jackiethefighter · 17 days
Daphne is, by far, the most athletic of them. She grew up with a lot of money to try a lot of different things. Taekwando, rock climbing, distance swimming, horse back riding, ect. Girl has abs of steel.
Shaggy could run for days. And he's fast enough to keep pace with someone on a bike for awhile, especially if the Adrenalin is pumping.
Shaggy doesn't have much sense of smell and no sense of taste. That explains the bologna peanut butter sandwiches.
Shaggy knows the laws. Wherever they're going he brushes up on the local legislature. He knows where they can go and where they need to go sneakily because trespassing. He knows what constitutes as slander. He knows the Good Samaritan law and the county's tolerance for vigilantism.
Freddy's strong from working with heavy tools but doesn't really have defined muscles.
Freddy has little scars on his hands from working with heavy machinery and little intricate projects that might kind of explode a little sometimes. Hey, making traps that can hold ancient forces of evil but not kill a real person in case they're in disguise is a lot harder than it seems!
Velma cares nothing for the laws of men. No fire wall, no barbed wire fence, no police tape is going to stop her insatiable curiosity.
Velma once toppled a corrupt politician with nothing but her smart phone and the free wifi at her local library. She was eleven.
Velma's not color blind like Freddy, she just has bad taste.
Velma fully believes in both Bigfoot and Aliens and she will prove the existence of both before she dies or so help her she'll come back as a ghost and posses somebody-
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jackiethefighter · 17 days
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jackiethefighter · 18 days
Hey, are you an artist or writer with WIPs?
Come here... I got a secret for you pssst come ‘ere
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jackiethefighter · 19 days
I fell in love with Portals by Melanie Martinez
it bothers me that you often don't really hear about people having a "favorite album" the way they might have a favorite movie or favorite video game
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jackiethefighter · 19 days
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Can't wait for the uniqueness of the holocaust to be a topic of importance in a political campaign in america in 2024. That's how it should be. That's normal
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jackiethefighter · 1 month
I was today years old when I learned that when you type “otp: true” in AO3 search results it filters out fics with additional ships, leaving only the fics where your otp is the main ship
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jackiethefighter · 2 months
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jackiethefighter · 2 months
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buy me some peanuts and cracker jack, i dont care if i never get back
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jackiethefighter · 7 months
A part of us is glad the Ineffable Husbands didn't make it against Kirk and Spock, because it would have mean choosing between NaruSasu and the Ineffable, and we could not choose between one of our childhood, longest OTP vs, recent "more adult" OTP 😭
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jackiethefighter · 2 years
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jackiethefighter · 2 years
i think the next knives out movie they should not give daniel craig a script and we should get to see him solve the crime in character in real time
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jackiethefighter · 2 years
Hey guys? Respectfully?? WATCH THE MARIO MOVIE!!!!
Hey look I get it, everyone’s mad at Chris Pratts acting.
But please think about Mr. Miyamoto. Ever since the flop of the live action Super Mario movie he’s literally been afraid of making another Mario movie for the past 30 years and FINALLY!! Finally he does it again and everyone doesn’t want to go see it??? He’d be heartbroken;;; all this work down the drain,,
If you don’t like Chris Pratt, that’s fine, but PLEASE!! For Mr. Miyamoto and the incredible team that put this movie together for us,, PLEASE PLEASE watch the movie in theaters,,
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jackiethefighter · 2 years
Honestly I want this to happen so badly
Anyway if this post reaches 30000 notes I'll sit down and professionally film a Goncharov movie scene you can send to people who claim it's not real. This is completely serious, I've made movies before and I'm willing to do it for the memes.
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jackiethefighter · 2 years
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jackiethefighter · 2 years
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jackiethefighter · 3 years
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so can we start hunting down white liberals now or what
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jackiethefighter · 3 years
Where's the spirit essay jojo
oh you mean the essay about how spirit untamed is legitimately the most evil thing i have ever seen and knowledge of its existence caused me to question whether humanity can truly be redeemed? you mean that essay? i need you to understand that i think dishing on children's media is stupid. children, and young girls especially, are constantly derided for what they like. i'm not here to do that. likewise, i'm not here to dish on sequels and reboots. i love sequels and reboots. i even liked the hobbit movies. i have no taste and won't attempt to force my taste on others. no. i'm here to say that spirit untamed is an unmitigated crime against both god and man in every way a piece of media can be because it attempts to build on the unparalleled masterpiece that came before it.
and i know i'm right. i've never been more right. what the fuck is spirit untamed, you ask? here's a trailer. you'll note they turned off comments. every official iteration of this has comments turned off. what i'm about to say in this essay is very much fellow-feeling for people of a certain age and they've made their thoughts explicitly clear basically everywhere this sequel film has been talked about. if you don't want to watch the above trailer or can't, it's a cgi animated horse girl movie with all the horse girl accoutrements. she moves to a small town, she's a little weird, she loves animals, she makes friends. presumably something bad is happening and she will fix it with horses and friendship. once again, i'm not here to dish on that. i love cgi and i'm a horse girl. i learned how to ride on a mustang. this is a movie about me. that's fine. if this were the only spirit that had ever existed, it would be fine.
unfortunately, this is a sequel to a much better movie, 2002's traditionally animated spirit: stallion of the cimmaron. when i say it's a "better movie" i mean that i'm not totally sure two movies so different can exist in the same universe. because the 2002 movie was told from the perspective of the HORSE as voiced by MATT DAMON and it was literally about him SABOTAGING WESTWARD EXPANSION and FUCKING THE EVIL UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT and DESTROYING INDUSTRY.
there are exactly two relevant humans in the film: the colonel (he's a colonel) and little creek (he's a lakota boy who gets captured by the united states government along with spirit, the titular horse). i'll let you guess who the bad guy is! no i won't. it's the united states government which is accurately depicted as an accessory of capitalist expansion west as represented by the railroad specifically, to the detriment of all things good. the first time we see anyone in uniform, they're killing natives in an unproved massacre on a native village. shortly after, the colonel captures spirit, and then little creek after that. when the colonel sees little creek, he comments on his race in a way that is malicious and real, and then has him put not in the stockade but tied up where they tie unbroken horses, where they have tied spirit. the movie never attempts to sidestep what it's depicting or saying. it says it plainly, in a way any child or adult can understand. it's uncompromising.
honestly, i'm kind of shocked this movie hasn't entered into the modern sphere of discourse a little more. maybe it's because it's unimpeachable. no one can disagree that it's visually one of the most beautiful animated movies out there. no one can disagree with the message, because it's so simple and true: yes, the government destroyed native populations. yes, it existed largely as an arm of capitalism to aid westward expansion at the expense of native populations and the land itself. the dichotomy of good and evil is so clear in this one and the evil is american.
this is the climactic scene:
spirit--who has just destroyed the railroad with little creek's help--tries to escape the actual literal united states government who are trying to actually kill this horse and this lakota boy with actual guns. i think little creek actually gets shot, but not fatally. they escape together by jumping across a canyon, solidifying the eagle symbolism that the movie used repeatedly as a metaphor for freedom and the spirit of the west, but the west-west. like the actual land in the west. not whatever texas thinks it is. it ends with little creek letting spirit go (this scene apparently still makes me cry 20 years later so JOT that down) along with his own horse so they can go live in horseful peace in the (titular) cimarron, which in this movie is an effective stand-in for the unmolested west--though the area depicted is largely a fantasy mishmash of various areas.
full stop i'm a emotionally compromised about any discussion of the american west and history. it's been most of my life and the depth and nuance is endless. we could examine the rights and the wrongs of the national park system, of preservation over conservation, over the drastic and continued and literal physical marginalization of native people and cultures. we can also get deep into wild horses in this area specifically today, how they're rounded up, why, and where they ultimately end up. all the efficacy of that. i've been to more bureau of land management auctions than i can count, and even trained a few wild horses. i'm not going to get into any of that here. i just want you to know that this animated horse movie, with music by bryan adams and hans zimmer, is the closest thing we have had to a mainstream kid's movie addressing any of it. any of the reality and any of the history.
it depicts the government sanctioned destruction of native populations, it shows how the "untouched" west was actually very much touched by native populations prior to industrial expansion west but not in a way that destroyed those areas, it critiques the very concept of taming the west, and it shows that manifest destiny and westward expansion as represented in the movie by the railroad had a very real toll on nature in and of itself and required vast fucking resources to accomplish. it even shows that they were really shitty to horses in the old west. and again, not to harp on it, but it absolutely 100% is the only mainstream animated film that shows an unprovoked massacre of a native village by the government. and it did all this no exposition, almost no dialogue at all. it just puts it on screen in stunning animation. i dare any studio to even attempt a movie like this today. no one would even try.
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