jacob-rurik-greene · 11 years
He starred at the man in a impasse, not sure what was going happen next. The next second a hand was coming out of the werewolf chest with his heart gripped tightly around a fist. The woman looking at him called him a name that was not his own, maybe she was confused after all, the smoke around could trick even the most observant eyes. "No..." he simply offered her, the pain of not being who she thought clear in her face "Are you looking for someone?!" he didn't knew why he asked. Maybe it was just gratitude for her just have saved his life.
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[Rebellion] Over and out || Starter
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jacob-rurik-greene · 11 years
He nodded to the girl accepting the apple she had just given to him. The girl looked like a beacon of light in the middle of it all. She had some pain in her past. The flash of images in her head was hard to miss. He himself had done it countless time. But not like him, she was letting her light shine through her darkness "Thanks..." he kept petting the horse watching she eat the apple from his hand. "Beautiful...".
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Stables and Secrets || Madeline & Jacob
"Oh, I do know." Madeline looked over at him, images running through her mind of the night she was sold to the Chateau. Moving from the stall, she grabbed an apple, offering it to Jacob. "She loves them. Give her one of these and she’ll be your best friend."
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jacob-rurik-greene · 11 years
At that moment he wished he had a sugar cube to give the horse. He felt calmer. He was not sure if it was the Madeline or Mollie but he felt at ease in that stable. "You never know... it's when we feel safe that shit happens..." he spoke from personal experience, but that he didn't wanted to share.
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Stables and Secrets || Madeline & Jacob
"She’s my favourite." Maddie chuckled softly, happy to see the horse wasn’t frightened. "This is Mollie, she’s still a little unsure of everything." Leaning forward, she kissed the side of the horse’s muzzle. Turning her attention back to Jacob, she gave a small shrug. "I should, but I’d rather be out here. No one’s gonna hurt me in here."
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jacob-rurik-greene · 11 years
The offer made him smile. Nothing like a gentle soul to actually make him forget what was happening outside those doors. He nodded and walk the distance that kept him away. His hand move slowly over the horse "She is lovely... " he face the horse and petted her between the eyes "it's been long since I saw such beautiful creature..." he looked back at the girl "Jacob... shouldn't you be inside?!"
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Stables and Secrets || Madeline & Jacob
At the sound of an unfamiliar voice, Madeline stiffened. Turning to the man, she gave a soft smile. He didn’t appear to be causing harm or wanting to cause any harm. “Hi,” she whispered, looking back to the horse. “Did you want to pet her. She’s a little skittish, but she loves attention.” Taking a small step to the side, she leaned against the door, making room for him. “I’m Maddie.”
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jacob-rurik-greene · 11 years
"Do so I..." he pointed out. He had planed do it all by himself. Just get away and keep himself away from this mess, by Madison had always been kind to him. Not that they knew each other. But they always had time for small talk when they ran into one another "But you going in the wrong direction..."
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Rush home
Madison turned quickly to the voice, recognizing him as someone that lived in her building, “It damn well better,” she took in a breath and shook her head, “I need to get the hell out of here.”
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jacob-rurik-greene · 11 years
He felt like he was being chased. Everyone was losing there mind and he no longer knew who was to be trusted. If anyone could be actually. He ran the last steps and hide from whoever was after him. Pressed to a wall he hoped to be invisible. The sound of horses caught his attention. That was it. The stables would hide his smell from everyone. He hide at the end of the stable trying to calm himself and completely failing. A voice reached his hears. It was soothing. it was soft. It calmed him. Getting out from his hidden place he stood the steps to the girl standing closed to the horse "... h... hi...".  
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Stables and Secrets || Madeline & Jacob
Madeline was never one to stay inside, especially when there was trouble to be made, but something in her brain told her this time it was best to steer clear. Still, she couldn’t handle a life confined indoors. Standing within the stables, she figured she’d found a happy medium. The horses were as uneasy as the citizens, but at least she could calm the animals. Moving through the small space, she stopped at each creature, rubbing their nose and ensuring they had enough food. “No, sh. Sh. Sh.” Leaning forward, she ran her hand between the horse’s ear, trying her best to ignore the footsteps behind her.
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jacob-rurik-greene · 11 years
Hands on his pockets Jacob walked head down when he heard a familiar voice. He looked up to find a man falling to his knees his hand grabbing just over his manhood. Jesus, that got to hurt. His eyes moved to the woman standing in front of the falling man, her head held high. Against his own instincts he walked to her "well... That will teach him...". 
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Rush home
Madison was trying to rush home, to save whatever few possessions she could before she let her plan come to life. However another wolf stepped in front of her, coming close. He was younger than her, doubting her strength, “Get out of my way,” she reached forward to the crotch of his pants, her claws digging as she twisted the wolf’s manhood causing him to fall to the ground in pain.
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jacob-rurik-greene · 11 years
[Rebellion] Over and out || Starter
Jacob coughed. The fire was gone but the ash around still made him uneasy. Depressed. The alpha was gone and he couldn't take joy in it. Not with the smell in the air. Everybody was fighting for something. But not him. He didn't care for his house. He had no one he trusted or cared for. He walked around the city no destiny in mind, he just walk. A Werewolf spotted him. The old alpha's bitch. The man so close to power and yet he had none, so invisible that knew more than most. "Where you think you going?!" Jacob looked at the wolf and shook his head "Kill me or get out off my way..." at this point, he just didn't care which one the other picked. 
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jacob-rurik-greene · 11 years
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