jacob-emerson · 6 years
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Kitten: Tempting you is exactly what I want to do.
Tiger: That does not surprise me, your highness.
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jacob-emerson · 6 years
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Kitten: I'd rather learn more about the dip of your hipbones and just where that leads.
Tiger: Oh, kitten...don't tempt me.
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jacob-emerson · 6 years
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Kitten: this meeting has me falling asleep. I don't know why I'm forced to sit in when I have no say in anything as of yet.
Tiger: Because you need to learn diplomacy.
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jacob-emerson · 7 years
text: khy
Khylan: And you're actually using it to be away from me?
Jacob: Nope. You'll see tomorrow.
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jacob-emerson · 7 years
text: khy
Khylan: Come back over.
Jacob: It's my official day off, baby.
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jacob-emerson · 7 years
text: khy
Khylan: Hi, handsome guard.
Jacob: I miss you. I just saw you an hour ago but, here we are.
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jacob-emerson · 7 years
text: khy
Jacob: Hey, pretty princess.
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jacob-emerson · 7 years
text → jacob
Khylan: We have security plans to discuss for my next event. If you wouldn't mind, I would love your company in my private quarters so we aren't overheard and compromised.
Jacob: My only wish is for your safety, Princess. I will be there shortly.
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jacob-emerson · 7 years
text → jacob
Khylan: As a princess I'm allowed everything but privacy.
Jacob: I know. And, yet, here I am wanting nothing more than to be with you.
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jacob-emerson · 7 years
text → jacob
Khylan: I would go to your house if I could.
Jacob: It would give us more privacy.
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jacob-emerson · 7 years
text → jacob
Khylan: Even if the matter is frivolous?
Jacob: Baby, there is nothing you can’t bother me with.
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jacob-emerson · 7 years
text → jacob
Khylan: On your day off and with a lack of emergency, you contractually have every right to say no to your princess.
Khylan: Your princess, however, really doesn't want you to.
Jacob: As your loyal and unwavering subject I will never say no.
Jacob: I'm far too faithful.
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jacob-emerson · 7 years
text → jacob
Khylan: I know it's your day off but your princess requests a private audience with you. Is that manageable?
Jacob: How could I ever say no to my princess?
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jacob-emerson · 7 years
“I’ve always found badboys sexy,” she told him with a grin. “And breaking 87 rules all at once, well…I think that’s about as bad as it gets.” Khylan leaned in and kissed him, the grin never straying from her lips. “Go sit at the card table,” she requested, getting up and grabbing playing cards out of her game cabinet before sitting in a chair across from him. “Name of the game is Go Fish. Every time you have to draw a card, you lose a piece of clothing. First one naked…well, I’m going to count it as a loss but depending on who it is it could very well be a win.”
“I don’t think I’ve ever been called a bad boy before. I can get used to it.” Jacob was quick to kiss her back, his lips moving effortlessly over hers. He did as she commanded and sat down at the card table in her room. The man, his eyebrow cocked, leaned back in the chair and waited for her to join him. A laugh was on his lips and in the air as soon as she started talking. Strip Goldfish. He doubted he could ever mention that he played this game with his buddies. And even if he did he couldn’t say who with. “I feel like we have very different definitions of winning in this game.” He took the cards she dealt him and picked them up. “I don’t think I’ve played this game since I was ten.”
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jacob-emerson · 7 years
Khylan tugged Jacob again, nestling in beside him and closing her eyes contentedly. “Mhm,” she agreed, the sound muffled by her face being pressed into his chest. It wasn’t often that she had a chance to just be with him, much less a chance to lay with him, so she was intent on using the quick reprieve to her advantage. Laying beside him meant more than any other romantic experience she’d ever had. “You still wanna play strip poker?” she asked, popping her head out from its hiding place and looking up at him. “I still wanna see you naked even if it means getting out of bed.”
He chuckled and then looked over at her. “Do you even know how to play poker? Or should we play...strip goldfish?” He grinned and kissed the top of her head. “And I want to see you naked. There’s probably about fifty different rules I’m breaking by being here and about thirty-seven I broke by saying that but I don’t care. I like you. And I know that liking you actually makes me a better guard for you.” Jacob shrugged. “What do you want to do, Khy? We can do whatever you want. I’ll have to be back out there in about an hour so you better make up your mind.”
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jacob-emerson · 7 years
“She’s got nothing on all the sleeping I can do,” Khylan joked in her quiet, sleepy voice. She grabbed Jacob’s hand and tugged him down closer to her. “Lay down with me. No shoes allowed. It’s too warm under the blanket to get up right now.” It was a dangerous game, the two of them sharing a bed or even a look that could be interpreted as anything less than professional, but it was one that she had to play or her heart was liable to break. “We won’t sleep. We’ll just lay.” Her hand tugged on his fingers again, her arm and her face the only parts of her body exposed rather than being hidden away under the blanket.
Jacob sighed and kicked his shoes off. He knew that if someone came in then they could be in major trouble but thankfully it was very rare that anyone came in this late. The man smiled at her as she tugged on him and then he carefully moved under the covers. Jacob laid so that his head was facing her. “Clearly you have major pull over me,” he told her, fully knowing that she knew what she did to his heart. She clouded his judgement. “On my next day off you should come watch me play basketball. I play with some other guys I served with. You won’t have anything planned...they don’t plan things on my day off.”
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jacob-emerson · 7 years
Having Jacob on guard duty was always her favorite kind of day. Even after they’d kissed and confessed their feelings, nothing had become awkward or strange between them. It was business as usual, give or take a few instances of them giving each other eyes that betrayed the secrets they were hiding. Their day had been standard, possibly even busier than it usually was. She’d had an event in the morning, followed by a luncheon, followed by a nap. She didn’t usually take them, but her company had been particularly vexing that day and she really felt that she deserved the extra sleep time. Khylan was banking on Jacob following through with the statement he’d made the night before - that he’d pay her a visit that night - because she’d been thinking about it as soon as the text had been opened. The sound of her door opening brought her fully out of her half sleep and she opened her tired eyes to look and see who had entered her room, probably too excited that it could be him.
Things between Jacob and Khylan hadn’t changed much since their confessions. he went about guarding her, as usual, and he would still give his life for hers. In fact, that was the best thing about it. The more his feelings grew, the more he would die for her. He had been off duty the day before, and when he got there that morning it was for a full day of being on guard in public. Now she was in her room sleeping. Jacob had given her plenty of time to nap and everything had settled down. Jacob’s station was in the main room that housed the door to Khylan’s bedroom. That way no one could get into her room without going through him first. But it also made it easy for him to go and see her. It wasn’t out of the ordinary for Khylan to request whoever was on guard to play a game with her in her room so he figured if he wasn’t at his post for an hour or so no one would think anything about it, especially now that the household was settling down. Jacob opened her door and walked in, smiling as she opened her eyes. “Ah, well I suppose we Sleeping Beauty has competition.”
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