jadzia-suggestions · 5 years
How Many Spots Do You Have
I’ve actually never had anyone count mine as Jadzia. Torias and Nilani took a comprehensive survey of one another’s, though.
10/10 Would Recommend
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jadzia-suggestions · 5 years
So excited you're back and doing well! *happy flails*
Thank you! Yes, it was a busy month, not complicated at all by the team of Tellarite physicists the station was hosting for half of it...
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jadzia-suggestions · 5 years
Thank you! It’s so sweet of you. Yes, the bed rest is maddening, and it’s only been a few days. Ho-hum. I’m lucky the database is full of entertainment files of every description. I think Worf is less impressed than I am by the foibles of ancient human cinema. He had to run off to deal with an “emergency” aboard the (docked...) Defiant ten minutes into “Duck Soup”.
Now that my duties are handed off (and the perplexing matter of the polyvalent vortex in Lower Pylon 2 is resolved, shhh, Classified), I finally have time to post on subspace again!
A lot of time.
Julian has put me on quarter-gravity bed rest for the duration of my pregnancy, which probably isn’t going to be much longer but already feels like it’s been going on for more decades than Curzon’s career. The baby is a lot bigger than expected, and starting to impinge quite seriously on my right abdominal cavity. Dax has brainfog like you would NOT believe. Three days ago, I put my soup bowl in the bureau, my undershirt in the replicator, and my copy of “The Grapes of Wrath” in the clothing reprocessor. It’s definitely time to step (waddle?!) back from active duty before I do something truly ridiculous, like confusing a preganglionic fibre for a postganglionic nerve. 😉
Yes, I’ve been teasing my doctor. Why do you ask? Right now, it’s what’s keeping me sane. That, and having the most considerate husband in the Galaxy waiting on my every need. I just wish I could properly enjoy the last of our alone time before the baby is born.
But nope! Here I am, in bed, waiting for the blankets to settle down because I moved my left knee. Ho-hum!
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jadzia-suggestions · 5 years
I’m fine! Just getting into the medically delicate part of the pregnancy, where we need to balance the baby’s need for more time to grow with Dax’s need not to be crowded out by a very active little Tringon. You’re so kind to worry.
Now that my duties are handed off (and the perplexing matter of the polyvalent vortex in Lower Pylon 2 is resolved, shhh, Classified), I finally have time to post on subspace again!
A lot of time.
Julian has put me on quarter-gravity bed rest for the duration of my pregnancy, which probably isn’t going to be much longer but already feels like it’s been going on for more decades than Curzon’s career. The baby is a lot bigger than expected, and starting to impinge quite seriously on my right abdominal cavity. Dax has brainfog like you would NOT believe. Three days ago, I put my soup bowl in the bureau, my undershirt in the replicator, and my copy of “The Grapes of Wrath” in the clothing reprocessor. It’s definitely time to step (waddle?!) back from active duty before I do something truly ridiculous, like confusing a preganglionic fibre for a postganglionic nerve. 😉
Yes, I’ve been teasing my doctor. Why do you ask? Right now, it’s what’s keeping me sane. That, and having the most considerate husband in the Galaxy waiting on my every need. I just wish I could properly enjoy the last of our alone time before the baby is born.
But nope! Here I am, in bed, waiting for the blankets to settle down because I moved my left knee. Ho-hum!
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jadzia-suggestions · 5 years
Thank you, Malcolm! Section 31 has been keeping mainly to the shadows, although I understand Captain Yates had a run-in with a “customs inspector” aboard an unregistered starship. Does the U.S.S. Caleuche sound at all familiar to you?
All is well, at least for now. I’m under careful medical supervision because a Trill-Klingon pregnancy is complicated. The boredom truly is the worst of it right now, and I’d love to assuage it talking to you! You must have countless experiences that escaped history’s scrutiny. Any tales of Enterprise’s prior missions that you’d like to share? I found an orbital permit indicating you visited Risa in 2152. Has that happened yet? Risa is one of my favourite places, and was definitely Curzon’s top holiday destination, but my host in your time never visited. I’d love to hear what it’s like in your century.
Now that my duties are handed off (and the perplexing matter of the polyvalent vortex in Lower Pylon 2 is resolved, shhh, Classified), I finally have time to post on subspace again!
A lot of time.
Julian has put me on quarter-gravity bed rest for the duration of my pregnancy, which probably isn’t going to be much longer but already feels like it’s been going on for more decades than Curzon’s career. The baby is a lot bigger than expected, and starting to impinge quite seriously on my right abdominal cavity. Dax has brainfog like you would NOT believe. Three days ago, I put my soup bowl in the bureau, my undershirt in the replicator, and my copy of “The Grapes of Wrath” in the clothing reprocessor. It’s definitely time to step (waddle?!) back from active duty before I do something truly ridiculous, like confusing a preganglionic fibre for a postganglionic nerve. 😉
Yes, I’ve been teasing my doctor. Why do you ask? Right now, it’s what’s keeping me sane. That, and having the most considerate husband in the Galaxy waiting on my every need. I just wish I could properly enjoy the last of our alone time before the baby is born.
But nope! Here I am, in bed, waiting for the blankets to settle down because I moved my left knee. Ho-hum!
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jadzia-suggestions · 5 years
Now that my duties are handed off (and the perplexing matter of the polyvalent vortex in Lower Pylon 2 is resolved, shhh, Classified), I finally have time to post on subspace again!
A lot of time.
Julian has put me on quarter-gravity bed rest for the duration of my pregnancy, which probably isn’t going to be much longer but already feels like it’s been going on for more decades than Curzon’s career. The baby is a lot bigger than expected, and starting to impinge quite seriously on my right abdominal cavity. Dax has brainfog like you would NOT believe. Three days ago, I put my soup bowl in the bureau, my undershirt in the replicator, and my copy of “The Grapes of Wrath” in the clothing reprocessor. It’s definitely time to step (waddle?!) back from active duty before I do something truly ridiculous, like confusing a preganglionic fibre for a postganglionic nerve. 😉
Yes, I’ve been teasing my doctor. Why do you ask? Right now, it’s what’s keeping me sane. That, and having the most considerate husband in the Galaxy waiting on my every need. I just wish I could properly enjoy the last of our alone time before the baby is born.
But nope! Here I am, in bed, waiting for the blankets to settle down because I moved my left knee. Ho-hum!
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jadzia-suggestions · 5 years
I wish to ask you a simple question, what do you want?
All of this! *turns a sweeping circle with arms outstretched*
Oh, did you mean “what do I want that I don’t already have”? Hmm. A new Academy grad who’s got a knack for fine-tuning the latest centrifuge models, and an appointment for a foot rub with an expert in Vulcan neuropressure.
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jadzia-suggestions · 5 years
*the sound of something beamed over is heard right next to your door. The bundle reads safe; it turns out to be the a cradle curtain to keep off mosquitos and other flying guests. The webby cloth is pure white, thick enough to dim the light a little as well; it also serves as canvas for an embroidery of the opened wormhole in the prime of its beauty. What's inside is wrapped in two pieces of brown paper. One contains an apple-cinnamon pie; the smell of persimmons reveals the second mystery.*
You know, after eight lifetimes very few things surprise and delight me as much as the perennial reminders of what a beautiful, supportive, interconnected community we have here on Deep Space Nine. Thank you, kind and generous Someone: what beautiful gifts! I love apple cinnamon anything, and the persimmons are sorely needed! The gift for the baby is simply exquisite; breathtaking!
Thank you!
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jadzia-suggestions · 5 years
In fact, Klingon babies do get sleeping furs, and we’ve already been given a luxuriant set by @martok-suggestion and Lady Sirella. The handmade blanket is a Trill tradition: you’re supposed to reflect on your love for your baby and your openness to the paths they’ll choose in their life while you make it. I might have to try something other than knitting, though. Maybe designing an elaborate quilt for the replicator to make for me will be just as meditative? Digital programming is much more in my skill set.
Ooh, I could take a leaf out of Benjamin’s book and design a starscape. Based on that Denorios Belt chart, perhaps!
Trying to resurrect Tobin’s knitting skills to make a cradle blanket. Do you think the baby would settle for a complete genome map of the common Cardassian vole or a detailed star chart of the Denorios Belt? All SoSoy’s original work, I promise!
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jadzia-suggestions · 5 years
That trick with the needles is very clever, Mila: thanks! Any suggestions for a knitter who manages to get the yarn knotted around the knitting, both needles, three fingers and her right knee? Strictly hypothetically, of course.
Trying to resurrect Tobin’s knitting skills to make a cradle blanket. Do you think the baby would settle for a complete genome map of the common Cardassian vole or a detailed star chart of the Denorios Belt? All SoSoy’s original work, I promise!
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jadzia-suggestions · 5 years
I'm imagining you asking Quark to use his skill at acquiring hard-to-get things to get you some good persimmons and I'm giggling. I hope you don't get that desperate!
Oh, don’t think I haven’t considered it! I’ve got eight persimmons left from the supply left for me by a generous Anon, but the situation is looking dire.
The Great Material Continuum may be my best option.
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jadzia-suggestions · 5 years
Trying to resurrect Tobin’s knitting skills to make a cradle blanket. Do you think the baby would settle for a complete genome map of the common Cardassian vole or a detailed star chart of the Denorios Belt? All SoSoy’s original work, I promise!
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jadzia-suggestions · 5 years
I’ve heard the story of Molly’s birth from several people; Keiko in particular never fails to sing Worf’s praises. It was certainly one of the more stressful experiences he had on the Enterprise, which is why I’m particularly touched that he is so determined to be present for our baby’s birth. I’m hoping it’s a nice, calm, orderly, pre-planned surgical birth, that Julian and Nurse Jabara do all the work, and that all Worf has to do is hold my hand and speak his words of encouragement and affirmation.
Can you tell I’m a little lovestruck? I’m sure you’re an exceptional godparent for your timeline’s Molly!
Are you gonna have Worf there when the baby is delivered?
Yes! My par’Mach’kai has valiantly vowed to be at my side for what I hope will be our great triumph. He’s a magnificent husband, and will be a father worthy of legend.
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jadzia-suggestions · 5 years
I thought it was a particularly clever way of disguising the transmission, particularly in light of the spam filter problems we’ve had on Deep Space Nine all year! Sometimes an absurd pretext is the most effective pretext, Lieutenant. You’re definitely winning points for ingenuity in my book!
As for the contents... yes. Very, very useful indeed. On behalf of everyone involved in this storytelling project, thank you!
*there's something in your spam box. It's a text message in a really ancient code.* ...001001011nd now your Journey takes you to a path along a huge bog. Don't be afraid, we'll show you how to walk it carefully! The Grass is tall, and it rustles so nicely in the wind. Will you listen to it with us? Here's what it has told us so far; aren't those Stories fascinating? There are more that Thirty of them, enough for a month of reading. Hope you enjoy it! *a dialogue window appears* Begin download?
Computer, isolate files and encrypt by algorithms Lauren-Zeta-Blue. Download directly to Opthalithic Data Rod A and write.
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jadzia-suggestions · 5 years
No need for an apology! I’ve found it almost imposssible to keep track of the convoluted excuses and flimsy justifications that Sloan and his ilk have for their organization, its methods, and its warped philosophy. I would love to have some more of these questions answered, and I agree with you: the Andorian angle is eerily compelling. I’ve got an old Aenar friend of my previous host looking into it. I’ll keep you appraised of anything zhe turns up.
I'm so glad you're away from them now. Talking about what happened is a good first step to hurting them, I think. An old quote I can't recall where I heard: democracy dies in darkness.
I agree. Without question, the most troubling thing about Section 31 is the absolute lack of transparency and oversight. They would not be able to get away with half their customary methods if they were subject to even the most cursory public scrutiny. Even the degree of visibility afforded the Obsidian Order and the Tal Shiar would be sufficient to reign in Section 31’s worst excesses in the liberty-minded and socially conscious Federation.
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jadzia-suggestions · 5 years
How much wood would a woodchuck chuck, if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
If Peter Piper picked a peck of purple pickled peppers, where’s the peck of purple pickled peppers Peter Piper picked?
(Incidentally, there’s a variety of purple pepper from Betazed that’s absolutely delicious when pickled... ooh, obviously still thinking about food!)
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jadzia-suggestions · 5 years
Any foods from other cultures you like? (Ferengi, Gallamite, Cardassian, etc)
Definitely. I have a diverse and very adventurous palate, much moreso than Curzon did. In addition to my Earth favourites (aubergine stew, chicken coxinha, the persimmons that have taken over my life...), I have particular favourites from at least 15 other worlds. It seems @ezri-suggestion and I share a taste for hasperat, and there’s a Bajoran phyllo pastry confection with kava syrup and dried moba skin that’s absolutely delectable. My favourite Ferengi dish is definitely razor-toothed greeworm, though I’m very glad there’s no tradition of females having their food pre-chewed by someone else: there are limits to cultural appreciation.
Vulcan cuisine is a perennial favourite, with plomeek soup (another thing Ezri and I have in common!) and practically any dish with redspice topping my list. You haven’t lived until you’ve tried a redspice reduction on Romulan mullusks — which brings me to my discussion of fusion cooking, something I love! The blending of ingredients and food traditions from different cultures and worlds is a magnificent manifestation of diversity and cooperation, to say nothing of being absolutely delectable. It’s funny you should mention Gallamite cuisine, because they’re masters of food fusion. Have you ever tried their rulot-and-Gallamite-mutton penne alfredo? Delicious!
Hmm. I could go on for days, but I’m getting hungry. Time to go to the Replimat!
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