Their small and seemingly fragile frame; large ears and the smallest of eyes. Preying on the weak in the night before dawn, falling asleep at the grace of sunlight. Innocence just a mere shell for the predator lying underneath. 
And when the fearful boy closes his eyes, he can feel them.
Their haunting embrace when the prey was at his weakest, threatening in this enticing dance to lure the young boy back to where he belonged. He remembers the dirt, the pain in his leg and the looming fear gripping his heart. He wanted to go back to the light; to his mother and his father, but there was no going back. So he had to face his fear.
He hadn’t been ready then.
He wasn’t sure if he was now.
A fear so powerful it could eat someone alive, a virus taking over the heart of a once young boy. 
And then..
Then the light came to pick him up. His father being the saviour that he had needed. His heart didn’t only remember the bad memories, in fact it were the happy ones that he holds onto to this very day. The warm embrace of his mother, unique and pure in its right. His father; the ever kind man that made silly jokes to see him smile again. A surgeon who would save many lives in the nighttime of Gotham. The CEO of Wayne Enterprise, with a kind wife and talented son at his side. But the young boy had never cared about that. 
This man wasn’t the CEO for him, nor the successful surgeon. 
He was simply his Dad, as well as Mom was simply Mom.
The young boy remembered the warmth only a mother could provide; and the feeling of protection that only a father could provide. When his ever so kind Mom would sit in the garden and show him the beauty of being; when his Dad would teach him various things. 
How his Dad showed him how to hear someone’s heart beating. And Dad’s heart would beat gently in a rhythm.
It repeated and repeated; seemingly never stopping.
Until one night it stopped.
And when it did, it took the light with his parents. 
The pearl necklace in pieces, laying in a pool of tears, not quite sure if it were from the young boy or from above the sky. 
The tale of red becoming a vicious branding to the young soul whose white was from now on stained. No matter how hard he tried to get rid of the red, it didn’t yield. 
So when there was no longer any light to save him, the stained boy did not only face fear anymore. Something much more personal, hurting him in ways beyond repair. 
Grieving for what has been lost; grieving for everything that died that fateful night. 
And grieving, for what can never be restored. 
The bats final hour has come, for the boy had been at his weakest and they devoured, until there was nothing left of him. And he fell into a bottomless pit; falling forever and not.
How could he pick himself up, when he hadn’t reached the breaking point yet.
It was so cold and very lonely, he wanted to fall asleep and not experience of waking up again.
But then he remembered that Alfred would be upset over it. And Alfred was the only one to chase away the cold for a bit. Alfred was the only one that hadn’t left him, so he couldn’t either. Even when nightly whispers of guilt and sorrow sang him a tormenting lullaby. 
Even when the shadows grew bigger each day passing. 
The young boy still wishes to this very day, that he could have prevented the light being so violently ripped apart from him. And when begging and wishing turns into something more, something evolving from all the pain and suffering, it lead the boy onto a path that would never really give him the salvation he needed; a goal that was impossible to achieve.
But his parents gave him the gift of a legacy before their passing. A legacy that he wanted to continue at all cost. 
His parents were the hope of the people and he aspired to be just that. Even with a different method than one would think. He wanted to be that savior that his father, his Dad was. 
They would always believe in the good.
So, while the young boy may never return to the light truly, he wanted to guide others in this dark time of theirs. 
He wanted to protect them. 
And whilst he almost wants this to be a heroic story with a happily ever after, he wasn’t sure if he was deserving of one. 
Nevertheless he was relentless. The thought of seeing the light again was good enough for him, even if it was a beautiful lie. 
The prey became a victim, the victim became a predator and the predator became a protector, a silent guardian if you will.
The once young boys name was almost forgotten,
in that of the shadows bat-man.
But a gift was a gift.
Bruce Wayne, was his name.
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