics and personality might differ on the level of nurture. It shows record of children receiving low scores because of their lack of education and lack of support. The environment effecting the children.  
  3.     https://www.gwern.net/docs/genetics/heritable/1954-fuller-natureandnurture.pdf
By: John L. Fuller research associate division of behavior studies R. B. Jackson memorial laboratory Bar harbor, Main
Title: Nature and nurture: a modern synthesis
Date accessed: 9/18/2019
  “an affirmative answer to this question must be based on evidence that nature plays a part in forming the human personality. Nature, when contrasted with nurture, is generally considered to be equivalent to biological heredity.”
Today’s society paper that was written for the modern society….
From what I read.. so far… this subject of nature versus nurture has been guessed and researched everywhere and every time period. However, some of the researches are biases because of the social environment at the time period. Or the scientists have their own opinions at the start of their research. Making the science experiences biases. Therefore this article he wants to make more of this article not biases.
He gives an example of the importance of and the interest of knowing whether our personalities and character and future is based on parent’s nurture or on genetics. He gives a wonderful example of two boys fathers and their careers and he explains how it is easily explained that it might be the parents nurture and how they raised them… he goes on to say it’s easier to explain this through experiences of animals.
Looking the experiments of animals… rats and mice…
Looking at the diseases passed down by genetics and the affects by genetics down to how that affects personality and one’s future.
The genetic chart, the recessive and dominant characteristics and how genetic plays a big part because of disease disabilities causes affects to intelligence... and only side-effects are in the future… also that there might be a middle recessive and middle dominant recessive gene… that could affect what characteristics one may poses…. How there are a lot of factors that could go into estimating what genes from the parents can pass on to the child… factors like genes and the environment… the experiments varied..?
Environment and the heredity are intertwined…
 4.     https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/19420889.2019.1592419
Focuses on the nature: nature versus nurture…. Sexes….gender… is it possible that we are born one gender but raised with environment to promote the opposite gender… change genders? Are there other genders? Biologically are there other genders… like homo… more scientifically proven… biological…
 Comparison of animals and humans… evolution… as we look at the way animals are it helps us learn about ourselves as humans. The animals respect and define themselves as their genetic from. “a male is a male and a female is a female” and that animals have to play by their genetic sex role type. Humans fight for equality. For roles and characteristics that a man has. Is there a way where nurture and overcomes nature?
 In history of humans there is results where we find humans like animals playing as their genetic roles as male and female. However, as of now, over time humans are found that they want to be equal qualities; roles with each other.  
 Paraphrasing… : nature and nurture. They both have a play in creating one’s character. However, which one plays a dominant role in building character.
 Females and males… asexual and sexual… meaning sex is a mutation… xy chromosomes… xx… whether female or male are dominant… makes a claim that males are dominant because of the y… which is a gene called SRY however it isn’t all of the y but it is part of the y chromosome. Exactly it is the small short hand of the y chromosome. making the claim that since males have this SRY gene they are apparently more dominant. However, on the other hand, he claims that females might even be more dominant because of the extra x chromosome… leading back to the ancient days where they say that humans only had xx chromosomes rather than y… sex is a mutation creating the y in the x chromosome… creating women to more dominant because they still have the old ways of using both xx chromosomes.
Also, that the STR is also connected to TDF meaning the Testis determining factor… meaning the male reproductive cells… indicating that an organism is a male. Overall the y in a male meaning the STR/TDF is a protein that builds other genes that can mean dominance over a female.
This is related to nature and nurture because to tell whether females are dominant than males. Society has depicted that males by genetics; nature is stronger and dominant than females…
Having the xx chromosome may be depicted that are more dominant because was assumed that in the past all were xx chromosomes and that y was a mutation… meaning that the lasting longer xx chromosomes female features… which in turn causes females to live longer.
  5.     https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1878929317301196
“Development Holds the Key to Understanding the Interplay of Nature versus Nurture in Shaping the Individual.” Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, Elsevier, 20 June 2017, https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1878929317301196.
(2017) in-text citations???
Accessed: 9/21/2019
Web article…
This article leans towards environment; nurture.
The most vulnerable stage in a human development is the adolescent stage of life. Adolescents who face hard environment events in their lives are mostly likely to have a great impact in their life to come.
An opinion on the vulnerable stage should be treated with environment effective treatment rather than medication… the adolescents is a stage of life that has a great impact on how a person will become physically and mentally.
This article…. Genetics versus environment effects to treating depression… examples are like medicated; genetics versus using the environment to cause the brain to improve depression in the brain.
The sensitive periods or stages in life are the important stages that define character. Or more like play a role in shaping a person. This is the out look of how the brain is the one that controls behaviors.
DNA is in the cells of ones body…
Brain: neuron science. Implied that genes and the experiences in a sensitive growth period trigger on other genes and rather say cognitive functions of the brain. Meaning that yes one can gain more intellect no matter what. One is not stuck in the same situation. As do babies grow do the brain develop… suggesting that the easer to develop and change cognitive behavior is the more likely to gain more intellect… meaning that at a younger age where it’s a sensitive time where the brain absorbs everything is the best time for increasing intellect. Not just intellect he says “wider range of cognitive behavior”
My thought: (however. Does one increase speed or easier to be more intellect based on genetics? In the end goal does one become like their biological family? In terms of increasing and the rate of building up more intellect? )
 (Mine own thought….: conscious thought own effort… and the natural man thought action… looking at animals… and how they is a difference between consciously doing something and just how natural selection to do something. Is it by who we are that we choose something or is by preference of consciously choosing. )
6.     http://eds.a.ebscohost.com.ezproxy.uvu.edu/eds/pdfviewer/pdfviewer?vid=9&sid=3b206ac1-9809-4b9a-9cfd-df7eb1deaa1a%40sessionmgr4008
Journal type …. Pdf…. In documents in the labtop….
Shuttleworth, F. K. “The Nature versus Nurture Problem I Definition of the Problem.” Journal of Educational Psychology, vol. 26, no. 8, Nov. 1935, pp. 561–578. EBSCOhost, doi:10.1037/h0061615.
 “Do children resemble their parents in intelligence mainly for the reason that superior parents pass on superior endowments or mainly for the reason that superior parents provide superior care?”  
Taking IQ scores of a foster home and taking the variances… of which assumed that 64% where from heredity and #36% meaning that 8 IQ points heritable 6 IQ pints are environment.
… factors of environment… usually in the family… income. Status. intelligence from the parents having an effect on raising a child.
 Learning about how to control attributes based on hereditable can ultimately change our environment better. For example “better cattle, better plants” changing our animals organism around us. Scientists have been trying to find ways and work with lower animal studies on whether we are able to change the animals genes to become a better species. This can be applies to the workings on humans. Through breeding and test on organisms…
Eugenics:… he says that it really requires both environment and hereditable… to change the population to change the attributes of a generation… using the attack of eugenics… meaning they eliminate most of the population and leave the surviving one with great characteristics at which is wanted and let them breed.. he says once done with this eliminating most of the population of unsuccessful species then the environment comes into play to shape and form the next generation genes. So both are to play environment and genetics.
“One of general intelligence of the population is through a leveling-up of environmental influences.”
He looks at the change or effects as a whole group of people…. The differences in intelligence from one to another.. he says that the more effective the attack on environment on this group of the people the less difference there is on the intelligence on each person. Meaning the intelligence of each person has less of a difference between each person from a person.
The environment has a important role… in shaping a human. In their success. Even as a generation.
    7.       https://www.facinghistory.org/resource-library/teaching-holocaust-and-human-behavior/european-jewish-life-world-war-ii
 “European Jewish Life before World War II.” Facing History and Ourselves, https://www.facinghistory.org/resource-library/teaching-holocaust-and-human-behavior/european-jewish-life-world-war-ii.
Social public pressures on research… or rather conclusions or rather judgments on a person character or attributes based on genetics…
  “throughout history, many have sought to define Jews, incorrectly, as a single and uniform category of people with fixed characteristics, which racists and anti-Semites falsely believe are rooted in biology. But the lives Jews have lived around the world and throughout history can perhaps be characterized best by their immense diversity.”
 Paraphrasing…. Jews in realiaty are very diverse. There are Jews who are diverse in income and status. It isn’t because of birth that Jews are categorized as a sterotype. He explains that there are is stereotype going around based on race. He argues that there is a big diversity no matter where and whom you are born to.
Usually character was defined of who you were born to. And what race. That what race you were defined what characteristics you would have. Just like the Jew. Nazi has stereotyped them as a dirty race or rather a race that would bring down the society.
    8.     http://web.mnstate.edu/shoptaug/AntiFrames.htm
Untitled Document, http://web.mnstate.edu/shoptaug/AntiFrames.htm.
 “when Jews entered into Europe in large numbers during the Middle Ages, "they found themselves living among primitive Western people who were repelled by their superior intelligence and their clever business acumen.””
“An example of this type of prejudice can be found in the memoirs of a member of the slowly declining British aristocracy, who wrote that her social class resented the Jews "not because we disliked them individually, for some of them were charming and even brilliant, but because they had brains and understood finance."”
In this source they began to put blame and criticize the Jews on bad causes to their country. For example diseases unsuccessful business. They criticized and blamed Jews as a whole group of people in which can create misunderstanding… stereotypeing a race can result in accusing one person as something for their biological features rather than judging them based on their circumstances and environment in what made them who they are.  
  9.     http://eds.a.ebscohost.com.ezproxy.uvu.edu/eds/pdfviewer/pdfviewer?vid=9&sid=8233d836-93a5-4fcc-8751-f952a79f99e8%40sdc-v-sessmgr01
Brosnan, AnneMarie. “Representations of Race and Racism in the Textbooks Used in Southern Black Schools during the American Civil War and Reconstruction Era, 1861-1876.” Paedagogica Historica: International Journal of the History of Education, vol. 52, no. 6, Jan. 2016, pp. 718–733. EBSCOhost, search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=eric&AN=EJ1120017&site=eds-live.
This talks about how black people were portraited in the 1800’s ish… through the education at which was taught in the schools. Schools at the time were taught differently than the school we teach today. When teaching schools usually society would teach knowledge based on what they believed was right. At that time they believed that white people were significantly “superior” than the African Americans… They would design textbooks and book based on this knowledge that African American are less than the white race… in result of writing text books like this they would in reality they would try to have the African Americans stay in the fields and hard labor work areas.
 10.  https://www.verywellmind.com/experience-and-development-2795113
Cherry, Kendra. “How Different Experiences Influence a Child's Development.” Verywell Mind, Verywell Mind, 18 Aug. 2019, https://www.verywellmind.com/experience-and-development-2795113.
Intext (cherry, 2019)
She categories nurture side of things into categories… family, education, culture, peers, experiences, conditioning… She explains the how these factors can effect one’s character. During the times of child development is the most “crucial” time where one can be affected by the environment or experiences…
My thoughts: I agree…  that even in biological how one is formed or to who they are is the time period of growth and the time in which the gene gets turned on and off in the womb..
 However, she explains: peers have a major effect in changing character because of the impact on friends have to friends is a lot. How a child acts around some certain kids. And what kind of friend they make changes who they become.
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jackelyntam · 5 years
Walking in the dark. Paths. Roads lead us to places. Destinations. Where are we going? could we survive without a destination? What paths and roads may we be lead to. What roads do we need to walk on to find what we are looking for? Sometimes we must walk on misty dark roads to be able to find the light we were so looking for. Sometimes our fearful small hearts beat faster and tremble when we think of the dark unknown. Place your hand over your heart and tell your heart to calm down. Cover your heart with a small blanket and keep walking. Tell yourself there is something out there that is worth walking for.
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ITAP of an Oregon Forest via /r/itookapicture https://ift.tt/31OFbwb by intricatexplorer
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jackelyntam · 5 years
Male condoms
There are so many ways that couple can have safe sex. When someone says to you Birth control I think the first thing that a person will think is Birth control pills. However, birth control pills are not the only way a person can have safe sex. Birth control is basically the ways that you can stop the sperm from fertilizing with the egg. There isn’t just one way you can stop this fertilization. Safe sex is isn’t just trying to stop a unwanted fertilizations with the sperm and egg but it has to do with trying to prevent the spread of STI’s. Pills aren’t the only way. Way back even to the Egyptians and the ancient people have been using the method of male condoms. This has been used starting way back in the ancient days. However, there are now newer ways to stop this fertilization. There are orals of course but there are injections, patches, surgery, and implants. On the other hand I think that condoms are the most simplest way to protect one’s self from pregnancies and STI’s when doing sex. Condoms are the best way for birth control because it requires no pharmacy help. It is less expensive. Estimate it cost 0-1.00$. Even some student health centers even pass them out for free. Condoms even protect from STI’s. Yes, there are disadvantages to condoms. The disadvantages are that the condoms might break when in the act of sex and the possibility of fertilization may increase the percentage of a higher chance.
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jackelyntam · 5 years
Project Proposal
Project proposal Plan
Topic: Nature versus nurture.
Summary: Nature versus nurture is basically the fight between whether personality and character are based on scientific/ biological or situationists/ circumstances.
Importance: This is important because if we could define what creates one’s character/ personality we could ultimately create our own personality or build our offspring’s attributes. We would be able to change the next generations; create a better society(generation) by creating better attributes in the next generations. If it were nature, controlling gene attributes that builds character/ personality through biological ways, we would be able to add attributes into the next generations offspring’s DNA. Thus creating a better society. The possibilities of increasing the intellect or the health of a whole generation is impowering. The power to change evolution has changed. We will have the ability to eliminate obesity or diseases. We will have a clear way of defining what our judgements should be based on. For example, whether we judge people’s actions or personalities on their environment, or circumstances, or on their biological orientation of genes/ DNA. Character is important because it defines and builds the future for one person. How one acts and decided are all lead down to the character and personality of a person.  Knowing where it comes from can help one know how to improve and renovate their own personality and future.
Questions: Does character/personality comes from nature or nurture? Does once create their own character/personality through nurture? Are one’s character defined by the society or is it defined by our own? How do we look at peoples is it based on their biological background or by their experiences? When does character form? Does DNA/ genetics have a part in playing in one’s character? Does character define by the biologically parents or the situation? How is character formed? If we looked at twins or adopted babies that come from biological parents but raised from different parents, what would the adopted children turn out to be like? Does culture have a part in building up character? Nurture. Is it possible to change DNA and genes, that change a personality?
Key words for to define…: Character. Personality. DNA/ genetics. WWII. Slavery, the civil war. Sterotypes. Nature. Nurture. Culture sterotypes. Modern movie steryo types? Biologist Darwin. Genes. DNA. Drugs that effect the Genes to turn on.
Secondary source method: what do I need to know and why it important. Kinds of sources? Key words/ key phrases. I need to know when the sources was made. I need to know if it’s scholarly sources. I need to know what DNA and genetics have a play in changing someone’s attributes. I need to know the definition of character and personality and what it takes to create personality. I need to know how it effected history and how it will effect todays and the future of how the society can be biases on judging other based on nature rather nurture. It’s important to know these things because then will it help us better understand where and how it takes to build up character.
Key phrases: change character. Change natures law… to build character… does nature or nurture build character? Nature versus nurture.
Strategy for longer paper: I could write about the genealogy of where this idea of nature is better than nurture. All the world history of how the society had biases on what they world thinks is more improant and what builds character.  I could also talk what we could do change personalities and able to change what was written by nature. Write about the countries steryotypes and the different countries cultures that change personalities.
Working thesis: character/ personality are built upon nature and nurture. We are born with a set of genes, however, we have a power of our own will to change whether one would want to set off those genes. History has biases, society has biases, but it’s our turn to change the biases and opinions into what we want for our own character. Nature or nurture.
 Pathos: convince a boring people that they want to study this. And keep reading or even do the study themselves.
Knowing what where character/ personality comes from, either from nature or nurture, will help us understand and be able to better improve attributes. A world in where we are able to improve on our own no matter what others say or think we should be. No matter where one person comes from, one person is able to change or better understand how to change their own selves. The knowledge of knowing if there is a possibility to change future generations. Change generations genetically and biologically to input wanted attributes. The possibilities of being able to change the world and individually. This knowledge we be able to change societies into a non-biases society being able to identify that background doesn’t define us. Or tables may just turn in to which if society find a way that all personality and characteristics are to be able to alter with just changing DNA/ genetics we could be able to change a generation into a empowered and corrupted generation.
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jackelyntam · 5 years
The weirdest people are the best people on earth. The weirdest styles and the funniest people deserve a round of applause. Styles have a definition and they are here in the world for a reason. If we all had one style in this world, death would die from the livings bored black and white. My superhero would be the weirdest looking, dorkiest, most interesting human alive. Laughter would come to life. Creativity would make a sound from this world. Colors would form into mixes of unorganized brightness. Stress to “fit in” would disintegrate. Be who you are and never let anyone tell you other wise.
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Day 7 | Lemons
Let’s keep talking about questionable style choices…
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jackelyntam · 5 years
Today’s music
What is wrong with the porn in music. The modern society has come to this. An indifference, a norm, to popular songs that have lyrics that covey porn. We have become almost natural or used to what we are listening on a daily basis. Most every daily basis; popular songs are based on sex. Try it. Start taking a specific notice to what you are listening to on the radio. Listen carefully. Focus on the lyrics. Porn. The songs convince us to support sex. Porn is addictive. Porn is the so called “new drug”. Porn is the imagery of sexual intercourse, which in turn, turns on the drug in one’s brain. Porn as some people say, is images from the internet, from phones, from messages, images that are shown and seen. However, porn isn’t just being seen but porn can be heard. When we listen to those musical lyrics, we support, and we give in to the lyrics of porn. The lyrics are suggesting and sometimes describing sexual intercourse between a male and a female. Sexual desire and sexual dreams are what we are feeding to the new generations. We are already seeing it now in today music. The porn train that comes around every generation inviting sex to all those little small innocent teens. If we have come to this norm of the porn train, it is as good as if passing out condoms to small teens in high school. Teen pregnancies. Teen porn. Sexualizing everything to this new “cool”. Brain sexual chemicals heighten as we listen to this music just to replace the real sex intercourse. We soon are conditioned to the chemical reactions from pornographic music. Wanting more and enjoying more of this disgusting “cool”; everyday songs of porn.
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jackelyntam · 5 years
I love this. Ha. This brings back memories. Good memories of a long, cold, night. Sweet cold ice that sinks into your bones and the silent wind that blows gently in the air. Far away from the city. Far away from all that noise. Far away from everything. A feeling starts settling in you whole being. A feeling of peace and complete stillness. You look up and you see the stars scattering the dark sky with you in the darkness of the mountains. Alone. At peace. Away from all your life down at the city. Alone but at bliss. You realize how small everything you were worrying about. All that stress, all that bad vibes, are seemly meaningless. In the mountains, in the cold night with just you and the stars and the wind, it almost seems too still, to perfect. Almost. So close to forgetting about your life down there in the city. so close. 
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Another day! Wish You all the Best.Have a nice sleep then Wake up & Spread Happiness all around.It’s October 03, 2019 at 12:15AM - Team FirstBuzz #RealFirstBuzz #FirstBuzz
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