jadeffs · 10 years
idk i just woke up really depressed today. sorry i wasn't on much. i'll be on in a little bit. ://
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jadeffs · 10 years
Who shares the same name as a type of candy. But a rap god nonetheless. 
Nope. It means I’m a rap god. 
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jadeffs · 10 years
Unfortunately. I guess they were busy? 
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An hour?! For coffee?!?
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jadeffs · 10 years
It's a horrible feeling, just horrible. Ah, right. But Spending an hour in line isn't my ideal Wednesday night. 
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I know exactly what ya mean. On the bright side, at least you’re at a Starbucks. 
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jadeffs · 10 years
@Louis_Tomlinson: @stellarjadey I know!! :)
@stellarjadey: @Louis_Tomlinson happy for you doll!
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jadeffs · 10 years
Well I mean, If Perrie did that to me, I wouldn't mind. But only if she serenaded me. Did your bandmate serenade you? Did he even play songs that you liked? I'm sure you don't like to see anyone down, then, because what's so special about me -- right? But thank you, I hope you're happy as well. I'm not -- I mean, I am kind but I don't deserve kindness back per se. It's just who I am, yanno? Kindness should be a given. No reward needed. But I appreciate it, nonetheless. We'll that's good. At least nothing bad's happenin' to ya. We're all great, really. We're working immensely on the next album which I'm very excited about, so. 
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No, I don’t think we are. Well, i’d like to think that we aren’t, anyway. Right? I think so.Please, you wouldn’t be a bother. What’s a bother is your bandmate keepin’ you up ‘till the asscrack of dawn playin’ guitar. That’s the epitome of annoying. I sure hope you are, don’t like seeing you down. You deserve happiness, really. But, honestly. Why would I be? You’re so kind. There’s no need for me to bother with being a dick. Ah, you know. Same old, same old. Nothing too new to tell. How ‘bout you? How are the girls doing and all?
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jadeffs · 10 years
I hope we're not alone. In fact, I'm sure we aren't. It's nothing I wanna bother ya with. It's just a creepy ol' feeling. You need not worry about me. I'm just in a mood. Thank you, though. I'll keep that in mind ;; yer really not. Not towards me. Which is greatly appreciated. Yer sweet, Mikey. Very sweet. -- Don't even get me started on them. How're ya, anyway?
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Yeah. I know that feeling all too well. As much as I wouldn’t like to admit it. Anything you wanna talk about, Jade? I’m here for you, yanno. I may be a snarky asshole. But, I can be there if you need to talk or whatever. Damn Starbucks, they’re always so busy.
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jadeffs · 10 years
@Louis_Tomlinson: happy days :)
@stellarjadey: @Louis_Tomlinson finally!!!
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jadeffs · 10 years
Does this mean Slim Jims are yer cousins?
I’m really Slim Shady. 
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jadeffs · 10 years
Sounds like a difficult one. But I suggest getting a dog sittah!
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I really don’t want to leave but my puppies are at home.. Choices man.
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jadeffs · 10 years
You know that really bad ache you get in your stomach whenever you feel like something’s about to go really wrong? Yeah? I have that now and it’s freaking me out. I just need to get home and not come out for a while. But no, I'm stuck in the drive-thru at Starbucks.
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jadeffs · 10 years
This has happened to me numerous times before, ya. It's -- and interesting experience ;;  it proves you have too much time on your hands. Which I do, so.
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Does anyone else just do a simple google search and then 3 hours later end up in a weird part of the internet or is it just me?
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jadeffs · 10 years
i don't even know if i wanna roleplay today bc of what happened last night.  but I think i should. no one cares but. 
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jadeffs · 10 years
okay so i just got home from the police station and hospital. Dude the craziest fucking thing happened. I was at my grandmas alone cleaning and this guy knocks on the door. I answer it because why not, right? but he asks to use the phone and I was like lol sure. So I close the door back and I go to get the phone and he breaks doWN MY DOOR. So i dial 911, but before i could say help he punched me in my eye it happened so fast but i stayed down because i didn't want him to hurt me ya feel me? i don't know what he took but i was at the hospital freaking out then the police station.i'm pissed, i'm scared, and i just want someone to hold me.
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jadeffs · 10 years
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jadeffs · 10 years
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jadeffs · 10 years
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