jadynellis · 4 years
She’d spoken before even thinking about it, or who exactly may have been passing by and it seemed she’d caught one of the few people in the town she didn’t actually know. Granted, she’d seen him a couple of times at The Drovers Inn – he was hard to miss – though they’d not spoken. Nevertheless, she smiled back at him as he complimented the birdhouse. “Thanks – I’ve tried a couple new techniques and I think they’ve worked out. The painting is the most fun though and I quite like the yellow as well.” She agreed, placing her brush down gently. It was always nice to get a second opinion, especially when it aligned with her own. “Were you looking for business or just looking?” She asked, figuring he was either going to be a customer or he’d managed to get lost on the way to somewhere. “I’m Olivia, by the way.” She said, standing up now that they were engaging in a proper conversation. 
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Her smile was what struck him first - sweet and genuine and so completely unlike most of the smiles that were sent his way. He liked it. “Well, I was actually just wandering,” Jadyn explained as he walked towards her as she stood up so that they could talk properly without shouting. “It’s nice to meet you, Olivia. I’m Jadyn.” Now that he was closer, Jadyn took the opportunity to get a better look at the little birdhouse and was really impressed with what he saw. While some people had a talent for painting and art, he defintely did not. His talents lay in music, although the screaming girls who came to his shows might be slightly biased. “So do you own this place?” 
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jadynellis · 4 years
“Well no because obviously he’s fucking not - or at least I hope not. Would be weird if my best friend had been a vamp this entire time. He might be able to hear you though, he hides cctv everywhere. I’ve seen myself fall over so many times because of it. But hey, you do you.” he shrugged. 
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If he were honest, the guy was totally losing him. Probably just another drunk with no sense of what he was saying - at least that would explain the rambling. “Well, then he’ll see me being a dutiful employee and serving his customers. I see no issue,” he replied with a shrug. 
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jadynellis · 4 years
“Marcus lets you use his first name? That’s a new one,” He commented before he took a sip of his whiskey. He liked freaking the new staff out, though he wasn’t sure whether Marcus was an actual fan of him doing it. “You should probably ask him what he said. I’m sure he’s around here somewhere. The man’s always lurking in the shadows and waiting.”
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Jadyn rolled his eyes at the older man; he’d been warned about the grumpy farmer and knew not to trust anything that the man said. Apparently he was a bit of a dick sometimes and Jadyn could understand that now. “And next you’ll be telling me he’s a vampire and can hear everything I’m saying.” 
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jadynellis · 4 years
Of course there was no doubt to who that voice belonged to, and no way that Jamie had managed to forget it so easily, though that didn’t mean she was so willing to accept it either. There was no one else who called her JJ. In fact if she could carry on living in denial, it would make Jamie feel better, after all that’s what she had been doing about the rumours with him being in town. She had kept telling herself that there were lots of people that had the name Jadyn, it didn’t have to mean that it was her Jadyn. Not her Jadyn. 
If she didn’t answer or turn around then there was always the possibility that he may think he had the wrong person. Biting her lip after a brief moment of hesitation, she kept on walking.
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While Jadyn wasn’t expecting Jamie to be thrilled about seeing him, he also wasn’t expecting her to just walk away without actually saying anything to him. It had literally been years - he wasn’t expecting her to actually still be hung up on their break up. What had she really expected him to do anyway? She was the one who had left for uni and everyone knew what happened then. So he’d cut his losses, he’d let her go before she’d let him. 
For a moment he watched her walk away, taking with her any chance of them being friends. Then he turned and walked in the opposite direction. 
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jadynellis · 4 years
🎀 - the last snapchat they sent
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jadynellis · 4 years
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jadynellis · 4 years
Most recent photo you've taken
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jadynellis · 4 years
Elise took a sip of her drink with a smirk on her face, taking her time to ponder his question. “Well, I guess that depends on what sort of company you’re looking for.”
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Jadyn didn’t particularly have a type of company that he was looking for. He was new to town and was looking to meet some people, that was all. Normally he’d head straight for the pub, but that had turned out to be a dead end. “I’m open to all suggestions,” he replied with a shrug. 
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jadynellis · 4 years
“Is that so? And is there something in particular you had in mind?” Katherine raised a brow, the edge of mouth tugging up. Finishing the last of her drink, she placed the glass on the counter. “Actually, forget I asked. So how long have you been in Aramore?”
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At her question Jadyn shrugged, casually. “That depends,” he said, looking across to meet her eyes, his lips pursed as if actually in thought before they broke into a smile. “What are you doing in about twenty minutes?”
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jadynellis · 4 years
It wasn’t the first time that Katie had seen the newcomer around town, in fact he appeared to be the current gossip of the tittering girls who were currently hunched round a table in the corner. “Well it is a small town after all. I have a funny feeling that if it were the other reason, it would have had the opposite affect and it would be rather busy.”
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Jadyn couldn’t deny that - the fact that Aramore was a small town was one of the things that had initially attracted him to the place - but he couldn’t help but feel a little bored after the hubbub of Brighton. “I’ll just have to come up with something to fill up all of this free time.” 
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jadynellis · 4 years
A small birdhouse sat on the table in front of Olivia, a white sheet covered in different colours of paint fell over the sides, and she dipped her paintbrush in some of the yellow on the pallet besides her. “Do you think yellow is the right colour?” She asked, pausing for a moment and looking up at the person walking by. “I want it to stand out against the snow, and the grass whenever we see that again.” She laughed lightly. The birdhouse itself was a bit more intricate than your average birdhouse, with what looked like wooden panelling on the side, and a roof that had been crafted so as to look tiled. It even had a little letterbox at the side of the house. 
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As he had only been in town for a month, Jadyn was taking his day off as an opportunity to explore. There were lots of things to see and do in this quaint little town and Jadyn felt like the list of things he “had to do” (according to the Drovers’ regulars) was neverrending. He was just walking through Lochside towards the castle, when he came across Nailed It! The shop wasn’t familiar with him and instead of continuing towards the castle, he found himself turning to investigate. As fate would have it, someone was standing outside working on some sort of project and, as he walked towards them, she started speaking to him. “I like the yellow,” he said with a smile. “I like the birdhouse as well.” 
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jadynellis · 4 years
“Oh I know what that face means. Can’t hide it, I know that that means!”
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“I’m sorry, ma’am. I was just going to ask you what you wanted to drink.”
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jadynellis · 4 years
“Aramore? Exciting? Are you sure we’re talking about the same place?” She asked. There was rarely anything exciting happening in Aramore “Well, that depends on what your idea of fun is. Making the right friends always helps, or the right enemies.”
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While Jadyn hadn’t been expecting Aramore to be a bubbling hive of activity to rival that of Brighton’s Duke Street, he hadn’t been expecting this. “And who would be the right friends?” Jadyn asked, his intrests piqued. 
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jadynellis · 4 years
What brought you to aramore
Let’s just say I needed a change of scenery. 
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jadynellis · 4 years
Where were you before Aramore?
I used to live in Beer City of the South, also known as Brighton.
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jadynellis · 4 years
Elise looked up from her drink when she heard the voice. She came to the Drovers quite often on a night just because it was the only place where there seemed to be any sort of life but during the week it always seemed to be lacking. “Well it is a school night,” she pointed out with a quiet laugh, “People have to be tucked up in bed by nine o’clock or they just can’t function the next day.”
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Jadyn rolled his eyes at her words. “And here I was hoping that Aramore would be a little bit more exciting.” He took his glass of coke in hand, taking a small sip as he glanced around the empty bar. This was a lot different to where he’d been a month ago. “Got any tips for staying sane, or should I just get out while I can?” 
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jadynellis · 4 years
anyone here catch your eye yet?
“I can’t deny that there’s a few people that I wouldn’t mind bumping into again.” 
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